15 GB Patch on PS4

  • anderson7661_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Tre_775 wrote: »
    Tre_775 wrote: »
    Some people never cease to amaze me. If you understand anything about client side patching, then you should realize that an additional 500 mb of occupied space on your HDD does not mean that only 500 mb of code was patched. You are downloading a revised game client. In the process of installing that client, old files are being overwritten but not re-named. It's highly likely that it was not possible to only make a few code changes to the original game client. Hence the revision. This isn't uncommon at all in a client side MMO patch, especially this early into a game. I have a feeling that if the download size was only 500 mb then people would be complaining here about how the patch wasn't addressing enough. It's always a no win situation for the company.

    I would much rather this download actually be the 500mb one that the Xbone players received. And as far as I'm aware, there is no major difference in this patch between the PS4 and Xbone.

    Of course we all want smaller download sizes. There was obviously something occurring with the PS4 client that required a revision. Most of those code tweaks aren't going to be outlined in the patch notes. Only the programmers know for sure.

    If I was given actual reason to believe that this large download was for extensive code revision, then I would be all for it. But it's obvious, especially from the given apologies, that this patch is what they are calling "cumulative" and "incremental" (aka names used for *** saving), and therefore containing the 15gigs-worth of a patch that we were all required to download upon initial installation of the game.

    I honestly don't think this large download size is even the programmers' fault. This is the fault of someone in charge of distributing the patches who couldn't figure out how to package an individual patch, and instead just lazily attached it to the end of the patch they had created for the initial launch, and forced everyone to download it all over again with the new (small) patch tacked onto the end.

    ZOS - please please please prove me wrong, but I don't think I am.
  • greymittens
    Wolf_00 wrote: »
    Are you *** kidding me?!?! Just 2 weeks ago 15 gb of download for play in eso and now after your *** maintance other 15 gb?!?! What r u *** thinking about your customers?!?! I don't have everytime all this time to waste for your *** problem, cuz u r incapable to do your job! I live in Italy a shity country where there isn't the same speed connection of yours!!! I can't spend every time more then 7 *** hours 4 your *** incapable to maintain a server!!!! Wasn't enough postpone the coming out of the game for console of a year?!?!?! Noooo now u must torture us with your *** incapacity!!!! *** u! I spent 70 *** euro, more then 80 dollars of your *** value!!! Good job Bethesda u and this *** partnership with Sony which make as results this bad service! I could perfectly live and play in pace without this useless fixing patch!

    Let the anger flow through you!!!! Mwahahahaha!!!

    I really wish I could make this my signature. I love this guy. Also, if you quote it you can actually read the swears without the censors. I recommend it highly.

    I got a laugh out of it, only because it reminded me of the scene from Planes Trains and Automobiles:

    Car Rental Agent: How may I help you?

    Neal: You can start by wiping that *** dumb-ass smile off your rosey, ***, cheeks! And you can give me a *** automobile: a *** Datsun, a *** Toyota, a *** Mustang, a *** Buick! Four *** wheels and a seat!

    Car Rental Agent: I really don't care for the way you're speaking to me.

    Neal: And I really don't care for the way your company left me in the middle of *** nowhere with *** keys to a *** car that isn't *** there. And I really didn't care to *** walk, down a *** highway, and across a *** runway to get back here to have you smile in my *** face. I want a *** car RIGHT *** NOW!

    Car Rental Agent: May I see your rental agreement?

    Neal: I threw it away.

    Car Rental Agent: Oh boy.

    Neal: Oh boy, what?

    Car Rental Agent: You're ***!
  • Slater_Reed
    Ok PC master race trolls, we get it you are the best of the best, whoopididoo!! Just REMEMBER THIS, people have jobs, not all jobs rain money on you, so naturally people that cant afford to keep upgrading their computers to the highest standards to run all the brand new games every year, get consoles, so get out of your little pedestal and connect yourself with reality. BTW we are not angry because of the 15 gb, but because we only need 500 mb out of those 15gb, all but those 500 mb are a waste of bandwidth, and yes i know, mmo patches are big sometimes! I have played mmos on pc before when i could afford it, so just stop with the unreasonable snobbish attitude, you are only bringing down pc players to a whole new level of dirt and snobs that think themselves better just because their bigshot jobs make them affordable or because mommy and daddy gave you a gaming pc for christmas, jeez, get overyourselves. There, reply all you want, iam done wih this...
    I love when i get to download 15gb of worthless data just to get the 500mb patch, its just like waiting for the whole cake to be done when all you want is just the little cherry on the top, hmm Yumi!
  • Tre_775
    Wolf_00 wrote: »
    Are you *** kidding me?!?! Just 2 weeks ago 15 gb of download for play in eso and now after your *** maintance other 15 gb?!?! What r u *** thinking about your customers?!?! I don't have everytime all this time to waste for your *** problem, cuz u r incapable to do your job! I live in Italy a shity country where there isn't the same speed connection of yours!!! I can't spend every time more then 7 *** hours 4 your *** incapable to maintain a server!!!! Wasn't enough postpone the coming out of the game for console of a year?!?!?! Noooo now u must torture us with your *** incapacity!!!! *** u! I spent 70 *** euro, more then 80 dollars of your *** value!!! Good job Bethesda u and this *** partnership with Sony which make as results this bad service! I could perfectly live and play in pace without this useless fixing patch!

