I love when people bash them for the server crash, its been two days. i would like to see anyone out there do a better job. you have to give them a couple days maybe a week or two and see if they can fix it and if it is still going on then and only then you can start bashing them. WOW had about 6 months of problem and now its on of the top MMO's and i feel as if this team has done a awesome job at working everything out. the problem is everyone is so brain washed with WOW and how the run but they always have problems also and the fact is everyone you has to stop complaining and try to help let them know when you discover something wrong to let them fix it. ok I'm done
what do you mean it has been 2 days, they have had a year of delays to fix this. This is uncalled for.
Amsel_McKay wrote: »
The server is fixed... the queue is going to stay
xNxKargionxVx wrote: »]
Queue can be fixed with adding more servers to the farm of the mega serverIt looks like max users is 343560 if that big number flashing is users in the game, if thats true that would mean that if 1 million people bought the game, half of them couldn't play it at the same time lol I hope that that number is wrong
Divad Zarn wrote: »This thread have 312k views, impossible oO
Not to bash ZoS or anything, but that is unlikely. They haven't ever done anything like that before.
two days since the release on xbox and ps4. basically all I'm saying is give them a week or so and see if the problems still happen then start complaining. ever MMO i have been around for lunch has had problems so everyone has to calm down and let them fix it
We as customers expect a product to work when it's delivered. Would you say the same if you bought MS office and it didn't work for the first few days? It would have been different if the software was free. That's the whole point of beta testing, to see if the product is ready for production and to fix the remaining bugs. This isn't beta, it's release and should have had no major issues. Lessons learned though, won't make this mistake of buying from them again.
Gabriel_Froste wrote: »@Fragglerockr Do you think that Zenimax is compiled of a bunch of super-human braniacs that are capable of determining and repairing errors before they even realize that they exist or something? Sometimes you need to release to find problems. It's a *** storm over there, and we're over here making it even more of a *** storm because of our selfish desires to play the game. Just relax people.
"Patience you must have, hm?" - Yoda
We as customers expect a product to work when it's delivered. Would you say the same if you bought MS office and it didn't work for the first few days? It would have been different if the software was free. That's the whole point of beta testing, to see if the product is ready for production and to fix the remaining bugs. This isn't beta, it's release and should have had no major issues. Lessons learned though, won't make this mistake of buying from them again.