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Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Cyrodiil performance

  • AbraXuSeXile
    Performance is awful at the moment and its been going downhill since 1.2.3

    All i want devs to answer is why before 1.2.3 this game was a dream, smooth, fast, no lag, no fps drops.

    I ran a 'zerg ball' before 1.2.3 and clashed many times with other trains and an abundance of players and there was no huge performance issue.

    Then after 1.2.3 we lagged for what was it, A month? Had to relog every 5 minutes. Then after this came the latency lag where skills wouldnt go through, Now we put up with FPS issues and high ping.

    It was ONLY after 1.2.3 we got the performance issues and i want to know why it hasnt been acknowledged or addressed, Blaming just zerg balls is stupid, They can help eleviate lag by moving pvp to other places, whereas pugs clash is as bad as trains.

    We've even had to stop one of our favourite fun times going between 2 factions or ninjaing keeps because the game just doesnt handle it and it ruins the entire performance of the server, We've found its better to just let people get on with it and go away from it all.
    Edited by AbraXuSeXile on October 27, 2015 5:40PM
    Grand Overlord Rank 50 [First EU]
    Clan Leader of eXile
    Gaming Community - Est. 1999
    Crashing an EP Wedding | DK Emp | 1vX | Between Enemy Lines | Hate Video | 5 v Many

  • Ezareth
    Performance is awful at the moment and its been going downhill since 1.2.3

    All i want devs to answer is why before 1.2.3 this game was a dream, smooth, fast, no lag, no fps drops.

    I ran a 'zerg ball' before 1.2.3 and clashed many times with other trains and an abundance of players and there was no huge performance issue.

    Then after 1.2.3 we lagged for what was it, A month? Had to relog every 5 minutes. Then after this came the latency lag where skills wouldnt go through, Now we put up with FPS issues and high ping.

    It was ONLY after 1.2.3 we got the performance issues and i want to know why it hasnt been acknowledged or addressed, Blaming just zerg balls is stupid, They can help eleviate lag by moving pvp to other places, whereas pugs clash is as bad as trains.

    We've even had to stop one of our favourite fun times going between 2 factions or ninjaing keeps because the game just doesnt handle it and it ruins the entire performance of the server, We've found its better to just let people get on with it and go away from it all.

    Yeah I remember 300+ Player zerg fights at BRK that didn't have a spot of lag. Now if I see a single raid of 30 people rolling around I just head the opposite direction because I know the server is about to drop a massive pile on my gameplay experience.

    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • prootch
    Just stuff your cereals and read again: aoe spam lag is the main issue from my point of view, not macros.
    And dont patronize people with ranks when you don't know them ;) does not appear very serious and somewhat big headed.

    Yet macros are a reality... and your comment just made our entire alliance laugh ^^ few hundred accounts there.
    Evidently macro users don't like to be criticized...

    ps: just try to get some intel on sales volumes of macro ready hardware in mmos, so that we can talk about reality... eventually, and actually discuss facts.
    Edited by prootch on October 28, 2015 12:24AM
  • Ezareth
    prootch wrote: »
    Just stuff your cereals and read again: aoe spam lag is the main issue from my point of view, not macros.
    And dont patronize people with ranks when you don't know them ;) does not appear very serious and somewhat big headed.

    Yet macros are a reality... and your comment just made our entire alliance laugh ^^ few hundred accounts there.
    Evidently macro users don't like to be criticized...

    ps: just try to get some intel on sales volumes of macro ready hardware in mmos, so that we can talk about reality... eventually, and actually discuss facts.

    I have a macro enabled Keyboard and mouse yet have never bothered trying to create one for this game. Anyone who actually understands combat in this game would be laughing at the use of macros for the very reason you pointed out....latency and a 1 second GCD. When half the time you have to press your weapon swap key twice to get it to function correctly, just how effective do you really think a macro is going to be? You can't chain commands together with enough reliability to make effective use of macros. I'm sure there are some PvE Superstars who have macros running half of their damage rotation. I could care less about PvE. PvE damage rotations are extremely predictable and static. Try doing that garbage in PvP though, when a split second of decision making is what lies between life and death, the last thing you want to be doing is a light attack/ability/bash macro when you need to be doing weapon swap defensive posture with a meteor half a second away for example. The delay in being unable to change your choices on the fly far outweigh any minor advantage a macro might grant you in a best case scenario.

