You're unbelieveable. Even though I brought you an uncounterable tactic if played right, and you still insult me as a fool and so on. Even @Master_Kas agrees, that the shadow image-cloak combo is OP and he doesn't understand, why so few NIghtblades are using it and he IS an experienced Nightblade and I can take him serious, unlike you.
If you say cloak is easy to counter, then you're playing this class wrong.
However I agree, that the Bolt Escape treatment is a crime. You claim to know so much about methen you would be aware, that I wrote a suggestion today where I said, that I also don't think, that the Bolt Escape treatment is fair for Cloak. Still we Sorcerers have to endure it.
I said, I would like to see some adjustments to Revealing flare, so that it becomes a more reliable counter and maybe even allows us to counter Cloak as an escape. Come on Xael, show me you are reasonable and have some insight already -.- I can't believe you really keep on doing this. Go out if you're so experienced and try what we told you and you will come to recognize, that Cloak is OP and that we need a real counter.
If you want, I send you my suggestion as a message. Just let me know
FFS man, make up your mind. So you play a Nightblade now? Are you telling me this? You have a vr14 NB and have 100% success rate with your "uncounterable tactic"? That's what you are implying. Because if you don't play a NB v14 and have 100% success rate, you need to be quiet. You are implying you speak from experience as a NB.
I don't know KAS and I don't care what he says, I know what I know because I kill NBs every day in Cyro and Imperial City and I use Radiant Magelight and other tools to do it. Stop with the hyperbole and pontification. The only thing you have is anecdotal, you are doing nothing but making noise.
I don't need to go out and try it. I kill nightblades... In fact get on your Nightblade so I can come kill you. Show me how OP you are.
Stop calling me a man -.- I'm not, it's beginning to annoy me.
I'm writing suggestions every day. All that you have to do, is telling everyone that they are wrong as soon as Nightblade is the topic. I'm not making noise, I'm trying to make suggestions for the team. You do nothing for them.
I'm not saying that all my suggestions must be right or the perfect solution. But why shouldn't I tell them anyway ? I appreciate opinions and suggestions, I know Zenimax does and I assume many people appreciate it either, if people give their opinion.
All I can tell you, is that you should instantly try to turn down your insulting behavior. Not only towards me, I see you insulting quite a few people, you show no respect for other people's opinions. I'm sorry that I allow you to provoce me, that's all I have to say. I will not report you, because I can solve problems by myself.
While you are not addressing me, I can say what really bothers people about some of your suggestions are based off someone who doesn't play a NB. Furthermore you have not tested it on the pts yourself. So your suggestions and opinions are based off of interaction with the class from another's perspective, your Sorc.
I do however find you polite and well spoken. I just think you are less than experienced in regards to the NB, at least on the pts.
This is why I have and play all 4 classes. I get to see all aspects of gameplay from every angle. Which helps me, I think.
Yep. I think most Nightblades here still misunderstand me/us. Who cares for Nightblades who try to kill you and stay next to you and are somewhat counterable with Magelight ? They are dangerous and will most likely kill me if they play offensive. Happens, couldn't care less.
BUT cloak also offers a totally broken escape mechanic when used properly (which most people here refuse to accept/admit/understand) Cloak can turn into a guaranteed escape if you want.
Nightblade is the only class that can possibly escape without a trace and nobody can do anything. Block got nerfed, roll dodge got nerfed, bolt escape got nerfed. Main point here is bolt escape and roll dodge.
Both used to be escape and engage mechanics but are now barely useable. Don't know how many times I had Dragonknight tanks who permablocked until they've reached their keepbut well, it's cute. Cloak however received some fixes and indirect buffs even. Don't tell me the huge nerf to detection potions is no huge buff for Cloak. Most people won't even use them anymore, because the sacrifise you bring is too big for a laughbale 13 seconds duration (10 if you don't have the required passives)
Those who use them, will barely profit from them. The increased TTK benefits Nightblades here and makes this short detection almost useless. There will be situations where a well placed detection potion might indeed bring you a victory, but I'm more interested in the bigger picture.
While you are not addressing me, I can say what really bothers people about some of your suggestions are based off someone who doesn't play a NB. Furthermore you have not tested it on the pts yourself. So your suggestions and opinions are based off of interaction with the class from another's perspective, your Sorc.
I do however find you polite and well spoken. I just think you are less than experienced in regards to the NB, at least on the pts.
This is why I have and play all 4 classes. I get to see all aspects of gameplay from every angle. Which helps me, I think.
While you are not addressing me, I can say what really bothers people about some of your suggestions are based off someone who doesn't play a NB. Furthermore you have not tested it on the pts yourself. So your suggestions and opinions are based off of interaction with the class from another's perspective, your Sorc.
I do however find you polite and well spoken. I just think you are less than experienced in regards to the NB, at least on the pts.
This is why I have and play all 4 classes. I get to see all aspects of gameplay from every angle. Which helps me, I think.
I'm playing a Nightblade, but it's not yet maxed out. My Magicka Nightblade is vr12 and I only pvp with her, the experience bar barely moves.
