I don't want to shut down anyone's ideas, as we're all entitled to our own. Yet I don't see this need for solo PvE content. A lot of the group content is easily soloable already - other than the vet dungeons (even though recent videos prove otherwise).
This is an MMO. The content should be based mostly around group play. Almost the entire story line from level 1 to VR14 is all solo content.
I understand a lot of ESO players come from TES games, which are all solo. If you want another solo TES game I believe one is in the works already. That will be your time to shine, again. Let us TES fans who have always wanted an online version finally be able to play it. There's already a serious lack of content, I would much prefer not to see the devs time wasted on creating solo content. Which can already be found in every TES game before ESO.
Just my opinion.
So if we talk about group content, then it must be open world content like those dungeons that we have, where everyone can enter. Something like this as raid content would be awesome - everyone could enter and contribute and if someone has to leave to help the kids with their homework, then nobody would get mad.
So if we talk about group content, then it must be open world content like those dungeons that we have, where everyone can enter. Something like this as raid content would be awesome - everyone could enter and contribute and if someone has to leave to help the kids with their homework, then nobody would get mad.
I was so thrilled before release when they announced public dungeons, but they remain absolutely pointless. You run them once just like delves for the completion exp and the skyshard, and that's it. There's no reason to go there for loot or exp (which is worse than anywhere else), so what's the point?
There is great solo and group content in the game, the problem is nobody wants to do it because the rewards are pointless. People run some undaunted pledges for shoulders or CoA for the Valkyn helmet but that's about it. Unless they address this, no new content whether solo or group will increase the longevity of the game.
So if we talk about group content, then it must be open world content like those dungeons that we have, where everyone can enter. Something like this as raid content would be awesome - everyone could enter and contribute and if someone has to leave to help the kids with their homework, then nobody would get mad.
So if we talk about group content, then it must be open world content like those dungeons that we have, where everyone can enter. Something like this as raid content would be awesome - everyone could enter and contribute and if someone has to leave to help the kids with their homework, then nobody would get mad.
I was so thrilled before release when they announced public dungeons, but they remain absolutely pointless. You run them once just like delves for the completion exp and the skyshard, and that's it. There's no reason to go there for loot or exp (which is worse than anywhere else), so what's the point?
There is great solo and group content in the game, the problem is nobody wants to do it because the rewards are pointless. People run some undaunted pledges for shoulders or CoA for the Valkyn helmet but that's about it. Unless they address this, no new content whether solo or group will increase the longevity of the game.
That is the point I was trying to make with my original post.
I'm not against there being group content, or having content that is not accessible to solo players. That's expected in mmorpgs.
My issue is that gear is not distributes ideally to incentivise players to spend their time outside of the latest content areas and heavily focused group activities.
If ZoS were to include every armor set/weapon set as droppable items EVERYWHERE in VR1+ zones. Then players would not feel so inclined to ignore all the other content that ZoS has spend countless hours perfecting. Further, there would still be a reason to engage in group content (when you want to!) Because you could target your time towards finding specific pieces of gear rather than be subjected to the RNG loottable of open world.
Players could:
A ) spend time doing what they enjoy, with the small possibility of finding end game items.
B ) Engage in group activities if their choosing to work towards earning targeted gear to help their build, and have a much higher chance of getting that gear.
timidobserver wrote: »It is not an endgame item if it randomly drops in non-endgame places.
hmr13.76preeb18_ESO wrote: »I have a lot of time writing about it. Propose to introduce in the game SOLO dungeons, difficulty equal VDSA ! Without scaling ,only for veterans 14. In General let it be SOLO HELL , but with the reward equal to the rewards of trials and leaderboards .
timidobserver wrote: »It is not an endgame item if it randomly drops in non-endgame places.
Technically, everything after level 50 is end-game. This will be especially true of/when Veteran Ranks get removed.
Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »It's an MMO after all.
I will never understand the people that install and play a game that is clearly labelled as MULTIPLAYER and then demand that it should be turned into a single-player game...
So if we talk about group content, then it must be open world content like those dungeons that we have, where everyone can enter. Something like this as raid content would be awesome - everyone could enter and contribute and if someone has to leave to help the kids with their homework, then nobody would get mad.