    Then there is the simple fact that unless you're a geriatric, animation cancelling perfectly in this game requires very little practice....that's the only thing a Macro can do for you when you have 1 second GCDs on everything... not to mention 5-6 different ways of cancelling which making it possible to create a macro system where you could reliable use the correct cancelling technique depending on your need.

    As I said, anyone who knew combat in this game would intrinsically understand this. The fact you apparently have achieved such a high rank while missing this doesn't say much for your environment. If I appear a bit salty over this whole thing, it's because I'm sick of arguing about a boogey man who doesn't exist when they are far larger and more important issues needing attention. The whole thing reminds me of arguing with 9/11 truthers or the other nuts that come out of infowarz.
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • prootch
    I'm not saying macro users are efficient, nor using them personnally despistes macro ready hardware... just saying that they are actually used (and this may cause additionnal lag due to excessive hits on servers). Certainly not in optimised pvp groups I agree, but with certitude in - some - brainless aoe spam ball pvp warbands (and pve as you pointed it). btw it's sometimes quite fun to see the chain of car appearing in chat when someone accidentally launches it. But lets stop arguing about macros... it's certainly not the main concern considering aoe spamballs lag. They dont need macro to get critical lag.

    And you are not being "salty", you are downright patronizing... something you should avoid when you don't know the person you are talking to. I'm personnaly sick (to remain polite) of arguing with people showing that kind of behaviour each time they consider ideas differing from theirs on a forum... probably assuming the world outside their close minded brain is populated only with unexperienced pu facing their uberoxor experience and proficiency. :)

    So except if you have raw evidence that macro ready hardware are not used by people who own that kind of hardware in eso, you should consider what other people have experienced ingame (with several hundred accounts in guilds). The whole thing reminds me of so called conspiracy theory flags over irak war... when they realized in the end they were no wmd. Nice epic fail.

    But then again, macros are not the point of this discussion on lag, just probably an additionnal epiphenomena, since groups known for not using any are also creating aoe spam lag on impact. Vomitive aoe spamballs are the core of this discussion.

    Edited by prootch on October 28, 2015 2:33AM
  • Xeven
    Ezareth wrote: »
    prootch wrote: »
    Just stuff your cereals and read again: aoe spam lag is the main issue from my point of view, not macros.
    And dont patronize people with ranks when you don't know them ;) does not appear very serious and somewhat big headed.

    Yet macros are a reality... and your comment just made our entire alliance laugh ^^ few hundred accounts there.
    Evidently macro users don't like to be criticized...

    ps: just try to get some intel on sales volumes of macro ready hardware in mmos, so that we can talk about reality... eventually, and actually discuss facts.

    I have a macro enabled Keyboard and mouse yet have never bothered trying to create one for this game. Anyone who actually understands combat in this game would be laughing at the use of macros for the very reason you pointed out....latency and a 1 second GCD. When half the time you have to press your weapon swap key twice to get it to function correctly, just how effective do you really think a macro is going to be? You can't chain commands together with enough reliability to make effective use of macros. I'm sure there are some PvE Superstars who have macros running half of their damage rotation. I could care less about PvE. PvE damage rotations are extremely predictable and static. Try doing that garbage in PvP though, when a split second of decision making is what lies between life and death, the last thing you want to be doing is a light attack/ability/bash macro when you need to be doing weapon swap defensive posture with a meteor half a second away for example. The delay in being unable to change your choices on the fly far outweigh any minor advantage a macro might grant you in a best case scenario.

    Then there is the simple fact that unless you're a geriatric, animation cancelling perfectly in this game requires very little practice....that's the only thing a Macro can do for you when you have 1 second GCDs on everything... not to mention 5-6 different ways of cancelling which making it possible to create a macro system where you could reliable use the correct cancelling technique depending on your need.

    As I said, anyone who knew combat in this game would intrinsically understand this. The fact you apparently have achieved such a high rank while missing this doesn't say much for your environment. If I appear a bit salty over this whole thing, it's because I'm sick of arguing about a boogey man who doesn't exist when they are far larger and more important issues needing attention. The whole thing reminds me of arguing with 9/11 truthers or the other nuts that come out of infowarz.

    Eh, I agree that there are bigger fish to fry, and that they're actually a bad idea with the exception of simple animation cancels. For example I fought a DK the other day for about 15 minutes who always had scales up, but I never once saw his wings flap. I'm not even saying he was using macros, but my point is anyone could, and a few probably do. I'd like to see his wings flap too. I think that's a reasonable thing to get behind.

    Light attack ability and/or bash was a bad example. Whether or not you're doing it manually or with a macro, I dont think there will be any more response time available. You either get the reflect up in time or you dont. Doing something else the moment a meteor booms is a thing that happens regardless.

    Skill>>>pause>>>skill>>>pause>>>skill however is absolutely terrible, and nobody should care about these kinds of macros because they're actually crippling themselves.

    I think animation canceling is a cool mechanic and I make heavy use of it, but not to the extent that you can't even see the abilities your opponent is casting. That's lame.

    Edited by Xeven on October 28, 2015 4:48AM
  • Etaniel
    prootch wrote: »
    Just stuff your cereals and read again: aoe spam lag is the main issue from my point of view, not macros.
    And dont patronize people with ranks when you don't know them ;) does not appear very serious and somewhat big headed.

    Yet macros are a reality... and your comment just made our entire alliance laugh ^^ few hundred accounts there.
    Evidently macro users don't like to be criticized...

    ps: just try to get some intel on sales volumes of macro ready hardware in mmos, so that we can talk about reality... eventually, and actually discuss facts.

    A lot of people that I know are using Naga type mice, with 6+ buttons on the side. They use it to cast skills with their thumb instead of using the keys on the keyboard. It's purely a comfort issue.
    I have a macro ready keyboard, and the only macros I ever used in ESO was to switch gear and skill bars by the press of one button when switching from PvP to PvE. But whatever, maybe there are hundreds, thousands of players using macros to serve their evil purposes in Cyro.... But what then?

    I don't see how a macro can lag out the server , you'll have to explain. A macro is just sending input to the game by itself so you don't have to send the input yourself with a key press. It has a limit in speed, limit that is determined by the GCD in the game. Now you could set that macro to spam the input until it actually goes through. If that creates lag according to you, than that means you believe someone spamming one key on his keyboard manually is going to create lag as well? It makes no sense. If your key press is too early according to the GCD, your client isn't going to send that info to the server, that would be pretty bad code architecture if you ask me, and we'd be getting server crashes way more often.

    This means that a macro user can't spam the server any more than any human could manually do it.

    The only argument that is valid against macros, is that someone can pull off perfect animation cancelling consistently without learning how to do it. He's basically bypassing a skill barrier. Does animation cancelling equal victory in combat? Usually not, which is why it's not a big issue in my opinion.

    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • prootch
    Victory in combat is not the subject. Excessive server hits are (according to the devs)
    I fully agree on their relative inefficiency... especially considering the actual lagland.
    Edited by prootch on October 28, 2015 11:05AM
  • JamilaRaj
    Etaniel wrote: »
    Does animation cancelling equal victory in combat? Usually not, which is why it's not a big issue in my opinion.

    I think the importance of anmation cancelling and, by extension, macroing, increased over time as regen icreased and damage decreased. Players not doing it simply do not put out enough damage to actually threaten anybody.
  • Soulac
    JamilaRaj wrote: »
    Etaniel wrote: »
    Does animation cancelling equal victory in combat? Usually not, which is why it's not a big issue in my opinion.

    I think the importance of anmation cancelling and, by extension, macroing, increased over time as regen icreased and damage decreased. Players not doing it simply do not put out enough damage to actually threaten anybody.

    Everyone in this game is able to defend themselves quite easy and got infinity ressources on top of it.
    Even with animation cancel most fights end up being rather long or end in a draw, now imagine it wouldn't exist.
    My kind of build wouldn't be possible and I'd be forced to stack damage like nothing else just to kill some randoms..
    R.I.P Dawnbreaker / Auriel´s Bow
    Member of the Arena Guild and the overpowered Banana Squad.
    Nathaerizh aka Cat - Nightblade V16 - EU

    - Meow -
  • KenaPKK
    We are still looking into more adjustments and plan on implementing those during incremental patches. Performance adjustments are ongoing and we are aware that even though population has spread out between Imperial City, Cyrodiil and the Sewers, there are still improvements to make.

    Population in IC districts is zero, and the sewers are dwindling. If you don't add campaign point objectives to them soon, IC as a whole will be empty. Careful how much you put your hopes on IC spreading people out...
    Former Class Rep
    Former Legend GM
    Beta player
  • Derra
    I have a macro to repetedly spam r to craft a million potions while i make my
    Soulac wrote: »
    JamilaRaj wrote: »
    Etaniel wrote: »
    Does animation cancelling equal victory in combat? Usually not, which is why it's not a big issue in my opinion.

    I think the importance of anmation cancelling and, by extension, macroing, increased over time as regen icreased and damage decreased. Players not doing it simply do not put out enough damage to actually threaten anybody.

    Everyone in this game is able to defend themselves quite easy and got infinity ressources on top of it.
    Even with animation cancel most fights end up being rather long or end in a draw, now imagine it wouldn't exist.
    My kind of build wouldn't be possible and I'd be forced to stack damage like nothing else just to kill some randoms..

    Game needs some kind of diminishing return system. Like every 3000 of one stat give you a 1% decrease on that stat. Every 300 reg give you 1% decrease on that reg.
    300 wpn / spelldmg give you 1% decrease on the final stat.

    but then again everything would streamline : P
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Etaniel
    Soulac wrote: »
    JamilaRaj wrote: »
    Etaniel wrote: »
    Does animation cancelling equal victory in combat? Usually not, which is why it's not a big issue in my opinion.

    I think the importance of anmation cancelling and, by extension, macroing, increased over time as regen icreased and damage decreased. Players not doing it simply do not put out enough damage to actually threaten anybody.

    Everyone in this game is able to defend themselves quite easy and got infinity ressources on top of it.
    Even with animation cancel most fights end up being rather long or end in a draw, now imagine it wouldn't exist.
    My kind of build wouldn't be possible and I'd be forced to stack damage like nothing else just to kill some randoms..

    Let me rephrase then : perfect animation cancelling doesn't necessary equal victory every time.
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • JamilaRaj
    Soulac wrote: »
    JamilaRaj wrote: »
    Etaniel wrote: »
    Does animation cancelling equal victory in combat? Usually not, which is why it's not a big issue in my opinion.

    I think the importance of anmation cancelling and, by extension, macroing, increased over time as regen icreased and damage decreased. Players not doing it simply do not put out enough damage to actually threaten anybody.

    Everyone in this game is able to defend themselves quite easy and got infinity ressources on top of it.
    Even with animation cancel most fights end up being rather long or end in a draw, now imagine it wouldn't exist.

    It would benefit the game in the long run, in several ways. There would be some decrease in number of actions per second, i.e amount of messaging/load, gameplay would change to making visible actions and counter-actions, instead of just spamming because out of 4 actions 3 happen without any animation whatsoever, and, most importantly, it would stop confusing the devs, because if they have no clue how many attacks can a player pull off in one go, there is no way they could balance the game in terms of damage, defense, health pool etc. in any sane manner.
    Soulac wrote: »
    My kind of build wouldn't be possible and I'd be forced to stack damage like nothing else just to kill some randoms..

    Tell me about randoms. I am sick of five minute fights with random AFK guys on horses.
  • KenaPKK
    Medivh50 wrote: »
    I am not sure why this is any issue still. Devs should concentrate all there energy and resources into fixing Cyrodiil lag issues. We DO NOT need any other new expansion, zone, area, town, or NPC until these issues are resloved.

    I am sure the PVE guys, will pull their hair out when I mention this but PvP and AvA is the life blood of this game. It what makes players come back to ESO. It creates competition, cooperation, teamwork, yata yata yata. It is why I came back. It is why I think THIS MMO could the most successful game behind WoW.

    Yup, I agree completely. Don't understand why ZoS doesn't understand this...
    Former Class Rep
    Former Legend GM
    Beta player
  • Ezareth
    prootch wrote: »

    And you are not being "salty", you are downright patronizing... something you should avoid when you don't know the person you are talking to. I'm personnaly sick (to remain polite) of arguing with people showing that kind of behaviour each time they consider ideas differing from theirs on a forum... probably assuming the world outside their close minded brain is populated only with unexperienced pu facing their uberoxor experience and proficiency. :)

    So except if you have raw evidence that macro ready hardware are not used by people who own that kind of hardware in eso, you should consider what other people have experienced ingame (with several hundred accounts in guilds).


