Shadesofkin wrote: »
Some cameo's as a quest is fine as far as I'm concerned, but I'd never want to see them as a playable race, it's a great part of lore to run into them in the tunnels below Skyrim.
They try to keep lore in mind. The Dwemer haven't appeared as a playable race in any of the games. I think it was Oblivion or Morrowind where you actually got to meet "the last dwemer". (A fat spider-esque man)
HOWEVER: If they keep lore in mind- they could add Maormer (Sea Elves), Falmer (Snow Elves- pre blind and shriveled), Igma (Great Apes), Limothiit (Fox-like creatures similar to Khajiit), and Kothringi (Blue-skinned humans).
Falmer are currently underground and "extinct"... but we know that they still exist in their original form. (See: Skyrim)
Limothiit and Kothringi were supposedly wiped out by the Knahaten Flu... but ESO managed to find a loophole for bringing back the Kothringi.
Technically speaking- they can bring back Dwemer, too. They'd just have to use an Elder Scroll to manipulate time... much like the premise of Skyrim. (Accidentally sending Alduin from the past to the future.)
If ZOS did add races- I could easily see Maormer and Igma being added. Hell, I even remember seeing a mention of Minotaurs... but I don't know if they're considered an "intelligent race".
Shadesofkin wrote: »I like knowing that Dwemer are a mystery that fuels a number of adventures and treasure seekers, adding them kills that, stop asking for it.
I'd much prefer to see the bloodlines and cultural offshoots before "new races" and if you're trying to get the classic fantasy feel to this game, you need to realize you're bad and you should feel bad. This is Tamriel, not Middle-Earth. This game has been able to avoid grandpappy tolkien's gaze for quite some time, let's keep it that way.
(Disclaimer: I have nothing against LotR or Tolkien, but not all fantasy needs to mimic his)
andypappb16_ESO wrote: »The Lore! Dwemer are gone people ._.
Im pretty sure they wont return because they never left. Im sure you dont want to play blind Falmer
*sigh* yeah, you're right, my Babylon Fiverfly script just isn't coming together in a satisfying way...dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »
I agree with this sentiment. Middle Earth was very well done, but I agree that its much more interesting to let the TES guys make something uniquely their own. I think most people would not like to see Babylon 5, Firefly, Star Trek and Star Wars all morphed into some new series that tries to cater to them all. Each has its own unique charm and it would take something away from them if you tried to make them conform to a common story or set of rules/themes.
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |