You're unbelieveable. Even though I brought you an uncounterable tactic if played right, and you still insult me as a fool and so on. Even @Master_Kas agrees, that the shadow image-cloak combo is OP and he doesn't understand, why so few NIghtblades are using it and he IS an experienced Nightblade and I can take him serious, unlike you.
If you say cloak is easy to counter, then you're playing this class wrong.
However I agree, that the Bolt Escape treatment is a crime. You claim to know so much about methen you would be aware, that I wrote a suggestion today where I said, that I also don't think, that the Bolt Escape treatment is fair for Cloak. Still we Sorcerers have to endure it.
I said, I would like to see some adjustments to Revealing flare, so that it becomes a more reliable counter and maybe even allows us to counter Cloak as an escape. Come on Xael, show me you are reasonable and have some insight already -.- I can't believe you really keep on doing this. Go out if you're so experienced and try what we told you and you will come to recognize, that Cloak is OP and that we need a real counter.
If you want, I send you my suggestion as a message. Just let me know
FFS man, make up your mind. So you play a Nightblade now? Are you telling me this? You have a vr14 NB and have 100% success rate with your "uncounterable tactic"? That's what you are implying. Because if you don't play a NB v14 and have 100% success rate, you need to be quiet. You are implying you speak from experience as a NB.
I don't know KAS and I don't care what he says, I know what I know because I kill NBs every day in Cyro and Imperial City and I use Radiant Magelight and other tools to do it. Stop with the hyperbole and pontification. The only thing you have is anecdotal, you are doing nothing but making noise.
I don't need to go out and try it. I kill nightblades... In fact get on your Nightblade so I can come kill you. Show me how OP you are.
You're unbelieveable. Even though I brought you an uncounterable tactic if played right, and you still insult me as a fool and so on. Even @Master_Kas agrees, that the shadow image-cloak combo is OP and he doesn't understand, why so few NIghtblades are using it and he IS an experienced Nightblade and I can take him serious, unlike you.
If you say cloak is easy to counter, then you're playing this class wrong.
However I agree, that the Bolt Escape treatment is a crime. You claim to know so much about methen you would be aware, that I wrote a suggestion today where I said, that I also don't think, that the Bolt Escape treatment is fair for Cloak. Still we Sorcerers have to endure it.
I said, I would like to see some adjustments to Revealing flare, so that it becomes a more reliable counter and maybe even allows us to counter Cloak as an escape. Come on Xael, show me you are reasonable and have some insight already -.- I can't believe you really keep on doing this. Go out if you're so experienced and try what we told you and you will come to recognize, that Cloak is OP and that we need a real counter.
If you want, I send you my suggestion as a message. Just let me know
FFS man, make up your mind. So you play a Nightblade now? Are you telling me this? You have a vr14 NB and have 100% success rate with your "uncounterable tactic"? That's what you are implying. Because if you don't play a NB v14 and have 100% success rate, you need to be quiet. You are implying you speak from experience as a NB.
I don't know KAS and I don't care what he says, I know what I know because I kill NBs every day in Cyro and Imperial City and I use Radiant Magelight and other tools to do it. Stop with the hyperbole and pontification. The only thing you have is anecdotal, you are doing nothing but making noise.
I don't need to go out and try it. I kill nightblades... In fact get on your Nightblade so I can come kill you. Show me how OP you are.
Stop calling me a man -.- I'm not, it's beginning to annoy me.
I'm writing suggestions every day. All that you have to do, is telling everyone that they are wrong as soon as Nightblade is the topic. I'm not making noise, I'm trying to make suggestions for the team. You do nothing for them.
I'm not saying that all my suggestions must be right or the perfect solution. But why shouldn't I tell them anyway ? I appreciate opinions and suggestions, I know Zenimax does and I assume many people appreciate it either, if people give their opinion.
All I can tell you, is that you should instantly try to turn down your insulting behavior. Not only towards me, I see you insulting quite a few people, you show no respect for other people's opinions. I'm sorry that I allow you to provoce me, that's all I have to say. I will not report you, because I can solve problems by myself.
You're unbelieveable. Even though I brought you an uncounterable tactic if played right, and you still insult me as a fool and so on. Even @Master_Kas agrees, that the shadow image-cloak combo is OP and he doesn't understand, why so few NIghtblades are using it and he IS an experienced Nightblade and I can take him serious, unlike you.
If you say cloak is easy to counter, then you're playing this class wrong.
However I agree, that the Bolt Escape treatment is a crime. You claim to know so much about methen you would be aware, that I wrote a suggestion today where I said, that I also don't think, that the Bolt Escape treatment is fair for Cloak. Still we Sorcerers have to endure it.
