15 GB Patch on PS4

  • Ojustaboo
    Tennetty wrote: »
    PS Plus gives auto DL of patches so by the time I get to play again I'll be all set! One small advantage of being a Tamriel weekend warrior. XD

    Mines set to auto download, was in rest mode etc, but for some reason it only added the file to downloads when I powered the PS4 up. Left it going overnight, after 7 hrs it had downloaded 6 GB and said it had 7 hrs to go, rebooted PS4, it went down to 3 hrs, pressed pause /resume about 30 times and it went down to 42 mins.

    Has now completed.

    I have unlimited and un traffic managed fibre, so for me it's just a slight inconvenience.

    However, some people due to where they live, have no choice as to which isp they use or how fast it is, and have download limits that if they reach, their speed is slowed right down or they get charged for going over. For them it's a very big deal / problem.

  • Vahrokh
    The only difference here is ZoS failing to admit they made a mistake and actually apologize for it instead of trying to spin it as necessary.

    Personally, I don't care about apologies. What I care about is that they don't do it again, and they said they would not. If they don't do it again, I am happy. No amount of apologies will reduce the size of the current patch that I have already downloaded and installed.

    Get accustomed to it. For some reason, ESO patches are vastly larger than the average MMO's.
    15 GB is a lot, but 1-2 GB happens pretty often.

    The good thing of this is, you usually don't get a permanent game size increase. The patches add little and replace a lot.
    The bad thing of this is, if your download is throttled or monthly capped or pay per GB, then you are pretty much in an hard place.
  • iTzStevey
    I wouldnt be bothered if the patch actually added something but its only minor fixes and patches we already have. Hell if the only thing the paych added was text chat i wouldn't care , but nope if theu add thay it will prpbably be locked behind a paywall knowong ZoS.
  • Adamsy
    I'm wondering whether the new patch has just been added to the day one patch, and so we're all downloading the day one patch a second time, if that makes sense?
    Either way, it's still pretty appalling.

    basically yes. This new patch is v1.0.1 thru to v1.03 which we all ready had from the day one patch. Why the *** we should have to re-download all that again is beyond me.

    You don't see destiny or GTA or other games for that matter making you re-download every patch they've released, all you do there is download the little bit of info they've changed.

    Totally shocking download and needs sorting cos i can't see myself *** farting about downloading 15gb patches everytime.
  • HexWeaver
    26 hours remaining and It's been downloading since early yesterday, took me under 4 hours to download the same size file for Final Fantasy XIV, just crazy.
  • Sindala
    Just traded my copy in at Gamestop. Wasn't the only one either today doing it. Purely anecdotal I know. This game is great, but practices like this aren't worth it for the console crowd. To those who stick it out, my hat goes off to you!


    In UK they are giving ESOTU away free with every XBOX ONE bought at Game stores.
    On the flip side they are giving you £3 credit for trading it in as they already have to many on the shelves.
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • A5ko
    Feel for the PS guys.

    What's irritating me is the amount of people on this thread who aren't quite getting what's happened. It SHOULD have been only 500mb. They ended up REDOWNLOADING what they had already installed.

    The amount of abuse I got earlier in the thread from arrogant sods thinking they know best, because they played the PC game for a year and 'know how patching works'.

    Clearly very clueless people.
    A5ko ▪ High Elf ▪ Sorcerer ▪ Aldmeri Dominion ▪ XBOX One ▪ EU Megaserver

  • Sindala
    A5ko wrote: »
    Feel for the PS guys.

    What's irritating me is the amount of people on this thread who aren't quite getting what's happened. It SHOULD have been only 500mb. They ended up REDOWNLOADING what they had already installed.

    The amount of abuse I got earlier in the thread from arrogant sods thinking they know best, because they played the PC game for a year and 'know how patching works'.

    Clearly very clueless people.

    Problem is we all know Zeni don't know how to patch a game. This is nothing new.
    Last year on PC they were doing 20GB patch files to update a couple of voice files.
    Just something your gonna have to get used to as they say they will change at every turn....but never do.
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • MysticTaurus
    Soul Shriven
    This is totally unacceptable. This is a massive hit on the monthly GB plan I use. Is this garbage the norm from this company? Because I can't keep downloading 15 gb patches that should be 500 mb.
  • SugaComa
    The reason it's so big is because it is multiple updates. I highly doubt it will be this size in the future. I was able to download it in about 45 minutes. If it's taking longer than a couple hours, you have a potato internet connection. Man can't play the game for an hour and people complain.

    Wrong, Einstein. We are downloading all the updates including the day one update. Read this.


    And I have the best Internet I can get.

