Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

To those who think dark cloak needs a nerf.

  • vamp_emily
    Hexyl wrote: »
    All the pvp in this game is about zerg.

    Cloack is maybe a powerfull skill in 1v1. But barely unusable in a great fight with aoe everywhere.
    And at least, 1v1 still rarely happen.

    NB are the less usefull class in zerg. Stam can spam tornado and Magicka can spam deto..

    Before nerf this or that, you should make a environnement that allow fair pvp and good fight.
    Atm is just a yolo fest with non sens.

    I must have a very weak build because I can't spam anything. I used to use tornado allot and use my vampire drainage to replenish my health and stam. But since the stam nerf and changes to the vampire skill ( they called it a buff but i call it a nerf ), I can't do anything any more.

    I personally think some of the nerfing that is going on is to help reduce lag that people speak of. For example, if you can't spam something then that is less scripts flying around and to me that is less lag.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • vamp_emily
    Lutallo wrote: »

    Stop regen on a non channeled cast when it's the main defense of a mostly stamina class when kill the benefit of stamina and you will see most of not all Nightblades going magic and at that point the increased cost wouldn't have mattered

    What about Mist Form? It's much less effective than Dark Cloak, it is a non-channeled cast and it's the only defensive ability that a templar/dragon knight could get, with which there is no magicka regeneration in. Dark Cloak is supposed to be an escape. Templar Heals/DK Tankiness/Sorc Streak isn't used as an offence. But Dark Cloak is used to gank, to reset battles, to get a free critical hit, to escape and to heal up in. How is that fair?

    It would be like if my Breath of Life gave me a critical hit and also did blinding light on top of the heals. If the Templar had that skill, everyone in the forums would be crying for days.

    how is this fair? ... we are assasins .-. thats like me saying dragon knights have wings!? thats not fair. templar has heals?! thats not fair, sorcs have pets?! thats not fair!

    Smiles, I vote to remove sorcs magic and that annoying pet.

    But seriously I don't see what the problem is, PvP and IC are meant for group fighting. Nerfing skills is not the solution. The solution is to fight in groups.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • mjones433b16_ESO
    Lutallo wrote: »

    Stop regen on a non channeled cast when it's the main defense of a mostly stamina class when kill the benefit of stamina and you will see most of not all Nightblades going magic and at that point the increased cost wouldn't have mattered

    What about Mist Form? It's much less effective than Dark Cloak, it is a non-channeled cast and it's the only defensive ability that a templar/dragon knight could get, with which there is no magicka regeneration in. Dark Cloak is supposed to be an escape. Templar Heals/DK Tankiness/Sorc Streak isn't used as an offence. But Dark Cloak is used to gank, to reset battles, to get a free critical hit, to escape and to heal up in. How is that fair?

    It would be like if my Breath of Life gave me a critical hit and also did blinding light on top of the heals. If the Templar had that skill, everyone in the forums would be crying for days.

    Do Templar and Dragon Knights need a Dark Claok? No cause they have heals and shields and yes you do have a lot of Defense power and they are used unless Spiked Armor, Dragon Blood, Talon, Breath of Life and Jabs (the one that heals for 40% damage done) are unless cause you change any Nightblade power to that and y'all will shout for a nerf.

    Mist Form is a channel and you are talking about two different morhps of Shadow Claok. No one uses the crit morph cause if you have a DoT on you it will break your Cloak and as your HoTs will not out heal most DoTs dropping them is fair better then some crit attack you want crit stack it and use the morhp that will actually help you.

    Dark Cloak does no damage, give no damage buff, can't heal you and doesn't buff stealth speed. Meaning when you use it you have to use other heals, get crit else where, wear Shadow Dancer or Night's Silence 5/5 to get the speed buff or be a vampire do you have any idea how hard it is to use Claok to escape?? Cause if you run useful sets and are a WW you don't get far in 2.9 seconds.

    Do I like Reverberating Bash no it's damage was trash before now it's worst but it stops Templars and Dragon Knight heals

    Do I like Shield Assault over my Ambush not at all but have to knock down running Sorcs cause just Gap Closing it pointless.