But yea you're right, I would never claim I'm as experienced as most Nightblades with playing this class. But then again, I'm seeing maaaany Nightblades as enemiesSo I might also see problems, that someone playing a Nightblade will not recognize. Do you think some adjustments to revealing flare would be out of place ? I appreciate your opinion.
And thanks for the clarification above.
bowmanz607 wrote: »
While you are not addressing me, I can say what really bothers people about some of your suggestions are based off someone who doesn't play a NB. Furthermore you have not tested it on the pts yourself. So your suggestions and opinions are based off of interaction with the class from another's perspective, your Sorc.
I do however find you polite and well spoken. I just think you are less than experienced in regards to the NB, at least on the pts.
This is why I have and play all 4 classes. I get to see all aspects of gameplay from every angle. Which helps me, I think.
I'm playing a Nightblade, but it's not yet maxed out. My Magicka Nightblade is vr12 and I only pvp with her, the experience bar barely moves.
But yea you're right, I would never claim I'm as experienced as most Nightblades with playing this class. But then again, I'm seeing maaaany Nightblades as enemiesSo I might also see problems, that someone playing a Nightblade will not recognize. Do you think some adjustments to revealing flare would be out of place ? I appreciate your opinion.
And thanks for the clarification above.
i personally would love some adjustments to this ability. especially the cost. perhaps a stam morph to it? a stam build uses it and thats it game over no magika.
bowmanz607 wrote: »
While you are not addressing me, I can say what really bothers people about some of your suggestions are based off someone who doesn't play a NB. Furthermore you have not tested it on the pts yourself. So your suggestions and opinions are based off of interaction with the class from another's perspective, your Sorc.
I do however find you polite and well spoken. I just think you are less than experienced in regards to the NB, at least on the pts.
This is why I have and play all 4 classes. I get to see all aspects of gameplay from every angle. Which helps me, I think.
I'm playing a Nightblade, but it's not yet maxed out. My Magicka Nightblade is vr12 and I only pvp with her, the experience bar barely moves.
But yea you're right, I would never claim I'm as experienced as most Nightblades with playing this class. But then again, I'm seeing maaaany Nightblades as enemiesSo I might also see problems, that someone playing a Nightblade will not recognize. Do you think some adjustments to revealing flare would be out of place ? I appreciate your opinion.
And thanks for the clarification above.
i personally would love some adjustments to this ability. especially the cost. perhaps a stam morph to it? a stam build uses it and thats it game over no magika.
Nah, not the cost. This fire flare thing isn't really usefull, Nightblades just cloak the DoT (yes, you can cloak even though you're revealed by flare) Wouldn't mind it becoming a stamina morph, but that's not the needed change.
Like I said multiple times, it must become an instant cast. This animation must be removed, it has to reveal instantly, not 1 second later. 1 second is already too late to catch a Nightblade.
And look, I just found a funny things on YouTube. Deltia himself said, that Nightblade is going to be the strongest class next patch (well, nothing new actually) and that cloak is going to be the most OP survival mechanic in the game. He also points out, that Nightblades move with the speed of life and 12 meters or 20 meters are NOTHING for a NIghtblade. They travel this distance withing 1 second and bye bye your laughable counters
You only need to watch the first 30 seconds and the first few minutes. I've never been a fan of his builds, but I just came across this and found it..... satisfying to hear him saying this. Because he is a reasonable person and he knows whate he is talking about. So am I, even though many people might want to disagreebut it's true
bowmanz607 wrote: »bowmanz607 wrote: »
While you are not addressing me, I can say what really bothers people about some of your suggestions are based off someone who doesn't play a NB. Furthermore you have not tested it on the pts yourself. So your suggestions and opinions are based off of interaction with the class from another's perspective, your Sorc.
I do however find you polite and well spoken. I just think you are less than experienced in regards to the NB, at least on the pts.
This is why I have and play all 4 classes. I get to see all aspects of gameplay from every angle. Which helps me, I think.
I'm playing a Nightblade, but it's not yet maxed out. My Magicka Nightblade is vr12 and I only pvp with her, the experience bar barely moves.
But yea you're right, I would never claim I'm as experienced as most Nightblades with playing this class. But then again, I'm seeing maaaany Nightblades as enemiesSo I might also see problems, that someone playing a Nightblade will not recognize. Do you think some adjustments to revealing flare would be out of place ? I appreciate your opinion.
And thanks for the clarification above.
i personally would love some adjustments to this ability. especially the cost. perhaps a stam morph to it? a stam build uses it and thats it game over no magika.
Nah, not the cost. This fire flare thing isn't really usefull, Nightblades just cloak the DoT (yes, you can cloak even though you're revealed by flare) Wouldn't mind it becoming a stamina morph, but that's not the needed change.
Like I said multiple times, it must become an instant cast. This animation must be removed, it has to reveal instantly, not 1 second later. 1 second is already too late to catch a Nightblade.