I said, I would like to see some adjustments to Revealing flare, so that it becomes a more reliable counter and maybe even allows us to counter Cloak as an escape. Come on Xael, show me you are reasonable and have some insight already -.- I can't believe you really keep on doing this. Go out if you're so experienced and try what we told you and you will come to recognize, that Cloak is OP and that we need a real counter.
If you want, I send you my suggestion as a message. Just let me know
FFS man, make up your mind. So you play a Nightblade now? Are you telling me this? You have a vr14 NB and have 100% success rate with your "uncounterable tactic"? That's what you are implying. Because if you don't play a NB v14 and have 100% success rate, you need to be quiet. You are implying you speak from experience as a NB.
I don't know KAS and I don't care what he says, I know what I know because I kill NBs every day in Cyro and Imperial City and I use Radiant Magelight and other tools to do it. Stop with the hyperbole and pontification. The only thing you have is anecdotal, you are doing nothing but making noise.
I don't need to go out and try it. I kill nightblades... In fact get on your Nightblade so I can come kill you. Show me how OP you are.
Stop calling me a man -.- I'm not, it's beginning to annoy me.
I'm writing suggestions every day. All that you have to do, is telling everyone that they are wrong as soon as Nightblade is the topic. I'm not making noise, I'm trying to make suggestions for the team. You do nothing for them.
I'm not saying that all my suggestions must be right or the perfect solution. But why shouldn't I tell them anyway ? I appreciate opinions and suggestions, I know Zenimax does and I assume many people appreciate it either, if people give their opinion.
All I can tell you, is that you should instantly try to turn down your insulting behavior. Not only towards me, I see you insulting quite a few people, you show no respect for other people's opinions. I'm sorry that I allow you to provoce me, that's all I have to say. I will not report you, because I can solve problems by myself.
Now you are playing the victim role. Wow.
I have reasoned with you soundly and treated you as I would anyone in your position. You on the otherhand have been obtuse and slippery all the while railing me with accusations and calling me a liar and pretentious.
You insulted me actually. Now you are claiming special victim status and saying you are not doing what I am quoting you doing. No, that's not going to work. Anyone with the reading level of a child can see my quotes where you are stating things matter of factly and insinuating things despite evidence that is contrary. It's really horrible that people like you can shoot off your mouth and then when you dig yourself a nice deep hole you all of a sudden cry foul and act like a victim.
You ARE NOT getting off the hook that easy. Nope, not going to happen. Show some integrity please.
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »Yes all the NB QQ has been answered and cloak is the only surviablity/escape mechanic/skill that works now cause it hasn't been brung into the same balancing as the others such as BE. NBs are the new dunmer DK vampires from a year ago. Now get ready for a year of nerfs just like DKs.
bowmanz607 wrote: »the difference between bolt escape and cloak is easy. bolt escape is a guranteed skill. no matter what you get your bolt escape. a cloak is never guarnteed. in the heat of battle it requires the user to hit 2 or 3 times for it to actaully work as intended. not every time but enough. you cant add a penalty to an ability that is not guarnteed.also sorc can easily streak 3 times even as stamina. I have done it. this is more than enough to get out of harms way. if you have not gotten out of harms way in 2 streaks, then your streaks are random and inefficient. also, only counter for streak is a gap closer. cloak has many counters as previously mentioned in this thread.
I am constantly countering a nb cloak with aoe, inner light, detect pots etc. depending on how i am running. Sometimes i get them sometimes i dont. just like BE. sometimes i get them sometimes i dont. imo it is a l2p issue.
that said, if cloak ever truly gets fixed to where unless one of the counters are stopping me i am able to get a guaranteed cloak, then I would not mind the cost increase like BE. Like dodgeroll, or block, or BE, I believe that cloak should also be used right. 2-3 cloaks are enough to get you out of harms way. as it stands, if you want to make sure you get a guaranteed cloak you have to combine it with other attacks such as fear or dodgeroll etc. this in itself increase the cost of using it cause you have to use two abilities.
EatUrNumNumz wrote: »Cloak didn't get fixed, it's still OP. The bugs got fixed mostly, but there is still no penalty for cloak spam.should happen soon though.
Piercing Mark (Mark Target morph) is also a "penalty" to cloak.
Along with any and all aoe skills. Also magicka detonation and velocious curse.
Also why should nightblades have a "penalty" for having/using cloak? It has plenty of counters and from your multiple threads on how "op" it is, I'd say you regardless refuse to use any of the aforementioned counters to it. So basically I think this comes down to a l2p issue. Just stop crying and git gud.
As for the patch, if it really isn't fixed still, I'm beyond annoyed and disappointed.
You're unbelieveable. Even though I brought you an uncounterable tactic if played right, and you still insult me as a fool and so on. Even @Master_Kas agrees, that the shadow image-cloak combo is OP and he doesn't understand, why so few NIghtblades are using it and he IS an experienced Nightblade and I can take him serious, unlike you.
If you say cloak is easy to counter, then you're playing this class wrong.
However I agree, that the Bolt Escape treatment is a crime. You claim to know so much about methen you would be aware, that I wrote a suggestion today where I said, that I also don't think, that the Bolt Escape treatment is fair for Cloak. Still we Sorcerers have to endure it.
I said, I would like to see some adjustments to Revealing flare, so that it becomes a more reliable counter and maybe even allows us to counter Cloak as an escape. Come on Xael, show me you are reasonable and have some insight already -.- I can't believe you really keep on doing this. Go out if you're so experienced and try what we told you and you will come to recognize, that Cloak is OP and that we need a real counter.
If you want, I send you my suggestion as a message. Just let me know
FFS man, make up your mind. So you play a Nightblade now? Are you telling me this? You have a vr14 NB and have 100% success rate with your "uncounterable tactic"? That's what you are implying. Because if you don't play a NB v14 and have 100% success rate, you need to be quiet. You are implying you speak from experience as a NB.
I don't know KAS and I don't care what he says, I know what I know because I kill NBs every day in Cyro and Imperial City and I use Radiant Magelight and other tools to do it. Stop with the hyperbole and pontification. The only thing you have is anecdotal, you are doing nothing but making noise.
I don't need to go out and try it. I kill nightblades... In fact get on your Nightblade so I can come kill you. Show me how OP you are.
Stop calling me a man -.- I'm not, it's beginning to annoy me.
I'm writing suggestions every day. All that you have to do, is telling everyone that they are wrong as soon as Nightblade is the topic. I'm not making noise, I'm trying to make suggestions for the team. You do nothing for them.
I'm not saying that all my suggestions must be right or the perfect solution. But why shouldn't I tell them anyway ? I appreciate opinions and suggestions, I know Zenimax does and I assume many people appreciate it either, if people give their opinion.
All I can tell you, is that you should instantly try to turn down your insulting behavior. Not only towards me, I see you insulting quite a few people, you show no respect for other people's opinions. I'm sorry that I allow you to provoce me, that's all I have to say. I will not report you, because I can solve problems by myself.
You mean a potion with a base duration of 10 seconds ?EatUrNumNumz wrote: »
Piercing Mark (Mark Target morph) is also a "penalty" to cloak.
Along with any and all aoe skills. Also magicka detonation and velocious curse.
Also why should nightblades have a "penalty" for having/using cloak? It has plenty of counters and from your multiple threads on how "op" it is, I'd say you regardless refuse to use any of the aforementioned counters to it. So basically I think this comes down to a l2p issue. Just stop crying and git gud.
As for the patch, if it really isn't fixed still, I'm beyond annoyed and disappointed.
I wish I had access to piercing mark. All my worries would be gone.
It's funny how you always try to convince me, that AoE help against Cloak. If you let this happen, then you're the one with L2P issues, huge ones even. A Nightblade that wants to escape with cloak, WILL escape and no counter in the game will help. Besides Piercing mark, it's extremely good but only available for Nightblades. Have you tried using the teleport shadow image combo ? Then you would know, that a Nightblade cannot be caught if he wants.
I tried revealing flare during the last few days. Not sure if it's bugged, but Nightblades can just keep on vanishing (live server)
As long as flare isn't an instant cast without this silly animation, it's no valid counter. Nightblades are too fast.
As soon as they cloak, apply speedbuff and run in a random direction, there is no chance you can catch them.
No other escape mechanic is as mighty as cloak and all these counters people like you are trying to taunt me with, are trash as soon as a Nightblade is on the fly.
I have to repeat myself again: I'm talking about Cloak as an Escape, not as an offensive mechanic. I encourage the offensive aspect of Cloak. But due to the recent changes, it's NECESSARY that cloak gets adjusted.
Darnathian wrote: »
You mean a potion with a base duration of 10 seconds ?EatUrNumNumz wrote: »
Piercing Mark (Mark Target morph) is also a "penalty" to cloak.
Along with any and all aoe skills. Also magicka detonation and velocious curse.
Also why should nightblades have a "penalty" for having/using cloak? It has plenty of counters and from your multiple threads on how "op" it is, I'd say you regardless refuse to use any of the aforementioned counters to it. So basically I think this comes down to a l2p issue. Just stop crying and git gud.
As for the patch, if it really isn't fixed still, I'm beyond annoyed and disappointed.
I wish I had access to piercing mark. All my worries would be gone.
It's funny how you always try to convince me, that AoE help against Cloak. If you let this happen, then you're the one with L2P issues, huge ones even. A Nightblade that wants to escape with cloak, WILL escape and no counter in the game will help. Besides Piercing mark, it's extremely good but only available for Nightblades. Have you tried using the teleport shadow image combo ? Then you would know, that a Nightblade cannot be caught if he wants.
