Another Sorc nerf, ZOS please confirm

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  • Troneon
    Could not resist.
    Troneon wrote: »
    Sorcs reaction to their OPness being nerfed.
    PC EU AD
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    High Elf Magicka Templar Healer/DPS/Tank
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  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Ikarus wrote: »
    Stop whining. Nightblade has NO selfheal and NO shield. Are u seeing whining Nightblades in the forums?

    Momentum is a self heal.
  • Jahosefat
    Welp I guess you just aren't supposed to be able to make a viable sorc tank. There really should be a warning label on the class when it hits consoles "Will not be able to tank or heal groups; intended for solo questing, PVE magicka dps, and annoying people with streak".
    Joeshock- AD NA AB Thorn Chill Sorc New Eden Low Sec Roamer

    Fight not with monsters lest ye become one
  • Ikarus

    Momentum is a self heal.


    1. sorc can use Momentum too

    2. U wanna troll me? I think momentum provides u from dying in pvp? The only good selfheal is for alliance rank 10 and thats a lot of hard work.
  • Snit
    Ikarus wrote: »
    Stop whining. Nightblade has NO selfheal and NO shield. Are u seeing whining Nightblades in the forums?

    Sorcs and NB's need to stop competing for third place at everything.

    We know you guys have some issues, too. But saying, "At least we're not NB's" has limited value in a game with four classes.
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • Jahosefat
    Ikarus wrote: »
    Stop whining. Nightblade has NO selfheal and NO shield. Are u seeing whining Nightblades in the forums?

    lol you must be new, just do a search on "cloak bug". The magicka NB are not happy but most of them have figured out they can hit 30k+ stambushes and so are hoping to fly under the OP radar.
    Joeshock- AD NA AB Thorn Chill Sorc New Eden Low Sec Roamer

    Fight not with monsters lest ye become one
  • Erock25
    It is just funny to me that they knew Sorcs were being very vocal and they were telling us to 'just hold tight, we hear you, and we will address this shortly' and then proceeded to drop more nerfs on us in 1.6.5. Like it wasn't good enough to add the cast time to clannfear and ruin it ( also ruining the already bad volatile familiar) but they double dipped and wrecked Rebate as well. Without Rebate making these summon/unsummons get to a point where they are very low cost or free there was no reason to add the cast time.
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  • Derra
    Well according to a famous forum nb 14k crits on fragments are op. But he´s quite a special fella when i comes to bigotry.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Jujujitsu
    I personally am GLAD that they added the cast time to the clanfear self heal mechanism. I posted before I thought this idea was not good and would only cause problems due to multiple button clicks, lag, and the possibility that your pet dies a couple of seconds before you need the heal ... it reminded me of how the surge heal could get used by a smaller DoT.

    Now with the cast time added hopefully people will get a discussion going with the devs to come up with a better self heal option. I say again, if everyone thinks we are whining ... just give us the DK skill GDB. Rename it to Demon's Blood, or Elemental Infusion, or whatever other name you want. Problem solved at minimal man hours to ZoS.

  • Derra
    Erock25 wrote: »
    It is just funny to me that they knew Sorcs were being very vocal and they were telling us to 'just hold tight, we hear you, and we will address this shortly' and then proceeded to drop more nerfs on us in 1.6.5. Like it wasn't good enough to add the cast time to clannfear and ruin it ( also ruining the already bad volatile familiar) but they double dipped and wrecked Rebate as well. Without Rebate making these summon/unsummons get to a point where they are very low cost or free there was no reason to add the cast time.

    Well they basically ensured that summons are now never used in pvp under any circumstance (and imho that is the intention here).
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Taonnor
    Ikarus wrote: »
    Stop whining. Nightblade has NO selfheal and NO shield. Are u seeing whining Nightblades in the forums?

    Yes! You!

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    Taonnor Annare, Sorcerer
    Thao Annare, Nightblade
  • Snit
    Magicka sorcs are far better off with Conjured Ward + Your Favorite Resto Heal (I like Healing Ward). Just like the clannfear heal, it's two buttons. But this is faster, and it provides more healing.

    Stamina sorcs should... just continue to slot Rally ;)
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • Vis
    Erock25 wrote: »
    It is just funny to me that they knew Sorcs were being very vocal and they were telling us to 'just hold tight, we hear you, and we will address this shortly' and then proceeded to drop more nerfs on us in 1.6.5. Like it wasn't good enough to add the cast time to clannfear and ruin it ( also ruining the already bad volatile familiar) but they double dipped and wrecked Rebate as well. Without Rebate making these summon/unsummons get to a point where they are very low cost or free there was no reason to add the cast time.