    All I'm say is I've asked dozens of people....pretty much the entirety of the top players that I've communicated with in PvP if they've ever use macros in PvP....without exception every player has said something to the order of "That sounds like a terrible idea", or "What would be the point with GCDs etc". I've had this discussion over the past 2 years from the moment the first cries of "Macro User" were levelled at me in the early days. It still happens all the time to me and other players I know aren't using macros and it gets old.

    When I see other players come on these forums and basically say they're widely used and they are a problem, I come down hard on them (Patronizing if you will) because by saying they're a problem when they're not you're exasperating the issue and other new players that don't understand anything will believe you and the accusations will continue. In my experience the people in game and on the forums who accuse others of using Macros are the least skilled PvPers you find in PvP. This is chiefly because instead of recognizing that they are doing something wrong and there is possibly a learning opportunity there, they instead have to find a scapegoat for their failures....just to save their ego. It's both humorous and sad.

    If you have evidence that there are actual *skilled* PvPers who use Macros to achieve success I'd love to see it. To date I've never seen anyone come forward that I've ever faced in PvP and admit they're using Macros. The burden of proof is always with the accuser not the accused for a reason.
    Xeven wrote: »
    Ezareth wrote: »
    prootch wrote: »
    Just stuff your cereals and read again: aoe spam lag is the main issue from my point of view, not macros.
    And dont patronize people with ranks when you don't know them ;) does not appear very serious and somewhat big headed.

    Yet macros are a reality... and your comment just made our entire alliance laugh ^^ few hundred accounts there.
    Evidently macro users don't like to be criticized...

    ps: just try to get some intel on sales volumes of macro ready hardware in mmos, so that we can talk about reality... eventually, and actually discuss facts.

    I have a macro enabled Keyboard and mouse yet have never bothered trying to create one for this game. Anyone who actually understands combat in this game would be laughing at the use of macros for the very reason you pointed out....latency and a 1 second GCD. When half the time you have to press your weapon swap key twice to get it to function correctly, just how effective do you really think a macro is going to be? You can't chain commands together with enough reliability to make effective use of macros. I'm sure there are some PvE Superstars who have macros running half of their damage rotation. I could care less about PvE. PvE damage rotations are extremely predictable and static. Try doing that garbage in PvP though, when a split second of decision making is what lies between life and death, the last thing you want to be doing is a light attack/ability/bash macro when you need to be doing weapon swap defensive posture with a meteor half a second away for example. The delay in being unable to change your choices on the fly far outweigh any minor advantage a macro might grant you in a best case scenario.

    Then there is the simple fact that unless you're a geriatric, animation cancelling perfectly in this game requires very little practice....that's the only thing a Macro can do for you when you have 1 second GCDs on everything... not to mention 5-6 different ways of cancelling which making it possible to create a macro system where you could reliable use the correct cancelling technique depending on your need.

    As I said, anyone who knew combat in this game would intrinsically understand this. The fact you apparently have achieved such a high rank while missing this doesn't say much for your environment. If I appear a bit salty over this whole thing, it's because I'm sick of arguing about a boogey man who doesn't exist when they are far larger and more important issues needing attention. The whole thing reminds me of arguing with 9/11 truthers or the other nuts that come out of infowarz.

    Eh, I agree that there are bigger fish to fry, and that they're actually a bad idea with the exception of simple animation cancels. For example I fought a DK the other day for about 15 minutes who always had scales up, but I never once saw his wings flap. I'm not even saying he was using macros, but my point is anyone could, and a few probably do. I'd like to see his wings flap too. I think that's a reasonable thing to get behind.

    Light attack ability and/or bash was a bad example. Whether or not you're doing it manually or with a macro, I dont think there will be any more response time available. You either get the reflect up in time or you dont. Doing something else the moment a meteor booms is a thing that happens regardless.

    Skill>>>pause>>>skill>>>pause>>>skill however is absolutely terrible, and nobody should care about these kinds of macros because they're actually crippling themselves.

    I think animation canceling is a cool mechanic and I make heavy use of it, but not to the extent that you can't even see the abilities your opponent is casting. That's lame.