    Let the anger flow through you!!!! Mwahahahaha!!!

    I really wish I could make this my signature. I love this guy. Also, if you quote it you can actually read the swears without the censors. I recommend it highly.

    Wow. Someone didn't have their coffee this morning. I am reading this and imagining the voice of Dives (the minus 50 DKP raid leader) and am literally rolling on the floor laughing! :D
    Edited by Tre_775 on June 24, 2015 9:50PM
    "He was already insane before he left Tamriel. Mad as a box of frogs..."
    - Lyris Titanborn in reference to Sir Cadwell
  • SizerKoze
    Soul Shriven
    5 mins left.
    Wolf_00 wrote: »
    Are you *** kidding me?!?! Just 2 weeks ago 15 gb of download for play in eso and now after your *** maintance other 15 gb?!?! What r u *** thinking about your customers?!?! I don't have everytime all this time to waste for your *** problem, cuz u r incapable to do your job! I live in Italy a shity country where there isn't the same speed connection of yours!!! I can't spend every time more then 7 *** hours 4 your *** incapable to maintain a server!!!! Wasn't enough postpone the coming out of the game for console of a year?!?!?! Noooo now u must torture us with your *** incapacity!!!! *** u! I spent 70 *** euro, more then 80 dollars of your *** value!!! Good job Bethesda u and this *** partnership with Sony which make as results this bad service! I could perfectly live and play in pace without this useless fixing patch!

    Let the anger flow through you!!!! Mwahahahaha!!!

    I really wish I could make this my signature. I love this guy. Also, if you quote it you can actually read the swears without the censors. I recommend it highly.

  • wdevore1971b14_ESO
    "Direfrost Keep - There is now a visible grate covering a hole in the floor."

    That better be one great looking cover for 15gb :smiley:
  • Hiero_Glyph
    Tre_775 wrote: »
    Some people never cease to amaze me. If you understand anything about client side patching, then you should realize that an additional 500 mb of occupied space on your HDD does not mean that only 500 mb of code was patched. You are downloading a revised game client. In the process of installing that client, old files are being overwritten but not re-named. It's highly likely that it was not possible to only make a few code changes to the original game client. Hence the revision. This isn't uncommon at all in a client side MMO patch, especially this early into a game. I have a feeling that if the download size was only 500 mb then people would be complaining here about how the patch wasn't addressing enough. It's always a no win situation for the company.

    And yet a similar patch on XB1 was only 500MB, not to mention that every other developer can modify code without requiring a full download of the client. Worse yet, if this was unavoidable then why not announce it and prepare the community for it? No matter how you try and justify it several very big mistakes were made by ZoS concerning not only the patch but communication with this community as well. In most cases a no-win situations entirely avoidable.

    Edit: For the record, this same issue has happened to several other developers on the PS4 (Warframe, War Thunder). All of them owned up to their mistake, apologized, and fixed it in the future. The only difference here is ZoS failing to admit they made a mistake and actually apologize for it instead of trying to spin it as necessary.
    Edited by Hiero_Glyph on June 24, 2015 10:02PM
  • gavzy2013
    Soul Shriven
    Fartman wrote: »
    Imhotep71 wrote: »
    Is the patch downloading automatically if the PS4 is in rest mode?

    I had to log in to the game in order for it to kick me off and say it needs to download a patch.

    Go to settings>system>auto dl's and ul's>featured content (tick the box) this will allow your PS4 to DL content in rest mode
    PSN- Gavzy2013
  • ZylnorWrath_ESO
    Ya i gotta say i dont know who exactly thought this was a good idea. having a patch that 15GB is terrible, not only do we have to wait, but that also means people cannot play the game. im sure most people playing are working adults, or possibly teenagers with a job, and as such dont have that much time to play. So this could be one of there days off which is ruined by such a long patch.