I tried revealing flare during the last few days. Not sure if it's bugged, but Nightblades can just keep on vanishing (live server)
As long as flare isn't an instant cast without this silly animation, it's no valid counter. Nightblades are too fast.
As soon as they cloak, apply speedbuff and run in a random direction, there is no chance you can catch them.
No other escape mechanic is as mighty as cloak and all these counters people like you are trying to taunt me with, are trash as soon as a Nightblade is on the fly.
I have to repeat myself again: I'm talking about Cloak as an Escape, not as an offensive mechanic. I encourage the offensive aspect of Cloak. But due to the recent changes, it's NECESSARY that cloak gets adjusted.
You don't need piercing mark. Like he said use radiant mags light. Stop being unwilling to lower your offensive godliness
Darnathian wrote: »
You mean a potion with a base duration of 10 seconds ?EatUrNumNumz wrote: »
Piercing Mark (Mark Target morph) is also a "penalty" to cloak.
Along with any and all aoe skills. Also magicka detonation and velocious curse.
Also why should nightblades have a "penalty" for having/using cloak? It has plenty of counters and from your multiple threads on how "op" it is, I'd say you regardless refuse to use any of the aforementioned counters to it. So basically I think this comes down to a l2p issue. Just stop crying and git gud.
As for the patch, if it really isn't fixed still, I'm beyond annoyed and disappointed.
I wish I had access to piercing mark. All my worries would be gone.
It's funny how you always try to convince me, that AoE help against Cloak. If you let this happen, then you're the one with L2P issues, huge ones even. A Nightblade that wants to escape with cloak, WILL escape and no counter in the game will help. Besides Piercing mark, it's extremely good but only available for Nightblades. Have you tried using the teleport shadow image combo ? Then you would know, that a Nightblade cannot be caught if he wants.
I tried revealing flare during the last few days. Not sure if it's bugged, but Nightblades can just keep on vanishing (live server)
As long as flare isn't an instant cast without this silly animation, it's no valid counter. Nightblades are too fast.
As soon as they cloak, apply speedbuff and run in a random direction, there is no chance you can catch them.
No other escape mechanic is as mighty as cloak and all these counters people like you are trying to taunt me with, are trash as soon as a Nightblade is on the fly.
I have to repeat myself again: I'm talking about Cloak as an Escape, not as an offensive mechanic. I encourage the offensive aspect of Cloak. But due to the recent changes, it's NECESSARY that cloak gets adjusted.
You don't need piercing mark. Like he said use radiant mags light. Stop being unwilling to lower your offensive godliness
Radiant Magelight is useless. The radius is too small
You can catch Noob Nightblades, but not good Nightblade who want to escape.
Fix Revealing flare, make it reliable and the problem might be solved.
EatUrNumNumz wrote: »Cloak didn't get fixed, it's still OP. The bugs got fixed mostly, but there is still no penalty for cloak spam.should happen soon though.
Piercing Mark (Mark Target morph) is also a "penalty" to cloak.
Along with any and all aoe skills. Also magicka detonation and velocious curse.
Also why should nightblades have a "penalty" for having/using cloak? It has plenty of counters and from your multiple threads on how "op" it is, I'd say you regardless refuse to use any of the aforementioned counters to it. So basically I think this comes down to a l2p issue. Just stop crying and git gud.
As for the patch, if it really isn't fixed still, I'm beyond annoyed and disappointed.
EatUrNumNumz wrote: »Cloak didn't get fixed, it's still OP. The bugs got fixed mostly, but there is still no penalty for cloak spam.should happen soon though.
Piercing Mark (Mark Target morph) is also a "penalty" to cloak.
Along with any and all aoe skills. Also magicka detonation and velocious curse.
Also why should nightblades have a "penalty" for having/using cloak? It has plenty of counters and from your multiple threads on how "op" it is, I'd say you regardless refuse to use any of the aforementioned counters to it. So basically I think this comes down to a l2p issue. Just stop crying and git gud.
As for the patch, if it really isn't fixed still, I'm beyond annoyed and disappointed.
He means a penalty similar to Bolt Escape, it is possible to spam the cloak as much as your heart desires and with the nerf to detect pots this means that NBs will be able to literally get out of any and all situations whereas dodge-rollers and bolt escape spammers will not. It is slightly unfair in comparison, plus, it is possible to animation cancel cloak in a way that you can hit targets and never leave stealth, lol.
Darnathian wrote: »
You mean a potion with a base duration of 10 seconds ?EatUrNumNumz wrote: »
Piercing Mark (Mark Target morph) is also a "penalty" to cloak.
