Vet PVE: It's either easy, or I get eaten alive. Never in the middle. Common?

Soul Shriven
Hey everyone. So I've done a good deal of searching around and haven't found this question asked quite this way, sooo here is my problem: I find that while playing solo PVE ever since hitting veteran ranks, I am either (A) an unstoppable killing machine, or (B) I get completely DESTROYED... but it's never anywhere in the middle.

In Other words, one second I will be taking on packs of 3-4 mobs at the same time, AOEing them down, knocking a couple back to interrupt, and killing them all with no problem. Then suddenly I'll face a new mob, and immediately I'm yelling "Oh sh--t!" frantically right into Igneous Shield, Coagulating Blood, Coagulating Blood, Obsidian Shard, health potion, and I'm still dead 5 seconds later.

I'm not really asking for any tips on changing my build or skills, I'm moreso just wondering... is this common? Is this just kind of par for the course as far as soloing the later-game content? I'm still loving the game, but my repair bills are bananas.

If you're curious: Breton magicka DK, just about to ding VR4. 5 light/2 heavy. I flip-flop between ranged or melee. Ranged bar 1 would be Flames of Oblivion/Inner Light, Engulfing Flames into Fire Ring spam, Destructive Clench to interrupt and get distance, then Force Pulse spam. Melee bar 1 would add Structured Entropy and replace Force Pulse with Molten Whip spam. Bar 2 is FOO/Light, Shattering Rocks (Petrify) plus self-heals.

(Maybe solo PVE DKs just need to level up resto staff for bar 2 currently? Meh.)

  • SpAEkus
    For quests at least I think it has to do with how the NPC are set up.

    For example my VR6 Templar can handle the mobs all along the way on the Hadran's quest in Reapers, but the end boss of that quest gives you 2 bosses both over 70K HP and one is a healer and they are both healing each other.

    Changed some skills tried a few times and still can't get even one down without the other pummeling me to a quick death.

    I'll keep trying but there are prob several quests set up this way in my future.
    Edited by SpAEkus on November 16, 2015 11:31PM
  • Kutsuu
    In beta and initial release, hitting your VR1 zone was like hitting a brick wall for most players, causing them to completely re-imagine their builds and play styles. One power attack was often a one-shot, or very close. These days not so much, but you still get punished harshly when you take some hits that you "shouldn't". That's probably what's happening with this new mob scenario, you take a few hits that would be avoidable if you were accustomed to the mob and get beat up. Also like above poster said there will be some mobs/encounters that are much tougher than others depending on your build.

    My advice is not to stress over it. Take it as an opportunity to improve your game play and/or your build.

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • Anhedonie
    Hey everyone. So I've done a good deal of searching around and haven't found this question asked quite this way, sooo here is my problem: I find that while playing solo PVE ever since hitting veteran ranks, I am either (A) an unstoppable killing machine, or (B) I get completely DESTROYED... but it's never anywhere in the middle.

    In Other words, one second I will be taking on packs of 3-4 mobs at the same time, AOEing them down, knocking a couple back to interrupt, and killing them all with no problem. Then suddenly I'll face a new mob, and immediately I'm yelling "Oh sh--t!" frantically right into Igneous Shield, Coagulating Blood, Coagulating Blood, Obsidian Shard, health potion, and I'm still dead 5 seconds later.

    I'm not really asking for any tips on changing my build or skills, I'm moreso just wondering... is this common? Is this just kind of par for the course as far as soloing the later-game content? I'm still loving the game, but my repair bills are bananas.

    If you're curious: Breton magicka DK, just about to ding VR4. 5 light/2 heavy. I flip-flop between ranged or melee. Ranged bar 1 would be Flames of Oblivion/Inner Light, Engulfing Flames into Fire Ring spam, Destructive Clench to interrupt and get distance, then Force Pulse spam. Melee bar 1 would add Structured Entropy and replace Force Pulse with Molten Whip spam. Bar 2 is FOO/Light, Shattering Rocks (Petrify) plus self-heals.

    (Maybe solo PVE DKs just need to level up resto staff for bar 2 currently? Meh.)


