Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

15 GB Patch on PS4

  • fairliedaft
    Duerdal wrote: »
    This patch is telling me I have 40hrs for download, Christ I've got a super fast line and should do this in no time. What the hell is with this speed.

    I am currently at 19 hours remaining. I don't have the best internet living in a small town, but I can download certain files at 2gb in 20-30 mins. Less than 1gb an hour is total BS, I have a feeling the gimped speeds are server side and not the result of an individual's internet connection.
    I have been sooo addicted to TESO the last couple of weeks, and loving every second of it but TWO 15gb downloads in roughly 2 weeks is ridiculous. Kinda regretting getting ESO Plus now...

  • psufan5
    leeroy1978 wrote: »
    Confirmed pausing and re pausing got my down load from 35 hours to 90 minutes take no notice of the fools who say delete the download already done it and lost 5 GB for nothing . Just be patient and spend the time pausing eventually you will kick the download off must have paused it about 40-50 times but it worked eventually

    Quite the opposite for me. Im down to 10 minutes left.

    Surgical Incision
    Former Emperor
  • ForgiveMeGaia
    nikrel wrote: »
    0.2 mbps this is gonna take a while :#

    I'd say. First xpak will be out before you're done buddy.

    I'm getting the same speed & I usually download things 5-7megs a sec

    I have the mortal kombat update in queue as well and if I pause and restart or alternate them it seems to work.
    It is 2 mbps now. :/

    "Long is the arm of Boethiah, and swift is the blade.
    Deep is the cut, and subtle is the poison.
    Worship, O faithful. Pray your death is short.
    Worship, O faithful. Pray your death is quiet.
    Worship, O faithful. Worship the glory that is Boethiah."

  • Anguished
    He wants text chat and non psn I'd names? Somebody plays as a girl in hopes of getting free items.

    Ever heard of roleplaying and lore friendly names?

    Better to remain silent and thought a moron than to speak and remove all doubt.

    Apparently it's wrong to roleplay in.. a roleplaying game. I love that quote though. ''Better to remain silent and thought a moron than to speak and remove all doubt''

    I'm writing that down.
  • a.skelton92
    TheForgrim wrote: »
    Yeeeeeaahhhhh! the pause/ restart is rolling again!!! 61 minutes left. Spread the word my brothers, reach out to the four corners of our great nation.. The age of the pause and restart is upon us! Do not say "it doesnt work" until you have done it about 50 times, eventually you will break the consoles spirit and it will do your bidding!

    Just saying again.. Typically, if you restart your PS4, and check the download, It'll have worked itself out to the point it eliminates the need to constantly pause/unpause to maintain efficient download speed.

    Oh yeah, sorry. I didnt mean to disregard what you were saying. Yeah thats what I thought as well, but my download literally got to a point where it was not moving at all. Most of the time if it says 8 hours you can guarantee it will only take like 3 or 4 or something but it did not seem to be moving at all. But you are right, if I were to be patient then it probably would have evened itself out anyway.

    Thank you for explaining that to me.

  • Heromofo
    Anguished wrote: »
    Heromofo wrote: »
    Anguished wrote: »
    Trading this game in, I'm sorry but..

    I'm not going to do these annual 15GB patches, when I've only got 100GB left and already have other games I want to get.

    If this patch fixed:

    -Lack of In game communication (Text Based Chat)
    -Fixed bugged skills
    -Fixed bugged quests.
    -Displayed custom names and not PSN ID's.
    -Option to permanently turn off MICs. (I'm sick of listening to other peoples music and foreigners)
    -A much better group finder that actually puts you into a group, not a 2 man party.
    -Less lag in PvP

    Along with all the other problems, I'd probably consider it. But.. 36 hours for a freaking patch is out of the question.
    Going back to a REAL MMO. FFXIV, realm reborn. Just released its expansion which alone is VASTLY Superior in every god damn aspect to this game.

    Fix your *** Zenimax.



    No troll here bud just good ol natural humor of mine and odd you jump right to me been under aged.
    I may be a child at heart but i dont think the outside would resemble it too well.

    Also the post above is classed as a good bye post and will be modified soon.

    I thought he deserved a friendly goodbye from archer and pals. :D

    [Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]
    Edited by ZOS_ArtG on June 24, 2015 7:07PM
  • HobnailedBoots
    Anguished wrote: »
    *complains incessantly that ZOS needs to fix the game* -> *moans even more when they release a patch to fix it and has to wait a few hours for download.*

    Some of you guys....

