Oh_Skrivva wrote: »1. Why can't sorcs have a ability we can spam other than force pulse (mage wrath does not count)
Oh_Skrivva wrote: »1. Why can't sorcs have a ability we can spam other than force pulse (mage wrath does not count)
Septimus_Magna wrote: »To do this you need to use 2 piece Molag Kena
DW v16 swords
Power Overload
many CPs into Elemental damage to increase lightning damage.
Septimus_Magna wrote: »Just out of curiosity, what are the current average dps numbers for classes?
Im doing around 12-14k single target dps with my sorc, with only Power Overload and 1000 stored ultimate up to 18k for max 40-50 seconds. Besides Power Overload I think sorcs dont have much to do good dps but Im not specialized in top pve dps.
[Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]
[Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Rude and Insulting comments]
I was there. I saw it with my own eyes. I play a sorcerer. Just because you can't believe the numbers you're seeing, doesn't make them 'impossible' or 'bugged' or anything else.
I really hate saying this, but.. This is a 100% l2p issue.
Sorcerers are good. Really good. And not with overload alone anymore. Once everyone has their gear together, I think sorcerers have the highest damage potential out of all classes, EVEN without overload. We will see in a month or so.
Open your mind. Stop taking your own experience as the whole truth while denying everyone else's. That's not how you get better. That's how you get worse.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Depends on the fight but for the most part no, a DC cannot reach 30k dps. On the first 3 bosses in a a it is now possible as well as downstairs boss in hr. I think once we figure everything out and with spell power cure and scathing and Kena we may be able to get damn close to 30k on Manti and serpent now tho.xMovingTarget wrote: »
So we are all donkeys? I cant reach 30-35k DPS on DK. And I dont know any who can. Yet Sorcs Sorcs reach that number and out dps every other class.
ok that requires the whole ROFLMAO
Psst...it's your, not you're
write with proper grammar and spelling
Sorry, I had to do it.
The_Great_Maldini wrote: »
Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house. Your post is filled with grammatical errors. The first one is the fact that your last sentence didn't have a subject. A second error is the fact that you ended your sentence with a preposition.
Don't correct others grammar on a forum. This is conversational English, not a dissertation.
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »Elitists' fight. Popcorn ? Actually no, I'm getting tired of those people shouting at each other from their little cloud above. Giving absolutely no information to anyone as to what the "proper set-up" and "proper rotation" should be.
I for one play a sorc as semi-casual. Been reading threads about "magicka sorc DPS sucks" and "magicka sorc DPS is OP" since 1.6 without understanding a thing of which is which, just some elitist people throwing numbers and names at each other's throat.
I do 9K=> 15K with my sorc depending on circumstances, I have no clue how to reach your out-of-the-clouds numbers such as 25K or 35K, so please either take your fights private or actually tell us something as to how to reach it. And yes, those people who cleverly throw a nice "L2P" in the middle of the "conversation", you too could provide some more info to those who are willing to learn.
EDIT : and yes, the word "elitist" in this post is meant negatively. You're getting annoying.
You missed the joke, bud. Go back and try again.
as you say sorcs will have a hihger dps than DKs you might correct my personal observations using my DK and my sorc with the same gear...
class filler ability: sorc none < Dks Flamewhip
lightattacks: both are equal
(partially loaded) heavy attacks: DK>Sorc
Dots: sorcs none << DK with 2 dots + destro staff dots wich dks can alot easier exploit than sorcs as thy provide the burning effect by their own class skills aswell
GTAEs: sorc and dk got one each while the DKs lower dmg per tick is by far compensated by its longer duration
procced attacks: CF less than every forth attack statistically doesent even compensate the dmg disparity of flamewhip over FS
spell dmg buff: same for both as you want "might of the guild" (especially as a sorc to enhence some of your CF)
Finisher: sorc got the worst stand alone finisher of all classes/weapons but DKs even so DKs finisher is horribly restricted it does a hihger DPS than mage fury (using the same gear on my dk and sorc...)
add on top monster helm set proccs per attack that does not differ between dots and actual skill applications...
so how on earth should a sorc out DPS a DK without the use of overload (where i do agree its possible)?