Along with any and all aoe skills. Also magicka detonation and velocious curse.
Also why should nightblades have a "penalty" for having/using cloak? It has plenty of counters and from your multiple threads on how "op" it is, I'd say you regardless refuse to use any of the aforementioned counters to it. So basically I think this comes down to a l2p issue. Just stop crying and git gud.
As for the patch, if it really isn't fixed still, I'm beyond annoyed and disappointed.
I wish I had access to piercing mark. All my worries would be gone.
It's funny how you always try to convince me, that AoE help against Cloak. If you let this happen, then you're the one with L2P issues, huge ones even. A Nightblade that wants to escape with cloak, WILL escape and no counter in the game will help. Besides Piercing mark, it's extremely good but only available for Nightblades. Have you tried using the teleport shadow image combo ? Then you would know, that a Nightblade cannot be caught if he wants.
I tried revealing flare during the last few days. Not sure if it's bugged, but Nightblades can just keep on vanishing (live server)
As long as flare isn't an instant cast without this silly animation, it's no valid counter. Nightblades are too fast.
As soon as they cloak, apply speedbuff and run in a random direction, there is no chance you can catch them.
No other escape mechanic is as mighty as cloak and all these counters people like you are trying to taunt me with, are trash as soon as a Nightblade is on the fly.
I have to repeat myself again: I'm talking about Cloak as an Escape, not as an offensive mechanic. I encourage the offensive aspect of Cloak. But due to the recent changes, it's NECESSARY that cloak gets adjusted.
You don't need piercing mark. Like he said use radiant mags light. Stop being unwilling to lower your offensive godliness
Radiant Magelight is useless. The radius is too small
You can catch Noob Nightblades, but not good Nightblade who want to escape.
Fix Revealing flare, make it reliable and the problem might be solved.
Yeah mate, use those 4 free slots you have for double radiant, flare and aoe you naab!
Darnathian wrote: »
You mean a potion with a base duration of 10 seconds ?EatUrNumNumz wrote: »
Piercing Mark (Mark Target morph) is also a "penalty" to cloak.
Along with any and all aoe skills. Also magicka detonation and velocious curse.
Also why should nightblades have a "penalty" for having/using cloak? It has plenty of counters and from your multiple threads on how "op" it is, I'd say you regardless refuse to use any of the aforementioned counters to it. So basically I think this comes down to a l2p issue. Just stop crying and git gud.
As for the patch, if it really isn't fixed still, I'm beyond annoyed and disappointed.
I wish I had access to piercing mark. All my worries would be gone.
It's funny how you always try to convince me, that AoE help against Cloak. If you let this happen, then you're the one with L2P issues, huge ones even. A Nightblade that wants to escape with cloak, WILL escape and no counter in the game will help. Besides Piercing mark, it's extremely good but only available for Nightblades. Have you tried using the teleport shadow image combo ? Then you would know, that a Nightblade cannot be caught if he wants.
I tried revealing flare during the last few days. Not sure if it's bugged, but Nightblades can just keep on vanishing (live server)
As long as flare isn't an instant cast without this silly animation, it's no valid counter. Nightblades are too fast.
As soon as they cloak, apply speedbuff and run in a random direction, there is no chance you can catch them.
No other escape mechanic is as mighty as cloak and all these counters people like you are trying to taunt me with, are trash as soon as a Nightblade is on the fly.
I have to repeat myself again: I'm talking about Cloak as an Escape, not as an offensive mechanic. I encourage the offensive aspect of Cloak. But due to the recent changes, it's NECESSARY that cloak gets adjusted.
You don't need piercing mark. Like he said use radiant mags light. Stop being unwilling to lower your offensive godliness
Radiant Magelight is useless. The radius is too small
You can catch Noob Nightblades, but not good Nightblade who want to escape.
Fix Revealing flare, make it reliable and the problem might be solved.
Yeah mate, use those 4 free slots you have for double radiant, flare and aoe you naab!
Sorry, I don't have a single free slot, thanks to pets draining all my slots. I can't sacrifise valueable slots for unreliable things such as Magelight.
bowmanz607 wrote: »Darnathian wrote: »
You mean a potion with a base duration of 10 seconds ?EatUrNumNumz wrote: »
Piercing Mark (Mark Target morph) is also a "penalty" to cloak.
Along with any and all aoe skills. Also magicka detonation and velocious curse.
Also why should nightblades have a "penalty" for having/using cloak? It has plenty of counters and from your multiple threads on how "op" it is, I'd say you regardless refuse to use any of the aforementioned counters to it. So basically I think this comes down to a l2p issue. Just stop crying and git gud.
As for the patch, if it really isn't fixed still, I'm beyond annoyed and disappointed.