As a soloer mostly, I really do like the public dungeons and public group delves in the game (I hate the instanced group dungeons that require you to formally group). I was reminded of this last night when I happened into the public group dungeon in Rivenspire. I saw the large mobs and thought "Well, this skyshard is going to be a pain." Then, here come two other players just out of nowhere and we ended up forming an impromptu group and wiping out the whole place (getting the skyshard *and* finishing the dungeon quest). No LFG, no dealing with the awful group finder. Just some players who happened to run into each other and teamed up. That's my idea of fun group content, without the pressure of having to fill some specific role or getting yelled at because your DPS/taunting/healing isn't up to snuff.
I'm sorry, but I can do nothing but disagree with the OP and anyone who says ZOS hate solo players.
Let's look at the evidence:
21 zones that can be done solo. 21. (All alliance faction zones and Coldharbour)
2 zones where you need to group up to do things.
There are, of course, group dungeons. Most world bosses and Dark Anchors can be done solo.
The thing is that yes, of course, MMORPG does not, in its name, mean that you have to group up to play. But that is how most MMORPG's play. You play together to achieve things. That is why there are lots and lots of other people in the same game.
I think far too many people here walked into this game expecting Skyrim Online or Elder Scrolls VI. This game is neither. It is the most solo friendly MMO that I have ever played.
I would like to see a lot more random events, dungeons, trials and the such that require you to group.
More solo zones are coming, too.
But the solo content in this game FAR and away outweighs the group content, so don't kid yourself when you say ZOS hates solo players.
@Emma_Eunjung, I have extended the offer in the past if I'm not mistaken, and with the content as it is at the moment... I would like to take you through vCoA no questions asked, no interview, no voip if you don't want it, no chat, no complaints, no 'advice', just a run. (You are AD/ NA right?)
Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »It's an MMO after all.
Not a valid argument, as well you know.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, in the concept of an MMO (especially an MMORPG) that requires players to group up.
All that is required is that they inhabit and interact with the same world.
All The Best
@Emma_Eunjung, I have extended the offer in the past if I'm not mistaken, and with the content as it is at the moment... I would like to take you through vCoA no questions asked, no interview, no voip if you don't want it, no chat, no complaints, no 'advice', just a run. (You are AD/ NA right?)
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »@Emma_Eunjung, I have extended the offer in the past if I'm not mistaken, and with the content as it is at the moment... I would like to take you through vCoA no questions asked, no interview, no voip if you don't want it, no chat, no complaints, no 'advice', just a run. (You are AD/ NA right?)
Yes, I am DC, but I will soon have an alt on AD ready for action! Thank you for your kind offer... I will try to find you on AD when my toon is ready
That is the point I was trying to make with my original post.
I'm not against there being group content, or having content that is not accessible to solo players. That's expected in mmorpgs.
My issue is that gear is not distributes ideally to incentivise players to spend their time outside of the latest content areas and heavily focused group activities.
If ZoS were to include every armor set/weapon set as droppable items EVERYWHERE in VR1+ zones. Then players would not feel so inclined to ignore all the other content that ZoS has spend countless hours perfecting. Further, there would still be a reason to engage in group content (when you want to!) Because you could target your time towards finding specific pieces of gear rather than be subjected to the RNG loottable of open world.
Players could:
A ) spend time doing what they enjoy, with the small possibility of finding end game items.
B ) Engage in group activities if their choosing to work towards earning targeted gear to help their build, and have a much higher chance of getting that gear.
I think you are forgetting the MM part of MMORPG.
That's funny, I don't see the letters "MMORPG" on this gamebox. All I see is "Play the way you want".
While I understand that folks with different tastes are fretting & fighting over ZOS's priorities, the hope would be that they support all types and styles of play. I'm a Solo PVE'er, but I hope that eventually they fix the lag in PVP AND provide content for high-level solo play.
Yes, it really is bizarre that for 90% of the game it is to our advantage to avoid other players so we don't get penalized with lower XP while we are leveling our characters, and then it completely flips for end game so we need those same people we were conditioned to avoid in order to continue playing the game.Emma_Eunjung wrote: »I agree with this wholeheartedly! The best grouping experiences I've had in this came came as a result of spontaneous meetings with other players in public spaces. As long as I have the time, I NEVER turn down an "invite" to group, because I enjoy helping other players take down a boss, especially if they're struggling.
