Hey everyone. So I've done a good deal of searching around and haven't found this question asked quite this way, sooo here is my problem: I find that while playing solo PVE ever since hitting veteran ranks, I am either (A) an unstoppable killing machine, or (B) I get completely DESTROYED... but it's never anywhere in the middle.
In Other words, one second I will be taking on packs of 3-4 mobs at the same time, AOEing them down, knocking a couple back to interrupt, and killing them all with no problem. Then suddenly I'll face a new mob, and immediately I'm yelling "Oh sh--t!" frantically right into Igneous Shield, Coagulating Blood, Coagulating Blood, Obsidian Shard, health potion, and I'm still dead 5 seconds later.
I'm not really asking for any tips on changing my build or skills, I'm moreso just wondering... is this common? Is this just kind of par for the course as far as soloing the later-game content? I'm still loving the game, but my repair bills are bananas.
If you're curious: Breton magicka DK, just about to ding VR4. 5 light/2 heavy. I flip-flop between ranged or melee. Ranged bar 1 would be Flames of Oblivion/Inner Light, Engulfing Flames into Fire Ring spam, Destructive Clench to interrupt and get distance, then Force Pulse spam. Melee bar 1 would add Structured Entropy and replace Force Pulse with Molten Whip spam. Bar 2 is FOO/Light, Shattering Rocks (Petrify) plus self-heals.
(Maybe solo PVE DKs just need to level up resto staff for bar 2 currently? Meh.)