    Do you think Piercing Mark is but for hunting Nightblades yes but the other morhp is far better for fighting the other three class 25% damage buffs and better heal but now that wouldn't help me Cs a Nightblade

    We Nightblades run powers to counter all four classes why can't you?

  • mjones433b16_ESO
    saying nb cannot move fast while cloaked is wrong if u have concealed weapon on when cloaked u move 22% faster plus if u use other skill that gives u 40% speed boost while taking away 40% speed from your enemy while cloaked I would say u can move very fast
  • nordickittyhawk
    saying nb cannot move fast while cloaked is wrong if u have concealed weapon on when cloaked u move 22% faster plus if u use other skill that gives u 40% speed boost while taking away 40% speed from your enemy while cloaked I would say u can move very fast

    ok thats... if your magic what stam blade would run that?! ... and out major expiditions only last i dunno... 4 seconds? MIGHT I ADD sir/miss... that snares completly destroy movement speed! and there are a *** ton on snares now days.
  • nordickittyhawk
    Lutallo wrote: »

    Stop regen on a non channeled cast when it's the main defense of a mostly stamina class when kill the benefit of stamina and you will see most of not all Nightblades going magic and at that point the increased cost wouldn't have mattered

    What about Mist Form? It's much less effective than Dark Cloak, it is a non-channeled cast and it's the only defensive ability that a templar/dragon knight could get, with which there is no magicka regeneration in. Dark Cloak is supposed to be an escape. Templar Heals/DK Tankiness/Sorc Streak isn't used as an offence. But Dark Cloak is used to gank, to reset battles, to get a free critical hit, to escape and to heal up in. How is that fair?

    It would be like if my Breath of Life gave me a critical hit and also did blinding light on top of the heals. If the Templar had that skill, everyone in the forums would be crying for days.

    Do Templar and Dragon Knights need a Dark Claok? No cause they have heals and shields and yes you do have a lot of Defense power and they are used unless Spiked Armor, Dragon Blood, Talon, Breath of Life and Jabs (the one that heals for 40% damage done) are unless cause you change any Nightblade power to that and y'all will shout for a nerf.

    Mist Form is a channel and you are talking about two different morhps of Shadow Claok. No one uses the crit morph cause if you have a DoT on you it will break your Cloak and as your HoTs will not out heal most DoTs dropping them is fair better then some crit attack you want crit stack it and use the morhp that will actually help you.

    Dark Cloak does no damage, give no damage buff, can't heal you and doesn't buff stealth speed. Meaning when you use it you have to use other heals, get crit else where, wear Shadow Dancer or Night's Silence 5/5 to get the speed buff or be a vampire do you have any idea how hard it is to use Claok to escape?? Cause if you run useful sets and are a WW you don't get far in 2.9 seconds.

    Do I like Reverberating Bash no it's damage was trash before now it's worst but it stops Templars and Dragon Knight heals

    Do I like Shield Assault over my Ambush not at all but have to knock down running Sorcs cause just Gap Closing it pointless.

    Do you think Piercing Mark is but for hunting Nightblades yes but the other morhp is far better for fighting the other three class 25% damage buffs and better heal but now that wouldn't help me Cs a Nightblade

    We Nightblades run powers to counter all four classes why can't you?


    GOD I *** LOVE U
  • kendellking_chaosb14_ESO
    @nordickittyhawk All the Shadow love
    Chaos Shadow-Scale: Shadow Archer
    Chaos Death-Scale: Shadow Knight
    Tanks-With-Sap-Essence: Dark Mage
    Dark Brotherhood Listener: Blade of Argonia
    Chaos Dragon-Scale: Draconic Shield Master
    Chaos Light-Scale: Marsh Paladin
    Chaos Lightning-Scale: Daedric Master
    Hurricane Chaos: Storm Archer
    Bask-In-My-Light: Warrior of The Light
    Forged-In-Dragon-Fire: Pyro Mage
    Guardian of The Hist: Light Mender
    Chaos of Black Marsh: Master of The Burning Sword
    Star of Chaos: Frost Blade Champion
    Chaos-Lightning-Tower: Lightning Shield Master

