I had this concept a while ago and have been trying to understand why it would be a negative addition to the game because I know the suggestion will be unpopular. I have tried to address the issues that people generally have with raised level caps.
The core concept is that level cap be raised by 1 regularly and independent of DLC to encourage continued play. This concept is sort of unorthodox and has some justification that needs to be explained, so I ask that readers try to actually consider the concept I am suggesting before jumping to an automatic knee-jerk reaction of “no!” Thanks

- Perpetual Progression
- Conjoined Concepts, levels 50-80
- Mitigation of Power Creep
- Upgrading End Level Gear
- PVP Leveling
- Scaled Content
Perpetual Progression
The core concept here is for ZOS to regularly increase the level cap by 1 level. This level increase would be an actual game mechanic that would provide players additional gameplay by giving them an additional level to gain on a regular basis. For the purpose of this concept I am going to use a 4 week (one month) interval for level increases.
Every month when the level cap increases, those who enjoy leaderboards and racing to level cap could participate in a leaderboard for the first 100 players to reach level cap. This leaderboard could be accompanied by 10 Cap-Ranking Buffs that would award players who reach level cap in the following order:
- 1st
- 2nd
- 3rd
- 4th-10th
- 11th-20th
- 21st-30th
- 31st-40th
- 41st-50th
- 51st-75th
- 75th-100th
The 1st person to reach level cap would receive the best buffs for that month with each subsequent tier being slightly less powerful. These buffs could also diminish over the month so that:
- Week 1: 100% buff effectiveness
- Week 2: 75% buff effectiveness
- Week 3: 50% buff effectiveness
- Week 4: 25% buff effectiveness
In addition to this ranking buff, every player that reaches level cap in the first 5 days could be given an enlightenment buff for the remainder of the month, making it beneficial for all players who wish to get to level cap for that month.
This would allow players to gain Champion points a little bit more quickly if they are the grindy type of player and would be beneficial to the overall community if my
Champion System Catch-Up Mechanic concept is implemented.
This level increase would be independent of content releases and could be used in conjunction with content releases to dictate the level of the enemies within that content. Traditional MMO level cap increases accompany content and the level cap is increased dramatically, sometimes as much as 10 levels. With this concept, DLC could be released with a level range that exceeds the current level cap to give the DLC some longevity and even overlap some DLC levels.
If a DLC is released in a month which has a level cap of 85, ZOS could design the DLC so that the level of the enemies ranges from 85-89. This would mean that the DLC would be a viable zone for 5 months. Players could team up with other players to take down the higher level mobs in the zone or they could simply wait for the level cap to rise in the few months following the DLC release to be on the same level as the mobs.
This could create a sort of scheduling challenge for ZOS. If they must hard code each mob with a level as they are creating a zone, they would need to know exactly when the DLC was going to set the mobs to the correct level for the increase. However, ZOS could code the zone so that they simply need to set the starting level for the mobs and each mob group could level off that base number. It really depends on how the data is organized on ZOS’ end. With their commitment to having quarterly content this sort of DLC level scheduling may be easily accomplished.
For those that will say that “Raising the level cap is not content” I simply point out that while it is not additional content, it is additional gameplay.
Conjoined Concepts, levels 50-80
This concept would be most effective if VR Ranks are converted to regular levels as outlined in my
Level 50-80: VR 1-16 Replacement. A New-ish Concept thread. In this concept, players would no longer gain Attribute Points and Skill points every single level. Progression rewards would be delivered more sparingly after level 50. This would make it so a player who is level 100 would only have 25 more attribute points than a player who is level 50. Players who are level 80 (VR 16) will have a total of 65 attribute points to distribute.
SP=Skill Point / AP=Attribute Point / CP=Champion Point / GR=Gear Requirement
In addition to this, I suggest ZOS also introduce design mechanics that would help mitigate some of the issues that arises with continued vertical progression.
Mitigation of Power Creep
To prevent players who are higher levels from becoming unstoppable (IE: level 100 players are twice as powerful as a level 50 players) I suggest that ZOS introduce a Sub-Attribute system at level 81 that would lock the total amount of attribute points that can be distributed between the three main attributes to 65. All attribute points a player earns beyond that can only be placed in a sub-attribute.
The Sub-Attributes would be:
- Magicka
- Intelligence (+ Spell Damage)
- Luck (+ Spell Critical)
- Personality (+ Spell Resistance)
- Health
- Willpower (+Magicka Recovery)
- Constitution (+Health Recovery)
- Endurance (+ Stamina Recovery)
- Stamina
- Strength (+ Weapon Damage)
- Speed (+ Weapon Critical)
- Agility (+ Armor)
With the Sub-Attribute system, players would now increase their Damage, Critical, Resistance, and Recovery attributes one at a time on a more granular level. This progression would allow players to create the exact character they desire. It’s important to note that each sub-attribute point would raise the Sub-Attribute by a very small amount since this progression would be in conjunction with the champion system and would increase the base stats to which the champion system and enchantments provides buffs.
Note that there is no means to directly increase Max Magicka, Max health, or Max Stamina using the Sub-Attributes. This is another power mitigation design so that all players, post level 80, would be on an equal playing field when it comes to how much Magicka, Health, and Stamina they have available to them from the leveling system.