    Malestrom arena is a good example.
    -You can complete normal without a singe death.
    -Veteran mode...well, I know some people who couldn't pass even the 1st stage.
    Edited by Anhedonie on November 17, 2015 4:35AM
    Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.
  • Angarato
    as a stamina nb i feel your pain. when im out in the open field in orsinium or in the sewers i do just fine taking on large groups even soloing some things. but even with my sword and shield build i cannot even beat the first VRMA. i get to the first boss and he just slaughters me. 2 casts and its over, i can't keep dodging and cloaking his spells forever and 2 hits from him or his adds are enough to kill me. doesn't help that cast go through cloak alot of the time either.

    idk if should completely regear or respec to this but as of right now i dont have a snowballs chance in hell of ever beating that thing
  • tangy.citrus
    For soloing in questing/grinding you can run draw essence for heals, and good dps to get the down fast and you wont have to heal very often. If you cant dps them fast enough, run talons with draw essence and your aoe's.
    Queen Ella - Mag DK - Tank/Healer/DPS
    Dunmer DK Cant Even - Stam DK - DPS/Tank
    Im bad at healing - Mag Templar - DPS/Healer
    Tangy Citrus - NB - Mistake
    #1 AD P.O.S.
  • machinestatic
    Soul Shriven
    So, I've got to say: ESO for the win. If this were any other MMO forum (and I've played a dozen of them) and I posted my question, every reply would be "LEARN TO PLAY" - "I BEAT EVERY BOSS FIRST TRY" - "UNSUBSCRIBE PLZ." :)

    Anyway, thank you to everyone that replied so far. It really helps to know I'm not alone, and that the bump in difficulty from 49 to VR is real. Pretty good game design there... just frustrating sometimes. The wispmother in Greenshade? Noooope.

    Funny side note: I thought that maybe a stamina build with medium armor would be better for soloing, so I watched Deltia's Butcher videos, bought some one-hand swords with training and 2 pieces of medium armor with stamina enchants, and started to grind on some lower mobs. of course in less than 10 minutes, I looted (1) a destro fire staff that was better than my old staff AND (2) a light robe that is in the same set as my light magicka hat. I guess that's a sign. ;)

    EDIT: Stuck it out as light armor magicka and since posting this I must've died a good 10 times. Time for a long break. :p
    Edited by machinestatic on November 18, 2015 5:14AM
  • DeanTheCat
    You should really consider wearing a few sets of crafted Armor instead of just solely relying on drops. A good set of crafted Armor makes a huge difference in your combat effectiveness.

    If you don't craft, you can commission a full set of Armor from any decent crafter for nominal fees, especially if you provide the materials needed. This set of Armor is well worth the investment, and a good set of VR1 blue crafted Armor is good till at least VR6.

    Suggested crafted sets:
    - Seducer
    - Magnus' Gift
    - Law of Julianos
    - Kraganac's Hope
    - Eyes of Mara
    - Spectre's Eye

    - Hunding's Rage
    - Willow's Path
    - Night Mother's Gaze
    - Ashen Grip
    - Night's Silence

    - Way of the Arena
    - Whitestrake's Retribution
    - Death's Wind
    - Hist Bark
    - Song of Lamae

    The best benefit of crafted Armor though is the ability to choose the style and trait you want. Fashion matters!

    Preview Armor styles here:
    Dean the Cat
    Somewhat Insane Puddicat
    EU-PC Megaserver; Ebonheart Pact, Alliance Rank 34
    This one hails from far Singapore, excuse this one for his high pings. He also apologizes for any formatting/spelling errors, as he tends to answer using a mobile device.

    Insanity is the price of Knowledge. Herma-Mora and Sheogorath, this one bows before thee.

    This one does not advocate for any class to be nerfed. There are far deeper underlying issues then a simple "Class Imbalance". The Champion System is the problem. Not classes.

    Please read this before creating yet another nerf thread.

    My guides:
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    Thing is, when I lvl'ed my first char I struggled at the most simple solo quests, with my second char I could rush through every solo content without struggle, and kill many world bosses in first try.

    Proper set gear, knowledge of game mechanics, knowing how to weave, when to use AoE and when to use single target, which morphs of skills are best for what << all that helps a lot to get you through the solo questing part easily...
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