    I animation cancel my Defensive postures every time for the same reason. I don't want you to see me cast it so you don't know you're going to be reflected. This doesn't require the use of a macro and anyone can do it easily....just like animation cancelling dawnbreaker etc.

    I suppose you could macro an animation cancelled ability if you want but it's not giving you an advantage and at times it could actually hurt you. If you have 4 players beating on you the last thing you'd want to do is block>cancel defensive posture, instead you'd dodge roll cancel it or possibly weapon swap cancel it.
    prootch wrote: »
    Victory in combat is not the subject. Excessive server hits are (according to the devs)
    I fully agree on their relative inefficiency... especially considering the actual lagland.

    I don't believe animation cancelling or macros has any bearing on server performance.

    The calculations required to determine a single Line of Sight check for example far outweight the calculations required to do a comparison between the timestamp of an action and the timestamp of the last action it shares a GCD with.

    Additionally performing calculations for AoE caps and Smart heals are similarlly complicated. Or the AoE/Knockback effect given by meteor etc.

    The latency we've all been experiencing recently however I think is caused by something else. When I'm in a freaking Craglorn Delve and the server has gone to crap, it isn't because of some Macro users in Cyrodiil.

    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • prootch
    Again... your elitist way of thinking is disrupting your argument. Who cares about few skilled players not using them, they mean nothing statistically. And of course they will mostly prefer not using macros. My belief (since you use that appropriate word), considering lots of people spamming in the void so often, and other clear indications of macro gaming: they are more often used than people care to admit. Sometimes for complex combination, more often to chain refresh some skills. Now since no one has precise stats of that... there are a lot of macro users in every mmo (hardware oblige), teso certainly not being an exception.
    Edited by prootch on October 30, 2015 5:42PM
  • Derra
    It´s 6.30pm and the only campaign with action on eu is unplayable.

    Gratz zos you got a game with awesome pvp. Sadly nobody can play it during primetime.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Tankqull
    Derra wrote: »
    It´s 6.30pm and the only campaign with action on eu is unplayable.

    Gratz zos you got a game with awesome pvp. Sadly nobody can play it during primetime.

    at least its not as horrible as yesterday... :D
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Derra
    Tankqull wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    It´s 6.30pm and the only campaign with action on eu is unplayable.

    Gratz zos you got a game with awesome pvp. Sadly nobody can play it during primetime.

    at least its not as horrible as yesterday... :D

    I had not played for like a week because lag was god aweful and everybody i used to play with is feeling the same. I tried it and wanted to break something 5 minutes into the game.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_BrianWheeler

    Please let your supervisors play your game for a week on the EU server azuras star campaign during primetime. I think you´re going to have one hell of a funny time after that in the office.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    I stopped playing at the evenings due to the horrible lag. And more and more ppl seem to quit the game daily because it is getting worse and worse every patch, no word on ZOS IF they ever intend to fix the issue or at least TRY to fix it..
    Edited by Alcast on October 30, 2015 6:42PM
    https://alcasthq.com - Alcasthq.com Builds & Guides
    https://eso-hub.com - ESO-Hub.com Sets, Skills, Guides & News
    https://dwemerautomaton.com - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

  • Ezareth
    Alcast wrote: »
    I stopped playing at the evenings due to the horrible lag. And more and more ppl seem to quit the game daily because it is getting worse and worse every patch, no word on ZOS IF they ever intend to fix the issue or at least TRY to fix it..

    I've been playing Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm lately. Cyrodiil is just not fun any more for all of the above reasons.
    Edited by Ezareth on October 30, 2015 7:05PM
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • Teargrants
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I stopped playing at the evenings due to the horrible lag. And more and more ppl seem to quit the game daily because it is getting worse and worse every patch, no word on ZOS IF they ever intend to fix the issue or at least TRY to fix it..