It’s important to keep in mind that if the level cap is raised as often as once per month and the reward distribution of my Vet Rank to Level conversion concept is in place, players would, over the course of one year, only receive:
- 6 sub-attribute points
- 6 skill points
- 6 additional Champion Points
- 6 new levels of gear
Upgrading End Level Gear
There has been some discussion regarding upgrading gear. I absolutely adore this idea. There would, however, have to be some limitations.
- Gear can only be upgraded to your current level
- Upgrading gear requires a fraction (1/4?) the materials of creating new gear
- Once gear is upgraded it is BOUND to the character
Allowing player to upgrade the gear they are using, and not allowing them to sell that gear will allow players to more quickly move from one gear level to another, but will also keep the need for players to craft and sell high level gear that they craft intact. When upgrading the level of gear the gear’s quality should lower by one level.
This upgrading mechanic could be available only to master crafters and could only be available to gear of level 50 or greater. Perhaps this could even be a skill added to the different crafting abilities.
PVP Leveling
One of the issues with raising the level cap is pressuring PVP players to do something other than PVP. They are in the thick of battle and if the level cap raises and they don’t run to the new content, run through the new content to raise their level, they will soon find themselves fighting a losing battle against those that did take the time to level up. There are a couple of things that can be done about this to allow these players to play as they want to play.
First, the incremental level increases proposed in this concept wouldn’t offer a player enough of an advantage to make them instantly more competitive in PVP. A player who is level 94 fighting against a player who is level 95 may only have a 10 point difference in Weapon Damage when the overall damage is in the thousands.
Second, PVP XP should be more than enough so that a player who primarily plays PVP can level up the one level by the time the next level comes around. In fact, since cap would be raised only one level, most players would be able to continue whatever it is they are doing and, as long as they are playing regularly, and they would be able to reach the next cap.
Scaled Content
Lastly, we come to Scaled Content. This topic is in-line with my concept to
scale players down to any zone using the Battle Level toggle.
With Battle Leveling off, players will simply perform at their level they actually are. With Battle Leveling turned on, they will scale to the zone. This is important for this concept of continued progression because it creates a viable gameplay solution to all players, no matter where they wish to play or what level they currently are.
If a player really, truly enjoys killing werewolves in Glenumbra, they are more than welcome to remain Battle Leveled to Glenumbra and kill hundreds of werewolves to earn that month’s level, but it would be more advantageous to travel to higher level zones if they wanted to be competitive with their leveling.
As it pertains to new zones, ZOS could allow zones that are not part of the main quest lines (Craglorn being the first, and currently only, zone) to Battle level lower players to the minimum level of that Zone. So, when a Zone is released encompassing levels 85-89 and the current level cap is 87, any player lower than 85 will be leveled to 85 so they are viable in that zone. These players will receive scaled XP so they will be able to level up using these zones.
Players could even use Battle Leveling to group with their higher level friends. Battle leveling should level all players in a group to the group leader. This would allow players to level to whatever level the group leader is, down or up.
In the
Caldwelld’s Redux thread I suggest that players earn an independent set of levels as they run through Caldwell’s Silver and Gold. These independent levels are gained in conjunction with their main levels and are used to determine Battle Leveling and XP rewards. Earning XP and leveling in a zone while battle leveled would increase the player’s zone-level as well as their main level.
To illustrate this let’s suppose we have released 6 DLCs with the following level ranges:
- Blackwood:90-94
- Southern Marsh: 95-99
- The Pale: 103-106
- Quin-rawl: 107-110
- Solstheim: 115-119
- Sunforge: 118-122
A player joins ESO and decides to dabble in each zone when they reach level 10. After a few weeks they have achieved a bit in each DLC Zone and now have the following zone-levels:
- Blackwood: Zone-Level 3 (Battle Level 92)
- Southern Marsh: Zone-Level 2 (Battle Level 96)
- The Pale: Zone-Level 2 (Battle Level 104)
- Quin-rawl: Zone-Level 4 (Battle Level 110)
- Solstheim: Zone-Level 2 (Battle Level 116)
- Sunforge: Zone-Level 5 (Battle Level 120)
A player who has battle leveled though a zone, but is still a lower level than their zone-level can continue to play in that zone and earn XP for their regular level at the leveled rate. As soon as their main level is greater than their zone-level the battle leveling works in reverse and they are scaled down to zone-max level +1 and no longer receive leveled XP.
Since the player has achieved 12 zone-levels and have been receiving scaled XP they are now level 22 and have out-leveled their main story zone by 7 levels. If the player wishes, they can remain Battle Leveled and their level will be scaled back down to their main story zone per the mechanics outlined in my Zone Scaling concept thread. Or they can remain at their current level and feel the soft skulls of their enemies give way to the mighty power of their boot.
This would give many players the freedom of choice when playing and would allow players to literally play however they wish to play. ZOS could decide to implement zone levels across the board for all zones, main story and DLC in order to facilitate the freedom of play. The concept would work either way.
Overview & Wrap-up
If you’ve stuck with me this long, I thank you. This concept is much more than simply adding levels for the sake of adding levels. The regular addition of levels would truly become a gameplay mechanic that could inform the progression of ESO while offering regular challenges to players who enjoy those types of game mechanics. With the scaling mechanics in place, players will be able to enjoy content no matter what their level and content will continue to be viable once they have completed the DLC for further playthroughs.
As many of us do, I wish for Tamriel to be open and available to all players and for all players to continually have the opportunity to play how they want to play.
Please let me know if you have any ideas on how this concept can be improved or why this concept wouldn't work. Please be specific in your feedback.