    For me personally i dont really mind. i can do other things, but for some this might be there only time to play and i dont feel like that is right. Hopefully future patches arent this rough, but i have my doubts!
    PSN: iTofuMan

    Imperial DragonKnight
  • Tre_775
    Tre_775 wrote: »
    Tre_775 wrote: »
    Some people never cease to amaze me. If you understand anything about client side patching, then you should realize that an additional 500 mb of occupied space on your HDD does not mean that only 500 mb of code was patched. You are downloading a revised game client. In the process of installing that client, old files are being overwritten but not re-named. It's highly likely that it was not possible to only make a few code changes to the original game client. Hence the revision. This isn't uncommon at all in a client side MMO patch, especially this early into a game. I have a feeling that if the download size was only 500 mb then people would be complaining here about how the patch wasn't addressing enough. It's always a no win situation for the company.

    I would much rather this download actually be the 500mb one that the Xbone players received. And as far as I'm aware, there is no major difference in this patch between the PS4 and Xbone.

    Of course we all want smaller download sizes. There was obviously something occurring with the PS4 client that required a revision. Most of those code tweaks aren't going to be outlined in the patch notes. Only the programmers know for sure.

    If I was given actual reason to believe that this large download was for extensive code revision, then I would be all for it. But it's obvious, especially from the given apologies, that this patch is what they are calling "cumulative" and "incremental" (aka names used for *** saving), and therefore containing the 15gigs-worth of a patch that we were all required to download upon initial installation of the game.

    I honestly don't think this large download size is even the programmers' fault. This is the fault of someone in charge of distributing the patches who couldn't figure out how to package an individual patch, and instead just lazily attached it to the end of the patch they had created for the initial launch, and forced everyone to download it all over again with the new (small) patch tacked onto the end.

    ZOS - please please please prove me wrong, but I don't think I am.

    Definitely valid points @anderson7661_ESO
    "He was already insane before he left Tamriel. Mad as a box of frogs..."
    - Lyris Titanborn in reference to Sir Cadwell
  • 478874
    Soul Shriven
    Subscription cancelled. Not quitting the game yet but not supporting it financially. I've got plenty of experience with gaming companies now and in two weeks zeni have left an almighty impression on me . Terrible customer service and interaction with the community. Disdain shown towards console players with features missing from console that are mmo standards and available on PC and now 15 gb for a nothing patch . Never seen this size of update on any game. Full dlcs in dcuo are like 4 gb Max. Too much downtime already for it to be sub worthy imo. Must do better zeni . Much better. For the record I'm actually out tonight but this tells me all I need to know. Anyone not on unlimited net is getting bent over big time. Feel for those guys

    Did DC just win one back over a 15GB patch? Maybe we should let Jens know.
  • Mitchblue
    Wolf_00 wrote: »
    Are you *** kidding me?!?! Just 2 weeks ago 15 gb of download for play in eso and now after your *** maintance other 15 gb?!?! What r u *** thinking about your customers?!?! I don't have everytime all this time to waste for your *** problem, cuz u r incapable to do your job! I live in Italy a shity country where there isn't the same speed connection of yours!!! I can't spend every time more then 7 *** hours 4 your *** incapable to maintain a server!!!! Wasn't enough postpone the coming out of the game for console of a year?!?!?! Noooo now u must torture us with your *** incapacity!!!! *** u! I spent 70 *** euro, more then 80 dollars of your *** value!!! Good job Bethesda u and this *** partnership with Sony which make as results this bad service! I could perfectly live and play in pace without this useless fixing patch!

    Let the anger flow through you!!!! Mwahahahaha!!!

    I really wish I could make this my signature. I love this guy. Also, if you quote it you can actually read the swears without the censors. I recommend it highly.

    I got a laugh out of it, only because it reminded me of the scene from Planes Trains and Automobiles:

    Car Rental Agent: How may I help you?

    Neal: You can start by wiping that *** dumb-ass smile off your rosey, ***, cheeks! And you can give me a *** automobile: a *** Datsun, a *** Toyota, a *** Mustang, a *** Buick! Four *** wheels and a seat!

    Car Rental Agent: I really don't care for the way you're speaking to me.

    Neal: And I really don't care for the way your company left me in the middle of *** nowhere with *** keys to a *** car that isn't *** there. And I really didn't care to *** walk, down a *** highway, and across a *** runway to get back here to have you smile in my *** face. I want a *** car RIGHT *** NOW!

    Car Rental Agent: May I see your rental agreement?

    Neal: I threw it away.

    Car Rental Agent: Oh boy.

