Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

15 GB Patch on PS4

  • floydmurphy.kg_ESO
    Anguished wrote: »
    LOL at the post at the top of the page. You say you want updates, yet you're "trading your game" because of the update download file. This isn't adding 15G to your console, it is OVERWRITING the previous update. Maybe you should do some reading to find that out. I'm rank 1 in my pvp server and have a blast every time I play. Lag is expected in any game that renders 200 characters on a screen. If you can't wait more than TWO WEEKS to fix a massive game, then we don't want to play with you anyways. BAIBAI!!

    Name me 5 other games in gaming history that needed 15GB for an update that contains things that should've come with the game and first patch.

    But we're sitting here patching something, again for arguably the third time.

    If you're fine with that, then you're what we call a total mug, have fun bending over backwards, fanboy.

    Ouch, you hurt my little "fanboy" feelings. Shouldn't you be returning your game at gamestop? So glad I don't game with spoiled babies like you. If you want something fixed, why complain when they fix it? Your logic sucks, and so does your patience.

    It's easy for kids on summer vacation from school to be like this. It's not even about patience. PSN download speeds are horrible for a lot of people. For hard working adults with very little free time, stuff like this is very inconvenient. A lot of people look forward to spending their day off playing games as it is their hobby.

    Best thing to do is vote with your wallet.

    Not sure where you get the idea that I am on summer vacation, or that I am a kid. I work 75 hours a week in my studio, and spend hours mixing and mastering music. This game is something I do in my downtime. Your faux insults of me being a "kid" and claiming I have "no responsibility" because I am not complaining about a patch fix just shows how truly upset you are about a video game patch. Who's the adult here?
    "There is panic in my fascination - Like soothing wine is my despair - Gracefully I fall to pieces"
    Ihsahn - Elevator
  • Toxe
    Soul Shriven
    Who thought a 15 GB patch would be a good idea?

    This is really, really bad and annoying. :(
  • Earelith
    If I am not mistaken, everytime a game updates on console it pays some fee to sony/microsoft. So for this reason, all updates come in "bundle". You wont see some MB update on console...all updates will be a lot of GBs
  • Belmont
    Soul Shriven
    We can all agree that Zenimax and/or Sony made a mistske while bringing up the maintenance patch.
    Being angry and annoyed about this is completely understandable. They apologized for it and we will see if it will happen again on the next server patch.

    Instead of moaning and bashing in this forum and on the internet, just let your PS4 download the patch and go enjoy some food, watch some Netflix, play on a handheld or another console or else.
    Take it easy lads and cya in Tamriel.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Devve wrote: »
    no this rediculus. this is almost the entire games file size on pc

    No.. no it's not.

    Anyways, I would expect some larger patches at first due to the amount of fixes they are implementing. Once there is less stuff to fix, I imagine there will be smaller patches.

    Yes. Yes it is. I had to deal with it on PC and now Im dealing with it on Console. I dont know how many MMOs youve played. But the average MMO doesnt patch 15gbs every week or every other week. This is major Update size downloads. But for this game its 'normal'. The truth is its obnoxious and completely inconsiderate of their playerbase. Especially when you go in and look at the meat and potatoes of the patch and realize that its not that big of a fix. To top that off people have a limit on how much they can download over the course of the month. 15gbs tends to stack up. Especially when you have a family that are also using the internet.

    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
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    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Xothos
    Soul Shriven
    Patch wouldn't be so bad if it downloaded anywhere near what my actual internet speed is.
  • noob_almost
    Soul Shriven
    All this rage and condescension tho.

    Like, in rural NZ I'm paying $20/15gb so essentially I'm paying $20 for something I have, I've been humming and hawing about whether to download it or leave it until there is an alternate source or the next patch. I mean, I wouldn't buy a newspaper if it was the same paper as the day before with a new crossword.
  • WellyUK09
    Soul Shriven
    Xothos wrote: »
    Patch wouldn't be so bad if it downloaded anywhere near what my actual internet speed is.