    I've been playing Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm lately. Cyrodiil is just not fun any more for all of the above reasons.
    How's Overwatch been handling performance wise?
    EP ※ Teargrants ※
    EP ※ Kissgrants ※
    DC ※ Kirsi ※
    Vehemence Council
    ~Teargrants YouTube~
  • Preyfar
    Alcast wrote: »
    I stopped playing at the evenings due to the horrible lag. And more and more ppl seem to quit the game daily because it is getting worse and worse every patch, no word on ZOS IF they ever intend to fix the issue or at least TRY to fix it..
    The lag seems far, far worse for me after the recent maintenance. I used to rarely get lag in Cyrodiil, now it seems like every 20-30 seconds my ping spikes to 999+. It's still playable, but barely. And the lag ONLY seems to happen the moment I enter combat. It's getting frustrating.
  • Ezareth
    Teargrants wrote: »
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I stopped playing at the evenings due to the horrible lag. And more and more ppl seem to quit the game daily because it is getting worse and worse every patch, no word on ZOS IF they ever intend to fix the issue or at least TRY to fix it..

    I've been playing Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm lately. Cyrodiil is just not fun any more for all of the above reasons.
    How's Overwatch been handling performance wise?

    It runs as smooth as butter with everything turned to ultra. I've only been in the closed beta for 2 days now and it feels as polished as a release candidate build. There are definitely some things that needs tweaked and balanced and such but damn is it fun. I was laughing last night that a closed beta of a game runs 10 times better than a game that was released 2 years ago. It was funny in a sad sort of way...) =
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    Preyfar wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I stopped playing at the evenings due to the horrible lag. And more and more ppl seem to quit the game daily because it is getting worse and worse every patch, no word on ZOS IF they ever intend to fix the issue or at least TRY to fix it..
    The lag seems far, far worse for me after the recent maintenance. I used to rarely get lag in Cyrodiil, now it seems like every 20-30 seconds my ping spikes to 999+. It's still playable, but barely. And the lag ONLY seems to happen the moment I enter combat. It's getting frustrating.

    I think ZOS wants to get rid of costumers so they get ppl to buy Fallout 4 :open_mouth:
    Edited by Alcast on October 30, 2015 9:07PM
    https://alcasthq.com - Alcasthq.com Builds & Guides
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  • Derra
    Alcast wrote: »
    Preyfar wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I stopped playing at the evenings due to the horrible lag. And more and more ppl seem to quit the game daily because it is getting worse and worse every patch, no word on ZOS IF they ever intend to fix the issue or at least TRY to fix it..
    The lag seems far, far worse for me after the recent maintenance. I used to rarely get lag in Cyrodiil, now it seems like every 20-30 seconds my ping spikes to 999+. It's still playable, but barely. And the lag ONLY seems to happen the moment I enter combat. It's getting frustrating.

    I think ZOS wants to get rid of costumers so they get ppl to buy Fallout 4 :open_mouth:

    Sadtimes i´ve always disliked fallout :(
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Etaniel
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Teargrants wrote: »
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I stopped playing at the evenings due to the horrible lag. And more and more ppl seem to quit the game daily because it is getting worse and worse every patch, no word on ZOS IF they ever intend to fix the issue or at least TRY to fix it..

    I've been playing Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm lately. Cyrodiil is just not fun any more for all of the above reasons.
    How's Overwatch been handling performance wise?

    It runs as smooth as butter with everything turned to ultra. I've only been in the closed beta for 2 days now and it feels as polished as a release candidate build. There are definitely some things that needs tweaked and balanced and such but damn is it fun. I was laughing last night that a closed beta of a game runs 10 times better than a game that was released 2 years ago. It was funny in a sad sort of way...) =

    When have you ever seen a blizzard game that doesnt have silky smooth fps
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • Cinbri
    Derra wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    Preyfar wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I stopped playing at the evenings due to the horrible lag. And more and more ppl seem to quit the game daily because it is getting worse and worse every patch, no word on ZOS IF they ever intend to fix the issue or at least TRY to fix it..
    The lag seems far, far worse for me after the recent maintenance. I used to rarely get lag in Cyrodiil, now it seems like every 20-30 seconds my ping spikes to 999+. It's still playable, but barely. And the lag ONLY seems to happen the moment I enter combat. It's getting frustrating.

    I think ZOS wants to get rid of costumers so they get ppl to buy Fallout 4 :open_mouth:

    Sadtimes i´ve always disliked fallout :(
    Same. At least i can play Witcher again and again.. and again

  • Hawco10
    Last night and this morning, Cyrodil is unplayable, extreme lag, can't bring up a map, can't activate a shrine to move, can't swap weapons and can't get the wayshrine to work.
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