In seems so strange and nonsensical to me that ZoS doesn't try to encourage this kind of grouping, but instead they do things like:
1) Nerfing XP and other rewards in Public Dungeons where solo players can meet each other.
2) Nerfing XP on Craglorn world bosses that formerly enticed solo players to spontaneously group.
3) Nerfing XP for groups larger then TWO?! Is this supposed to be Elder Couples Online?
It's so bizarre! On the one hand, they require grouping for so much content, but on the other hand, they do everything they can to discourage players from grouping. I don't understand it.
Yes, it really is bizarre that for 90% of the game it is to our advantage to avoid other players so we don't get penalized with lower XP while we are leveling our characters, and then it completely flips for end game so we need those same people we were conditioned to avoid in order to continue playing the game.Emma_Eunjung wrote: »I agree with this wholeheartedly! The best grouping experiences I've had in this came came as a result of spontaneous meetings with other players in public spaces. As long as I have the time, I NEVER turn down an "invite" to group, because I enjoy helping other players take down a boss, especially if they're struggling.
In seems so strange and nonsensical to me that ZoS doesn't try to encourage this kind of grouping, but instead they do things like:
1) Nerfing XP and other rewards in Public Dungeons where solo players can meet each other.
2) Nerfing XP on Craglorn world bosses that formerly enticed solo players to spontaneously group.
3) Nerfing XP for groups larger then TWO?! Is this supposed to be Elder Couples Online?
It's so bizarre! On the one hand, they require grouping for so much content, but on the other hand, they do everything they can to discourage players from grouping. I don't understand it.
@Gandrhulf_Harbard , you're right. There is also nothing in the concept of an MMO that requires you to be able to successfully access/complete all content without certain requirements, be they level, quest line completion, or firepower (translated to more people).Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »It's an MMO after all.
Not a valid argument, as well you know.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, in the concept of an MMO (especially an MMORPG) that requires players to group up.
All that is required is that they inhabit and interact with the same world.
All The Best
THIS. @Sallington , people are still getting "Play as you want" confused with "Play anyway you want successfully."Sallington wrote: »For the people getting caught up with the "Play as you like" thing:
Play as you like DOES NOT MEAN Play as you like AND get all of the same rewards as people who also do group content. I could literally just fish all day, and that's playing how I want. I would never level or get any gear, and get bored pretty quickly. Should I complain that I can't play as I like?
You can very easily play solo the entire life of this game, but don't expect to see all of the content. This game already has by far the best solo experience in any MMO to date. Way way way more content than group content and PvP. Quit being selfish and let PvP get some love .
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »@Gandrhulf_Harbard , you're right. There is also nothing in the concept of an MMO that requires you to be able to successfully access/complete all content without certain requirements, be they level, quest line completion, or firepower (translated to more people).Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »It's an MMO after all.
Not a valid argument, as well you know.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, in the concept of an MMO (especially an MMORPG) that requires players to group up.
All that is required is that they inhabit and interact with the same world.
All The Best
You don't have to group up. Don't expect to be able to access/clear everything if you never do.
I don't have to be a level 50 to access level 50 areas...but you better believe it will be required (even if it doesn't say it on the box (loading screens anyone?) if I wish to survive it.
Your counterargument is equally flawed.THIS. @Sallington , people are still getting "Play as you want" confused with "Play anyway you want successfully."Sallington wrote: »For the people getting caught up with the "Play as you like" thing:
Play as you like DOES NOT MEAN Play as you like AND get all of the same rewards as people who also do group content. I could literally just fish all day, and that's playing how I want. I would never level or get any gear, and get bored pretty quickly. Should I complain that I can't play as I like?
You can very easily play solo the entire life of this game, but don't expect to see all of the content. This game already has by far the best solo experience in any MMO to date. Way way way more content than group content and PvP. Quit being selfish and let PvP get some love .
The only consolation I an offer to Group players and Solo players alike is that they are unlikely to offer any new content ($$$ store excluded) for either side long after console release goes live.