    That just confirmed what I said Einstein. As I said it is multiple updates, as in more than one. I'm sure they will work on making sure it doesn't happen again. And your best internet connection must be bad. I have 50 mbps down and it only took 30 minutes - 45 minutes. Though it might take longer depending on the load of Sony's servers. But if it's taking more than 2 or 3 hours, it's probably your internet.

    Not true, PSN us hugely throttled, its been 14 hours downloading and only hit 9gb so far, my DL soeed us 92Mbps on 100Mb connection

    My phone n PC can do this in no time at all by comparison.

    PSN has contention ratio issues and throttled speeds.

    It's something that needs addressing.
  • Slater_Reed
    Ok someone mentioned turning on and off the ps4 for better download speed, award to that guy, i had 20 hours left for the last couple gb and it jumped to 40 min. Try it out, turn off the ps4 and turn it back on, worked for me, hope it works for you.
    I love when i get to download 15gb of worthless data just to get the 500mb patch, its just like waiting for the whole cake to be done when all you want is just the little cherry on the top, hmm Yumi!
  • piggy2088
    Soul Shriven
    I still have 9 hours to go!
  • koncept
    Soul Shriven
    absolutely pathetic work here from the creators.

    You'd of thought by now they would know how to patch properly.

    As it was, i wasn't going to buy the game, but i thought i'd bite the bullet and go for it..

    So far the game has been highly disappointing in terms of group play, and now when i do actually want to give it a try, they put a second 15gb file in which now says 56 hours to download. i could just about handle the first one, but when opening yesterday and seeing another, that really angered me.

    I know the patch was only 'supposed' to be 500mb - but that still doesn't take away the fact that customer are having to re-download the file they already waited for.

    Sort it out whoever is in charge. You're a big company, not a start up. Shouldn't be having these issues.
  • Cherryblossom
    Welcome all Console users to ZOS inept Patching process. The only company that expects you to re-download a third of the program as a patch.

    What none of you have realised yet as you wait to log in, is that none of the bugs are fixed, but you do now have some more fun bugs to play with.

    If you turn your expectations down you will love this game.
  • A5ko
    Welcome all Console users to ZOS inept Patching process. The only company that expects you to re-download a third of the program as a patch.

    What none of you have realised yet as you wait to log in, is that none of the bugs are fixed, but you do now have some more fun bugs to play with.

    If you turn your expectations down you will love this game.

    Xbox One was fine though.
    A5ko ▪ High Elf ▪ Sorcerer ▪ Aldmeri Dominion ▪ XBOX One ▪ EU Megaserver

  • symonator
    150 down 12 up.
    Left it on to download overnight, patch erroed at 6:40am this morning.

    Gotta redownload. 26 hours. what are psn doing? RIdonkulous speeds, it's not eso's fault, or my isp, it's sony. NEXT GEN!!!! lol

    v16 - Imperial - DK Tank
    v16 - Redguard -NB Dps
    v16 - Breton Templar - Heals
    Guildmaster of the witchers (PS4 eu) - 500 members trading guild in craglorn.
  • MysticTaurus
    Soul Shriven
    Welcome all Console users to ZOS inept Patching process. The only company that expects you to re-download a third of the program as a patch.

    What none of you have realised yet as you wait to log in, is that none of the bugs are fixed, but you do now have some more fun bugs to play with.

    If you turn your expectations down you will love this game.

    Is ZOS regularly this inept, or is this an exception? Because I can't afford to download 15 gb should have been 500mb patches every other week.
  • symonator
    If your're in the UK having issues with the download.
    So some reason the download is pointing to oregon portland, which means you'll get less than 6% of your internet speed.
    Try googles dns: and and you'll have it in 20 minutes.

    v16 - Imperial - DK Tank
    v16 - Redguard -NB Dps
    v16 - Breton Templar - Heals
    Guildmaster of the witchers (PS4 eu) - 500 members trading guild in craglorn.
  • kenneth.moenb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Logged in to ESOTU and got a message saying, welcome to patch 1.04 and that the crown store has recieved a massive upgrade and has had a lot of cosmetic stuff added to it... Of course, i had to check it out once i logged in, and not really to my surprise, there were nothing new in the store.

    Basically, this whole 15.8gb patch is a *** *** take.

    15.8gb just to patch in some MINOR hotfixes and other irrelevant bull... Due to Sony PSN capping my download rate at a fraction of what my real speed is (45m/45m fiber) down to having just 3-400kb/s through PSN downloads i won't see myself playing this game anymore if this is gonna be the way they patch this game...
  • Vahrokh
    Welcome all Console users to ZOS inept Patching process. The only company that expects you to re-download a third of the program as a patch.