And look, I just found a funny things on YouTube. Deltia himself said, that Nightblade is going to be the strongest class next patch (well, nothing new actually) and that cloak is going to be the most OP survival mechanic in the game. He also points out, that Nightblades move with the speed of life and 12 meters or 20 meters are NOTHING for a NIghtblade. They travel this distance withing 1 second and bye bye your laughable counters
You only need to watch the first 30 seconds and the first few minutes. I've never been a fan of his builds, but I just came across this and found it..... satisfying to hear him saying this. Because he is a reasonable person and he knows whate he is talking about. So am I, even though many people might want to disagreebut it's true
lets look at it from another perspective. I am love running my stam build NB. I love running DW and Bow. because of that, the onyl survivability at all i get is from cloak. w/o cloak i would die every single fight basically. I use vigor but it is a short hot. should that build have to be extinct cause of a nerf? Lets compare to stam sroc BE. they get 3 solid bolt escapes with cost and they are 100% guranteed. I can get a solid 4 cloaks with full magika. If there is an increased cost added I would get 2. the cost of the third would be way to much. I dont even see this as a problem cause I dont need more then two. The problem is the lack of a gurantee. If i was guranteed to clok every single time, then bring on the nerf. I would hate it but it would be fair. But to have to use hit cloak a few times just to get in stealth will kill a stam build that does not want to jump on the bandwagon for 2h. should a stam NB have to be forced into using it merely cause a magika build can spam it? the problem relies with the unreliability of cloak in the situations where it actually matters.
bowmanz607 wrote: »bowmanz607 wrote: »
While you are not addressing me, I can say what really bothers people about some of your suggestions are based off someone who doesn't play a NB. Furthermore you have not tested it on the pts yourself. So your suggestions and opinions are based off of interaction with the class from another's perspective, your Sorc.
I do however find you polite and well spoken. I just think you are less than experienced in regards to the NB, at least on the pts.
This is why I have and play all 4 classes. I get to see all aspects of gameplay from every angle. Which helps me, I think.
I'm playing a Nightblade, but it's not yet maxed out. My Magicka Nightblade is vr12 and I only pvp with her, the experience bar barely moves.
But yea you're right, I would never claim I'm as experienced as most Nightblades with playing this class. But then again, I'm seeing maaaany Nightblades as enemiesSo I might also see problems, that someone playing a Nightblade will not recognize. Do you think some adjustments to revealing flare would be out of place ? I appreciate your opinion.
And thanks for the clarification above.
i personally would love some adjustments to this ability. especially the cost. perhaps a stam morph to it? a stam build uses it and thats it game over no magika.
Nah, not the cost. This fire flare thing isn't really usefull, Nightblades just cloak the DoT (yes, you can cloak even though you're revealed by flare) Wouldn't mind it becoming a stamina morph, but that's not the needed change.
Like I said multiple times, it must become an instant cast. This animation must be removed, it has to reveal instantly, not 1 second later. 1 second is already too late to catch a Nightblade.
And look, I just found a funny things on YouTube. Deltia himself said, that Nightblade is going to be the strongest class next patch (well, nothing new actually) and that cloak is going to be the most OP survival mechanic in the game. He also points out, that Nightblades move with the speed of life and 12 meters or 20 meters are NOTHING for a NIghtblade. They travel this distance withing 1 second and bye bye your laughable counters
You only need to watch the first 30 seconds and the first few minutes. I've never been a fan of his builds, but I just came across this and found it..... satisfying to hear him saying this. Because he is a reasonable person and he knows whate he is talking about. So am I, even though many people might want to disagreebut it's true
lets look at it from another perspective. I am love running my stam build NB. I love running DW and Bow. because of that, the onyl survivability at all i get is from cloak. w/o cloak i would die every single fight basically. I use vigor but it is a short hot. should that build have to be extinct cause of a nerf? Lets compare to stam sroc BE. they get 3 solid bolt escapes with cost and they are 100% guranteed. I can get a solid 4 cloaks with full magika. If there is an increased cost added I would get 2. the cost of the third would be way to much. I dont even see this as a problem cause I dont need more then two. The problem is the lack of a gurantee. If i was guranteed to clok every single time, then bring on the nerf. I would hate it but it would be fair. But to have to use hit cloak a few times just to get in stealth will kill a stam build that does not want to jump on the bandwagon for 2h. should a stam NB have to be forced into using it merely cause a magika build can spam it? the problem relies with the unreliability of cloak in the situations where it actually matters.
Who is talking about a cost increase ? Yea, I suggested it earlier. But that was only one solution and I added, that it's a lazy solution. Just as lazy and mean as the bolt escape treatment.
And stamina Nightblades have roll dodge, also a good surival mechanic and it's still strong, even with the penalty. So cloak is not your only way. A stamina Sorcerer can't blink many times and will be out of Magicka after that.
Both is mean, isn't it ?
bowmanz607 wrote: »
While you are not addressing me, I can say what really bothers people about some of your suggestions are based off someone who doesn't play a NB. Furthermore you have not tested it on the pts yourself. So your suggestions and opinions are based off of interaction with the class from another's perspective, your Sorc.
I do however find you polite and well spoken. I just think you are less than experienced in regards to the NB, at least on the pts.
This is why I have and play all 4 classes. I get to see all aspects of gameplay from every angle. Which helps me, I think.
I'm playing a Nightblade, but it's not yet maxed out. My Magicka Nightblade is vr12 and I only pvp with her, the experience bar barely moves.
But yea you're right, I would never claim I'm as experienced as most Nightblades with playing this class. But then again, I'm seeing maaaany Nightblades as enemiesSo I might also see problems, that someone playing a Nightblade will not recognize. Do you think some adjustments to revealing flare would be out of place ? I appreciate your opinion.
And thanks for the clarification above.
i personally would love some adjustments to this ability. especially the cost. perhaps a stam morph to it? a stam build uses it and thats it game over no magika.
Nah, not the cost. This fire flare thing isn't really usefull, Nightblades just cloak the DoT (yes, you can cloak even though you're revealed by flare) Wouldn't mind it becoming a stamina morph, but that's not the needed change.
Like I said multiple times, it must become an instant cast. This animation must be removed, it has to reveal instantly, not 1 second later. 1 second is already too late to catch a Nightblade.
And look, I just found a funny things on YouTube. Deltia himself said, that Nightblade is going to be the strongest class next patch (well, nothing new actually) and that cloak is going to be the most OP survival mechanic in the game. He also points out, that Nightblades move with the speed of life and 12 meters or 20 meters are NOTHING for a NIghtblade. They travel this distance withing 1 second and bye bye your laughable counters
You only need to watch the first 30 seconds and the first few minutes. I've never been a fan of his builds, but I just came across this and found it..... satisfying to hear him saying this. Because he is a reasonable person and he knows whate he is talking about. So am I, even though many people might want to disagreebut it's true
bowmanz607 wrote: »bowmanz607 wrote: »bowmanz607 wrote: »
While you are not addressing me, I can say what really bothers people about some of your suggestions are based off someone who doesn't play a NB. Furthermore you have not tested it on the pts yourself. So your suggestions and opinions are based off of interaction with the class from another's perspective, your Sorc.
I do however find you polite and well spoken. I just think you are less than experienced in regards to the NB, at least on the pts.
This is why I have and play all 4 classes. I get to see all aspects of gameplay from every angle. Which helps me, I think.
I'm playing a Nightblade, but it's not yet maxed out. My Magicka Nightblade is vr12 and I only pvp with her, the experience bar barely moves.
But yea you're right, I would never claim I'm as experienced as most Nightblades with playing this class. But then again, I'm seeing maaaany Nightblades as enemiesSo I might also see problems, that someone playing a Nightblade will not recognize. Do you think some adjustments to revealing flare would be out of place ? I appreciate your opinion.
And thanks for the clarification above.
i personally would love some adjustments to this ability. especially the cost. perhaps a stam morph to it? a stam build uses it and thats it game over no magika.
Nah, not the cost. This fire flare thing isn't really usefull, Nightblades just cloak the DoT (yes, you can cloak even though you're revealed by flare) Wouldn't mind it becoming a stamina morph, but that's not the needed change.
Like I said multiple times, it must become an instant cast. This animation must be removed, it has to reveal instantly, not 1 second later. 1 second is already too late to catch a Nightblade.
And look, I just found a funny things on YouTube. Deltia himself said, that Nightblade is going to be the strongest class next patch (well, nothing new actually) and that cloak is going to be the most OP survival mechanic in the game. He also points out, that Nightblades move with the speed of life and 12 meters or 20 meters are NOTHING for a NIghtblade. They travel this distance withing 1 second and bye bye your laughable counters
You only need to watch the first 30 seconds and the first few minutes. I've never been a fan of his builds, but I just came across this and found it..... satisfying to hear him saying this. Because he is a reasonable person and he knows whate he is talking about. So am I, even though many people might want to disagreebut it's true
lets look at it from another perspective. I am love running my stam build NB. I love running DW and Bow. because of that, the onyl survivability at all i get is from cloak. w/o cloak i would die every single fight basically. I use vigor but it is a short hot. should that build have to be extinct cause of a nerf? Lets compare to stam sroc BE. they get 3 solid bolt escapes with cost and they are 100% guranteed. I can get a solid 4 cloaks with full magika. If there is an increased cost added I would get 2. the cost of the third would be way to much. I dont even see this as a problem cause I dont need more then two. The problem is the lack of a gurantee. If i was guranteed to clok every single time, then bring on the nerf. I would hate it but it would be fair. But to have to use hit cloak a few times just to get in stealth will kill a stam build that does not want to jump on the bandwagon for 2h. should a stam NB have to be forced into using it merely cause a magika build can spam it? the problem relies with the unreliability of cloak in the situations where it actually matters.
Who is talking about a cost increase ? Yea, I suggested it earlier. But that was only one solution and I added, that it's a lazy solution. Just as lazy and mean as the bolt escape treatment.
And stamina Nightblades have roll dodge, also a good surival mechanic and it's still strong, even with the penalty. So cloak is not your only way. A stamina Sorcerer can't blink many times and will be out of Magicka after that.
Both is mean, isn't it ?
I suppose so. but by what other means would you prevent the over spamming of the ability? that said, as annoying as those things are, I dont think they should have received a nerf. imo that is what seperates the classes. i am not a fan of nerfing ever unless the mechanic is legitimately just broken and unfair. infinite BE not unfair. infinite dogerolling not unfair. You are running in those cases and not putting out damage to speak of especially in the new meta where damage is decreased. Blocking on other hand, imo, was unfair. to be able to put out very solid damage while mitigating almost all is a broken mechanic imo. I stand by that nerf.
bowmanz607 wrote: »
While you are not addressing me, I can say what really bothers people about some of your suggestions are based off someone who doesn't play a NB. Furthermore you have not tested it on the pts yourself. So your suggestions and opinions are based off of interaction with the class from another's perspective, your Sorc.
I do however find you polite and well spoken. I just think you are less than experienced in regards to the NB, at least on the pts.
This is why I have and play all 4 classes. I get to see all aspects of gameplay from every angle. Which helps me, I think.
I'm playing a Nightblade, but it's not yet maxed out. My Magicka Nightblade is vr12 and I only pvp with her, the experience bar barely moves.
But yea you're right, I would never claim I'm as experienced as most Nightblades with playing this class. But then again, I'm seeing maaaany Nightblades as enemiesSo I might also see problems, that someone playing a Nightblade will not recognize. Do you think some adjustments to revealing flare would be out of place ? I appreciate your opinion.
And thanks for the clarification above.
i personally would love some adjustments to this ability. especially the cost. perhaps a stam morph to it? a stam build uses it and thats it game over no magika.
Nah, not the cost. This fire flare thing isn't really usefull, Nightblades just cloak the DoT (yes, you can cloak even though you're revealed by flare) Wouldn't mind it becoming a stamina morph, but that's not the needed change.
Like I said multiple times, it must become an instant cast. This animation must be removed, it has to reveal instantly, not 1 second later. 1 second is already too late to catch a Nightblade.
And look, I just found a funny things on YouTube. Deltia himself said, that Nightblade is going to be the strongest class next patch (well, nothing new actually) and that cloak is going to be the most OP survival mechanic in the game. He also points out, that Nightblades move with the speed of life and 12 meters or 20 meters are NOTHING for a NIghtblade. They travel this distance withing 1 second and bye bye your laughable counters
You only need to watch the first 30 seconds and the first few minutes. I've never been a fan of his builds, but I just came across this and found it..... satisfying to hear him saying this. Because he is a reasonable person and he knows whate he is talking about. So am I, even though many people might want to disagreebut it's true
Being told that Radiant Magelight is useless and then having them use Deltia as evidence is pathetic.
Again, meet me in Cyrodiil and show me how OP your NB is or Cloak
While you are not addressing me, I can say what really bothers people about some of your suggestions are based off someone who doesn't play a NB. Furthermore you have not tested it on the pts yourself. So your suggestions and opinions are based off of interaction with the class from another's perspective, your Sorc.
I do however find you polite and well spoken. I just think you are less than experienced in regards to the NB, at least on the pts.
This is why I have and play all 4 classes. I get to see all aspects of gameplay from every angle. Which helps me, I think.
I'm playing a Nightblade, but it's not yet maxed out. My Magicka Nightblade is vr12 and I only pvp with her, the experience bar barely moves.
But yea you're right, I would never claim I'm as experienced as most Nightblades with playing this class. But then again, I'm seeing maaaany Nightblades as enemiesSo I might also see problems, that someone playing a Nightblade will not recognize. Do you think some adjustments to revealing flare would be out of place ? I appreciate your opinion.
And thanks for the clarification above.
bowmanz607 wrote: »bowmanz607 wrote: »
While you are not addressing me, I can say what really bothers people about some of your suggestions are based off someone who doesn't play a NB. Furthermore you have not tested it on the pts yourself. So your suggestions and opinions are based off of interaction with the class from another's perspective, your Sorc.
I do however find you polite and well spoken. I just think you are less than experienced in regards to the NB, at least on the pts.
This is why I have and play all 4 classes. I get to see all aspects of gameplay from every angle. Which helps me, I think.
I'm playing a Nightblade, but it's not yet maxed out. My Magicka Nightblade is vr12 and I only pvp with her, the experience bar barely moves.
But yea you're right, I would never claim I'm as experienced as most Nightblades with playing this class. But then again, I'm seeing maaaany Nightblades as enemiesSo I might also see problems, that someone playing a Nightblade will not recognize. Do you think some adjustments to revealing flare would be out of place ? I appreciate your opinion.
And thanks for the clarification above.
i personally would love some adjustments to this ability. especially the cost. perhaps a stam morph to it? a stam build uses it and thats it game over no magika.
Nah, not the cost. This fire flare thing isn't really usefull, Nightblades just cloak the DoT (yes, you can cloak even though you're revealed by flare) Wouldn't mind it becoming a stamina morph, but that's not the needed change.
Like I said multiple times, it must become an instant cast. This animation must be removed, it has to reveal instantly, not 1 second later. 1 second is already too late to catch a Nightblade.
And look, I just found a funny things on YouTube. Deltia himself said, that Nightblade is going to be the strongest class next patch (well, nothing new actually) and that cloak is going to be the most OP survival mechanic in the game. He also points out, that Nightblades move with the speed of life and 12 meters or 20 meters are NOTHING for a NIghtblade. They travel this distance withing 1 second and bye bye your laughable counters
You only need to watch the first 30 seconds and the first few minutes. I've never been a fan of his builds, but I just came across this and found it..... satisfying to hear him saying this. Because he is a reasonable person and he knows whate he is talking about. So am I, even though many people might want to disagreebut it's true
Being told that Radiant Magelight is useless and then having them use Deltia as evidence is pathetic.
Again, meet me in Cyrodiil and show me how OP your NB is or Cloak
say what you want about how you feel about deltia, but the man puts in a lot of time testing and what not. that said, it is his experience and his experience usually is more toward the pve side of things. regardless he is still a competent player. although I amy not agree with everything he does, that does not mean he is incompetent. In fact, dracane as proceeded to provide feedback with support of her (i believe from previous posts this to be true) position. that is more than i can say fo you who simply disregards the argument without subsantive feedback. I have disagreed with dracane also, but proceeded to have a relevant and meaningful discussion. perhaps you should try the same.
I've played the Nightblade class since beta and I rely on cloak for both offense and defense. I can safely say that if they apply the increased cost nerf to cloak I would still be ably to perma cloak. Perma cloaking relies on cost REDUCTION and not regen and with siphoning attacks I can get resources back easily. The problem is not cloak nor is it a learn to play issue, simply put, most players are unwilling to place a counter for cloak on their bar making it easy for cloakers to escape.@Dracane, I've fought you many times and not once have you ever used a counter apart from the odd detect potion so I cannot understand why you're complaining about. Its not as if a perma cloaker can kill you if you don't want them to. This is an unnecessary thread and should be closed.
I've played the Nightblade class since beta and I rely on cloak for both offense and defense. I can safely say that if they apply the increased cost nerf to cloak I would still be ably to perma cloak. Perma cloaking relies on cost REDUCTION and not regen and with siphoning attacks I can get resources back easily. The problem is not cloak nor is it a learn to play issue, simply put, most players are unwilling to place a counter for cloak on their bar making it easy for cloakers to escape.@Dracane, I've fought you many times and not once have you ever used a counter apart from the odd detect potion so I cannot understand why you're complaining about. Its not as if a perma cloaker can kill you if you don't want them to. This is an unnecessary thread and should be closed.
I've played the Nightblade class since beta and I rely on cloak for both offense and defense. I can safely say that if they apply the increased cost nerf to cloak I would still be ably to perma cloak. Perma cloaking relies on cost REDUCTION and not regen and with siphoning attacks I can get resources back easily. The problem is not cloak nor is it a learn to play issue, simply put, most players are unwilling to place a counter for cloak on their bar making it easy for cloakers to escape.@Dracane, I've fought you many times and not once have you ever used a counter apart from the odd detect potion so I cannot understand why you're complaining about. Its not as if a perma cloaker can kill you if you don't want them to. This is an unnecessary thread and should be closed.
I don't even know you.
bowmanz607 wrote: »bowmanz607 wrote: »
While you are not addressing me, I can say what really bothers people about some of your suggestions are based off someone who doesn't play a NB. Furthermore you have not tested it on the pts yourself. So your suggestions and opinions are based off of interaction with the class from another's perspective, your Sorc.
I do however find you polite and well spoken. I just think you are less than experienced in regards to the NB, at least on the pts.
This is why I have and play all 4 classes. I get to see all aspects of gameplay from every angle. Which helps me, I think.
I'm playing a Nightblade, but it's not yet maxed out. My Magicka Nightblade is vr12 and I only pvp with her, the experience bar barely moves.
But yea you're right, I would never claim I'm as experienced as most Nightblades with playing this class. But then again, I'm seeing maaaany Nightblades as enemiesSo I might also see problems, that someone playing a Nightblade will not recognize. Do you think some adjustments to revealing flare would be out of place ? I appreciate your opinion.
And thanks for the clarification above.
i personally would love some adjustments to this ability. especially the cost. perhaps a stam morph to it? a stam build uses it and thats it game over no magika.
Nah, not the cost. This fire flare thing isn't really usefull, Nightblades just cloak the DoT (yes, you can cloak even though you're revealed by flare) Wouldn't mind it becoming a stamina morph, but that's not the needed change.
Like I said multiple times, it must become an instant cast. This animation must be removed, it has to reveal instantly, not 1 second later. 1 second is already too late to catch a Nightblade.
And look, I just found a funny things on YouTube. Deltia himself said, that Nightblade is going to be the strongest class next patch (well, nothing new actually) and that cloak is going to be the most OP survival mechanic in the game. He also points out, that Nightblades move with the speed of life and 12 meters or 20 meters are NOTHING for a NIghtblade. They travel this distance withing 1 second and bye bye your laughable counters
You only need to watch the first 30 seconds and the first few minutes. I've never been a fan of his builds, but I just came across this and found it..... satisfying to hear him saying this. Because he is a reasonable person and he knows whate he is talking about. So am I, even though many people might want to disagreebut it's true
Being told that Radiant Magelight is useless and then having them use Deltia as evidence is pathetic.
Again, meet me in Cyrodiil and show me how OP your NB is or Cloak
say what you want about how you feel about deltia, but the man puts in a lot of time testing and what not. that said, it is his experience and his experience usually is more toward the pve side of things. regardless he is still a competent player. although I amy not agree with everything he does, that does not mean he is incompetent. In fact, dracane as proceeded to provide feedback with support of her (i believe from previous posts this to be true) position. that is more than i can say fo you who simply disregards the argument without subsantive feedback. I have disagreed with dracane also, but proceeded to have a relevant and meaningful discussion. perhaps you should try the same.
And your response would mean something IF dracane did not have pages of nonsensical claims regarding Cloak or RML and was called into accountability and dodged them all. Sorry, no. IF you want to rebuke me, you should first get the context of the situation.
Regarding Deltia, all I said was using him as your evidence is "pathetic." Particularly when you misquote him and make him say something he didn't. Also, I don't care who said what, I know RML counters cloak because I use the damn thing every day to do so. Citing someone that is a popular youtuber who doesn't test this or use it, and then telling me I am wrong is not only an offense, but ridiculously absurd. I also don't care about Deltia's opinion, he is wrong about things all the time and doesn't PvP half as much as a lot of us. What he thinks is moot.
I don't make generalized blanket statements based off hypothesis either. I actually go out and test things before I make "bold" claims. That said, if Dracane wants to keep making noise and whining out of ignorance, he can come show me in Cyrodiil how worthless my RML is.
The truth hurts doesn't it
bowmanz607 wrote: »bowmanz607 wrote: »
While you are not addressing me, I can say what really bothers people about some of your suggestions are based off someone who doesn't play a NB. Furthermore you have not tested it on the pts yourself. So your suggestions and opinions are based off of interaction with the class from another's perspective, your Sorc.
I do however find you polite and well spoken. I just think you are less than experienced in regards to the NB, at least on the pts.
This is why I have and play all 4 classes. I get to see all aspects of gameplay from every angle. Which helps me, I think.
I'm playing a Nightblade, but it's not yet maxed out. My Magicka Nightblade is vr12 and I only pvp with her, the experience bar barely moves.
But yea you're right, I would never claim I'm as experienced as most Nightblades with playing this class. But then again, I'm seeing maaaany Nightblades as enemiesSo I might also see problems, that someone playing a Nightblade will not recognize. Do you think some adjustments to revealing flare would be out of place ? I appreciate your opinion.
And thanks for the clarification above.
i personally would love some adjustments to this ability. especially the cost. perhaps a stam morph to it? a stam build uses it and thats it game over no magika.
Nah, not the cost. This fire flare thing isn't really usefull, Nightblades just cloak the DoT (yes, you can cloak even though you're revealed by flare) Wouldn't mind it becoming a stamina morph, but that's not the needed change.
Like I said multiple times, it must become an instant cast. This animation must be removed, it has to reveal instantly, not 1 second later. 1 second is already too late to catch a Nightblade.
And look, I just found a funny things on YouTube. Deltia himself said, that Nightblade is going to be the strongest class next patch (well, nothing new actually) and that cloak is going to be the most OP survival mechanic in the game. He also points out, that Nightblades move with the speed of life and 12 meters or 20 meters are NOTHING for a NIghtblade. They travel this distance withing 1 second and bye bye your laughable counters
You only need to watch the first 30 seconds and the first few minutes. I've never been a fan of his builds, but I just came across this and found it..... satisfying to hear him saying this. Because he is a reasonable person and he knows whate he is talking about. So am I, even though many people might want to disagreebut it's true
Being told that Radiant Magelight is useless and then having them use Deltia as evidence is pathetic.
Again, meet me in Cyrodiil and show me how OP your NB is or Cloak
say what you want about how you feel about deltia, but the man puts in a lot of time testing and what not. that said, it is his experience and his experience usually is more toward the pve side of things. regardless he is still a competent player. although I amy not agree with everything he does, that does not mean he is incompetent. In fact, dracane as proceeded to provide feedback with support of her (i believe from previous posts this to be true) position. that is more than i can say fo you who simply disregards the argument without subsantive feedback. I have disagreed with dracane also, but proceeded to have a relevant and meaningful discussion. perhaps you should try the same.
And your response would mean something IF dracane did not have pages of nonsensical claims regarding Cloak or RML and was called into accountability and dodged them all. Sorry, no. IF you want to rebuke me, you should first get the context of the situation.
Regarding Deltia, all I said was using him as your evidence is "pathetic." Particularly when you misquote him and make him say something he didn't. Also, I don't care who said what, I know RML counters cloak because I use the damn thing every day to do so. Citing someone that is a popular youtuber who doesn't test this or use it, and then telling me I am wrong is not only an offense, but ridiculously absurd. I also don't care about Deltia's opinion, he is wrong about things all the time and doesn't PvP half as much as a lot of us. What he thinks is moot.
