Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Looking for a No Hassle Guild that does everything to join? WE WANT YOU!!(Call Outs Closed for now)

  • mpegraham
    Soul Shriven
    I'd love to join, GT: Peggyasus
  • Cynfire
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join! my GT is CynFire1478. I'm usually on for a few hours in the middle of the day or late at night, have to fight husband and mother in law for the game lol. Also I don't have a mic, hope that won't be a problem.
  • EpicRycon
    @cynfire: I hear ya there, Epic Nation's made up of my self, my brother-in-law, and my wife and we have one xbox to share between us so I know that is. Not having a mic's not a problem. I'll get you and @mpegraham added here in a bit, welcome aboard to both of ya.
  • PhantomSpaceCop
    Interested in joining up. I've been doing mostly PvE but am recently a lot more interested in PvP. Even if this guild doesn't do that a ton, I'd love to hang out. GT: Phantomspacecop
    Redguard Templar "Suhail" « VR1 « Archer « Sword & Board « Restro Staff

    Xbox One « EST
  • EpicRycon
    Morning everyone, got everyone added who requested to join and as always inviting randoms. We're now at 111 active members and we want to personally thank every one of our members for making the guild what it is. You've ridden with us through tough spots and came together when someone needed something.

  • countrypride96
    Soul Shriven
    Would love to join GT- RedneckNero
  • Saihung423

    Regular player starting up on Xbox . Level 16 dominion if that matters. Lol... can't remember if it does.

    I actually played a lot on pc from beta to about 3 years ago.

    :) Thanks in advance.


  • EpicRycon
    @Saihung423 @countrypride96: I'll get you two added sometime today, welcome aboard!
  • caidyinie
    looking to join, Caidyinie
  • EpicRycon
    @caidyinie: of course, let me get you an invite. Welcome aboard!
  • AllityHD
    my gamertag is= Allity
  • Herbalous
    GT - xxROBBIE RIOTxx
  • FilthyMudblood5972
    Soul Shriven
    Would love to join, GT is FiIthyMudBlood. Two l's are capital i's.
    Main character is AD Vet 16 Vampire - free bites
  • EpicRycon
    Hey everyone, thanks for the interest - will get you added today as we're still highly active.
    Also as of 4/1/2016, we've changed our policy that all new guildmates must donate 1000 gold to the guild bank. This goes towards getting a guild trader. This does not effect members that join before 4/1/2016.
    Edited by EpicRycon on March 27, 2016 5:53PM
  • Nurthec-drin
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, was looking to join the guild GT Trebor79
    As of right now I'm V1 NBA mostly working on research all traits. Looking to do craft, trading, & grouping g in general. Pretty much on almost everyday. Thanks
  • EpicRycon
    Evening @Trebor279, sent you a join request. If you meet all the requirements, welcome aboard.
  • EpicRycon
    Heeelllooooo everyone out there on the ESO Forum - we are still here, we are still recruiting, and we are still 110% active. I've been made division lead for XB1 as our previous guild leader has moved over to PC to start a division over there. The stipend requirement has been removed so anyone and everyone who wants to join may do so. We still require you to be active(if you're active in the PC division but are listed in the XB1 division, your spot is reserved until you decide to leave). Also the guild bank is still set up to have items and gold deposited into it but only officers and the guild leader may remove them. This prevents thieft and players who cut and run. If any are interested in joining, leave your GT here or send it to me over XBL: LoganJohnston.

    Let Jone and Jode guide you,
    Edited by EpicRycon on August 22, 2016 3:45PM
    My gamer tag is R4GEASAURUS REX
  • scoobdoo
    Soul Shriven
    Would love to sign up! GT: scoobdoo
  • Royalcomet6
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Royalcomet6
    I'd like to join your guild.
  • EpicRycon
    Ill try to get the 3 o f you in before maintance starts, if not - ill get you afterwards. Welcome aboard!
  • Killa9012
    Soul Shriven
    My GT is Punish Me Mommy I would love to join.
  • EpicRycon
    Welcome aboard - I'll get you tonight or tomorrow.
  • Magic_Theif
    I'd love to join but I'm 15 until march :l
  • EpicRycon
    Hello @Magic_Theif yeah you'd need to be 16 so if you're still playing ESO in March, look us up.
  • EpicRycon
    As of this moment we are not accepting any new members and will let this topic slip as we build up the PC division of Epic Nation. If anyone has a computer fast enough to play and a controller(even a x360 controller works) and wants to switch over, let me know. This division will always be here so those that want to stay don't fret. I'll get @Killa9012 and invite and then that's it for now.

    Thanks folks,
  • tailsman20
    Soul Shriven
    Gt: TwistedG0at
  • Clunan
    My GF and I are looking to join trading guilds.

    Gamertags: "Clunan", "Zombiekillxxx"

    Thank you.
  • RwDestiny
    I'm looking for a guild that can help in group quests....I am 8T in all crafting, 9T in all wood and medium. I will assemble anything for guild mates...NC....Just provide the mats. if you're a little short, we can work something out. What I really need is a place to sell the gear that I keep dragging home...Recipes, motifs, dropped sets etc.
    Thanks, D

    CP 467 NB. Wood elf, AD
    GT: RwDestiny, NA XB1
    Server: XBox One-NA
    GT: RwDestiny
    Character: Thaleal
    Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion
    Race: Wood Elf
    Class: Stamina DPS Nightblade
  • stitchersflock
    I'm not a daily player, I play in spurts. Some days a lot, then a week or weeks with little to no play time. Depends on how busy real life is. If that's ok, my GT is Juilanos and yes I fat fingered the GT when I typed it. LOL
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