    For the King of Argonia
    May Sithis hold back his Void
  • Rayste
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    CP5 wrote: »

    Fast enough characters can chase down a fleeing sorc, but an invisible nightblade, while also moving quickly, could be anywhere form where you last saw them to any direction outward however far they could have run. "Just using aoe's" is a rather poor suggestion given the large potential area the nightblade could be sitting. Unless you are predictable, running in a straight line toward a clear piece of cover. That is something I notice when I mark most nightblades, they spam cloak and are probably thinking on their end that cloak must be broken since their enemy so easily followed them.

    I know this is off the topic a bit. I have a horse with maxed out speed and stam. I was going full speed from Ash to Nikel in PvP. I look over next to me and guess what I see? A Sorc keeping up with me all the way from Ash to Nikel.

    I qoute this from one of your other threads you commented on "But yes, nb is easy to counter and stop". If a NB is so easy to counter and stop, what is the problem?

    Also after reading your discussion "Sorcerer Community Changes/Suggestions" and a few of your other posts. I understand you are all for people not using the same builds. I am sorry but I like using the same skills over and over. I find something I like and i use it. Healers use the same skills over and over, and I get destroyed by Sorcerers with the same skills used over and over.

    There is nothing wrong with using the skills we have provided and using them the way we want to use them. Some say its spamming, and I say its playing the way I like to play. Is this against the ToS??

    This topic upsets me because I love using cloak. I had a Stam NB that I can't play anymore because of the Stam Nerf. Now cloaking is going to be Nerfed.


    Agree with 0 of this post. /facepalm
    Edited by Rayste on September 25, 2015 10:46PM
    The Teach - AD Templar
  • Swindy
    I am the WORST Pvp VR16 out there. No questions, no doubts.
    I'm the epitome of L2P...I love solo Pve, dislike groups or Pvp (not the players, the concepts), so am not setup for it, don't practice it, & hence suck badly at it.

    Last night, I'm part of a pug that had invited me several times, nice guys too.
    We're in a fight against one of those Vampire Bosses in IC, I'm on the outside with bow since the Vamp had already targeted me, chased me, & killed me 3 times in this fight...I guess he doesn't like poison much.
    Stamblade from cloak jumps guy next to me.
    So I Piercing Mark him.
    He cloaks, dude next to me can't see him and is searching, but sorry Bub that's not going to save you this time I can see you, & he runs, so I ambush him to slow him. He continues to try to cloak & run, I continue until he gives up cloak to fight which point he soon dies. Guessing he was short on resources by that point.

    So if the greatest Pvp noob can take out a cloaked NB, then regardless of the cloaked NB's skill level, cloak isn't the great OP defence people complain of I'm sorry.
    Granted yes it requires a specific ability to see them, but once his cloak & run wasn't working, he was anybodies fair game...
    II Swindy II

    Australian on Xbox NA (ex EU)
  • CP5
    Swindy wrote: »
    I am the WORST Pvp VR16 out there. No questions, no doubts.
    I'm the epitome of L2P...I love solo Pve, dislike groups or Pvp (not the players, the concepts), so am not setup for it, don't practice it, & hence suck badly at it.

    Last night, I'm part of a pug that had invited me several times, nice guys too.
    We're in a fight against one of those Vampire Bosses in IC, I'm on the outside with bow since the Vamp had already targeted me, chased me, & killed me 3 times in this fight...I guess he doesn't like poison much.
    Stamblade from cloak jumps guy next to me.
    So I Piercing Mark him.
    He cloaks, dude next to me can't see him and is searching, but sorry Bub that's not going to save you this time I can see you, & he runs, so I ambush him to slow him. He continues to try to cloak & run, I continue until he gives up cloak to fight which point he soon dies. Guessing he was short on resources by that point.

    So if the greatest Pvp noob can take out a cloaked NB, then regardless of the cloaked NB's skill level, cloak isn't the great OP defence people complain of I'm sorry.
    Granted yes it requires a specific ability to see them, but once his cloak & run wasn't working, he was anybodies fair game...