    Well said. Sorcs are mad at the moment because this is another betrayal from ZOS.
    v14 Sorc Vae Exillis
    v14 DK Costs
    v14 NB 'Vis
    v14 Temp Fiat Lux

  • Derra
    Snit wrote: »
    Magicka sorcs are far better off with Conjured Ward + Your Favorite Resto Heal (I like Healing Ward). Just like the clannfear heal, it's two buttons. But this is faster, and it provides more healing.

    Stamina sorcs should... just continue to slot Rally ;)

    Well tbh the only situation where it was really needed was in pve tanking. Thats where i´d used it. Now it´s completely wrecked for that purpose.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • beautycutie87
    Ikarus wrote: »
    Stop whining. Nightblade has NO selfheal and NO shield. Are u seeing whining Nightblades in the forums?

    Look around there is plenty of NB whining, and Sorc whining lol
  • Snit
    Derra wrote: »

    Well tbh the only situation where it was really needed was in pve tanking. Thats where i´d used it. Now it´s completely wrecked for that purpose.

    Yes, I was considering it for the same reason. A heal that scales with health would be nice for tanking. But a heal with a long cast time isn't particularly useful when stuff is beating on you. I can't imagine Templar tanks get too excited about loading up on Healing Ritual ;)
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • Jahosefat
    Derra wrote: »
    Well according to a famous forum nb 14k crits on fragments are op. But he´s quite a special fella when i comes to bigotry.

    I saw a very good pvp NB claiming he could hit over 50k on a WB. And snipe can break 30k. So glad sorc got all these new stam abilities to make use of how strong medium armor is... oh wait. Sorcs aren't supposed to have any stam advantage either, sorry I forgot.
    Joeshock- AD NA AB Thorn Chill Sorc New Eden Low Sec Roamer

    Fight not with monsters lest ye become one
  • Emma_Overload
    McDoogs wrote: »

    Reduced the healing cooldown to 0.25 seconds from 1 second.

    Not all nerfs, jeez you sorcerors are wicked whiney. Also 1.3 seconds is not that long for a 35% heal...

    The 0.25 second cooldown was introduced several patches ago, and it makes no difference whatsoever.

    ANY cooldown on Surge heals causes you to lose massive amounts of healing in situations where you are doing AOE damage against multiple enemies, all of whom are presumably trying to kill you!

    The cooldown on Surge is a DISASTER for Sorcs because:

    1) By reducing Sorc survivability against multiple mobs, it drastically reduces the amount of game content that can be completed by the individual player. Say goodbye to soloing instanced dungeons!

    2) By forcing us to use clunky heals like the Clannfear, the cooldown destroys the "always be attacking" play style that Sorcs have been enjoying since ESO launched. Goodbye ElectroMage... hello ToggleMancer!

    You can call us whiners if you want, but this issue is NOT going to go away. In fact, I predict the complaints will only grow louder once the majority of Sorcs have upgraded to 1.6!
  • sagitter
    Like i said in the other thread, i don't know if this change is right, but the way it is in 1.6.4 is absolutly insane.With my build I could easy do solo some big bosses, like first boss of aetherian archive or veteran dungeons bosses. Need to test it with 1.3 secs of cast time, but i think the problem is not the cast time, but the fact that is costless. If you don't trust me, i say come right now in pts server with me , i'm sagitter there.
  • Vis
    sagitter wrote: »
    but i think the problem is not the cast time, but the fact that is costless. If you don't trust me, i say come right now in pts server with me , i'm sagitter there.

    That's been fixed for you. They nerfed Rebate too.
    v14 Sorc Vae Exillis
    v14 DK Costs
    v14 NB 'Vis
    v14 Temp Fiat Lux

  • o_0
    Wow, what a kick in the nuts....poor sorcs :neutral: Something makes me think the devs LARP and always got picked on by casters.
  • Jahosefat
    Vis wrote: »

    That's been fixed for you. They nerfed Rebate too.

