I tend to "get ahead" of myself... so just file this under that category. Under the "pipe-dream" category also.
I, like many others, hope the B2P model affords ZOS enough resources to do the Elder Scrolls name justice with ESO. Zone updates need to come more frequently than once a year. There could easily be 25+ more zones to be released to fill out Tamriel. At 2 a year this would take a dozen years or so.
I think ZOS could be more ambitious than this... if they had the resources to be. Elder Scrolls Online could be the platform that opens up the entire world of Nirn for players.
Tamriel Unlimited: The story of Molag Bal's attempt to unite Tamriel and Coldharbour and the Faction War. Tamriel Unlimited could provide ESO with a decade worth of content over 25+ more zone releases.
Boxed ExpansionsTides of Pyandonea: A boxed expansion that introduces deep-sea gameplay to ESO. Player/Guild ships, ship to ship combat, and the island nation of Pyandonea could provide an additional year or so of content. Pyandonea, a continent south-east of Tamriel, could be released over 2 or 3 zone releases and could include the release of the additional Maormer race (sea elves).
Yokuda Reborn: Another boxed expansion that tells the story of the Redguards and explore how the island nation to the east of Tamriel was destroyed. It is said that Yokuda was sunk, but it could be just that it was destroyed by a tsunami at some point, thought to be lost under the waves. Yokuda could include another 2 or 3 zones, including the release of the Lefthanded Elves race.
The Elder Wood Expedition: A boxed expansion giving players access to Atmora, the frozen continent to the north of Tamriel. This expansion could explore the ancestors of Talos (Tiber Septim) and could have the player actually influencing the development of Atmora and could set things in motion that would eventually have Talos make his way to Tamriel. Atmora could be another 2-4 zones and could include the playable race of Atmorans, from which the Nords sprung.
Akavir Revealed: A boxed expansion that could take player to the second most populated continent of Nirn, Akavir. This expansion could very well include an additional 20+ zones and include the release of the Tsaesci serpent men, the Kamal snow demons, the Tang Mo ape men, and the Ka'Po'Tun dragon tiger men.
Return to Aldmeris: A boxed Expansion that could explore the continent from which both Men and Mer were born. Another 3 or 4 zones could be released as well another race. One idea would be that there was a clan of Aldmer that stayed on Aldmeris who evolved into not men or mer... but something else. Since so little is known about Aldmeris this could be a good opportunity for ZOS to introduce completely new lore to ESO.
DLC expansions outside of TamrielThe Coral Kingdom: This could be a single release DLC expansion giving players the partially sunken nation of Thras between Tamriel and Yokuda, and a new playable race, the Sload and could introduce underwater content to ESO, if it's not already in ESO by this point. Since the Sload detest adventure the playable Sloads would have to be considered Sload outcasts and the story would have to reflect that.
The Kowtow of Roscrea: This could be a single (or multiple) zone DLC release of the island to the north of Tamriel but to the south of Atmora and could be the ideal location for the playable race of the yeti/bigfoot-like Imga.
Esroniet Unfurled: This single release DLC could give players the island of Esroniet and could give ZOS a chance to introduce a new playable never-before-seen race to Nirn. Perhaps a Skeever-esque race.
Unrest in Yneslea : This could explore the island of Yneslea and could introduce an Argonian ancestor that is more Hist than it is Argonian. A tree-lizard as a playable race. This could be a chance to explore the relationship between the Argonians and the Hist... it might be that they are more 'related' than we realize.
The Cathnoquey Consortium: This single release DLC would open up the island of Cathnoquey and could include the playable race of the Lilmothiit, who are assumed to be related to the Kajhiit but I suspect have less to do with the Khajiit than the Bosmer.
Altogether these releases would total 60+ expansions possible for ESO. Each one would be quite an undertaking and could give players more reasons to play ESO. ZOS would need to have multiple expansions in development at once and would have to release multiple expansions per year.
If 3 of these zones were released each year, the above concept with give ESO 20 years worth of content. It's pretty clear to see ZOS won't run out of content available to release for ESO anytime soon. This doesn't even include oblivion realms and alternate realities like Lyg.

Of course, ESO will never see all these expansions, but Nirn is a huge and mysterious place. Hopefully some day we will get to see at least some of the lands outside of Tamriel.
What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
That's right...
HERE to discuss.
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