starkerealm wrote: »
Yeah, my jaw dropped when I saw the change to Essence Drain. That one is mindblowing.
I do kind of wish that, at present with vampires, if you didn't have any slotted abilities, your feed timer would shut off. Simply because, that's an annoying mechanic to worry about when you're trying to level other skills, and it would open the door to aesthetic vampires. But, still.
When I hear a werewolf in PVP while I have lethal arrow on:
"Hear me roar!"
Psychobunni wrote: »Lots of people got WW for their tanks....dbl kick in the sack for some.
People can submit feedback that this is a bad change...just sayin
starkerealm wrote: »
Yeah, my jaw dropped when I saw the change to Essence Drain. That one is mindblowing.
I do kind of wish that, at present with vampires, if you didn't have any slotted abilities, your feed timer would shut off. Simply because, that's an annoying mechanic to worry about when you're trying to level other skills, and it would open the door to aesthetic vampires. But, still.
Yeah, Essence Drain is gonna replace Concealed Weapon on my Bar, for my Stealth Mage NB.
wish they'd increase the range on it though, but it's still gonna be pretty damn good regardless.
I don't wanna see the feed timer shut off at all. in fact, I'd like a more stringent "punishment" for not feeding. like Stage 4 being Kill-On-Sight in Cities. I know Guildie Vampires who never feed, because they never feel like they need to.
If you don't want to change into a werewolf form, why go with the werewolf skill-line?
Seriously, people upset about this just want a free 15% extra stamina regen.
Supernatural Recovery (passive): This passive now only works while any Vampire ability is slotted in your ability bar.
Let's be honest about this.
the Majority of "Werewolves" aren't ACTUALLY Werewolves. they're just leeching the free Stamina Regen.
Wrong on both accounts.The werewolf perk of Stm Regen was awesome, and made being a werewolf in PvP viable, even though the transformation isn't. Reason being. "Oh look someone is transforming into a werewolf, let me pull out my bow and 2 shot them as they finish said transformation." Vampires only stick out if you either A) have the Fighter perk to see them, or B)They use their ult. Otherwise you can't really tell. You can see when someone goes full wolf, and thus they become every archers instant target, and You can now howl enough to heal that fast enough, and when you try, you're literally doing nothing in the fight but futilely trying to sustain.
You can have nothing slotted for vampire and you still get the Regens, and while you may take more fire damage, the amount depends on balancing the vampire perks.
Werewolves gain nothing if you don't have the ult slotted. If they made the transformation faster, or allowed you to be mobile while transforming, then it wouldn't be so bad. But as of now, I'd drop my werewolf and go vamp just for the regens.
And I play both Vamp and WW so this is by no means a WWvVamp, it is just an observation of balance.
theforgottenking1779 wrote: »Werewolfs suck balls in this game compared to skyrim ww i mean the time u actually get to stay as a werewolf is a joke that's the best reason why it sucks right there either make werewolfs unlimited or just remove them all together is what say
kkravaritieb17_ESO wrote: »theforgottenking1779 wrote: »Werewolfs suck balls in this game compared to skyrim ww i mean the time u actually get to stay as a werewolf is a joke that's the best reason why it sucks right there either make werewolfs unlimited or just remove them all together is what say
Then go play Skyrim. Cause this aint Skyrim.
schrodinger_the_Khajiit wrote: »This might be a stupid question but can the ultimate be slotted on either bar to get the 15% stamina regen or does it have to be on your active bar?
theforgottenking1779 wrote: »Werewolfs suck balls in this game compared to skyrim ww i mean the time u actually get to stay as a werewolf is a joke that's the best reason why it sucks right there either make werewolfs unlimited or just remove them all together is what i say
theforgottenking1779 wrote: »schrodinger_the_Khajiit wrote: »This might be a stupid question but can the ultimate be slotted on either bar to get the 15% stamina regen or does it have to be on your active bar?
