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Post-QuakeCon Q&A Thread (7/31)

  • Dyride
    Can we please mount while in combat? This is incredibly annoying for half a raid to be stuck in combat for up to 5 minutes from a previous battle.
    V Є H Є M Є И C Є

      Revenge of the Bear

      Revenge of the Hist
      Revenge of the Deer

      Remember the Great Burn of of the Blackwater War!

    1. SLy_Kyti
      Will people be able to teleport to the new instanced PvE dungeons without needing to enter Cyrodiil or the Imperial city first?

      For instance, if I am in glenumbra at say level 40, and I find 3 other people that are near level 40 in glenumbra, could we all instantly teleport into one of the two new PvE dungeons, or do we have to go into Cyrodiil and hope that our alliance has access to the city?

      It was answered in the last twitch stream -- Those that have purchased the DLC for Imperial City will be able to directly transport to the 2 brand new 4 Man dungeons there from outside Cyrodiil.

      Edited by SLy_Kyti on July 22, 2015 8:43AM
      Master Crafter: Almost all motifs
      GM~ Blades of Old Tamriel NA/AD
      Member~ NZAD
      Member~ Blades of Vengeance NA/AD
      -Tamriel College -Amazing Deals of Nirn-
    2. iluvatar30
      Soul Shriven
      We want Spell craftinggggggggg :)
      Edited by iluvatar30 on July 22, 2015 10:56AM
    3. Gilvoth
      when will we see Vvardenfell? and when will we see the dark brotherhood?
    4. JacksonCarter13
      Is there any current plans to change silver keys??? The ones that come from Regular pledges. There Are some amazing dungeons that look great that with very few tweaks could become more competitive and challenging? Along with the fact that silver keys essentially give you nothing that anybody uses, are there plans to change the drops from the silver chest to maybe have a chance to drop shoulder or even anything that we could use maybe crafting materials or some decent v16 gear?
    5. Freeman
      Really disappointed I just realized this was in Dallas.... I just moved here and I can't get vacation for Friday on such short notice :(

      I'm sure it'll be awesome though!
    6. randolphbenoit
      Rate of Champion Points so slow will be years before it becomes real useful to casual players, will it be ever change to instead one point per constellation (one to mage, then one to warrior, then one to thief) be one to all three same time (each time you fill CP experience bar earns you one point in mage, warrior and thief same time)?
      the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP).

      Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
    7. Dedhed
      I'd like to echo @miked83b14_ESO in requesting info on character recustomization. Specifically name and appearance change. Heard a little about possible race change after rebalancing, but nothing on this at all... which is odd.

      And yes, I know
      "This is like talking to breakfast cereal" -- Fredericks in Otherland talking about Wicked Tribe. Also a great description of zone chat.
    8. Adryssa_Joneley
      Will there ever be CLOAKS added to the game?
    9. Adryssa_Joneley
      Will there ever be more playable races added to the game? How about additional Character slots?
    10. Mighty_oakk
      Are you going to address text chat on consoles?

      There was a poll created on this forum and it was quickly locked. Prior to lock over 100 people voted with 94% of people in favor of text chat. Its locked but not deleted and can still be viewed.
    11. Oh_Skrivva
      With 2 new vet dungeons, does that mean there are gonna be 2 new boss helms/shoulders set pieces? Also with the raising of level cap. If I was v16 and opened the gold key chest from undaunted pledge, would the items scale to me like they currently do. If so, would that mean we can get v16 versions of the current boss shoulders? If that is the case, can yall please make all vet dungeons scalable to v16 so we can try and get v16 boss helms. Because it sucks to only be able to get v12 helms from all vet dungeons except vcoa but can get v14 shoulders of that set.

      keep up the good work, if the devs can keep the content coming and listen to player feed back. Eso will have a bright future and will have me as a loyal subscriber and fan.
      Costco member

      Message brought to you by Cat Queefs Emporium
    12. Ibage
      Small gripe and I know it's something minor but Player housing? Every TES title has had player housing in some capacity. Hearthfire in Skyrim was pretty awesome in my opinion and I would love to see a similar system in TESO. Are there any plans currently to add player housing or is it just an idea that's on the table?
    13. LunaRae
      Question #1
      Why would players choose to run small groups in Imperial City PvP zones compared to 24 man groups. Sure, I would end up getting more stones in a smaller group but the safety of a full raid seems way more reliable. Have you put any incentives to running smaller groups that actually have merit and value aside from simply earning more stones?

