nightblade cloak is absolutely ridiculous

my self, being lvl VR15 and another higher lvl vet were attacking a lvl 17 nightblade and the fight just wouldn't end with no one killing anyone. the nightblade would just keep cloaking and remove all damage and it was just well....stupid.

bolt escape has been nerfed to all oblivion but the nightblade has an even better escape method and I think by all rights the cloak ability should scale up in mag usage with each cast otherwise the playfield is just not even
  • Malpherian
    As a nightblade, I can say that the cloak is actually under powered. You simply aren't useing the 50 million skills in the game to counter it.

    IE - Equip magelight - Problem solved.
    -Stun / CC night blade
    - Kill nightblade.

    Nightblade is one of the weakest classes in the game, yea we have good burst DPS and escape skills, because were so squishy and easy to kill it's pathetic.

    If 2 of you were not able to kill a night-blade of close to the same level and gear, it's not the night blade, it's you, your gear, and your skills.
  • PBpsy
    bubbajones wrote: »
    my self, being lvl VR15 and another higher lvl vet were attacking a lvl 17 nightblade and the fight just wouldn't end with no one killing anyone. the nightblade would just keep cloaking and remove all damage and it was just well....stupid.

    bolt escape has been nerfed to all oblivion but the nightblade has an even better escape method and I think by all rights the cloak ability should scale up in mag usage with each cast otherwise the playfield is just not even
    Yep. I call BS. I want that lvl17 BOL/Cloak.
    NB have just one good survival skill that has just an indirect offensive capability.

    - Shields which can immediately reset a fight without actually leaving that fight.
    - Bolt Escape - Extremely more effective an escape than cloak for almost the entire life of this game.
    - Bolt Escape - A very good offensive spell which was at times actually ridiculous depending on combos.
    - Bolt Escape- One of the best Counter for Cloak since day one.
    - Bolt Escape - Transforming an escape in a devastating turn around with its stun combined with crystal frags and other crap.

    Edited by PBpsy on September 7, 2015 5:25AM
    ESO forums achievements
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  • Sithisvoid
    Pics or it didn't happen
  • Mighty_oakk
    Well the nb would of been battle leveled to vr14
  • kendellking_chaosb14_ESO
    First off you're near max level and you couldn't kill a LV 17 Nightblade with few powers and Passives that's not a good look. Don't DoT Nightblades we laugh so hard at DoTs run all the pots you want you can't stop my cloak from dropping that damage off, CC then burst is the anti-Nightblade.

    Side note at that level he had 31k health with 20k magic and stamina with taking 50% less damage that fight will go on for a long time.

    Mark Target, Mage Light, AoEs, caltrops, not using DoTs as the May get two ticks but never three. Cloak is not a damage shield their many powers that hard counter it.
    Chaos Shadow-Scale: Shadow Archer
    Chaos Death-Scale: Shadow Knight
    Tanks-With-Sap-Essence: Dark Mage
    Dark Brotherhood Listener: Blade of Argonia
    Chaos Dragon-Scale: Draconic Shield Master
    Chaos Light-Scale: Marsh Paladin
    Chaos Lightning-Scale: Daedric Master
    Hurricane Chaos: Storm Archer
    Bask-In-My-Light: Warrior of The Light
    Forged-In-Dragon-Fire: Pyro Mage
    Guardian of The Hist: Light Mender
    Chaos of Black Marsh: Master of The Burning Sword
    Star of Chaos: Frost Blade Champion
    Chaos-Lightning-Tower: Lightning Shield Master

    For the King of Argonia
    May Sithis hold back his Void
  • dday3six
    If I had to wager a guess, BE was nerfed because players were using it too often as on offensive tool with little downside. In IC Sorcs have to make a more tactical choice. Go offensive with it, and perhaps not have enough Magicka to use it as an escape.

    As to Cloak, it's true that it could be looked into and given the same treatment as BE and dodge roll. However it's one of NB's only solid defensive skills, and if that happened they'd need to be reworked to have other options.
  • Cookiethief
    Hate to break it to you, but I don't think you are very good, the cloak is fine and easy to counter if you know what your doing, some people here have valid advice, best of luck in the future
    My biggest fear in life is, ending up marrying a girl who is lactose intolerant, think about it you would have to purchase double the amount of milk every week, cause you enjoy the goodness of full cream milk and she is drinking soy beans, and her milk takes up extra room in the fridge, or when you are doing a midnight run to the fridge to get a nice cup of milk and to accidentally pour some Soy milk. I couldn't imagine a worst way to do married life. - Barry Scott
  • eNumbra
    bubbajones wrote: »
    my self, being lvl VR15 and another higher lvl vet were attacking a lvl 17 nightblade and the fight just wouldn't end with no one killing anyone. the nightblade would just keep cloaking and remove all damage and it was just well....stupid.