Idk just stop playing eso and find another mmo to play save yourself the trouble of playing eso on console it sucks balls
My first thought on reading this was similar. Then I took an arrow.. wait, wrong text.
Then I thought about it. You give up on your ultimate for gaining the stamina regeneration. Fair cost. Vamp "gives up" an ability slot for their regeneration, which is slightly less costly since they will have mist form on their bar anyways.
All in all, I would have preferred it if vampires would have to slot the feeding active to gain the regeneration, not just any ability (which includes batswarm, so they will have it with both bars while werewolves will most probably will have a "regeneration bar" and a combat bar).
In the end, this change is appreciated, because it is a step in the right direction to reduce unlimited resource builds. Think of it as a change that makes you pay for having the regeneration capabilities.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Small reduction is better than no reduction. Also, I did amend that I would prefer to have the Vampire regeneration be tied to the unwanted skill, similarly to werewolves with the "unwanted" ultimate (there are much better ones).My first thought on reading this was similar. Then I took an arrow.. wait, wrong text.
Then I thought about it. You give up on your ultimate for gaining the stamina regeneration. Fair cost. Vamp "gives up" an ability slot for their regeneration, which is slightly less costly since they will have mist form on their bar anyways.
All in all, I would have preferred it if vampires would have to slot the feeding active to gain the regeneration, not just any ability (which includes batswarm, so they will have it with both bars while werewolves will most probably will have a "regeneration bar" and a combat bar).
In the end, this change is appreciated, because it is a step in the right direction to reduce unlimited resource builds. Think of it as a change that makes you pay for having the regeneration capabilities.
people just switch over to vamps have 10% magica and stamina while having the only negative impact reduced to 20% from 50% over the last two patches... great change in behalf of unlimited resources :P
Small reduction is better than no reduction. Also, I did amend that I would prefer to have the Vampire regeneration be tied to the unwanted skill, similarly to werewolves with the "unwanted" ultimate (there are much better ones).My first thought on reading this was similar. Then I took an arrow.. wait, wrong text.
Then I thought about it. You give up on your ultimate for gaining the stamina regeneration. Fair cost. Vamp "gives up" an ability slot for their regeneration, which is slightly less costly since they will have mist form on their bar anyways.
All in all, I would have preferred it if vampires would have to slot the feeding active to gain the regeneration, not just any ability (which includes batswarm, so they will have it with both bars while werewolves will most probably will have a "regeneration bar" and a combat bar).
In the end, this change is appreciated, because it is a step in the right direction to reduce unlimited resource builds. Think of it as a change that makes you pay for having the regeneration capabilities.
people just switch over to vamps have 10% magica and stamina while having the only negative impact reduced to 20% from 50% over the last two patches... great change in behalf of unlimited resources :P
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Hm, seems I need to re-read patch notes.Small reduction is better than no reduction. Also, I did amend that I would prefer to have the Vampire regeneration be tied to the unwanted skill, similarly to werewolves with the "unwanted" ultimate (there are much better ones).My first thought on reading this was similar. Then I took an arrow.. wait, wrong text.
Then I thought about it. You give up on your ultimate for gaining the stamina regeneration. Fair cost. Vamp "gives up" an ability slot for their regeneration, which is slightly less costly since they will have mist form on their bar anyways.
All in all, I would have preferred it if vampires would have to slot the feeding active to gain the regeneration, not just any ability (which includes batswarm, so they will have it with both bars while werewolves will most probably will have a "regeneration bar" and a combat bar).
In the end, this change is appreciated, because it is a step in the right direction to reduce unlimited resource builds. Think of it as a change that makes you pay for having the regeneration capabilities.
people just switch over to vamps have 10% magica and stamina while having the only negative impact reduced to 20% from 50% over the last two patches... great change in behalf of unlimited resources :P
wich unwanted skill? with the changes to essence drain the only wildly unsused ability now it probably will be used in the future...