FluffyMeowington wrote: »but has cloak
STEP 1: Write with proper grammar and spelling
STEP 2: You're argument is only valid if you can see "templars and/or dragonknights" in leaderboard spots (we need proof). This is actually not the case which makes your whole argument invalid.
STEP 3: Write with proper grammar and spelling
STEP 1: Write with proper grammar and spelling
STEP 2: You're argument is only valid if you can see "templars and/or dragonknights" in leaderboard spots (we need proof). This is actually not the case which makes your whole argument invalid.
STEP 3: Write with proper grammar and spelling
dk and templar can reach around 30~35k dps... if u do not found one, u play with donkeys.
blablabla grammar blablabla.
Yeah I was feeling sympathy for him also until his last post.Curragraigue wrote: »
People doing that much sustained damage, no matter what class they are playing as, are in end game gear and not blue gear as you described it. Get end game gear learn your class mechanics and synergies and then come back to the forum to discuss.
Gone from sympathy and trying to help you to you need to L2P and get gear.
Septimus_Magna wrote: »Just out of curiosity, what are the current average dps numbers for classes?
Im doing around 12-14k single target dps with my sorc, with only Power Overload and 1000 stored ultimate up to 18k for max 40-50 seconds. Besides Power Overload I think sorcs dont have much to do good dps but Im not specialized in top pve dps.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Honestly I never care. Worrying about the technicalities of mechanics and algorithms is just, well how can I put this? ...
Funny how often people posting about grammar mess that up.
ok that requires the whole ROFLMAO
Psst...it's your, not you're
write with proper grammar and spelling
sorry, had to.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Honestly I never care. Worrying about the technicalities of mechanics and algorithms is just, well how can I put this? ...
Sorc and nb just have more difficult rotations than a templar and dk. Frankly u just dont know how to use the class. Your attitute towards the things that will help you doesnt help either. I have a steady group of 1 dk tank 2 dd sorcs and me templar heal and we can pretty much do all 4man content with no probs. Most times if we die its my fault tbh because im slow on the heals