    Sounds like there's a problem between the keyboard and the chair; have you tried calling tech support?
  • WwG_SkuLLz
    VR 15 and a VR 16 vs a lvl 17 nightblade... Nice
  • starkerealm
    Sithisvoid wrote: »
    Pics or it didn't happen

    Just once, I want to see someone come back from that with a crude stick figure drawing. :p
  • kendellking_chaosb14_ESO
    Guys we have to remember that non vets in PvP can spam cloak like a magic build on a stamina hell cause of the pool size till my alts hit VR 1 they wear 5 seducer (light, medium or heavy which ever they will be using) spell cost 3/3 with stamina and magic reductions with the cp till I spec them for real. I hit magic and stamina at a crazy level
    Chaos Shadow-Scale: Shadow Archer
    Chaos Death-Scale: Shadow Knight
    Tanks-With-Sap-Essence: Dark Mage
    Dark Brotherhood Listener: Blade of Argonia
    Chaos Dragon-Scale: Draconic Shield Master
    Chaos Light-Scale: Marsh Paladin
    Chaos Lightning-Scale: Daedric Master
    Hurricane Chaos: Storm Archer
    Bask-In-My-Light: Warrior of The Light
    Forged-In-Dragon-Fire: Pyro Mage
    Guardian of The Hist: Light Mender
    Chaos of Black Marsh: Master of The Burning Sword
    Star of Chaos: Frost Blade Champion
    Chaos-Lightning-Tower: Lightning Shield Master

    For the King of Argonia
    May Sithis hold back his Void
  • SeptimusDova
    OP was it a Khajiit who is often quoted as MEOW Mutha*****r !!!
    Edited by SeptimusDova on September 7, 2015 4:11AM
  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Cloak needs nerf period and befor any NB QQ happens yes cloak was useless before but now it's just straight up over powered now and the fact that most counters to it has been either nerfed or doesn't work on it now doesn't. Detect pots sure the see them but only for a short time now and all a NB gotta do is roll dodge till they use up the potion and any smart NB will roll out of a AOE and of course can't even use single attacks now since cloak stops it 100% now even channeled attacks such as RD.

    Cloak is the new "I win" skill and NBs are the new OP meta and hopefully will be nerf here shortly.
  • AllAmericanProphet
    Soul Shriven
    Cloak needs nerf period and befor any NB QQ happens yes cloak was useless before but now it's just straight up over powered now and the fact that most counters to it has been either nerfed or doesn't work on it now doesn't. Detect pots sure the see them but only for a short time now and all a NB gotta do is roll dodge till they use up the potion and any smart NB will roll out of a AOE and of course can't even use single attacks now since cloak stops it 100% now even channeled attacks such as RD.

    Cloak is the new "I win" skill and NBs are the new OP meta and hopefully will be nerf here shortly.

    Seems like the only QQ here is you.
  • Tholian1
    bubbajones wrote: »
    my self, being lvl VR15 and another higher lvl vet were attacking a lvl 17 nightblade and the fight just wouldn't end with no one killing anyone. the nightblade would just keep cloaking and remove all damage and it was just well....stupid.

    bolt escape has been nerfed to all oblivion but the nightblade has an even better escape method and I think by all rights the cloak ability should scale up in mag usage with each cast otherwise the playfield is just not even

    VR15 and VR16 against a lvl 17? That pretty much explains why I avoid PvP. Sure he is battle leveled, but still. I guess you expected him to just let you kill him? Good for him on using his only good defense.

    And cloak is fine.
    PS4 Pro NA
  • JDar
  • LiquidZ
    bubbajones wrote: »
    my self, being lvl VR15 and another higher lvl vet were attacking a lvl 17 nightblade and the fight just wouldn't end with no one killing anyone. the nightblade would just keep cloaking and remove all damage and it was just well....stupid.

    bolt escape has been nerfed to all oblivion but the nightblade has an even better escape method and I think by all rights the cloak ability should scale up in mag usage with each cast otherwise the playfield is just not even

    RIP. Cloak is pretty much the only viable defense that any NB can use. If anything go *** about a mage with endless shields or something. Not somebody you just aren't good enough to kill while using 2 people. Not even sure how you could have let it happen. The stamina usage would be so far through the roof fighting both of you that he would have to kill you with light attacks. If you didn't die I don't see the issue. Do you think stealth is just used to sit on keep walls or something?
    Edited by LiquidZ on September 7, 2015 4:40AM
  • Alucardo
    Damn man, there's already a bunch of counters to cloaking, even sets dedicated to it. And please don't compare it to bolt escape, they are not the same. Let's just keep nerfing every classes primary ability until there is nothing left, shall we?
    If it makes you feel any better I run with Disguise and not cloak, so I can crit guys like you every time I come out of the shadows
  • Paradox