    Neal: Oh boy, what?

    Car Rental Agent: You're ***!

    Awesome. Thank you. That was a great part of that movie.
    Anyone else rooting for Molag Bal?
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    pattak wrote: »
    Patches are good because they fix or add things to improve the game. I would hate for them to leave the game with no improvements. The ones complaining just want to play right now. There are other games with bugs like the shooter game that rakes in millions without a fix for netcode error for over a year. That's torture

    No ones complaining about patches. Theyre complaining about the fact that they have to redownload the Day One Update. Try reading...I know its the internet and everyone wants to share their opinions about things they have no insight too..But really youre just looking stupid right now.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Hellbound_Syren
    I'm at 7.309 / 15GB, it's telling me MAYBE (crossing fingers!) that I have less than two hours to go after spending my entire day downloading this patch.

    As I've said before it majorly sucks for those with lives to live and those with data caps. Things like this (game updates) plus my major netflix usage are why I left Suddenlink (cable company) after they started implementing data caps. Yes, I have to wait longer with DSL now, but I do have a silver lining potentially. . .

    When I signed off last night, my bounty was still over 9k. Maybe once this is done and I get back on, my bounty will be gone so I can actually be productive without the fear of guards murdering me every time I try to go into towns for quests.

    Don't judge me on the bounty, I made the mistake of doing the "Mass Murderer" achievement all in one go >.>

    Also, in return for making me deal with this abomination of a patch, I simply ask that Zenimax give my "Crown Store Item: Emperor's Pardons" a good looking at. I'd be happy to see that in a future update LOL
  • CharlieKaine
    Soul Shriven
    Ok guys/girls I'm not the most technical minded however I was reading through the forum and saw a comment about finding a DNS trick to increase D/L speed and I got my D/L from 33 hours + to 106 minutes and dropping. If you wanna try this then basically all I did was the following (PS4) :

    Go to "Settings".

    Go to "Network".

    Go to "Set Up Internet Connection"

    Select Wifi/LAN depending on what you use to connect.

    Select "Custom".

    IP Address Settings = Automatic

    DHCP Host Name = Do Not Specify

    DNS Settings = Manual

    Primary DNS:
    Secondary DNS:
    MTU Settings: Automatic

    Proxy Server: Do Not Use

    After that I paused my D/L roughly 5 or 6 times (maybe it took time to read DNS settings) and there you have it.
    Like I say I'm not the most Technical guy but I get by, so if it works "Your Welcome, if not I suppose it was worth trying :neutral:

    Good luck!!!
    As Always Happy Gaming!
  • nimander99
    Just wait till you guys start getting hit with Over Bandwidth fees from Comcast and Wave Cable, pay close attention to your bills, there is a 300 gig per month limit, I was floored when I found this out!

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • kamawhelp
    Soul Shriven
    Time is a great healer and in a couple weeks time it'll be forgotten, remember that Kony campaign on Facebook?

    But...I thought a blow up dart board could be a really good idea..this patching like this isn't ... PSN is pretty slow regardless of connection so 15gb day one patch then 15gb for day one again with a bit extra..it's a known problem..

    I'm more worried about my electric rather bill than playing a game tbh, I'm looking at a day to download and in that day I'll forget I brought the game, I'll lose interest and drink far too much tea and play something else, in candle light if I'm lucky.

    It's just annoying, and please don't offer 100 crowns for downtime just make it worth the playtime..
  • FMarin83
    Anyone know if they are still going through with the maintenance tomorrow? That would be ridiculous.
    There is no try.
  • Gizbyt
    Don't even get people started on asking for compensation on yet another muck up.
  • mikey27
    Not even joking ive just been out left about 5 my time now its 11....... I got done only 11.5/15.8.
    Its an actual disgrace? :rage:
    Why the whole game (55gb) only took 2-3 hrs....

    I literally havnt played all day and then i read at top its going to be down tomoz aswell? Wth

    I assume the stupidly slow speed is more likely sonys area
    But the fact we are dwnloading the same 15gb is clearly ZoS...

    ZoS i understand mmos need downtime but making us dwnload 15gb extra because some lazy ass person, didnt know how to stack patches... I mean you dont know how? Fine delay the patch its not like it was massively game breaking.

    Will we get a apology and some free crowns as a sorry?
    Will eso+ members be given extra days for the time they couldnt play?