    Just saying, you used pircing mark, the best skill to counter cloak, on a nb who didn't know how to deal with cloak, who then burnt his resources on trying to run when that clearly didn't work several times, and then likely had nothing left. Nightblade skill does play into things, and what you described is why I have mark on both of my nb's. It's always a good show to see which nb's know what to do and which don't.
  • mjones433b16_ESO
    Swindy wrote: »
    I am the WORST Pvp VR16 out there. No questions, no doubts.
    I'm the epitome of L2P...I love solo Pve, dislike groups or Pvp (not the players, the concepts), so am not setup for it, don't practice it, & hence suck badly at it.

    Last night, I'm part of a pug that had invited me several times, nice guys too.
    We're in a fight against one of those Vampire Bosses in IC, I'm on the outside with bow since the Vamp had already targeted me, chased me, & killed me 3 times in this fight...I guess he doesn't like poison much.
    Stamblade from cloak jumps guy next to me.
    So I Piercing Mark him.
    He cloaks, dude next to me can't see him and is searching, but sorry Bub that's not going to save you this time I can see you, & he runs, so I ambush him to slow him. He continues to try to cloak & run, I continue until he gives up cloak to fight which point he soon dies. Guessing he was short on resources by that point.

    So if the greatest Pvp noob can take out a cloaked NB, then regardless of the cloaked NB's skill level, cloak isn't the great OP defence people complain of I'm sorry.
    Granted yes it requires a specific ability to see them, but once his cloak & run wasn't working, he was anybodies fair game...

  • mjones433b16_ESO
    If he was stamblade was he using mist or cloak if using cloak as u say not got much magicka,different for magica nb
  • mjones433b16_ESO
    saying nb cannot move fast while cloaked is wrong if u have concealed weapon on when cloaked u move 22% faster plus if u use other skill that gives u 40% speed boost while taking away 40% speed from your enemy while cloaked I would say u can move very fast

    ok thats... if your magic what stam blade would run that?! ... and out major expiditions only last i dunno... 4 seconds? MIGHT I ADD sir/miss... that snares completly destroy movement speed! and there are a *** ton on snares now days.

    ye as u say stam blade not use cloak that much anyway they use mist which gives them 75%less damage in mist form
  • LondonLad
    This whole game is becoming a huge crying nerf fest and unfortunately when masses of drones cry loud enough the people that be respond to silence them.

    There is so many damn sheep in this game and forums its unreal.

    Just play the damn game.
  • nordickittyhawk
    saying nb cannot move fast while cloaked is wrong if u have concealed weapon on when cloaked u move 22% faster plus if u use other skill that gives u 40% speed boost while taking away 40% speed from your enemy while cloaked I would say u can move very fast

    ok thats... if your magic what stam blade would run that?! ... and out major expiditions only last i dunno... 4 seconds? MIGHT I ADD sir/miss... that snares completly destroy movement speed! and there are a *** ton on snares now days.

    ye as u say stam blade not use cloak that much anyway they use mist which gives them 75%less damage in mist form

    A stam blade being a vampire is a hoirrble descion and why would i use mist and cloak... thats not smart both are used to get away one makes me invisable and allows me to hide other allows me to get snared,cc, attacked and followed.... yeah no im good
  • nordickittyhawk
    Swindy wrote: »
    I am the WORST Pvp VR16 out there. No questions, no doubts.
    I'm the epitome of L2P...I love solo Pve, dislike groups or Pvp (not the players, the concepts), so am not setup for it, don't practice it, & hence suck badly at it.

    Last night, I'm part of a pug that had invited me several times, nice guys too.
    We're in a fight against one of those Vampire Bosses in IC, I'm on the outside with bow since the Vamp had already targeted me, chased me, & killed me 3 times in this fight...I guess he doesn't like poison much.
    Stamblade from cloak jumps guy next to me.
    So I Piercing Mark him.
    He cloaks, dude next to me can't see him and is searching, but sorry Bub that's not going to save you this time I can see you, & he runs, so I ambush him to slow him. He continues to try to cloak & run, I continue until he gives up cloak to fight which point he soon dies. Guessing he was short on resources by that point.