    ZoS needs to work on BALANCING other abilities against certain things, such as thing. NOT nerf.
    Ebonheart Pact
    Tank And Spank - DragonKnight
    I've quit the game until ZoS stops acting like the community are children, and start actually listening to us.
  • starkerealm
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Damn man, there's already a bunch of counters to cloaking, even sets dedicated to it. And please don't compare it to bolt escape, they are not the same. Let's just keep nerfing every classes primary ability until there is nothing left, shall we?
    If it makes you feel any better I run with Disguise and not cloak, so I can crit guys like you every time I come out of the shadows

    Can we start by making the DK hallucinate every time they use Inhale?
  • PBpsy
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Damn man, there's already a bunch of counters to cloaking, even sets dedicated to it. And please don't compare it to bolt escape, they are not the same. Let's just keep nerfing every classes primary ability until there is nothing left, shall we?
    If it makes you feel any better I run with Disguise and not cloak, so I can crit guys like you every time I come out of the shadows

    Can we start by making the DK hallucinate every time they use Inhale?

    I would play my DK again if they did that.
    ESO forums achievements
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  • Van_0S
    If cloak is nerfed, then NB is finished.
  • killingspreeb16_ESO
    Cloak needs nerf period and befor any NB QQ happens yes cloak was useless before but now it's just straight up over powered now and the fact that most counters to it has been either nerfed or doesn't work on it now doesn't. Detect pots sure the see them but only for a short time now and all a NB gotta do is roll dodge till they use up the potion and any smart NB will roll out of a AOE and of course can't even use single attacks now since cloak stops it 100% now even channeled attacks such as RD.

    Cloak is the new "I win" skill and NBs are the new OP meta and hopefully will be nerf here shortly.

    Cloak have many counter AoE/magelight/flare/detect pots some class skill like daedric curse/nb mark etc streak is another good counter to cloak or slow the nb is another good option,and lol with the stamina regen nerf and roll dodge nerf a nb how is supposed to roll out of everything?stop this BS

    And stop this cloak vs bolt escape,bolt don't have a potion that stop the sorc from bolting away there in no skill like magelight/flare that prevent the sorc from bolting,aoe don't stop the sorc from bolting but all those skill break cloak.

    Cloak have more risk than bolt more risk=more reward
    Bolt have less risk than cloak less risk=less reward

    And how this meta wich is less bursty is the NB meta?lol

    This patch even with some flaw is more balanced than 1.6 dk and templar are in a good spot too.

    And no cloak was not useless before and is not OP right now
    Edited by killingspreeb16_ESO on September 7, 2015 5:29AM
  • starkerealm
    If cloak is nerfed, then NB is finished.

    Nah, we'd see a shift to Siphon builds.
  • PBpsy
    If cloak is nerfed, then NB is finished.

    Nah, we'd see a shift to Siphon builds.

    Siphoning builds have been double or triple nerfed in this last patch alone for pvp:
    -Less damage on the builds that were not heavy hitters anyway
    -Less healing scaled on reduced damage
    -Block nerf
    - SA becoming a timed buff...

    The viable options for a NB not relying on cloak have been decreasing since 1.4.
    Edited by PBpsy on September 7, 2015 5:58AM
    ESO forums achievements
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  • Robotmafia
    Cloak needs nerf period and befor any NB QQ happens yes cloak was useless before but now it's just straight up over powered now and the fact that most counters to it has been either nerfed or doesn't work on it now doesn't. Detect pots sure the see them but only for a short time now and all a NB gotta do is roll dodge till they use up the potion and any smart NB will roll out of a AOE and of course can't even use single attacks now since cloak stops it 100% now even channeled attacks such as RD.

    Cloak is the new "I win" skill and NBs are the new OP meta and hopefully will be nerf here shortly.

    just rofl...
    Robot Who Owes Money: Look into your hard drive and open your mercy file!
    Donbot: File not found.

  • nothing2591
    spam jabs
    VR16 nb rank 28 svampenn
  • Jar_Ek
    TBH the OP part of cloak is not in PvP, it's in the ability to traverse ICs tight packed mob-full streets and sewers without having to ever engage. Which means that when a fight in the pve side of ic goes wrong, a nb can simply cloak up and stay cloaked until all aggro is dropped.

    And also I have played in BWB as a night blade and can perma-stealth thanks to the battle spirit even when specced as a stamina build.. maybe the battle spirit should be less of a one size fits all ?
  • Personofsecrets
    cloaking isn't really that interactive and it isn't really that fun.

    I'm looking forward to it being nerfd @ZOS_RichLambert .
  • nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO
    And why didn't you just spam curses on the nb or use aoe attacks or use radiant mageligt or maybe an anti stealth potion?

    Sound like you were completely unprepared for pvp and went crying when you were unable to do anything effective.
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