      Question #2
      How will spawn rates for NPC mobs work in Imperial City? Assuming that this content will be EXTREMELY BUSY for quite some time at the beginning I can imagine hundreds, if not a thousand, players in Imperial City frequently. How will all these players interact with the new content, will it simply boil down to large groups of 60+ battling it out to collect tiny amounts of stones from other 60+ groups? Do you have some vision of how you expect large amounts of players to interact with this new content?
      Stands-Strong-As-Snow ~ Argonian Templar DC NA V14
      Ytheri ~ Argonian Nightblade EP Thornblade NA V14
      Heals-All-Colours ~ Argonian Templar EP Thornblade NA V14
      Stands-In-Still-Waters~ Argonian Sorcerer EP Thornblade NA V2
    14. JD2013
      1) What can we expect from the Dark Brotherhood update? And when?

      2) What are your plans for the game AFTER Imperial City and Orsinuim?

      3) Will we see a continuation of the main story - or something similar? An expansion sized new overall story rather than DLC zones?
      Sweetrolls for all!

      Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

      PC Beta Tester January 2014

      Elder of The Black
      Order of Sithis
      The Runners

      @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

      Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
    15. Gyudan
      Rate of Champion Points so slow will be years before it becomes real useful to casual players, will it be ever change to instead one point per constellation (one to mage, then one to warrior, then one to thief) be one to all three same time (each time you fill CP experience bar earns you one point in mage, warrior and thief same time)?

      Merely suggesting this proves a great lack of understanding of the issues at stake with Champion Points balance.
      This would only further increase the gap between players with 500+ CPs and everyone else. Just imagine stacking 500 CPs into the same group of constellations (they're called guardian by the way) to get an insane amount of DPS.
    16. WhiskeyBob
      Question #1
      Are we going to see more crafting Motifs beyond Xivkyn or are we just going to experience medicore costume bundles in crown store from now on? (like the latest ashlander bundle)

      Question #2
      Can we expect a regular release of DLC's after Imperial City?

      Question #3
      How do you plan to manage the increasing CP gap between new players and veterans without pissing off veterans?

      Question #4
      Will your race be recognized by NPC's in future content? Or will we still be getting quests "to do something about those damn Argonian savages" as an Argonian? (Thinking bout Orsinum)

      Question #5
      Will we see more variants of Khajit race (there are quite a few)?

      Question #6
      Do you plan to modify certain skills to behave differently in PVP and PVE enviroment to balance out PVP? Making bows valiable in PVE without being overpowered in PVP? (example)

      Question #7
      Why we should still believe any of your answers?
      Edited by WhiskeyBob on July 23, 2015 6:45PM
      This signature has been censored.
    17. LunaRae
      WhiskeyBob wrote: »
      Question #1
      Are we going to see more crafting Motifs beyond Xivkyn or are we just going to experience medicore costume bundles in crown store from now on? (like the latest ashlander bundle)

      Question #7
      Why we should still believe any of your answers?

      Such a salty post. will tell you that the base game patch update (no purchase required) will come with the Glass Motif, so yes you are going to see other Motif's. I get the feeling you're here just to complain though, so carry on.

      Imperial City Base-Game Patch
      Along with the Imperial City DLC game pack launch, everyone who owns The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited will receive the base-game patch at no cost. The base-game Imperial City patch includes hundreds of fixes and improvements to existing game systems and content including combat, classes and skill lines, the Alliance War, dungeons, and quests. Here are a few of the highlights:
      •15% decrease in the amount of XP it takes to gain a Veteran Rank
      •100% more XP for all public dungeons
      •50% more XP for all Veteran Rank quests
      •20% more XP in Craglorn
      •Veteran Rank increased to 16
      •Racial Passive improvements
      •Mundus Stone buff improvements
      •Glass racial motif style
      •Improvements to existing item sets
      •The ability to hide mount visual upgrades
      •New crafting skill line passives
      •New Undaunted pledges
      •Tons of combat and gameplay balance changes
      •Improved end-of-campaign Alliance War rewards
      •…and more!
      Stands-Strong-As-Snow ~ Argonian Templar DC NA V14
      Ytheri ~ Argonian Nightblade EP Thornblade NA V14
      Heals-All-Colours ~ Argonian Templar EP Thornblade NA V14
      Stands-In-Still-Waters~ Argonian Sorcerer EP Thornblade NA V2
    18. theforgottenking1779
      Plz show us console players some attention by adding text chat and xp numbers and dmg numbers
      Edited by theforgottenking1779 on July 24, 2015 6:04AM
    19. itaybrodskyb16_ESO
      Anything you could tell us about deuling??
    20. iluvatar30
      Soul Shriven
      Today conference??????????

