I have a feeling only minority of the players play one side only and rigorously avoiding the other side. Most I noticed to welcome and enjoy both.
I have a feeling only minority of the players play one side only and rigorously avoiding the other side. Most I noticed to welcome and enjoy both.
Actually, the MAJORITY of PvE players tend to avoid PvP play altogether if at all possible. If you'd read all the numerous threads on here, you'd see that when a topic comes up about regarding what type of content people prefer, it is almost always dominated by PvE players wanting more PvE content with many stating they do not do any PvP. Of course with IC being directed towards PvP players, you're seeing a lot more PvP player participation on the forums lately, which skew the reality that ESO is dominated by PvE-centric players. Once Orsinium drops, we'll see this reverse, as PvE players will have more reason to chime in about content created for them. Also, because of lack of new content, many of those PvE-only players are trying IC simply because it is something new... but if they had an option to only PvE, they definitely would choose that instead.
We get something and it's never enough, never good. Instead of just dipping into the content and find what's enjoyable in it.
DeanTheCat wrote: »The IC was originally designed with locked access in mind, where an area of epic loot and high experience mobs was rewarded as a prize for controlling most of the map in Cyrodiil. It was never meant to be this free-for-all situation we have today. Districts could be fought over and claimed for your alliance banner, allowing respawns in that district and opening the crafting stations should your alliance control the district.
The original design also didn't have the ladders leading instantly up to the districts, and access was only possible from the sewer entrances. When an alliance lost control of the keeps needed in Cyrodiil, nobody from the once-dominating alliance could enter anymore, and the new conquering alliance would fight for the districts and flip them, effectively pushing the previous owners out of the Imperial City and back into Cyrodiil.
However, due to the transition from a subscription based model to a buy to play model by ZoS, the IC design needed to be changed to accommodate the new business model. The district control system was scrapped. The access was gated on the PTS, but due to complaints about "I paid for the IC, therefore I should have free access", ZoS was threatened with lawsuits and other nasty threats, they had to give in and open the gates of the Imperial City to all. The IC then became the zergfest it is today, due to the last vestiges entry controls vanishing.
It also had the effect of devaluing the open zone of Cyrodiil, as there is no longer a "Prize" to fight for. Why fight in Cyro, when you could just head into the IC and obtain your much needed gear? This is why we need gated access back. Give us a reason to fight, and we will happily fight for it. And PvE players can farm happily in the IC once access flips, safe from the threat of enemy combatants.
I have a feeling only minority of the players play one side only and rigorously avoiding the other side. Most I noticed to welcome and enjoy both.
Actually, the MAJORITY of PvE players tend to avoid PvP play altogether if at all possible. If you'd read all the numerous threads on here, you'd see that when a topic comes up about regarding what type of content people prefer, it is almost always dominated by PvE players wanting more PvE content with many stating they do not do any PvP. Of course with IC being directed towards PvP players, you're seeing a lot more PvP player participation on the forums lately, which skew the reality that ESO is dominated by PvE-centric players. Once Orsinium drops, we'll see this reverse, as PvE players will have more reason to chime in about content created for them. Also, because of lack of new content, many of those PvE-only players are trying IC simply because it is something new... but if they had an option to only PvE, they definitely would choose that instead.
Only minority of the total playerbase use the forums. Just because there are tons of threads from one or the other "side", that does not mean they are majority, and representative. It's a common fallacy easy to be fooled by.
Yet out in the game world, just check the small pledges & badges by the name of the players. Those are acquired through some kind of participation of PvP content.
There are then certainly preferences which content each players favor. I prefer a good mix myself.
ESO offers a nice bag of challanges, where I can test my controller smashing skills be it against pixelated mobs or player controlled enemes.
All this complaining on the forum, is somewhat saddening.
We get something and it's never enough, never good. Instead of just dipping into the content and find what's enjoyable in it.
We get something and it's never enough, never good. Instead of just dipping into the content and find what's enjoyable in it.
If it's PvP content, then I know I wouldn't enjoy it... been there, done that in other games... hated it and won't try it again.
The problem with ESO is the devs are too busy trying to FORCE players to play how the DEVS believe the game should be played, how THEY play it, not on allowing players choices and options on how to play. Eric doesn't personally think block-tanking is fun, so they nerf it... stuff like that. So yeah, when players are forced to play 'the devs way', people tend to complain about it... taking away options is never a good thing. Also, many players tend to be emotionally invested in the game and when major things are changed that impact how they're accustomed to playing, they will become understandably upset about it. The devs need to pull their egos out of this game and stop thinking that they are designing their own PERSONAL game, and realize they are designing this game for hundreds of thousands of players who most will not, and don't want to, play like the devs.
The majority are casual players. And most of them would rather play the game than the forum.
We get something and it's never enough, never good. Instead of just dipping into the content and find what's enjoyable in it.
If it's PvP content, then I know I wouldn't enjoy it... been there, done that in other games... hated it and won't try it again.
The problem with ESO is the devs are too busy trying to FORCE players to play how the DEVS believe the game should be played, how THEY play it, not on allowing players choices and options on how to play. Eric doesn't personally think block-tanking is fun, so they nerf it... stuff like that. So yeah, when players are forced to play 'the devs way', people tend to complain about it... taking away options is never a good thing. Also, many players tend to be emotionally invested in the game and when major things are changed that impact how they're accustomed to playing, they will become understandably upset about it. The devs need to pull their egos out of this game and stop thinking that they are designing their own PERSONAL game, and realize they are designing this game for hundreds of thousands of players who most will not, and don't want to, play like the devs.
a.skelton92 wrote: »...everything....
a.skelton92 wrote: »People like to complain.
If it was up to the players how the game should have been designed it would have been shite. If you are emotionally invested into a game that it actually makes you "upset" then now is the time to take a bloody break.
Most people get annoyed and upset and (as is the gamers way) tend to speak for the rest of the population.
The constant use of the word "majority" is useless unless supported by fact. So stop using the term when in reality all you are really doing is talking about yourself and a couple of randoms in your guild.
Some say (including me) the "majority" is actually enjoying the content. But of course the only time people come onto the forums is when they are moaning as the ones that actually enjoy the game are too busy enjoying the game.
Unless people come onto the forums to leave some constructive feedback (or actually ask a question) why do people feel the need to let the world know "i am unhappy?".. Take your hate recruitment drive somewhere else
Its called PVPVE. Im not sure if you're trolling though, I think its great addition to the game.
OldeDevlin wrote: »Its called PVPVE. Im not sure if you're trolling though, I think its great addition to the game.
If you're not sure whether I'm trolling, perhaps read a book and spend less time on the internet.
You'll learn that somebody expressing a different opinion to your own, isn't trolling.
Or...are you trolling me?