The_Great_Maldini wrote: »
It's not a joke if it's not funny, slick.
as you say sorcs will have a hihger dps than DKs you might correct my personal observations using my DK and my sorc with the same gear...
class filler ability: sorc none < Dks Flamewhip
lightattacks: both are equal
(partially loaded) heavy attacks: DK>Sorc
Dots: sorcs none << DK with 2 dots + destro staff dots wich dks can alot easier exploit than sorcs as thy provide the burning effect by their own class skills aswell
GTAEs: sorc and dk got one each while the DKs lower dmg per tick is by far compensated by its longer duration
procced attacks: CF less than every forth attack statistically doesent even compensate the dmg disparity of flamewhip over FS
spell dmg buff: same for both as you want "might of the guild" (especially as a sorc to enhence some of your CF)
Finisher: sorc got the worst stand alone finisher of all classes/weapons but DKs even so DKs finisher is horribly restricted it does a hihger DPS than mage fury (using the same gear on my dk and sorc...)
add on top monster helm set proccs per attack that does not differ between dots and actual skill applications...
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »2. Crystal Frags, like Entropy is seen by many to be a DPS loss. I don't use Frags because the instant cast animation is not instant and the delay after casting hurt my damage output since you can't even block cancel it.
Most of the people arguing aren't even taking examples from the current patch just basing their argument on assumptions.
"One of my buddies was pulling 31k DPS on his Sorc on DC NA, he hasn't been on for awhile"
Cool story bro, but I am pretty sure this post is in reference to the current game not "awhile ago"
One of the big problems is that ZOS seems to look at the top 1% of players and make judgement on them when they should be looking at the average player and seeing what they can do to improve the game experience and enjoyment of the 80% in the middle.
Sorcs are meant to use pets in PvE but the problem is pets are pathetically weak after level 50 and so they are left with some very undesirable skill lines.
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »
I get the same numbers as you. Anyone can do 8-10K without major effort or expense, while 12-14K is attainable with some thoughtful build choices, readily obtainable gear and moderate skills.
Once you try to get above 14K, however.... this is when you get into the territory of unsustainable gimmicks and gear that isn't widely available. Any build that depends on Trial gear or oither BoP gear like Valkyn Skoria is kind of a fail, in my opinion, because not everybody has access to that stuff. DPS numbers that depend on Ultimates are really sketchy, too, because Ultimate generation is so badly gimped since 1.6.
It's these higher DPS targets like 18K where Sorcs really start to show their flaws and shortcomings. Yeah, a Sorc can hit 18K with unsustainable Overload spam, group-walled BoP gear and a bunch of crafted potions, but other classes can do more with a lot less. I've seen Nightblades and DKs hit 20K+ with rotations that are much more sustainable.
God, stop annoying me and trying to teach me. Who do you even think you are ? Sorcerer IS and has always been the weakest DPS class. You're nothing but a Sorc hater who wants to troll this tread. Just go home
ALL the Sorcs I've been working together with in trials (and there were a lot ) Always had foolish numbers compared to the top dps classes it has nothing to do with myself. In fact, I have higher DPS than these "average" Sorcs. Because I use 3 other abilities instead of Bound armor, which only provides a very very tiny bonus, so useless. But still, I am nowhere near as efficent as DKs and Temps.
Yes sure, a 600 CP Sorcerer might out dps a 200 cp DK. But this is simply because CP are op and not balancedso this is no valid argument. And I suppose this is the problem you're experiencing, high CP Sorcs compared to low Cp temps etc.
Can someone explain how medium weaving was nerfed?
STEP 1: Write with proper grammar and spelling
STEP 2: You're (thanks for catching this!) Your argument is only valid if you can see "templars and/or dragonknights" in leaderboard spots (we need proof). This is actually not the case which makes your whole argument invalid.
STEP 3: Write with proper grammar and spelling