    21. Adryssa_Joneley
      Will there be more quests, dailies, involvement with vampire/werewolve? Having more dealings with them once you become one of them? It would be so awesome.
    22. Adryssa_Joneley
      1. When will we see Spellcraft?

      2. Will there ever be Jewelcrafting?

      3. When will The Dark Brotherhood & Thieves guild be introduced?

      4. Will there be player housing? If so, when are we likely to see it?

      5. Will there be more Character Slots in future?

      6. Will there be a barber in-game someday along with new hairstyles?

      7. Any chance of having more involvement with vampires and werewolves? My main is a vampire and it was disappointing that once i turned into a vamp, i never had any more dealings with them again. Why not introduce them as family/friends in future where they will offer chain quests and/or dailies?

      8. Any chance of having Horse armor cosmetics with the ability to dye them? And also, to allow players to design armor and dye them and then saving them into their personal collections? Allow players a certain amount to start with and perhaps give the option of purchasing more later via in-game and/or Crown Store. That way we can mix and match how we want to look without jeopardizing our armor.

      9. When will you be bringing out more solo zones? Craglorn is OK, but forcing people to group, more often than not.. you can NEVER get a group for it, so you end up never doing the quests. Its only suitable as a grinding area, but with lacking XP at the moment, that isn't even an option either, save for farming for mats.

      10. How often will content be released after IC? Every 2 months? 3 months? 6 months? Is there a major expansion in the works?

      11. Will there ever be cloaks added in the game?

      12. Any new player races added to any future content?
      Edited by Adryssa_Joneley on July 24, 2015 10:30AM
    23. AaronLannister
      Why is text chat not at all being considered on Consoles?
      Why are there no damage numbers in a game where damage numbers and buff timers are necessary for people who want to theorycraft and also min/max among many other things.
    24. Faulgor
      Currently, grinding is the best way to level normal levels, veteran ranks and champion points. Which is fine, I like grinding. However, the few viable spots are always fiercely contested, which makes the whole endeavour quite unpleasant. Hence, I'd like to ask a few questions about this issue:

      1. Are there plans to make more spots appealing for grinding?
      2. Are there plans to make grinding worthwhile for more than 2 people? Currently, whenever another player shows up while you're grinding, it diminishes your experience gain a lot.
      3. Are there plans to make instanced areas - where only your group can go - viable grinding spots? (for example the Craglorn delves - and no, a 20% exp increase will not be enough)
      4. Are there plans to make other gameplay activities as viable as grinding for leveling?

      I'd really like to play my characters more, but it's really hard to find something to do, alone or in a group, that is a worthwhile activity to gain experience and is not inhibited by other players playing the game.
      Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
      Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
    25. acolyte2475b14_ESO
      Can we get an update on when we may possibly see native controller support added to the PC?
    26. technohic
      Can you tie them in a not? Can you tie them in a bow?
    27. MikeB
      Answer the communities questions, dont make me laugh. You havent answered any of the ones from the ESO Live thread in how long? Dont pretend like you care.
    28. FireCowCommando
      Sorry to repeat this question, but are we going to be at v16 for a while? Or are both DLC's going to raise the level cap?
    29. Zazaaji
      Controller with full console style UI will be coming to PC for "Couch style play".

      This leads me to two questions, both are very important:

      1 - Does this "Console UI" on the PC remove text chat, like the console versions (needlessly) do?

      2 - Please address the insanely high demand for console text chat addition. I have not played the game in over a month due to the fact it feels empty/hollow at the only hours I can play. During a 3 hour play session, I am lucky to find ONE person I can communicate with, as almost everyone refuses to use voice chat. Adding text chat (like the PC version has) would make me come back and buy stuff on the Crown Store instantly.
      English is not my first language, Finnish is.
      Please don't heap on me for grammar problems.
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