    Thats PSN in a nutshell for you... Xbox has a much better online service and downloads are much closer to your speed... I have 150 download and i only get 20 or so on my ps4 it's pathetically bad, worst things is we have to pay for it now...
  • pmn100b16_ESO
    lol, good to see the console players come round already. Welcome to Zenimax world people, enjoy your stay.
  • Bloodfang
    Immature kids posting lol.
    This wasn't ZOS's fault but Sony's.
    Ironically this is not something unusual with Sony, quite a few games had you to redownload whole patches, just because employees at Sony are so incompetent.
    Edited by Bloodfang on June 24, 2015 5:54PM
  • Azylir
    Soul Shriven
    Sony, is not without blame and neither is ZoS. Somewhere along the line between ZoS submitting, Sony certifying, and releasing, neither clued in to the patches becoming cumulative for us. You can't blame one without the other, if simply because ZoS successfully put out a 500mb patch on XBox, so it is obviously Sony related, be it ZoS missed something or whatever. FYI, neither is going to out the other they're partners in this. ZoS gets the blame because its their game, now lets all calm down, they stated they're looking into how to fix it from being cumulative.
  • WelshAssassin1987
    It's not the patch that's annoying, it's the pitifully slow speed its downloading at. 15gb usually takes me 2 to 3 hours, still got 7 hours left and been downloading for 4 hours already.
    PSN: Welsh_Assassin26

    EU Server: Ulfmark Ironwolf - Nord - Stamina Sorcerer - EP
  • ForgiveMeGaia
    A peer to peer system would be great.
    Everyone would be playing by now judging by the amount of people downloading the patch.
    I think everyone should take this time and have some sleep, I bet it is a luxury for some of us now days :)
    "Long is the arm of Boethiah, and swift is the blade.
    Deep is the cut, and subtle is the poison.
    Worship, O faithful. Pray your death is short.
    Worship, O faithful. Pray your death is quiet.
    Worship, O faithful. Worship the glory that is Boethiah."

  • Locket
    Hey guys. Just to follow up, we do understand that having to download such a large patch is frustrating and not ideal, and we want to let you know that we are actively working to ensure future ESOTU PS4 patches are not cumulative.

    A big patch isn't all that big of a deal in my opinion as long as we're given a heads up so we can leave our PS4 in rest mode and DL the patch through the night.
  • Hiero_Glyph
    Bloodfang wrote: »
    Immature kids posting lol.
    This wasn't ZOS's fault but Sony's.
    Ironically this is not something unusual with Sony, quite a few games had you to redownload whole patches, just because employees at Sony are so incompetent.

    Yes and no. Apparently the patch bundling is controlled by the developer, not Sony. While this issue has occurred for other games as well, each of those developers has since corrected their mistake. This issue is further compound by the size of the bundled update. Let's be honest, nearly 16 gigs is incredibly excessive and makes the mistake all the worse when it should only be 500mb. Certainly ZoS bears much of the blame for failing to test the update during maintenance before it was deployed.
  • symonator
    The servers are taking a battering because

    A> digital copies of batman
    B> free ps plus version of driveclub
    C> ESO aswell

    For sony servers

    v16 - Imperial - DK Tank
    v16 - Redguard -NB Dps
    v16 - Breton Templar - Heals
    Guildmaster of the witchers (PS4 eu) - 500 members trading guild in craglorn.
  • slipHAZARD
    Earelith wrote: »
    If I am not mistaken, everytime a game updates on console it pays some fee to sony/microsoft. So for this reason, all updates come in "bundle". You wont see some MB update on console...all updates will be a lot of GBs

    I don't believe that's the case any more. I think Microsoft charged developers for updates and patches last gen but I think they stopped that practice, which would make sense since they seem to be going very heavy into the indie realm this gen
    __---> Just My Opinion <---__
    Console: PS4
    PSN: slipHAZARD
    Server: NA
    LVL 28 AD Altmer Sorc
  • SizerKoze
    Soul Shriven
    Just to throw in my tuppance worth. I got the game last Friday. Spent Friday night installing and downloading an enormous patch (something that really wound me up because it was reported that it was a purely money-saving exercise so the publishers didn't have to manufacture a second disc in the package) only to find out today, on my day off that I can't play the game as I need to re-download something that should have been included in the box in the first place right after the servers had been down for hours?

    For those of you who think this is acceptable, please don't have any (more) children. The world is full of enough mindless automatons as it is thank-you. For Zenimax, get a grip. This is a quality service you are supposed to be providing us with, spend the extra money now and quit making your customers pay for your apathy and blatant cheapness.

    In other news. My download originally clocked in at 32 hours. After switching DNS to Googles and doing the pause/restart trick I'm down to 85mins and the mb's are flying up, I've had to repeat that a couple of times when it slowed down too. I've no idea why that works, I can only assume it is something to do with switching through download mirrors until you find a faster one until it gets jammed up too?