    What none of you have realised yet as you wait to log in, is that none of the bugs are fixed, but you do now have some more fun bugs to play with.

    If you turn your expectations down you will love this game.

    Is ZOS regularly this inept, or is this an exception? Because I can't afford to download 15 gb should have been 500mb patches every other week.

    Beware of the tone of your questions, the new forum policy is very strict.
    In no time you'll find yourself banned and then, eventually, perma-banned.

    I tell you before you end up like I did, with statements milder than yours.
    Edited by Vahrokh on June 25, 2015 9:30AM
  • kenneth.moenb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    symonator wrote: »
    150 down 12 up.
    Left it on to download overnight, patch erroed at 6:40am this morning.

    Gotta redownload. 26 hours. what are psn doing? RIdonkulous speeds, it's not eso's fault, or my isp, it's sony. NEXT GEN!!!! lol

    They cap your download speed if it's above 30~mb connection speed according to some.

    However, that only happened after their 3rd firmware update for the PS4. Prior to that i maxed my connection though the PSN store every time i downloaded something.

    Sony has a lot to fix if they want to keep ontop of the game for the next few years till the next gen of consoles are released cause Microsoft will be the least of their worries in terms of competition with other competitors moving into the console market next year.
  • Lifeshield
    The size of the patch is ZOS's fault.

    The speed of the download is PSN's fault. People are reporting slow download speeds across the board at the Sony forums for a wider range of games. Not just ESO.

    Got to decide whether to stick with PS4 or go back to Xbox One before my PS Plus subscription trial needs upgrading (great first impression Sony). Can't be dealing with ridiculous download throttling like this all the time everytime I buy a game or content or have a large update file.
    Edited by Lifeshield on June 25, 2015 9:42AM
    XBL: Unreal Warfare
    Xbox One - EU Server
    Selket Shadowdancer - Bosmer Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant
  • griffn
    Can we get an offical response as to why this is happening?

    Who's fault is It? Sony or the game devs? Some people say Sony, but Iv had other games patched without this issue, so is it the devs? I mean were they aware of the fact this would happen? Was any action taken to prevent or even reduce the problem?
  • misszara
    Soul Shriven
    I have to download a 15GB file for a 500Mb patch? That is a scandalous way to treat your customers. I did have great hopes for this game but if this is indicative of the way Zenimax operate then I am walking away from this game. Sticking my copy of ESOTU on eBay!
  • Tan9oSuccka
    This update file was huge. I hope this isn't the norm for general fixes.

    The download throttling was a joke. Not sure if that's on Playstations end, or other. No, it's not my connection.

    Of course I like steak. I'm a Nord, aren't I?
    -Berj Stoneheart
  • Anguished
    I've waited around 18 hours, it said 14 hours remaining but has unpromptly gone down to 6 within the blink of an eye.

    I may get some game time in tonight.
  • H3Li0S
    They served us the same day one patch we dled at release. Only difference, they fixed bug on that one. They overwrited day one patch. I hope we dont get this kind of patch everytime.
  • Quickey
    I still have 17 hours left for the update, I currently downloaded 4.9 GB
    The day 1 patch was way faster to dowload, that only took me 1 hour, I don't know why it's going so slow now.
    Maybe the server is overloaded and too many people are downloading it the same time

    Too bad I won't be able to play anymore today, oh well, better luck tomorrow
  • Weesacs
    Unfortunately, my residence is quite rural and situated outside the UK governments agreed 98% superfast broadband area; this means that my current download speeds fluctuate between 0.5 and 1.5 MB (barely enough at times to fluently play online games) - therefore you can understand my frustration and anger when I attempted to log in last night and AGAIN be presented with the "15+GB patch - download time 65 hours" message on my screen within the space of two weeks, meaning ill have to leave my PS4 running for about 3 days again.

    Not to mention the fact that my monthly download usage limit, which is currently set to 10GB, has now been firmly destroyed by this second patch, overall I'll have incurred an additional charge of about £16.80 from BT by the time the second patch has been downloaded:


    To be frank, having to download the same content TWICE in the space of two weeks (albeit with some additional content/fixes) is utterly ridiculous in this day and age.

    Hopefully ZOS or whoever will show some good will gesture / customer service by giving everyone free instore crowns however Im not holding my breath! (wishing thinking I know)
    High Elf Templar
    PS4 - EU - DC
    Over 37,500 Achievements!
  • mencetou
    FMarin83 wrote: »
    Is this the norm for a patch to fix bugs? Finally the servers come up and now i have to wait 9 hours.

    My patch says it will take 29 hours to download lol.
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