    Some of us expect a working game on release day, let alone one that's been released on the ''Master Race'' for over a year, which even then failed to beta test a game.

    Some of us have standards, y'know?

    Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize there were people like you here who had never played a video game before. That would explain your unrealistic expectations.
  • Gizbyt
    Honestly quite appaled by this.. I mean have they never tested how to patch a ps4 game before? Certainly managed not to screw it up on the Xbone..bur no, I don't mind spending the next 30 hours downloading information we apparently already have.

    It's not like I have a game I'm waiting to play or anything...oh wait.

    The start/stop thing doesn't really seem to work on mine, but then I have fairly slow internet speeds anyways.

    But now about explaining to us why exactly it's this size? Yes we get all the previous patches, the ones we all did on day one. But why can't ZoS actually explain to us why?

    Yet something else to add to the growing list of reasons NOT to play this damned game for me.
  • TheForgrim
    Soul Shriven
    TheForgrim wrote: »
    Yeeeeeaahhhhh! the pause/ restart is rolling again!!! 61 minutes left. Spread the word my brothers, reach out to the four corners of our great nation.. The age of the pause and restart is upon us! Do not say "it doesnt work" until you have done it about 50 times, eventually you will break the consoles spirit and it will do your bidding!

    Just saying again.. Typically, if you restart your PS4, and check the download, It'll have worked itself out to the point it eliminates the need to constantly pause/unpause to maintain efficient download speed.

    Oh yeah, sorry. I didnt mean to disregard what you were saying. Yeah thats what I thought as well, but my download literally got to a point where it was not moving at all. Most of the time if it says 8 hours you can guarantee it will only take like 3 or 4 or something but it did not seem to be moving at all. But you are right, if I were to be patient then it probably would have evened itself out anyway.

    Thank you for explaining that to me.

    No worries. All I was saying is that typically solves the need to actually pause/unpause the download over and over, as this has been an issue that's occurred before on PSN. Happened to me with this download also, even. What I was getting at though, is when a download is stalling or is erratic (bouncing between like 2HRs and 90HRs, for example), typically if you manually restart the PS4 through power options, It'll stabilize, and you won't need to keep going through the pause/unpause rotation.
  • deicide2673
    One of our guild members just finished the download and then told us all his characters are gone!
  • Slater_Reed
    Thank you zenimax for having me waiting for maintenance, and then having me download a 15 gb patch that should have been 500 mb, which iam still waiting for to download, and then expecting me to wait tomorrow AGAIN for maintenance from 1pm to 6pm my time, when i usually play. THANK YOU and what makes me even sadder is when my friend comes home from work later at 6 pm and he will need to download your 15gb patch ( which ill still be downloading) and he wont be able to play it today like he usually does, and he will most likely only be able to play tomorrow, that is if you dont include ANOTHER 15 gb patch, thank you! I know iam being a crybaby but i just cant take this kind of service, its unnaceptable, and iam angry, because i cannot play the game that i paid for at my free time when iam available to do what i want...
    I love when i get to download 15gb of worthless data just to get the 500mb patch, its just like waiting for the whole cake to be done when all you want is just the little cherry on the top, hmm Yumi!
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hey guys. Just to follow up, we do understand that having to download such a large patch is frustrating and not ideal, and we want to let you know that we are actively working to ensure future ESOTU PS4 patches are not cumulative.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Dagoth_Rac
    If the patcher is anything like PC, the % is not a measure of time remaining, it is a measure of patching process remaining. So downloading 1 file may take 30 minutes, then unzipping it and applying it may take 10 seconds. But the download of 1 file may count as 5% of patch and the unzip into 9 files and apply them may count as 45% of patch. So you'll crawl along, then it will suddenly jump from 5% finished to 50% finished in a flash. Then crawl along from 50% to 55%, then leap from 55% to 95%, etc.
  • Mr.knott
    Just on the off chance this might help someone I figured I'd post what's worked for me. I have great Internet (fibre) and usually no issues on patches including the day one patch. I tried changing my dns to and and no change. I've tried the pause restart repeat until finger dies, no change. But then I changed my dns to and THEN restarted my ps4 I then fired up eso and let it sit on the blue screen showing the download as oppose to watching it in the notification areas and now after so many previous attempt it's downloaded in just under 30 minutes. Hope this helps someone else!
  • Gizbyt
    Thank you zenimax for having me waiting for maintenance, and then having me download a 15 gb patch that should have been 500 mb, which iam still waiting for to download, and then expecting me to wait tomorrow AGAIN for maintenance from 1pm to 6pm my time, when i usually play. THANK YOU and what makes me even sadder is when my friend comes home from work later at 6 pm and he will need to download your 15gb patch ( which ill still be downloading) and he wont be able to play it today like he usually does, and he will most likely only be able to play tomorrow, that is if you dont include ANOTHER 15 gb patch, thank you! I know iam being a crybaby but i just cant take this kind of service, its unnaceptable, and iam angry, because i cannot play the game that i paid for at my free time when iam available to do what i want...

    I'm still waiting for the explanation of WHY and this more information they keep saying they'll be posting..
  • TheForgrim
    Soul Shriven
    I assume It'd be abit eaiser to digest if many of these angry folks did indeed realize they are downloading what equates to patches 1.02, 1.03, and 1.04, along with various other fixes thrown in, from what I understand.
  • LoSnupo
    I have no words.
    Well, i have some, but is better for me to stfu.
  • samuraidoc
    Soul Shriven
    Haha. I should have just been happy with my 1Mb/s dl. Tried the pausing / restarting trick and got stuck in a 99+ hr loop. Had to restart my router to fix it. Back to 1Mb/s and leaving it there :p

    98 minutes to go people!!!
  • ravenbirgil
    Soul Shriven
    Although I'm glad there fixing things. 15gb seems a bit much Esp after the severs have been down for so long. Long day at work to come home Robbins I can't relax on my game. Instead spend all night downloading a patch.
  • Germal
    To all fanboys of Zenimax who defend this :

    Open your eyes, if you troll ok, but if you are serious, their is no point in defending Zenimax, this isnt a Sony problem.

    I play now over 20 years on PC ans consoles, but something like that i have never seen, its just ridiculous in every possible way you look at it. Because of people like you guys games get worser and worser, companys dont care about the customers anymore, because you buy and support such a crap.

    I cant find a way to see this in a other way, this is a face slap for every buyer of this game ( this 15 GB patch fix nothing of the game breaking stuff on consoles ), you could say its only a piece of data trash thats damn 15 GB.

    Its so sad Sony wont give me a refund on the game cause of digital purchase T_T but who knows, i wont give up, i feel f***ed.

    At last iam sry for all PC players who play since launch, i wouldnt be able to handle that.



    Edited by Germal on June 24, 2015 5:01PM
  • cabbagechest
    Witcher 3 is pretty awesome, so I'll just play that until I can get this beast of a patch downloaded.
  • Mr.knott
    Gizbyt wrote: »
    Thank you zenimax for having me waiting for maintenance, and then having me download a 15 gb patch that should have been 500 mb, which iam still waiting for to download, and then expecting me to wait tomorrow AGAIN for maintenance from 1pm to 6pm my time, when i usually play. THANK YOU and what makes me even sadder is when my friend comes home from work later at 6 pm and he will need to download your 15gb patch ( which ill still be downloading) and he wont be able to play it today like he usually does, and he will most likely only be able to play tomorrow, that is if you dont include ANOTHER 15 gb patch, thank you! I know iam being a crybaby but i just cant take this kind of service, its unnaceptable, and iam angry, because i cannot play the game that i paid for at my free time when iam available to do what i want...

    I'm still waiting for the explanation of WHY and this more information they keep saying they'll be posting..

    I'm pretty sure Gina just answered the question of why it's so large about 4 posts up, basically for whatever reason us ps4 users have had to download all prior patches (including the day one patch) in order to download the new 500mb one. It's a problem on there part and if I recall rightly it happened on pc a few times early on too. Hopefully as she says above in future they won't be cumulative and we will only need to download the new patches. I also don't believe this will eat up 15 gig of space for anyone complaining, it will overwrite the day one patch plus the new patch of whatever it is (500mb someone said)

  • Anguished
    Anguished wrote: »
    *complains incessantly that ZOS needs to fix the game* -> *moans even more when they release a patch to fix it and has to wait a few hours for download.*

    Some of you guys....

    Some of us expect a working game on release day, let alone one that's been released on the ''Master Race'' for over a year, which even then failed to beta test a game.

    Some of us have standards, y'know?

    Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize there were people like you here who had never played a video game before. That would explain your unrealistic expectations.

