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Why does Stamina Sorc still not have a stamina attack??

  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Cathexis wrote: »
    Cathexis wrote: »
    Cathexis wrote: »
    Cathexis wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    So yea thundering presence doesnt even have the speed boost that youd naturally want on a stamina played that cant use blink nearly as much as a magicka sorc.

    Theyve really taken the weakest class setup and beat it down in this patch.

    This is absolutely awful.

    And it doesnt even do that much damage. 510 a second for me with a template character, which just barely makes it worth using from a DPS point of view over just another Wrecking Blow.

    Yep - just tested with a flat no buff on my build.

    Caltrops doing 1.2k, thundering doing 700

    Other morph

    Caltrops doing 1.2k, boundless doing 350

    This is with no food or anything so my magicka is completely unbuffed. My equipment is full dps here though, which is more than Id normally run on a stam sorc.

    So you can do a couple hundred extra damage on the occasions you just happen to be adjacent to someone youre fighting, or you can have major expedition.

    Will try to say it as nicely as possible but this is an absolute joke/slap in the face. Nobody is even trying with stam sorc @ZOS.

    Tune in to for the next month to enjoy how fun a stam sorc can be to play. Its all going away pretty soon it looks like.

    There are three other classes that stamina builds work great for. Leave the sorc alone.

    Stam sorc actually works fine in its current state. Most cant make it work because it is not easy to play.

    This patch is just tearing it to pieces and the only 'buffs' put in place are actually worse options than sticking to the magicka counterparts.

    Wow Fengrush. I really respect you for managing to answer to such posts with such composure. I am sure if I tried to answer his two previous posts I would get a forum infraction for the simple fact that these posts are not trolling which makes it even worse......
    I'm sick of people making a sorcerer and then complaining that it's only good with magic. Yet I'm the one accused of trolling. Too funny.

    Get. Out. Of. This. Thread......Now. This is a discussion on stamina sorcs. Unless you have something useful to contribute.

    This is the second thread on stam sorcs that @eventide03b14a_ESO has been asked to leave


    I think its ironic that you are saying were the ones who haven't learned

    Players should have the option of playing stamina sorcs. A way of play that should be viable.

    Not only that, but you don't even acknowledge the arguments that most stam sorcs are making, that we don't want to harm magicka builds, and that we want to find functional compromises.

    If you are going to bring nothing valuable to the conversation, please stop trolling these threads. It is hard for anyone in this thread to take your opinions seriously when you degrade into a one sided perspective that your way of play is the only valuable way of play and no one else's style should be accepted. It's people like you, who want this game to be isolated to cookie cutter builds that ruin it. You know nothing about the essence of elder scrolls games, and you corrode its foundation when you troll here.

    Change WILL be coming for stamina sorcs, which has be acknowledged time and time again in stamina sorc related threads, and you have done nothing but come in and hinder any kind of positive progress and any kind of serious feedback at a time when stamina sorcs are suffering further deficits in the coming patch. You would think, with the number of seriously concerned threads and replies, that by now you would recognize that stamina sorcs aren't just "some minority of players" and to add to that that maybe, just maybe you might be wrong to discriminate against "some minority of players" even if that's what we were (which we aren't).
    I guess I just don't understand why you can't be happy with one of the strongest classes in the game. If you think they are just going to add a bunch of stamina passives, thus making even the magicka builds even more powerful without taking something, then it only shows how naive you are.

    @eventide03b14a_ESO I don't know if you noticed but they're nerfing sorcs *** left and right. Get out of your own ego for a second, you might realize you're on a sinking ship.

    Also as someone who plays a magicka sorcs and refuses to acknowledge stam sorcs, you have no right to make suggestions about what we need. Leather armor definitely does not provide enough defensive benefit, especially when mace bugs can entirely negate armor. With more limited mobility, and many of our offensive skills based in close range combat abilities we need shields more and not less. Especially with the hammer coming down hard on mobility in the coming patch.

    I can tell you from experience at VR14 with a stam sorc that to stay competitive I'm forced into a block build with double sword/board to 1vX (with very inconsistent results), and it is a poor supplement for being able to actually able to absorb damage. To go toe to toe with other classes, all the damage I take drains my stamina pool. The alternative is to be an entirely glass cannon and use snipe or wrecking blow on switch. We get no in between (and its going to get worse with the new block nerf).

    Step out of your cooshy magicka sorc bubble and play the class before you start making decisions about what we need and don't need.
    My $15 a month gives me just as much right as you do. What do you really want anyway? Clearly not satisfied playing the class to it's strengths you want them to completely readjust it to your ridiculous criteria of what you think it should be. Sure take some morphs and have them work with weapon damage or max stamina, but you're honestly just getting greedy. No other class has shields based off of stamina. You're insane to think that they would even agree to such a proposal.
    Cathexis wrote: »
    @Erock25 don't forget they also stealth nerfed overload so that you couldn't use weapon based attack moves in overload anymore (which did cancel your overload bar).

    Why should you ever have been able to? Is 10k+ each light attack not enough?

    No, it doesn't give you the right to. You, yourself, in the same reply, acknowledge you don't play the class how its "not supposed to be played." YOU KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT HOW TO PLAY A STAMINA SORC, THEREFOR YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT CHANGES STAMINA SORCS NEED. No other class has shields based off magicka either. You are just pulling bs arguments out of your butt. The criteria I'm proposing is hardly ridiculous -- it simply makes stamina sorcs as durable as magicka sorcs so we can use one defensive skill instead of being pigeonholed into sword and board and 4 defensive abilities.

    Also if you knew anything about overload or even finished reading my post, you would see that using those abilities cancelled your overload bar, meaning you can't spam those abilities and have overload active.

    Personally, I don't think you even play a sorc, I'm starting to think your just one of those nerf bolt escape trolls who's too afraid to actually fight sorcs.

    You mad Bro? Harness Magicka and Healing Ward both scale off of magicka; even Barrier scales off of magikca. Do you even ward bro?

    @eventide03b14a_ESO none of those abilities are class abilities and barrier scales off of stam/wep damage if it is higher because it is an ult. And no I don't ward because im a stam sorc and because currently it isn't a viable option. You really need to think even a little about what you are saying before you respond.
    You are correct about Barrier, however you are missing the main point, that no ward in this game (aside from Barrier) scales off of stamina. For any ward to scale off of stamina would simply be too ridiculously OP. Also I should wonder that many of your issues might stem from you lack of warding. Even as a stamina based sorc you would benefit from some degree of warding I would think, even if it does scale off of magicka. Perhaps it's worth it for you to reevaluate your build before asking for sweeping changes to arguably the most perfectly balanced class.
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