    So if the greatest Pvp noob can take out a cloaked NB, then regardless of the cloaked NB's skill level, cloak isn't the great OP defence people complain of I'm sorry.
    Granted yes it requires a specific ability to see them, but once his cloak & run wasn't working, he was anybodies fair game...

    :) see your proving my point anyone can stop cloak all they need to do it simply put one skill on. people who dont have a l2p isssue
  • acw37162
    If you think magics regen is safe after a lot of people were silent or agree to the stamina blocking nerf. Your sorely mistaken. You can expect if current trends hold to loose magics regen during block and cloak and to be honest you should loose magics regent during clock.
  • Gunphu
    If you lose magicka regen during cloak you should lose it when you have a shield on. Its a NB's main defense mechanic. Bolt escape was not ment to be a main defensive mechanic, shields are.

    Also shield breaker is a stupid and gimmicky set I refuse to use.
  • Gunphu
    I also wanted to point out that the STA movement abilities that stacked and equivalent of bolt got nerfed so bad that you cant even do it anymore at all. So to the ignorant masses all sta classes got a movement nerf it wasnt just bolt.
    Edited by Gunphu on September 27, 2015 1:54AM
  • nordickittyhawk
  • Cathexis
    Your sorc skills list are (a) 95% magicka abilities or ultimates (b) highly circumstantial (c) impractical when employed in reality.

    The rational underlying the changes to cloak is simply this:

    Magicka nightblades currently have the ability to control when a fight begins AND when it ends, at any time, irrespective of counters.
    This rationale was used to implement changes to bolt escape and it's morphs (yes it had counters too, you just didn't use them).
    Subsequently, no other class now currently has this capacity.
    The exact same rationale applies here: a class has the absolute capacity to dictate the terms of a fight, and it has been determined, by popular opinion, that that capacity is imbalanced

    In my experience as a veteran player I can tell you there have been at least a dozen situations where skilled nightblades have been able to evade all damage for 4+ minutes while my team of 5+ have been running around spamming counters including steel tornado, boundless storm, streak/bolt, Caltrops, and yes even potions.
    The Tomb of FPS Alteration Magic - Everything You Need to Know About FPS
    Praise Malacath.
  • Infinite12
    I have a V16 Dragonknight and I didn't have any trouble taking care of nightblades. When they cloak, for the most time, the fight is The odd one will come back and try to fight you again but for the most part it's a retreating tactic. Nothing wrong with cloak. I ended up making a nightblade and there really isn't anything that needs nerfing in dark cloak. Dark talons are our Kryptonite. There's no CC immunity to dark talons (which actually does need to be fixed) which is a huge problem.
    My Characters
    Ragnhild VR16 Nord DK I 2h/Bow (PVP) or 2h/Dual Wield (PVE)
    Nakothre VR7 Khajiit I Dual Wield/2H (PVP)
    Infinitesmo VR16 Imperial NB I 2h/Bow (PVP)

    Tip: If you don't like funerals don't kick sand in a ninja's face
  • Ara_Valleria
    Cathexis wrote: »
    Your sorc skills list are (a) 95% magicka abilities or ultimates (b) highly circumstantial (c) impractical when employed in reality.

    The rational underlying the changes to cloak is simply this:

    Magicka nightblades currently have the ability to control when a fight begins AND when it ends, at any time, irrespective of counters.
    This rationale was used to implement changes to bolt escape and it's morphs (yes it had counters too, you just didn't use them).
    Subsequently, no other class now currently has this capacity.
    The exact same rationale applies here: a class has the absolute capacity to dictate the terms of a fight, and it has been determined, by popular opinion, that that capacity is imbalanced

    In my experience as a veteran player I can tell you there have been at least a dozen situations where skilled nightblades have been able to evade all damage for 4+ minutes while my team of 5+ have been running around spamming counters including steel tornado, boundless storm, streak/bolt, Caltrops, and yes even potions.

    So was the magicka NB finally able to kill all of you ?
    or did you guys finally get him/her ?

