Many, many "your heavy attacks..." things don't apply to medium attacks anymore. Most notably, the DK active weapon buffs. prior to the patch, every medium attack even counted as "fully charged heavy attack". That's pretty much gone as well
You don't need to do 25k DPS to be accepted in end-game dungeons. 25k is the peak which is not sustainable for very long as you have to be fully DPS specced, and fully DPS specced means you have no resource pools or regeneration to sustain it for long periods of time. Heck even templars can do 25k DPS with spamming just 1 skill, does it make them good? Not really. There is more to the game than just DPS.
Leaderboardists use high burst DPS to bypass boss mechanics to AVOID the actual hard bits, you know, the periods where they dish out attacks that require coordination, dodging, blocking and some kind of gameplay. That can be easily remedied by ZoS by adding intermittent damage immunities or "stages" to boss fights to avoid the actual mechanic bypasses like in any other MMO. Then it will truly test people's skill. Buttonmashing is not a skill, it is what it is - buttonmashing with the gear that supplements buttonmashing.
Unless you plan on being in the top 2% that do leaderboard runs, you will not have any issues finding dungeons whatsoever. Plenty of casual players do them and succeed in them so you have nothing to worry about.
See, you're missing out. 'Cause these days, being a nerd is coool
You don't need to do 25k DPS to be accepted in end-game dungeons. 25k is the peak which is not sustainable for very long as you have to be fully DPS specced, and fully DPS specced means you have no resource pools or regeneration to sustain it for long periods of time. Heck even templars can do 25k DPS with spamming just 1 skill, does it make them good? Not really. There is more to the game than just DPS.
Leaderboardists use high burst DPS to bypass boss mechanics to AVOID the actual hard bits, you know, the periods where they dish out attacks that require coordination, dodging, blocking and some kind of gameplay. That can be easily remedied by ZoS by adding intermittent damage immunities or "stages" to boss fights to avoid the actual mechanic bypasses like in any other MMO. Then it will truly test people's skill. Buttonmashing is not a skill, it is what it is - buttonmashing with the gear that supplements buttonmashing.
Unless you plan on being in the top 2% that do leaderboard runs, you will not have any issues finding dungeons whatsoever. Plenty of casual players do them and succeed in them so you have nothing to worry about.
So what's the problem of Nightblades and Sorcerers DPS in PvE? Why is it so difficult to balance this game once and for all? And do not tell me and show me videos of NBs Magika causing 25k dps, because to achieve this I need to have MANY ChampZ and top equipment, that things Templars and DKs simply do not need!
Must use the golden armor of the twelve zodiac houses if I want to reach the feet of a DK all blue ... absurd!
I do not want to have to create another another class of character just to be able to get in a veteran arena or in one of the new dungeons in Veteran mode, I want my character able to do this, as other classes can ...
Something is wrong in this game, very wrong.
I am speaking for myself, but putting it out what many have told me and also agreed with me.
And I know that some troll will say "but has cloak" ... grab my cloak, shove in your pocket and go away with it, do not care.
That *** is wrong since the beta and no one gets with the excuse that "NBs and sorcs are good at PVP" ... pathetic.
Magicka NBs and Magicka Sorcs are the strongest DPS in the game ... yet you create this thread ... OK!
Your knowledge about this game equals zero. You play your build wrong you use the wrong gear and yet compare yourself with people who are actually playing well and did their theorycrafting right.
On a comparison of equally skilled players with equal knowledge Magicka NB and Magicka Sorc can very well keep up with Magicka DKs.
Don't even deny any of this. I know my ***.
If there is ANY class that falls of in endgame PvE DPS that would be templars. They can only achieve decent DPS. Be it Magicka or Stamina they have no means of reaching topspot in DPS. That is fine though because they are required as healers anyway.
Currently there is a pretty good class balance and no reason to complain at all.
This is a typical git gud thread.
I completly agree with you the suck in new dungeons end of story i have tried wgt with 2 nb with 4500 weapon damage and they fail, cant even complete first boss. i do it with dks not even close to min max got up to flame boss. The new content is far too hard for the average player. This game isnt made for casuals and will die if the dont balance it make stuff doable and attract more players and keep them casuals motivated to at least be carried through content.
I must be doing something wrong then. My NBs (1x mag / 1x stam) and my Sorc are doing great in the 2 new veteran dungeons.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »Funny because as a Nightblade I can use a Heavy Attack while hidden on an enemy almost my level and one-shot it or come close enough to finish it off with a Light Attack and I run Medium Armor Dual Wielding with currently 5 Champion Points spent and almost a 6th coming in to make my 2nd Mage Point. I run Fine-Quality VR1 equipment I made myself 5 with Night's Silence and the other 4 with I believe Magnus' Gift. Even without using Sneak Attacks I do just fine on my own, even enough to toy with my opponents most of the time and still win without breaking a sweat!
As for my offensive Sorcerer, he actually has better damage output than my Nightblade did at his Level! But he also dumps all his stat points into Magicka, making him squishy. My Nightblade? 50% Health, 25% Magicka, and 25% Stamina. I do good in PvP as well by the way.
So, what the problem is?