Snow elves would likely make a comeback me thinks.
We have elves, we have humans, we need another type of race that gives that middle-earth-type-charm.
There have been a few threads in the past few months regarding new races being added to ESO. It is true that there are MANY races that ZOS could introduce, (I go over a few of therm here:, most aren't exactly lore friendly.
More importantly, though, is that we have a LOT of mileage left in the races we have.I guess my point is... Let's hope for something a little more creative than new races. The Elder Scrolls can offer SO much more than that.
- Sub-Cultures: ZOS could introduce sub_cultures into ESO. With the Reachmen, Ashlanders, Iron Orcs, etc. ZOS could add two or three sub-cultures to each race to act as a sub-race giving us more choices when making our race selection: Religion: Then there's the possibility of allowing to align with one of the 16 Daedric Princes or 8 Divines... or some other "deity".
- Bloodlines and Strains: We also have over a dozen different vampire bloodlines, and ten or so Lycanthrope strains.
- Furstocks: Khajiit have 16 different fursocks, 8-10 of which could be playable... Scalekins: Argonians have 4 tribal races that COULD be used to add some races... Character Creation Options: But honestly what I would like most is a more robust character creator options Guilds: Then there's 2 dozen or so guilds that could b be added. Class Morphs: Or Class morphs that have been suggested many times by @TheShadowScout Mixed-Races: Of course my concept for mixed-race character offspring would offer players an insane amount of options...
They try to keep lore in mind. The Dwemer haven't appeared as a playable race in any of the games. I think it was Oblivion or Morrowind where you actually got to meet "the last dwemer". (A fat spider-esque man)
HOWEVER: If they keep lore in mind- they could add Maormer (Sea Elves), Falmer (Snow Elves- pre blind and shriveled), Igma (Great Apes), Limothiit (Fox-like creatures similar to Khajiit), and Kothringi (Blue-skinned humans).
Falmer are currently underground and "extinct"... but we know that they still exist in their original form. (See: Skyrim)
Limothiit and Kothringi were supposedly wiped out by the Knahaten Flu... but ESO managed to find a loophole for bringing back the Kothringi.
Technically speaking- they can bring back Dwemer, too. They'd just have to use an Elder Scroll to manipulate time... much like the premise of Skyrim. (Accidentally sending Alduin from the past to the future.)
If ZOS did add races- I could easily see Maormer and Igma being added. Hell, I even remember seeing a mention of Minotaurs... but I don't know if they're considered an "intelligent race".
This is an Elder Scrolls game. There are no hobbits, ring-wraiths, (living) dwarves, or Tom frickin Bombadil. Tamriel has its own lore and flavour that's very distinct from that of Middle Earth, and it's better off that way rather than being a Lord of the Rings clone.We have elves, we have humans, we need another type of race that gives that middle-earth-type-charm.
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
We have elves, we have humans, we need another type of race that gives that middle-earth-type-charm.
@jaburns, I agree that ZOS could add new races by using lore loopholes... and the biggest loophole of them all is Tamriel itself. Lore enthusiasts love to whip out the Knahaten Flu card to explain why the Lilmothiit and the Kothringi CAN'T be in the game, but there is nothing that says they can't be alive and well in another part of Nirn. I explore this idea here:
But this would be years and years in the future, I would hope.
Snow elves would likely make a comeback me thinks.
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »
Snow elves = Falmer. You know those horrible creatures that try killing you everything you go into a cave in Skyrim. When the Dwemer feed them the mushrooms to take there sight that's all it too was there sight the creatures they are in the 4th era and maybe 2nd era happened over centuries of mutation. Yes in Skyrims DLC dawnguard and you meet "the last snow elf" he said there is a small chance that there maybe more like him priests who avoided the who problem and avoided the mushrooms and maybe 100% normal in some small part of Skyrim. So if ZOS does add some Snow Elf/Falmer thing to ESO it's most likely gonna be a story or quest and not a new race.
Why not add a dwarven race and another healing/dps class. Maybe a shapeshifting class or one that could viably heal other than Templar.