    Guess ill glance through this thread before bed, maybe it will be fully downloaded by time it goes down again :weary:
  • Rysiris
    Took me 4-5 hours with a bit of fiddling and starting and pausing it was 66 hours
    Ebonheart Pact
    Dragon knight (It would help me a lot if you pm me some skill builds for PVP)
    Warewolf (Friday is bite day)
    Lv: VR6
  • OzJohnD
    gavzy2013 wrote: »
    Fartman wrote: »
    Imhotep71 wrote: »
    Is the patch downloading automatically if the PS4 is in rest mode?

    I had to log in to the game in order for it to kick me off and say it needs to download a patch.

    Go to settings>system>auto dl's and ul's>featured content (tick the box) this will allow your PS4 to DL content in rest mode

    I'm hoping that leaving my PS4 on rest and auto download last night will have the patch downloaded by the time I get home after work in about 8 hours

    Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won't be able to breathe - and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides...that's what it's like to be a vampire and need blood.

    Francis Ford Coppola - BS Dracula: The Film and the Legend

  • HobnailedBoots
    I just dropped in to say I got home from work, fired it up and immediately started downloading at max speed and halfway through on pace to finish in 80 mins for the whole thing. Some of you need better internet methinks.
  • TequilaFire
    Well apparently TU doesn't auto download in rest mode like other game patches do.
    I have my PS4 set to do so and stay connected to internet while in rest mode and other games auto update.

  • kamawhelp
    Soul Shriven
    Speeds picked up on its own, server hamsters woke up as we sleep, put it as a rest day/night away from the screen.
  • Ziraous
    Woke up this morning to needing to download the update file. Okay….15gb….WTH…. then said…ok, I'll go into to town and what not. Said there was 4 hours for myself and my boyfriend.

    Come home 6 hours later, his is done and my notifications said it was downloaded & installed. I go to open up ESO and guess what……99+ hours of download time….. Utterly pissed at this point. I shut off my PS4 and turn it back on. 5 hours left to download…

    WHY on earth would I get a notice saying it was downloaded AND Installed just to not even be downloaded?! Yet my bf's downloaded and installed perfectly. Ridiculous! Guess we'll be playing Wrath of Ashardalon until 11pm or midnight tonight. -.-


    ~~~~~~ -;- ~~~~~~ -;- ~~~~~~
    Lvl V 1 Vamp High Elf Templar PS4
    ~~~~~~ -;- ~~~~~~ -;- ~~~~~~
    My Crafting Tracker
  • HobnailedBoots
    Ok PC master race trolls, we get it you are the best of the best, whoopididoo!! Just REMEMBER THIS, people have jobs, not all jobs rain money on you, so naturally people that cant afford to keep upgrading their computers to the highest standards to run all the brand new games every year, get consoles, so get out of your little pedestal and connect yourself with reality. BTW we are not angry because of the 15 gb, but because we only need 500 mb out of those 15gb, all but those 500 mb are a waste of bandwidth, and yes i know, mmo patches are big sometimes! I have played mmos on pc before when i could afford it, so just stop with the unreasonable snobbish attitude, you are only bringing down pc players to a whole new level of dirt and snobs that think themselves better just because their bigshot jobs make them affordable or because mommy and daddy gave you a gaming pc for christmas, jeez, get overyourselves. There, reply all you want, iam done wih this...

    It's not about money. I play on a console because it's convenient.
  • Tre_775
    Ya i gotta say i dont know who exactly thought this was a good idea. having a patch that 15GB is terrible, not only do we have to wait, but that also means people cannot play the game. im sure most people playing are working adults, or possibly teenagers with a job, and as such dont have that much time to play. So this could be one of there days off which is ruined by such a long patch.

    For me personally i dont really mind. i can do other things, but for some this might be there only time to play and i dont feel like that is right. Hopefully future patches arent this rough, but i have my doubts!

    I am going to write a letter to ZOS demanding that they contact each and every one us when planning down time, and schedule things accordingly, so that it doesn't interfere with our busy lives. I'm outraged that I was forced to play Borderlands II for a couple hours this morning!
    "He was already insane before he left Tamriel. Mad as a box of frogs..."
    - Lyris Titanborn in reference to Sir Cadwell
  • NightOwl68
    What about those that have a download cap? Guess I'm waiting from a nasty gram from my ISP, and hope I don't get disconnected.
  • mikey27
    I just dropped in to say I got home from work, fired it up and immediately started downloading at max speed and halfway through on pace to finish in 80 mins for the whole thing. Some of you need better internet methinks.
    Mate its 2015, 99% of people in this thread could normally swallow 15gb in an hour or 2, so its clear you just missed the slow down of sonys servers, and as more people begin to finish the faster it will be for other such as yours which you just started.
    Edited by mikey27 on June 24, 2015 11:27PM
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