NewBlacksmurf wrote: »To me it would be totally *** to plan out how to remove VR levels and during those phases lay out the implementation of CP's but then later go back and remove CP's
The removal of VR levels opens up a lot of good and natural end game progression for those traditional MMO fans as well as opens up endless possibilities for the traditional TES fan. Then there are the gamers who are in both or neither of those categories....they too benefit from a game that at level 50 allows each character to be involved or opt out of different content but where the CP's gained allow their account to be apart of many parts of the game without feeling months behind if they make and alt.
To me...many customers will need to come to the realization that this game is and will not work and play like a traditional MMO, or like a traditional TES game. Whatever that may mean to each person and however that's taken, should provide allowances to be VERY open minded but hold onto the information that we hear and see via data-mined content and ESO Live episodes.
I like the idea of Veteran Ranks.
Whenever a new content patch comes out, we players are able to explore its zone and level our chars further. I just think that this "leveling" could be improved a bit, so that we get one or two new skill lines per zone, that are specific to that zone. Besides that, our current skills could be upgraded further, maybe an additional morph?
In my opinion, the VR´s right now have too less of an impact on our characters, its mostly about a new gear set and for this alone, the Veteran Ranks seem a bit pointless.
As for the CP system,
I have my problems with it, as its all about more damage, more health, faster running ... While these things are not bad per se, I really wish we would have some social perks as well. A perk for instance could be about reputation, so that we unlock new quests over time. Or we could gain access to additional player housing options (once we have an actual housing system). New furnage, larger quests for bigger homes ...
For me a system like the CS, should reflect how far we played through the game and what we did there so far. I just think only giving us more power is a bit one sided, especially as someone could theoretically grind mobs for a year and have more points than someone who actually played through the game.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »To me it would be totally *** to plan out how to remove VR levels and during those phases lay out the implementation of CP's but then later go back and remove CP's
The removal of VR levels opens up a lot of good and natural end game progression for those traditional MMO fans as well as opens up endless possibilities for the traditional TES fan. Then there are the gamers who are in both or neither of those categories....they too benefit from a game that at level 50 allows each character to be involved or opt out of different content but where the CP's gained allow their account to be apart of many parts of the game without feeling months behind if they make and alt.
To me...many customers will need to come to the realization that this game is and will not work and play like a traditional MMO, or like a traditional TES game. Whatever that may mean to each person and however that's taken, should provide allowances to be VERY open minded but hold onto the information that we hear and see via data-mined content and ESO Live episodes.
Indeed, and ZoS seems to at least mention that they are aware of the issues with CP such as mentioning seasons and such, we just have to wait and see what they do before we make any judgements, and if we see flaws in the system give constructive feedback. I personally like that this game is different from traditional MMOs, we'll see how many others agree over time.
Not sure why everyone wants veteran ranks to go away. The majority of complaints I hear about them is Cadwell's Silver/Gold and the XP grind. Neither of which is a problem with the veteran ranks themselves. ZOS just needs to add more content for VR 1-10, and make changes to the amount of XP needed and/or given (which they are in the next update). Maybe change it from veteran ranks to just levels, but it will be exactly the same.
Not sure why everyone wants veteran ranks to go away. The majority of complaints I hear about them is Cadwell's Silver/Gold and the XP grind. Neither of which is a problem with the veteran ranks themselves. ZOS just needs to add more content for VR 1-10, and make changes to the amount of XP needed and/or given (which they are in the next update). Maybe change it from veteran ranks to just levels, but it will be exactly the same.
I think the concept of Veteran Ranks should probably go and be replaced with levels; no change in the XP from 1-VR16, and no change in the gear, but just a removal of the actual post 50 system. I can't tell you how many disappointed lowbies I've run across who found out that level 50, or "Max level" as they try to call it, is nowhere near the end of their leveling journey. It's not the fact that leveling persists past 50, but just that this is so terribly unclear by the way the system is laid out.
Not sure why everyone wants veteran ranks to go away. The majority of complaints I hear about them is Cadwell's Silver/Gold and the XP grind. Neither of which is a problem with the veteran ranks themselves. ZOS just needs to add more content for VR 1-10, and make changes to the amount of XP needed and/or given (which they are in the next update). Maybe change it from veteran ranks to just levels, but it will be exactly the same.
I think the concept of Veteran Ranks should probably go and be replaced with levels; no change in the XP from 1-VR16, and no change in the gear, but just a removal of the actual post 50 system. I can't tell you how many disappointed lowbies I've run across who found out that level 50, or "Max level" as they try to call it, is nowhere near the end of their leveling journey. It's not the fact that leveling persists past 50, but just that this is so terribly unclear by the way the system is laid out.
How can anyone think it stops at 50 when you see vets running around everywhere?
Not sure why everyone wants veteran ranks to go away. The majority of complaints I hear about them is Cadwell's Silver/Gold and the XP grind. Neither of which is a problem with the veteran ranks themselves. ZOS just needs to add more content for VR 1-10, and make changes to the amount of XP needed and/or given (which they are in the next update). Maybe change it from veteran ranks to just levels, but it will be exactly the same.
I think the concept of Veteran Ranks should probably go and be replaced with levels; no change in the XP from 1-VR16, and no change in the gear, but just a removal of the actual post 50 system. I can't tell you how many disappointed lowbies I've run across who found out that level 50, or "Max level" as they try to call it, is nowhere near the end of their leveling journey. It's not the fact that leveling persists past 50, but just that this is so terribly unclear by the way the system is laid out.
Not sure why everyone wants veteran ranks to go away. The majority of complaints I hear about them is Cadwell's Silver/Gold and the XP grind. Neither of which is a problem with the veteran ranks themselves. ZOS just needs to add more content for VR 1-10, and make changes to the amount of XP needed and/or given (which they are in the next update). Maybe change it from veteran ranks to just levels, but it will be exactly the same.
Champion points on the other hand are stupid. There is no way to catch up to those with tons of CP, half of the perks are broken, and they have very little as far as diminishing returns are concerned. I rather them just scrap this junk completely or add severe diminishing returns so the difference between 300 CP and 1000 CP is less than 1% difference in power. Scraping it would be easier and faster, and this way they can start working on more content sooner.