I wish I had access to piercing mark. All my worries would be gone.
It's funny how you always try to convince me, that AoE help against Cloak. If you let this happen, then you're the one with L2P issues, huge ones even. A Nightblade that wants to escape with cloak, WILL escape and no counter in the game will help. Besides Piercing mark, it's extremely good but only available for Nightblades. Have you tried using the teleport shadow image combo ? Then you would know, that a Nightblade cannot be caught if he wants.
I tried revealing flare during the last few days. Not sure if it's bugged, but Nightblades can just keep on vanishing (live server)
As long as flare isn't an instant cast without this silly animation, it's no valid counter. Nightblades are too fast.
As soon as they cloak, apply speedbuff and run in a random direction, there is no chance you can catch them.
No other escape mechanic is as mighty as cloak and all these counters people like you are trying to taunt me with, are trash as soon as a Nightblade is on the fly.
I have to repeat myself again: I'm talking about Cloak as an Escape, not as an offensive mechanic. I encourage the offensive aspect of Cloak. But due to the recent changes, it's NECESSARY that cloak gets adjusted.
You don't need piercing mark. Like he said use radiant mags light. Stop being unwilling to lower your offensive godliness
Radiant Magelight is useless. The radius is too small
You can catch Noob Nightblades, but not good Nightblade who want to escape.
Fix Revealing flare, make it reliable and the problem might be solved.
Yeah mate, use those 4 free slots you have for double radiant, flare and aoe you naab!
Sorry, I don't have a single free slot, thanks to pets draining all my slots. I can't sacrifise valueable slots for unreliable things such as Magelight.
is this a joke? if if not, have pets become usable in pvp? i have not tested them.
Cloak didn't get fixed, it's still OP. The bugs got fixed mostly, but there is still no penalty for cloak spam.should happen soon though.
I just cant belive there is realy a discussion about this. You cant possibly argue that a magika nb doesnt have a huge advantage over the other classes in terms of survivability.
All the nb counter just work if the nb is still close by. Sure you can catch nb that way, but if they are stupid enough to still be near enough, its a learn to play issue on their part. It is insanly OP to get a near guaranteed escape. And even to get the chance to counter the escape cloak you have to sacrifce one or more abilitys for some that are absolutly useless or even realy harmfluss the rest of the time. No other class require counters with such heavy downsites with such little hope of success against skilled player.
I honestly dont have any clue why zenimax is hesitating to nerf this crap already. You should be more interested in the balance of the game, then people wanting to stay OP. People with OP builds will always cry if its nerfed and the more OP something is the more people play it. DK havent been happy with the nerf and sorcs are still crying not to nerf shieldstacking. Cloakescape and Permacloaking for magicka nb is and has been an issue on live and the problem gets even worse on pts with fights taking alot longer.
And the immense upside of escapes to every other survival ability because of telvar stones alone makes a nerf absolutly necessary. It cant be that a you just have to make a splitsecond delay in the counter to let them runn away with their stones. That was the whole point why blink was nerfed.
If it hasnt occured to everyone here, there are more then just magicka nbs and shieldstacking sorcs in pvp. You cant just argue that a nerf will let you with an disadvantage against the other OP class.
I just cant belive there is realy a discussion about this. You cant possibly argue that a magika nb doesnt have a huge advantage over the other classes in terms of survivability.
All the nb counter just work if the nb is still close by. Sure you can catch nb that way, but if they are stupid enough to still be near enough, its a learn to play issue on their part. It is insanly OP to get a near guaranteed escape. And even to get the chance to counter the escape cloak you have to sacrifce one or more abilitys for some that are absolutly useless or even realy harmfluss the rest of the time. No other class require counters with such heavy downsites with such little hope of success against skilled player.
I honestly dont have any clue why zenimax is hesitating to nerf this crap already. You should be more interested in the balance of the game, then people wanting to stay OP. People with OP builds will always cry if its nerfed and the more OP something is the more people play it. DK havent been happy with the nerf and sorcs are still crying not to nerf shieldstacking. Cloakescape and Permacloaking for magicka nb is and has been an issue on live and the problem gets even worse on pts with fights taking alot longer.
And the immense upside of escapes to every other survival ability because of telvar stones alone makes a nerf absolutly necessary. It cant be that a you just have to make a splitsecond delay in the counter to let them runn away with their stones. That was the whole point why blink was nerfed.
If it hasnt occured to everyone here, there are more then just magicka nbs and shieldstacking sorcs in pvp. You cant just argue that a nerf will let you with an disadvantage against the other OP class.
I just cant belive there is realy a discussion about this. You cant possibly argue that a magika nb doesnt have a huge advantage over the other classes in terms of survivability.
