As Dennegor said, you are stubbornly staying stuck on the literal meaning of the word nightcapping.
At 12pm midnight, eveyone running anything serious has gone to bed.
So, for a super-duper imbah group like ExIlE (and co) run, to stroke their epeen over killing semi-pug non-ts groups is a bit....sad?
The video shows the awesome powers of an emperor killing scrubs backed up by a well organised group.
Im not sure what the point you are making is? An OP group can kill scrubs? Is this news?
/golf clap
Why reply to kids talking smack?
Anyway, I got messaged from a guy in Exile
It has come to my attention that some people take this game far more seriously than I do.
Having just been called a grandma in /w tells in game, (yeah, really) I feel that my work here is finally paying off.
I thank you
I miss the days of early 1.6 Azura when Elite had just 1 raid. However instead of trying to improve as a guild you just add more and more people. Running with so many people (even when not all of them are on TS) is lagging everyone else out. Whats the point of killing your opponent when they can't use skills and die to bugged meteor fall damage? And please don't come up with stuff like "other factions do it too" as its *** no matter who or which faction it does.
I might disagree with some things that eXile does but thinking about your guild all I feel is disgust.
Do people REALLY believe the stuff about Elite34 etc?
We have a single TS raid and a raid of randoms. Both are at different locations unless we are pushed back so we have very few choices of where to go. very rarely does Elite have two raids in the same place unless you leave us no option.
We take the randoms into the non-ts raid to allow them to fight as a group.
These are people who would be there anyway, but not be as effective as they could be working together.
Have a chat with Hexys or Abraxus, they came to Elites TS last night and talked to the guild for an hour (conversation went from tense at the start to relaxed at the end, which Is fantastic tbh) They asked the same sort of questions and they could see the numbers in TS.
"I might disagree with some things that eXile does but thinking about your guild all I feel is disgust."
You guys are starting to believe your own story's about elite.
We are NOT massive raids, we just work hard to be wherever an organised group is in action in ordr to counter it.
When the green alliance push us back, where do you think the reds will go? If we only have 3 castles left and there will be a lot of reds at those 3 castles
@Sanct16 instead of feeling "disgust" hows about growing up a little and using your brain. Maths is pretty easy when you take a deep breath
Lava_Croft wrote: »I often see 40+ people stacked from any faction but I guess saying such things is not cool because it's not hating on something or someone specific.
I miss the days of early 1.6 Azura when Elite had just 1 raid. However instead of trying to improve as a guild you just add more and more people. Running with so many people (even when not all of them are on TS) is lagging everyone else out. Whats the point of killing your opponent when they can't use skills and die to bugged meteor fall damage? And please don't come up with stuff like "other factions do it too" as its *** no matter who or which faction it does.
I might disagree with some things that eXile does but thinking about your guild all I feel is disgust.
Lava_Croft wrote: »I often see 40+ people stacked from any faction but I guess saying such things is not cool because it's not hating on something or someone specific.
Lava_Croft wrote: »I often see 40+ people stacked from any faction but I guess saying such things is not cool because it's not hating on something or someone specific.
Lol did you look at the map lately? Sunday AD had one keep left (last emp keep, normal) monday same, yesterday we had 3 keeps average, green alliance much! Monday when we were defending roebeck I even got whispers from blues wondering why EP werent pushing us...Really no point in talking about this.
There are equal numbers on all sides. All sides follow the action.
It dosen't take much to work out that the big crossed swords are going to be full of people. Even worse when you activly focus on a single side so that side has less places to be.
Green can't complain that they push red into a wall. Maybe drop the alliance and try fighting each other for once (even on forums there seems to be an alliance)
Who is the biggest practitioner of the proxy bomb? Well thats obviously Nana squad, theres no question of that. They are good at it and its impressive to watch their whole group acting as one, in a single spot. So the hypocrisy on this thread from them is amazing.
Yellows, not a brain between them. Then again, I guess it makes it easier to charge the proxy at the same time when they dont think for themselves.....)
