Never been a vampire, but I am guessing they have some skills that are useful. So keeping a skill on the bar probably isn't much of a problem.
MornaBaine wrote: »If they were going to do anything to "balance" this for werewolves they should have just given them their poison weakness all the time instead of only when transformed. That would have been an excellent tradeoff and would have made perfect sense. But apparently ZOS LIKES to do everything backwards.
Good thing there is repentance
FadedJeans wrote: »I must admit, I just infected my end game tank for this very reason.
Well, it's still fun to RAWR! my way through PvE mobs.
MornaBaine wrote: »If they were going to do anything to "balance" this for werewolves they should have just given them their poison weakness all the time instead of only when transformed. That would have been an excellent tradeoff and would have made perfect sense. But apparently ZOS LIKES to do everything backwards.
Except WW has no upside when transformed. If they are going to take away the one benefit of werewolf they do need to give them some buffs to their active skills. But thinking about it, your suggestion is fine with me because poison damage weakness is pretty lol even if it happened all the time.
tintin_milou wrote: »Here is another suggestion to make WW better (among hundreds of previous ones) than it is now
*) Enable the WW ultimate to actually inflict "ultimate"-type damages.
*) Then scale down all WW abilities to "normal" damage/heals (i.e. lower than the WW damages/heals currently, similar to weapon/class damages/heals).
*) And finally, remove the WW timer! (This is the most annoying feature of being a WW: constantly under pressure to devour/get hit to extend the WW timer, taking the fun out of actually being a WW).
What do you think?
RustedValor wrote: »Just playing devils advocate, but werewolf might actually be useful in IC since they face melt stuff when transformed and there are plenty of mobs and people to feast on.
I think vamp bite prices are going to skyrocket! Guess I'll get cured of ww and jump on the vamp bandwagon again lol
RustedValor wrote: »Just playing devils advocate, but werewolf might actually be useful in IC since they face melt stuff when transformed and there are plenty of mobs and people to feast on. Also the armor that reduces cost of WW transform has pretty nice stats on it anyways.
Spearshard wrote: »The difference is that the only thing that made lycanthropy useful was the stam regen, most ppl didn't like the werewolf form BC it was a waste of an ultimate, not that powerful, not that useful, and so short it was even more useless. But, vampires, while they always had the weakness, they were always in human form, could use any ultimate, bat swarm was really good (though it got nerfed I think) and has really good passives, and really useful skills. To say of week vamps still have to have an ability slotted so it's equal is nonsensical compared to a utterly useless ultimate especially when drain essence now applies to everything. I seriously doubt there is a vamp that doesn't have a vamp ability slotted.[/quote]
i've known several, including myself. (as we're discussing a skill rather than an ult)
guess i'll be slotting one soon, though.
LaughingJack wrote: »so just slot an ability. thats what i do if i feel i need to buff with the WW thing - it's too easy considering the benefit.
You must PvE a lot. You don't have room for a worthless ultimate in PvP
Vampires were actually significantly improved in this update. The fire vulnerability was reduced from 40% to 25%, and Drain Essence went from only being situationally useful (because generally you could only use it against standard mobs) to being useful against all enemies. The only downside is that Supernatural Recovery only works when you have a Vampire ability slotted, but how many Vampires do you know that run around without a Vampire ability slotted? I know that currently the Vampire passives by themselves definitely don't make up for the weaknesses - if you're not going to be using the active abilities it's not worth it to be a Vampire anyway (well, unless you're doing it just because you want to be a Vampire and you don't care about handicapping yourself).Akavir_Sentinel wrote: »So, let me get this straight. You became a werewolf, just to never turn into a werewolf?
Suck it up, buttercup. Vamps took a similar hit on this update too, and we are in vamp form 24/7.
For clarity: I'm not saying "oh it's not fair, Werewolves got the short end of the stick and Vampires got buffed." I've never liked that Werewolves got a buff without any weaknesses as long as they never went into WW form, and I think that the changes made to slightly buff Vampires are actually good. Saying "Vampires took a similar hit on this update" doesn't make sense though.