    Bottom line, this has to be a new low in gaming history. Next they'll be making us do their beta testing for them. Oh wait...
  • Hackulous666
    Soul Shriven
    No calm down wtf the game industry is walking on our head now, i pay to each month for 32gb of internet yes and quite a lot so this kind of thing ist not possible for me. I think ZoS should make something for the psn players, like one month of ESO plus for free or something i bet next time they will look at twice before releasing a patch and do their job correctly !
  • danieldewoeste
    Pauze te download en push again saves huge time i,m under a hour now,just try few times
  • Junglejim82
    Subscription cancelled. Not quitting the game yet but not supporting it financially. I've got plenty of experience with gaming companies now and in two weeks zeni have left an almighty impression on me . Terrible customer service and interaction with the community. Disdain shown towards console players with features missing from console that are mmo standards and available on PC and now 15 gb for a nothing patch . Never seen this size of update on any game. Full dlcs in dcuo are like 4 gb Max. Too much downtime already for it to be sub worthy imo. Must do better zeni . Much better. For the record I'm actually out tonight but this tells me all I need to know. Anyone not on unlimited net is getting bent over big time. Feel for those guys
    Stamblade extrordinaire (for now)
    Mass Terror /elders of anarchy ps4 e.u
    Daggerfalls finest

    Always looking for serious pvpers not afraid to mic up. See below
  • ForgiveMeGaia
    symonator wrote: »
    The servers are taking a battering because

    A> digital copies of batman
    B> free ps plus version of driveclub
    C> ESO aswell

    For sony servers

    What do you mean free driveclub, just checked it and its 20£

    "Long is the arm of Boethiah, and swift is the blade.
    Deep is the cut, and subtle is the poison.
    Worship, O faithful. Pray your death is short.
    Worship, O faithful. Pray your death is quiet.
    Worship, O faithful. Worship the glory that is Boethiah."

  • Critchfest
    My 15.85gig patch (which is a joke right there) has 40 hours left to download. 40 hours! I have a fibre connection. This is disgraceful. Nearly two days to download a patch at the current rate! I understand it will probably be actually done come morning morning but right now it's taking 10 seconds to download 1mb. Yes, thats a megabyte.
  • AbioticViper
    OMG this update is insane. I live in a rural area. I have to pay 55 euro a month for my internet and the fastest speed I can get is 10megs down 4megs up.

    This updates are insanely annoying for people like me so annoying :(

    Also is the imperial edition content fixed I never read that or couldnt see it ?
    PSN ID: AbioticViper
  • Moonshadow66
    FMarin83 wrote: »
    Is this the norm for a patch to fix bugs? Finally the servers come up and now i have to wait 9 hours.

    You gotta see the 30 GB patch size for PC^^
    Venus Ocean - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Gixia - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Frances Demnevanni - Breton Dragonknight VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Raygee - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Lady Olivieri - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Donna Demnevanni - Breton Templar VR16, DC, Tamriel Hero
    Elaine Benes - Breton Templar VR16, EP | Ray McCluck - Breton Sorcerer VR16, EP
    Moonshadow Demnevanni - Dunmer Dragonknight Lvl 50, EP | Jamie Stacey - Redguard Templar Lvl 50, EP
    Caia Cosades - Imperial Nightblade, EP

  • Locket
    This happens in every MMO when the servers go down for maintenance/patch. Everyone acts like its the end of the world and swears they'll never play again. Yes it sucks you can't play but this is an MMO and its a fairly young one. Things are going to pop up.
  • salzoris
    Anyone got this patch yet I went from 16-8-14 hours. only 3gb downloaded
    Edited by salzoris on June 24, 2015 6:24PM
  • frenchyuk86
    17 hours for the last 5 gb. Well played zos
    Edited by frenchyuk86 on June 24, 2015 6:24PM
    Frenchyuk86 - PSN
    Vet 14 DragonKnight
    The Forlorn Hope Main Tank
  • dlepi24
    Locket wrote: »
    Hey guys. Just to follow up, we do understand that having to download such a large patch is frustrating and not ideal, and we want to let you know that we are actively working to ensure future ESOTU PS4 patches are not cumulative.

    A big patch isn't all that big of a deal in my opinion as long as we're given a heads up so we can leave our PS4 in rest mode and DL the patch through the night.

    It's been posted on the forums for a few days now...

    See the bright yellow box at the top of the page? People should start paying attention to it more. Just a heads up, there will be maintenance on the login servers tomorrow morning 9am - 2pm EST. I wonder how I got that information?
    Edited by dlepi24 on June 24, 2015 6:27PM
  • Locket
    dlepi24 wrote: »
    Locket wrote: »
    Hey guys. Just to follow up, we do understand that having to download such a large patch is frustrating and not ideal, and we want to let you know that we are actively working to ensure future ESOTU PS4 patches are not cumulative.

    A big patch isn't all that big of a deal in my opinion as long as we're given a heads up so we can leave our PS4 in rest mode and DL the patch through the night.

    It's been posted on the forums for a few days now...

    Meh I missed it. w/e I'm not upset. Just bored lol
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