    Yeah that whole thing got gutted, the sorcs using pets for dps probably would have preferred they never mess with the clanfear heal (cause now both pets have a cast time and a rebate nerf). It just seems they really don't have a good (or any) direction to diversify the class. We will probably just get strung along and a year from now we will still be seeing threads titled "Are sorc tanks viable?!". And no, they probably won't be.
    Joeshock- AD NA AB Thorn Chill Sorc New Eden Low Sec Roamer

    Fight not with monsters lest ye become one
  • c0rp
    Regarding Crystal Fragments:

    We also fixed an additional issue where this ability’s instant cast wasn’t proccing when casting Bolt Escape. guys forgot about Encase.
    Edited by c0rp on March 3, 2015 8:19PM
    Force weapon swap to have priority over EVERYTHING. Close enough.
    Make stamina builds even with magicka builds.
    Disable abilities while holding block.
    Give us a REASON to do dungeons more than once.
    Remove PVP AoE CAP. It is ruining Cyrodiil.
    Fix/Remove Forward Camps. They are ruining Cyrodiil.
    Impenetrability needs to REDUCE CRIT DAMAGE. Not negate entire builds.
    Werewolf is not equal to Vamps/Bats.
  • Rydik
    Lol, it restore 35% of max hp (dragon blood restore 30% of missed hp), its most powerfull selfheal, and sorcs still whine...
    Edited by Rydik on March 3, 2015 8:29PM
  • c0rp
    Rydik wrote: »
    Lol, it restore 35% of max hp (dragon blood restore 30% of missed hp), its most powerfull selfheal, and sorcs still whine...

    It has a cast time and requires a weapon swap...ok. Ill trade you any day of the week. On top of that..its about the most unorthodox heal I could even imagine...

    Edited by c0rp on March 3, 2015 8:31PM
    Force weapon swap to have priority over EVERYTHING. Close enough.
    Make stamina builds even with magicka builds.
    Disable abilities while holding block.
    Give us a REASON to do dungeons more than once.
    Remove PVP AoE CAP. It is ruining Cyrodiil.
    Fix/Remove Forward Camps. They are ruining Cyrodiil.
    Impenetrability needs to REDUCE CRIT DAMAGE. Not negate entire builds.
    Werewolf is not equal to Vamps/Bats.
  • RinaldoGandolphi

    The big deal nerf is the change to the Expert Mage Passive which increases our Storm Calling abilities costs significantly while giving us a nearly useless spell damage increase in return. Cost reductions are Additive The change to Expert Mage was the biggest nerf the Sorc class has ever taken, they quite literately took us out at the knees with that nerf.

    If they need to fix anything, they need to put the cost reduction passive back on Expert Mage, that is the single biggest nerf this class has ever taken that has quite literally been a chop block to the class.

    Respectfully, i please urge you, give us back out Expert Mage cost reduction, its vital to the viability of the class more then anything else, especially in pvp
    Rinaldo Gandolphi-Breton Sorcerer Daggerfall Covenant
    Juste Gandolphi Dark Elf Templar Daggerfall Covenant
    Richter Gandolphi - Dark Elf Dragonknight Daggerfall Covenant
    Mathias Gandolphi - Breton Nightblade Daggerfall Covenant
    RinaldoGandolphi - High Elf Sorcerer Aldmeri Dominion
    Officer Fire and Ice
    Co-GM - MVP

    Sorcerer's - The ONLY class in the game that is punished for using its class defining skill (Bolt Escape)

    "Here in his shrine, that they have forgotten. Here do we toil, that we might remember. By night we reclaim, what by day was stolen. Far from ourselves, he grows ever near to us. Our eyes once were blinded, now through him do we see. Our hands once were idle, now through them does he speak. And when the world shall listen, and when the world shall see, and when the world remembers, that world will cease to be. - Miraak

  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    Rydik wrote: »
    Lol, it restore 35% of max hp (dragon blood restore 30% of missed hp), its most powerfull selfheal, and sorcs still whine...

    technically, NBs have the biggest self heal in the game, and always have. the hp restore on Reapers mark is 60% of your max HP.
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • Dreyloch
    Taonnor wrote: »
    And what is with Dragon Blood of DK's? Why this not nerfed? Its the same amount of heal?!

    . DK's heal is for 33% Of damage taken
    That means if I'm missing 10k health, it will only heal for 3,333. Not 33% of my total health.Ya all need to play a toon before you start throwing around that nerf word~
    "The fear of Death, is often worse than death itself"
  • o_0
    All this arguing and complaining would stop if they never would have added a heal to Clanfear and just figured out a better method to give the class a self heal. Instead I think they started opening fortune cookies and picked the first word of each one to figure out how to "improve" the class.
  • olemanwinter
    Snit wrote: »
    Guardrail to guardrail we go.

    That's the only thing Zos knows how to do. 11 months of Stamina based melee NB being gimpy compared to magica now followed by a relaunch that makes Magica Melee NB completely unplayable.

    Guardrail to Guardrail.
This discussion has been closed.