    °‡° ÁDAMANT °‡°
    The Addon Abusers, Exploiters & Macro'ers Refuge
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    Want to take a break from all the Lagging|Crashing|Cancer ?
    Play Albion Online
  • Fields1816
    Rayste wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    CP5 wrote: »

    Fast enough characters can chase down a fleeing sorc, but an invisible nightblade, while also moving quickly, could be anywhere form where you last saw them to any direction outward however far they could have run. "Just using aoe's" is a rather poor suggestion given the large potential area the nightblade could be sitting. Unless you are predictable, running in a straight line toward a clear piece of cover. That is something I notice when I mark most nightblades, they spam cloak and are probably thinking on their end that cloak must be broken since their enemy so easily followed them.

    I know this is off the topic a bit. I have a horse with maxed out speed and stam. I was going full speed from Ash to Nikel in PvP. I look over next to me and guess what I see? A Sorc keeping up with me all the way from Ash to Nikel.

    I qoute this from one of your other threads you commented on "But yes, nb is easy to counter and stop". If a NB is so easy to counter and stop, what is the problem?

    Also after reading your discussion "Sorcerer Community Changes/Suggestions" and a few of your other posts. I understand you are all for people not using the same builds. I am sorry but I like using the same skills over and over. I find something I like and i use it. Healers use the same skills over and over, and I get destroyed by Sorcerers with the same skills used over and over.

    There is nothing wrong with using the skills we have provided and using them the way we want to use them. Some say its spamming, and I say its playing the way I like to play. Is this against the ToS??

    This topic upsets me because I love using cloak. I had a Stam NB that I can't play anymore because of the Stam Nerf. Now cloaking is going to be Nerfed.


    Agree with 0 of this post. /facepalm

    First off i have a vet 16 sorc with about 250 champion points and there is no way i could do that. If what you said actually happened then they must have 500 plus cp's. The sorc was nerfed and by all means it should have been. I would not lose 1v1 with the old shield unless i was against a way more powerful sorc. Now the nb's also need nerfed maybe like bolt escape every time sd is cast it doubles the cost. I also have a vet 14 stamina nb and i rarely ever lose a 1v1 and its not because of my skill its literally too easy to ambush wb or steel tornado shadowy desguise then repeat and if i get countered or start to lose poof im gone. Plus with shield breaker jesus. The nb is the most op class at the current time i dont even see how thats debatable.
  • Asmael
    Reduce base cost of Cloak by 10%.

    Each successive cast of Cloak increases its cost by 15% (for reference, a 15% increase of 90% of the ability's cost bring it to 103.5% of its original cost.

    Striking a target while cloaked remove the stacking increased cost (bringing back its cost to the new 90%).


    - Using Cloak aggressively is even more rewarding than it currently is
    - Using Cloak three times in a row holds about the same cost as it currently does
    - Using it 4 times without doing anything else is punished by increased cost

    Tweak the numbers to your liking.


    NB (Nota Bene, not NightBlade...): Do the same for sorcs and bolt escape. Surely you can add something to DK and Templar that fits the general concept of rewarding aggressive behavior.


    Extra information for yaz all:

    Cloak 1: 90% (90% total)
    Cloak 2: 103.5% (193.5% total)
    Cloak 3: 117% (310.5% total)
    Cloak 4: 130.5% (441% total)
    Cloak 5: 144% (585% total)
    Cloak 6: 157.5% (742.5% total)
    Edited by Asmael on October 5, 2015 8:12AM
    PC EU - Zahraji of the Void, aka "Kitty", the fluffiest salmon genocider in town.
    Poke @AsmaeI (last letter is uppercase "i") on PC EU or Asmael#9325 on Discord and receive a meow today.
  • byrom101b16_ESO
    The tears never cease.
    Looks at death report:

    velocious curse
    crystal frags
    crystal frags
    crystal frags


    So three different people had frags procs hit you or you stood around with your brain in neutral while they slowly chain cast the frags?

    Overload first, then Curse?

    You got killed by a noob...