All the nb counter just work if the nb is still close by. Sure you can catch nb that way, but if they are stupid enough to still be near enough, its a learn to play issue on their part. It is insanly OP to get a near guaranteed escape. And even to get the chance to counter the escape cloak you have to sacrifce one or more abilitys for some that are absolutly useless or even realy harmfluss the rest of the time. No other class require counters with such heavy downsites with such little hope of success against skilled player.
I honestly dont have any clue why zenimax is hesitating to nerf this crap already. You should be more interested in the balance of the game, then people wanting to stay OP. People with OP builds will always cry if its nerfed and the more OP something is the more people play it. DK havent been happy with the nerf and sorcs are still crying not to nerf shieldstacking. Cloakescape and Permacloaking for magicka nb is and has been an issue on live and the problem gets even worse on pts with fights taking alot longer.
And the immense upside of escapes to every other survival ability because of telvar stones alone makes a nerf absolutly necessary. It cant be that a you just have to make a splitsecond delay in the counter to let them runn away with their stones. That was the whole point why blink was nerfed.
If it hasnt occured to everyone here, there are more then just magicka nbs and shieldstacking sorcs in pvp. You cant just argue that a nerf will let you with an disadvantage against the other OP class.
I just cant belive there is realy a discussion about this. You cant possibly argue that a magika nb doesnt have a huge advantage over the other classes in terms of survivability.
All the nb counter just work if the nb is still close by. Sure you can catch nb that way, but if they are stupid enough to still be near enough, its a learn to play issue on their part. It is insanly OP to get a near guaranteed escape. And even to get the chance to counter the escape cloak you have to sacrifce one or more abilitys for some that are absolutly useless or even realy harmfluss the rest of the time. No other class require counters with such heavy downsites with such little hope of success against skilled player.
I honestly dont have any clue why zenimax is hesitating to nerf this crap already. You should be more interested in the balance of the game, then people wanting to stay OP. People with OP builds will always cry if its nerfed and the more OP something is the more people play it. DK havent been happy with the nerf and sorcs are still crying not to nerf shieldstacking. Cloakescape and Permacloaking for magicka nb is and has been an issue on live and the problem gets even worse on pts with fights taking alot longer.
And the immense upside of escapes to every other survival ability because of telvar stones alone makes a nerf absolutly necessary. It cant be that a you just have to make a splitsecond delay in the counter to let them runn away with their stones. That was the whole point why blink was nerfed.
If it hasnt occured to everyone here, there are more then just magicka nbs and shieldstacking sorcs in pvp. You cant just argue that a nerf will let you with an disadvantage against the other OP class.
I agree with you, the skill makes us quite the one-trick-pony, but I won't support nerfing it until some of the other NB skills are increased in power/usability. All the nerf calls in this thread are clearly aimed at NB assassins (stam and mag both), however none of you pause to consider how it affects other NB builds that aren't OP and have to deal with several mediocre skills in our kit. You're just as blind as the assassins defending Shadow Cloak, or just don't care.
I play all classes, and with a Templar being my main. With cloak being a Nightblades only real defense I think cloak is fine where it is at. I see so many nerf this and nerf that on these forums, but no one ever says how it should be nerfed or balanced. Well @Dracane how do you suppose with adjust cloak so it is not "OP"? (even thou I do not believe it is.) Keep in mind you have to adjust it so you do not take away the NBs only means of actual defense.
You either give a reliable counter or give it the same threatment as bolt escape, or mistform.
I guess, many of you don't like the 2nd solutionNeither do I to be honest, because this might not help adjusting the main problem with Cloak, the high escape chance without a chance to track them.
This counter should be revealing flare. Again, detection potions are no longer a counter, nobody wants to trade a 13 seconds detection for ressource restore every 40 seconds. And Magelights range is way too short to keep up with the high speed of cloaked Nightblades.
So I would like to see some changes to revealing flare:
+It should loose its animation. The travel time of the projectile is still way too long to make it reliable. It must instantly apply as soon as I cast it. This will not be enough to make it work everytime, but this makes it controleable and definately more reliable.
+Another idea me and someone else ( I think it was @DDuke , correct if I'm wrong honey)
Is to give an effect to Revealing flare, that is similar to the Daedra and Undead detection of Evil Hunter. But not if you have it slotted, but if you activate it to get this AoE aim circle. As soon as you activate this, a tiny, almost invisible shine will be added to the invisible target, to help aiming with flare.
The potion nerf was needed. 45 seconds is way too long and everyone who is being objective knew it. The now 13ish duration (with passives) negates 4.5 (rounded up from 4.48) casts of cloak. The average cost of cloak is 2700-3400 magicka. Are you telling me that costing a player 12150-15300 magicka is useless? It's certainly situational but by no means is it useless.