    Actually I have, if you gennuinly think I haven't then you should reavaluate your way of thinking.
    As I said, I'm going 'Back' to FFXIV a realm reborn.
    unless you're that incompetent to read a full article before replying then that's on your shoulders.

    Git Gud scrub.
  • ahost1_ESO
    Pman85 wrote: »
    some of you guys have some serious internet speed issues.

    Work for sky get 20mbps adsl connection for free, its not great but passable Didint expext to get another 16gb patch when they said incremental update

    besides i work in bb tech as my day job, its not always the persons fault they cant get good speed, especially rural areas and the line quality itself always play a factor aswell as the fact wireless speed is lower etc a lot of the time it isnt the persons fault or even the isp fault

    its not very fair to ask people to download another massive patch but say this was only incremental is my point, i woudnt mind if they had said ok this patch will be this big and all that before the maintenance and a lot of people would most likey be the same as it would give them a good idea of what they were dealing with im off work today and was looking forward to a quick patch n go like the days of WoW incrementals

    only upside is it means i'll just play guitar or boot up the ps2

    Wait.... Did you say DSL? DSL speeds can't even come close to cable speeds anymore. Expecially ADSL. If you're going to have DSL at least get XDSL. DSL technology is so bad. I know cause I've had ADSL before and if the download speed isn't bad enough, most of the time your upload is capped at 1.5 mbps.
  • Elsonso
    Hey guys. Today’s PS4 patch size is 15.9GB because it also includes patches 01.01 – 01.03. We’ll be posting more information about this later today here on the forums.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno ... First, thanks for the "Playstation 4 Patch Size" thread at the top of the forum.

    However, I was sort of expecting a little bit more than that based on what you said above. :disappointed:
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • KingOfSpades22
    Soul Shriven
    I bought this game on monday afternoon, adter a 15Gb update i finally got to play!.. on tuesday. now i couldn't play for almost 4 hours because of the maintenance just to find out that there is another 15Gb patch.

    Don't get me wrong, i like the fact that they are trying to improve the game, the problem is that the final patch was actually every patch combined. (i read that on gamefaq).

    i just hope that this patch will fix most of the problems so we will not have to go through this crap anytime soon.
    still loving this game so far. (from what i could actually see)
  • Gizbyt
    TheForgrim wrote: »
    I assume It'd be abit eaiser to digest if many of these angry folks did indeed realize they are downloading what equates to patches 1.02, 1.03, and 1.04, along with various other fixes thrown in, from what I understand.

    Which is a terrible's the whole point of patches surely? Fix something, patch it. Rather then fix something, sit on it, fix more things, sit on it..release everything at once so it bottlenecks download bandwidth, people complain, get angry and rant and rave.

    Not everyone has stupidly insane fast internet speeds. Mines a 5meg line, so download speeds really isnt very fast at all.
  • floydmurphy.kg_ESO
    Anguished wrote: »
    LOL at the post at the top of the page. You say you want updates, yet you're "trading your game" because of the update download file. This isn't adding 15G to your console, it is OVERWRITING the previous update. Maybe you should do some reading to find that out. I'm rank 1 in my pvp server and have a blast every time I play. Lag is expected in any game that renders 200 characters on a screen. If you can't wait more than TWO WEEKS to fix a massive game, then we don't want to play with you anyways. BAIBAI!!

    Name me 5 other games in gaming history that needed 15GB for an update that contains things that should've come with the game and first patch.

    But we're sitting here patching something, again for arguably the third time.

    If you're fine with that, then you're what we call a total mug, have fun bending over backwards, fanboy.

    Ouch, you hurt my little "fanboy" feelings. Shouldn't you be returning your game at gamestop? So glad I don't game with spoiled babies like you. If you want something fixed, why complain when they fix it? Your logic sucks, and so does your patience.
    Edited by floydmurphy.kg_ESO on June 24, 2015 5:03PM
    "There is panic in my fascination - Like soothing wine is my despair - Gracefully I fall to pieces"
    Ihsahn - Elevator
  • floydmurphy.kg_ESO
    Just traded my copy in at Gamestop. Wasn't the only one either today doing it. Purely anecdotal I know. This game is great, but practices like this aren't worth it for the console crowd. To those who stick it out, my hat goes off to you!

    "There is panic in my fascination - Like soothing wine is my despair - Gracefully I fall to pieces"
    Ihsahn - Elevator
  • Mr.knott
    On the plus side I've heard they have virtually eliminated the lag in game... Which will be nice
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