If dps is an issue... play another role?
So what's the problem of Nightblades and Sorcerers DPS in PvE? Why is it so difficult to balance this game once and for all? And do not tell me and show me videos of NBs Magika causing 25k dps, because to achieve this I need to have MANY ChampZ and top equipment, that things Templars and DKs simply do not need!
Must use the golden armor of the twelve zodiac houses if I want to reach the feet of a DK all blue ... absurd!
I do not want to have to create another another class of character just to be able to get in a veteran arena or in one of the new dungeons in Veteran mode, I want my character able to do this, as other classes can ...
Something is wrong in this game, very wrong.
I am speaking for myself, but putting it out what many have told me and also agreed with me.
And I know that some troll will say "but has cloak" ... grab my cloak, shove in your pocket and go away with it, do not care.
That *** is wrong since the beta and no one gets with the excuse that "NBs and sorcs are good at PVP" ... pathetic.
Both, Sorcerers and Nightblades don't have great dps. Sorcerer pulls the lowest numbers, followed by Nightblades as it seems. Top DPS is Dragonknight, followed by Templar. Even though from I've seen so far, Templar is even stronger.
I agree with OP: I don't understand, why it's so hard to change this already. It's easy to bring Nightblades and especially Sorcerers at the same level with the 2 top dps classes. There's a reason why my Sorcerer wastes his time as a tank and healer now, because I am sick of getting depressed when I see my foolish DPS numbers compared to templars and dks and I don't run trials anymore, because it's making me angry, when Templars and DKs are up in the clouds when posting their DPS and all the Sorcerer post their laughable numbers.
This is so ridiculous and not satisfying ! People, this is about PvE DPS and Sorcerer has the lowest DPS here since the game exists and this never changed since then. The only change is, that Templar changed his position with Nightblade. DK still on the top.
Cherryblossom wrote: »
What is exactly the problem? it's great to put a post complaining about balance, but if you can't identify the issue no one can help you.
My NB is my main and I love his damage, I swap between 2H & bow, Dual & Resto. Depends on what I'm doing. I'm not Max level with him even though I have been playing since PC Launch.
Sorc, weak! Really, that made me think you were trolling! Was trying Stam on my Vet2 last night and she hit's like a truck, think I enjoy it more than my crystal frag proc fun build.
Where is the LOL button? WHERE IS IT? I should leave the forums ...
We're focusing on recruiting only Sorcerer DPS. Do you think we do that for fun? Or because we want to be *** in this leaderboard season? Or because we are idiots who have no idea about the game?
We do it because Sorcerers have the best PvE DPS existing.
As people say, this is about engame competition in PvE. It is not of importance, if you have fun while playing your NB or not. This is only about EQUALITY between classes and this equality does not exist, never existed in this game.
If you let a Dragonknight and a Templar with 500 Championpoints and the same damage level DPS let's say the Battlemaster or so. They will always pull higher numbers than Sorcerer and Nightblade having 500 CP and the gap is large. Fun is nice, but equality is just as important, a satisfying feeling when playing your class because you know, each class is playing on the same DPS level in end game. This would be so nice
Learn how to play your characters. Honestly. Spreading all this completely WRONG info just because you don't know how to get to the top with the strongest DPS class is pathethic.
You do it because the LOL button is missing to make fun of your post and yes, because you have no clue.
You should focus on recruiting Dragonknights if you're aiming for high leaderboards. And then, who is "we" and where is the proof ? So don't bait me with fantasies
If you really recruit Sorcs for DPSthis is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. I don't know what what you're thinking
I am not into hardcore pve so I can not comment on the issue, but I if know one things it is that Hodor knows their pve.
Learn how to play your characters. Honestly. Spreading all this completely WRONG info just because you don't know how to get to the top with the strongest DPS classes is pathetic.
cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO wrote: »
And then you see the rest of the game where sorcs are mostly extinct in pve, so 1 guild supposedly knowing what to do doesn't save the sorc class as a whole
If I recall when 1.6 first launched these forums where overflowing with people calling sorcs the worst class specifically for pvp (not our direct topic yes, but its is an example). I was one of the people that thought most people where crazy. Come a few months later and players could not deny that sorc was actually the strongest pvp class. The issue was that people did not understand. The cookie cutter builds where not yet placed on the shelves.
So sorry what a few people who probably don't understand the games mechanics fully say on the forums is not a proper argument.
If I recall when 1.6 first launched these forums where overflowing with people calling sorcs the worst class specifically for pvp (not our direct topic yes, but its is an example). I was one of the people that thought most people where crazy. Come a few months later and players could not deny that sorc was actually the strongest pvp class. The issue was that people did not understand. The cookie cutter builds where not yet placed on the shelves.
So sorry what a few people who probably don't understand the games mechanics fully say on the forums is not a proper argument.
The thing is, that this is no pvp discussing and I think people in this thread fail to understand this.
And in pve, Sorcs are not desireable
The point is that the patch is new. Players are still discovering builds and attaining all the gear. In maybe a month or two where all the classes truly lie will be more evident.
dk and templar can reach around 30~35k dps... if u do not found one, u play with donkeys.
blablabla grammar blablabla.
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »OP is right, but don't be surprised to see some fools come out of the woodwork to try to convince us that Sorcs really have the best DPS. What a joke!
Both, Sorcerers and Nightblades don't have great dps. Sorcerer pulls the lowest numbers, followed by Nightblades as it seems. Top DPS is Dragonknight, followed by Templar. Even though from I've seen so far, Templar is even stronger.
I agree with OP: I don't understand, why it's so hard to change this already. It's easy to bring Nightblades and especially Sorcerers at the same level with the 2 top dps classes. There's a reason why my Sorcerer wastes his time as a tank and healer now, because I am sick of getting depressed when I see my foolish DPS numbers compared to templars and dks and I don't run trials anymore, because it's making me angry, when Templars and DKs are up in the clouds when posting their DPS and all the Sorcerer post their laughable numbers.
This is so ridiculous and not satisfying ! People, this is about PvE DPS and Sorcerer has the lowest DPS here since the game exists and this never changed since then. The only change is, that Templar changed his position with Nightblade. DK still on the top.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO wrote: »
Well, I've just done all the hardest content in the game, so I suppose I don't know what I'm talking about then, yeah....
I've just seen the sorc class drop as a rock in PvE, I see templars, NB's and DK's all the time, while sorcs are 10% or less of the people I see and play with.
we have for 30sec with 1000 ulti points ready without that we are miles behind :P
for sorcs its rather easy high DPS + overload is totally overpowered - and as ZOS seems to be unwilling to give sorcs (an) instant class attack(s)/dot(s) at the expense of overload this class will suck forever in pve.
Overload is not op, and is only useable against bosses, as you have to safe up all your ultimate. What about the rest of the dungeon ? Where other classes can use their full potential and Sorc can't, because he has to safe all his Ultimate for last boss. Overload is just a sad ability
It's actually quite decent to get shields and health down, then you can hit them with the curse, frags, mages wrath explosion combo. If they stand on your mines, that will drop them even quicker. Sorcs do have pretty decent dps
It's actually quite decent to get shields and health down, then you can hit them with the curse, frags, mages wrath explosion combo. If they stand on your mines, that will drop them even quicker. Sorcs do have pretty decent dps
Septimus_Magna wrote: »
I think you're talking about pvp, the dps issues above are pve oriented.