I don't make generalized blanket statements based off hypothesis either. I actually go out and test things before I make "bold" claims. That said, if Dracane wants to keep making noise and whining out of ignorance, he can come show me in Cyrodiil how worthless my RML is.
Okay, you instantly meet me in Cyrodiil now.
I'm sick of your provocation and your big mouth. I will silence you, come ! Tell me the location/campaign and I'll teach you to mess with me.
bowmanz607 wrote: »bowmanz607 wrote: »bowmanz607 wrote: »
While you are not addressing me, I can say what really bothers people about some of your suggestions are based off someone who doesn't play a NB. Furthermore you have not tested it on the pts yourself. So your suggestions and opinions are based off of interaction with the class from another's perspective, your Sorc.
I do however find you polite and well spoken. I just think you are less than experienced in regards to the NB, at least on the pts.
This is why I have and play all 4 classes. I get to see all aspects of gameplay from every angle. Which helps me, I think.
I'm playing a Nightblade, but it's not yet maxed out. My Magicka Nightblade is vr12 and I only pvp with her, the experience bar barely moves.
But yea you're right, I would never claim I'm as experienced as most Nightblades with playing this class. But then again, I'm seeing maaaany Nightblades as enemiesSo I might also see problems, that someone playing a Nightblade will not recognize. Do you think some adjustments to revealing flare would be out of place ? I appreciate your opinion.
And thanks for the clarification above.
i personally would love some adjustments to this ability. especially the cost. perhaps a stam morph to it? a stam build uses it and thats it game over no magika.
Nah, not the cost. This fire flare thing isn't really usefull, Nightblades just cloak the DoT (yes, you can cloak even though you're revealed by flare) Wouldn't mind it becoming a stamina morph, but that's not the needed change.
Like I said multiple times, it must become an instant cast. This animation must be removed, it has to reveal instantly, not 1 second later. 1 second is already too late to catch a Nightblade.
And look, I just found a funny things on YouTube. Deltia himself said, that Nightblade is going to be the strongest class next patch (well, nothing new actually) and that cloak is going to be the most OP survival mechanic in the game. He also points out, that Nightblades move with the speed of life and 12 meters or 20 meters are NOTHING for a NIghtblade. They travel this distance withing 1 second and bye bye your laughable counters
You only need to watch the first 30 seconds and the first few minutes. I've never been a fan of his builds, but I just came across this and found it..... satisfying to hear him saying this. Because he is a reasonable person and he knows whate he is talking about. So am I, even though many people might want to disagreebut it's true
Being told that Radiant Magelight is useless and then having them use Deltia as evidence is pathetic.
Again, meet me in Cyrodiil and show me how OP your NB is or Cloak
say what you want about how you feel about deltia, but the man puts in a lot of time testing and what not. that said, it is his experience and his experience usually is more toward the pve side of things. regardless he is still a competent player. although I amy not agree with everything he does, that does not mean he is incompetent. In fact, dracane as proceeded to provide feedback with support of her (i believe from previous posts this to be true) position. that is more than i can say fo you who simply disregards the argument without subsantive feedback. I have disagreed with dracane also, but proceeded to have a relevant and meaningful discussion. perhaps you should try the same.
And your response would mean something IF dracane did not have pages of nonsensical claims regarding Cloak or RML and was called into accountability and dodged them all. Sorry, no. IF you want to rebuke me, you should first get the context of the situation.
Regarding Deltia, all I said was using him as your evidence is "pathetic." Particularly when you misquote him and make him say something he didn't. Also, I don't care who said what, I know RML counters cloak because I use the damn thing every day to do so. Citing someone that is a popular youtuber who doesn't test this or use it, and then telling me I am wrong is not only an offense, but ridiculously absurd. I also don't care about Deltia's opinion, he is wrong about things all the time and doesn't PvP half as much as a lot of us. What he thinks is moot.
I don't make generalized blanket statements based off hypothesis either. I actually go out and test things before I make "bold" claims. That said, if Dracane wants to keep making noise and whining out of ignorance, he can come show me in Cyrodiil how worthless my RML is.
Okay, you instantly meet me in Cyrodiil now.
I'm sick of your provocation and your big mouth. I will silence you, come ! Tell me the location/campaign and I'll teach you to mess with me.
please post how this goes lol.
The truth hurts doesn't it
Ah. Hm if you would have told the truth, then it might hurt.
But we had 3 official duels. In each of them, I was forced to stop the fight because all you do is staying cloaked 24/7 and not even doing anything. Sorry, this is tiring and more than noobishOur next encounter was you killing me while I was afk, the last encounter was me killing you out of stealth.
You and me don't have a rich combat history.
The truth hurts doesn't it
Ah. Hm if you would have told the truth, then it might hurt.
But we had 3 official duels. In each of them, I was forced to stop the fight because all you do is staying cloaked 24/7 and not even doing anything. Sorry, this is tiring and more than noobishOur next encounter was you killing me while I was afk, the last encounter was me killing you out of stealth.
You and me don't have a rich combat history.
my point exactly... you had no counters on your bar. why should all nightblades suffer because of your precious bar space? its time to stop this nonsense man, you're better than this.
Dude, did you ever try to counter it? please answer this question.