    ... here's what it should have looked like;

    Surge (or Degeneration) - depending on situation or preference.
    Velocitious Curse
    Crushing Shock MA weave (x no. of times necessary to proc. frags)
    Crystal Frags (skilled sorc. waits for your inevitable first or first& second dodge(s) to end b4 they hit it)
    Curse goes off (skilled sorc. hits with frags at the same time)
    Overload while you are down.

    There is another rotation based on offensive use of Streak, but I am not going to connect all the dots for you.

    More practice with your vet 15 Sorc. maybe?
    Edited by byrom101b16_ESO on October 5, 2015 8:05AM
  • byrom101b16_ESO
    Swindy wrote: »
    I am the WORST Pvp VR16 out there. No questions, no doubts.
    I'm the epitome of L2P...I love solo Pve, dislike groups or Pvp (not the players, the concepts), so am not setup for it, don't practice it, & hence suck badly at it.

    Last night, I'm part of a pug that had invited me several times, nice guys too.
    We're in a fight against one of those Vampire Bosses in IC, I'm on the outside with bow since the Vamp had already targeted me, chased me, & killed me 3 times in this fight...I guess he doesn't like poison much.
    Stamblade from cloak jumps guy next to me.
    So I Piercing Mark him.
    He cloaks, dude next to me can't see him and is searching, but sorry Bub that's not going to save you this time I can see you, & he runs, so I ambush him to slow him. He continues to try to cloak & run, I continue until he gives up cloak to fight which point he soon dies. Guessing he was short on resources by that point.

    So if the greatest Pvp noob can take out a cloaked NB, then regardless of the cloaked NB's skill level, cloak isn't the great OP defence people complain of I'm sorry.
    Granted yes it requires a specific ability to see them, but once his cloak & run wasn't working, he was anybodies fair game...

    You used Mark - a uniquely brilliant ability to nullify Cloak and available ONLY to NBs. You only have ONE example of a fight where you won using it, and your target kept spamming the same skill over and over despite being marked... then ran out of resources.

    So one PvP noob fights another PvP noob - nobody does anything remotely clever or inventive, or anything demonstrating PvP experience...

    ... and we are meant to think the skill is somehow OK based on this one very limited example?

    Nice try...
  • nordickittyhawk
    Swindy wrote: »
    I am the WORST Pvp VR16 out there. No questions, no doubts.
    I'm the epitome of L2P...I love solo Pve, dislike groups or Pvp (not the players, the concepts), so am not setup for it, don't practice it, & hence suck badly at it.

    Last night, I'm part of a pug that had invited me several times, nice guys too.
    We're in a fight against one of those Vampire Bosses in IC, I'm on the outside with bow since the Vamp had already targeted me, chased me, & killed me 3 times in this fight...I guess he doesn't like poison much.
    Stamblade from cloak jumps guy next to me.
    So I Piercing Mark him.
    He cloaks, dude next to me can't see him and is searching, but sorry Bub that's not going to save you this time I can see you, & he runs, so I ambush him to slow him. He continues to try to cloak & run, I continue until he gives up cloak to fight which point he soon dies. Guessing he was short on resources by that point.

    So if the greatest Pvp noob can take out a cloaked NB, then regardless of the cloaked NB's skill level, cloak isn't the great OP defence people complain of I'm sorry.
    Granted yes it requires a specific ability to see them, but once his cloak & run wasn't working, he was anybodies fair game...

    You used Mark - a uniquely brilliant ability to nullify Cloak and available ONLY to NBs. You only have ONE example of a fight where you won using it, and your target kept spamming the same skill over and over despite being marked... then ran out of resources.

    So one PvP noob fights another PvP noob - nobody does anything remotely clever or inventive, or anything demonstrating PvP experience...

    ... and we are meant to think the skill is somehow OK based on this one very limited example?

    Nice try...

    use flare then.... use it on the target and every often use it again OR Mage light morph..
  • CP5
    Swindy wrote: »
    I am the WORST Pvp VR16 out there. No questions, no doubts.
    I'm the epitome of L2P...I love solo Pve, dislike groups or Pvp (not the players, the concepts), so am not setup for it, don't practice it, & hence suck badly at it.