I miss the days of early 1.6 Azura when Elite had just 1 raid. However instead of trying to improve as a guild you just add more and more people. Running with so many people (even when not all of them are on TS) is lagging everyone else out. Whats the point of killing your opponent when they can't use skills and die to bugged meteor fall damage? And please don't come up with stuff like "other factions do it too" as its *** no matter who or which faction it does.
I might disagree with some things that eXile does but thinking about your guild all I feel is disgust.Lava_Croft wrote: »I often see 40+ people stacked from any faction but I guess saying such things is not cool because it's not hating on something or someone specific.
Welcome to PvP politics Kris, you can't admit your team is doing wrong/bad because it wouldn't bolster moral.
Do people REALLY believe the stuff about Elite34 etc?
We have a single TS raid and a raid of randoms. Both are at different locations unless we are pushed back so we have very few choices of where to go. very rarely does Elite have two raids in the same place unless you leave us no option.
We take the randoms into the non-ts raid to allow them to fight as a group.
These are people who would be there anyway, but not be as effective as they could be working together.
Have a chat with Hexys or Abraxus, they came to Elites TS last night and talked to the guild for an hour (conversation went from tense at the start to relaxed at the end, which Is fantastic tbh) They asked the same sort of questions and they could see the numbers in TS.
"I might disagree with some things that eXile does but thinking about your guild all I feel is disgust."
You guys are starting to believe your own story's about elite.
We are NOT massive raids, we just work hard to be wherever an organised group is in action in ordr to counter it.
When the green alliance push us back, where do you think the reds will go? If we only have 3 castles left and there will be a lot of reds at those 3 castles
@Sanct16 instead of feeling "disgust" hows about growing up a little and using your brain. Maths is pretty easy when you take a deep breath
Well I dont care if you're all on TS or not, if it's your guild raid or your random raid(s) but I often see 40+ people quite well stacked, abusing meteor on us and with many DE tabards in it. I will just record next time I guess.
Did I ever say only EP uses meteor? And people using it only use it to procc fall dmg? No. I just said when I see DE raid, I also see a lot of coordinated meteor, and often have a fall dmg death recap.@Sanct16
Do people REALLY believe the stuff about Elite34 etc?
We have a single TS raid and a raid of randoms. Both are at different locations unless we are pushed back so we have very few choices of where to go. very rarely does Elite have two raids in the same place unless you leave us no option.
We take the randoms into the non-ts raid to allow them to fight as a group.
These are people who would be there anyway, but not be as effective as they could be working together.
Have a chat with Hexys or Abraxus, they came to Elites TS last night and talked to the guild for an hour (conversation went from tense at the start to relaxed at the end, which Is fantastic tbh) They asked the same sort of questions and they could see the numbers in TS.
"I might disagree with some things that eXile does but thinking about your guild all I feel is disgust."
You guys are starting to believe your own story's about elite.
We are NOT massive raids, we just work hard to be wherever an organised group is in action in ordr to counter it.
When the green alliance push us back, where do you think the reds will go? If we only have 3 castles left and there will be a lot of reds at those 3 castles
@Sanct16 instead of feeling "disgust" hows about growing up a little and using your brain. Maths is pretty easy when you take a deep breath
Well I dont care if you're all on TS or not, if it's your guild raid or your random raid(s) but I often see 40+ people quite well stacked, abusing meteor on us and with many DE tabards in it. I will just record next time I guess.
Abusing Meteor on us? Do you really think that EP is the only Alliance that uses Meteors and we use so everyone of you dies by falling damage? Sorry if i have to disappoint you but we dont. Let the People use whatever ultimate they want to use lol.
So how is it abusing if its not the fall dmg bug? Whats your problem with meteors then? And again believe ot or not noone has to slot Meteor, and no we dont spam meteors coordinated. When the Raidleader says drop all your ultis the players can use whatever ultimate they want or is there a rule against that?
Anyone who plays actual AvAvA will end up near or in large groups.Lava_Croft wrote: »I often see 40+ people stacked from any faction but I guess saying such things is not cool because it's not hating on something or someone specific.
The thing is, you're not in a position where you can complain about such behaviour, seeing as you take part in it quite often.
You're allowed to point out Hypocrisy though I suppose