Now addressing your escape combo. Shade+Cloak will cost in the neighborhood of 4000-5700 magicka, assuming Cloak wasn't needed multiple times. Your average stamina NB sports around 9k magicka, that's a very significant amount of magicka. Which is why you rarely see stamina NB even use shades. How do you propose you would balance it to remain useful to them?
If ANYONE is having issues finding and keeping up with a Stamina NB, it IS a L2P issue.
If you are having issues finding and keeping up with a magicka NB, it is a L2counter issue.
I'll explain just one counter to a Magicka NB's use of shades+cloak. Drop an aoe on his shade, flare in this patch (not the burning morph) is amazing. Drink that useless potion use RML, or streak(or any combination) and kick his arse. Every time he drops a shade, drop a flare, simple.
I play all 4 classes, in both resource builds, and I can tell you confidently that if a NB gets away from me I was either otherwise engaged or had no interest in chasing him. Period. Then again I use RML on my gap closer bar on every class I play and don't bother with potions for defense, but use them offensively on my magicka NB.
By all means though, for everyone complaining, continue. It's mildly entertaining.
Edit- As a side note, all my magicka specs can maintain 3 Lingering Flares, whilst dpsing, to provide me a VERY large area of stealth denial on the pts.
Of course, 40 seconds duration was too long. But 13 seconds is way too short.
And I'm sure your numbers are taken from a stamina Nightblade ? I'm worried about Magicka Nightblades, who can stay cloaked forever.
I am saying the permacloak and cloak escape should be nerfed, not necessary the ability itself. This can happen via higher ranged counter, a percentage cost for cloak or something like not beeing able to sprint while cloaked. I am plainly stating that the current option of beeing permacloaked or having an almost guranteed escape are drasticly imbalanced and have to go. If in this case all nb stay there without any defensive mechanism you have to get an alternative, be it heal or something else. Like in most cases there is no one simple solution, espacialy if its a rather complex system you have to account for, but not doing anything atm and leave it as is is not an option. Zenimax has to invest time and will into fixing this.@Davkin
I agree with you, the skill makes us quite the one-trick-pony, but I won't support nerfing it until some of the other NB skills are increased in power/usability. All the nerf calls in this thread are clearly aimed at NB assassins (stam and mag both), however none of you pause to consider how it affects other NB builds that aren't OP and have to deal with several mediocre skills in our kit. You're just as blind as the assassins defending Shadow Cloak, or just don't care.
You're unbelieveable. Even though I brought you an uncounterable tactic if played right, and you still insult me as a fool and so on. Even @Master_Kas agrees, that the shadow image-cloak combo is OP and he doesn't understand, why so few NIghtblades are using it and he IS an experienced Nightblade and I can take him serious, unlike you.
If you say cloak is easy to counter, then you're playing this class wrong.
However I agree, that the Bolt Escape treatment is a crime. You claim to know so much about methen you would be aware, that I wrote a suggestion today where I said, that I also don't think, that the Bolt Escape treatment is fair for Cloak. Still we Sorcerers have to endure it.
I said, I would like to see some adjustments to Revealing flare, so that it becomes a more reliable counter and maybe even allows us to counter Cloak as an escape. Come on Xael, show me you are reasonable and have some insight already -.- I can't believe you really keep on doing this. Go out if you're so experienced and try what we told you and you will come to recognize, that Cloak is OP and that we need a real counter.
If you want, I send you my suggestion as a message. Just let me know
FFS man, make up your mind. So you play a Nightblade now? Are you telling me this? You have a vr14 NB and have 100% success rate with your "uncounterable tactic"? That's what you are implying. Because if you don't play a NB v14 and have 100% success rate, you need to be quiet. You are implying you speak from experience as a NB.
I don't know KAS and I don't care what he says, I know what I know because I kill NBs every day in Cyro and Imperial City and I use Radiant Magelight and other tools to do it. Stop with the hyperbole and pontification. The only thing you have is anecdotal, you are doing nothing but making noise.
I don't need to go out and try it. I kill nightblades... In fact get on your Nightblade so I can come kill you. Show me how OP you are.
Stop calling me a man -.- I'm not, it's beginning to annoy me.
I'm writing suggestions every day. All that you have to do, is telling everyone that they are wrong as soon as Nightblade is the topic. I'm not making noise, I'm trying to make suggestions for the team. You do nothing for them.
I'm not saying that all my suggestions must be right or the perfect solution. But why shouldn't I tell them anyway ? I appreciate opinions and suggestions, I know Zenimax does and I assume many people appreciate it either, if people give their opinion.
All I can tell you, is that you should instantly try to turn down your insulting behavior. Not only towards me, I see you insulting quite a few people, you show no respect for other people's opinions. I'm sorry that I allow you to provoce me, that's all I have to say. I will not report you, because I can solve problems by myself.