    Last night, I'm part of a pug that had invited me several times, nice guys too.
    We're in a fight against one of those Vampire Bosses in IC, I'm on the outside with bow since the Vamp had already targeted me, chased me, & killed me 3 times in this fight...I guess he doesn't like poison much.
    Stamblade from cloak jumps guy next to me.
    So I Piercing Mark him.
    He cloaks, dude next to me can't see him and is searching, but sorry Bub that's not going to save you this time I can see you, & he runs, so I ambush him to slow him. He continues to try to cloak & run, I continue until he gives up cloak to fight which point he soon dies. Guessing he was short on resources by that point.

    So if the greatest Pvp noob can take out a cloaked NB, then regardless of the cloaked NB's skill level, cloak isn't the great OP defence people complain of I'm sorry.
    Granted yes it requires a specific ability to see them, but once his cloak & run wasn't working, he was anybodies fair game...

    You used Mark - a uniquely brilliant ability to nullify Cloak and available ONLY to NBs. You only have ONE example of a fight where you won using it, and your target kept spamming the same skill over and over despite being marked... then ran out of resources.

    So one PvP noob fights another PvP noob - nobody does anything remotely clever or inventive, or anything demonstrating PvP experience...

    ... and we are meant to think the skill is somehow OK based on this one very limited example?

    Nice try...

    use flare then.... use it on the target and every often use it again OR Mage light morph..

    Flare takes it deer old time to get anywhere and radiant magelight has a rather small aoe. I ran my DK tank the other night (one who has that skill on both bars and on at all times) and unless I keep spamming my gap closer the nb will get out of the lights aoe in no time and just recloak.
  • RinaldoGandolphi
    The only problem with Cloak is its counters are just garbage skills, the problem isn't with Cloak itself.

    Radiant Magelight simply doesn't have a large enough detection radius.

    Revealing Flare is simply too easy to avoid and is a useless skill outside of finding Nightblades.
    All the skills used to fight Nightblades GIMP YOU against every other class.

    Using a Gap Closer to fight a Bolt Escaping Sorc does not gimp you in fighting Nightblades, DK, or Templars. Using Revealing Flare or RML(2 slots) Gimps you against fighting all other classes and in the case of RML your forced to give up 5% of your max magic and 2 skill slots just to counter one ability and you are then gimped against every othert class.

    Nightblades have to make no such sacrifice.

    Instead of nerfing Cloak, how about making Cloak's counters more viable so your not gimped when fighting 75% of the games classes. RML and Revealing Flare is useless against Sorcs, DK's, and Templar's. After testing RML last night for the 1st time since 1.6, the skill is simply not worth it, im going back to Inner Light...i'd be better off to stand right on top of the Nightblade with Thunder Form then to be standing right on top of him with RML, Thunderform doesn't cost me 2 skill slots and gimp me against every other class in the game.

    Again this is NOT a nerf Cloak post, this is a make Cloak's counters more viable in more situations post. As it stands right now, you have to give up far too much to counter Cloak. The skills gimp you too much.

    Edited by RinaldoGandolphi on October 5, 2015 2:05PM
    Rinaldo Gandolphi-Breton Sorcerer Daggerfall Covenant
    Juste Gandolphi Dark Elf Templar Daggerfall Covenant
    Richter Gandolphi - Dark Elf Dragonknight Daggerfall Covenant
    Mathias Gandolphi - Breton Nightblade Daggerfall Covenant
    RinaldoGandolphi - High Elf Sorcerer Aldmeri Dominion
    Officer Fire and Ice
    Co-GM - MVP

    Sorcerer's - The ONLY class in the game that is punished for using its class defining skill (Bolt Escape)

    "Here in his shrine, that they have forgotten. Here do we toil, that we might remember. By night we reclaim, what by day was stolen. Far from ourselves, he grows ever near to us. Our eyes once were blinded, now through him do we see. Our hands once were idle, now through them does he speak. And when the world shall listen, and when the world shall see, and when the world remembers, that world will cease to be. - Miraak

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