ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »The added cast time for Unstable Familiar was intended, and all morphs actually share the same cast time. That said, we are looking at potentially increasing the power of the Unstable Familiar to help even out the newly-added cast time.
I'm pretty sure you aren't fully understanding how it works or just haven't had a crit build capable of doing AOE dmg before then. 0.25s cooldown makes it so we don't get more powerful the more enemies we face, which was what the greatest bonus to crit surge was before.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »The added cast time for Unstable Familiar was intended, and all morphs actually share the same cast time. That said, we are looking at potentially increasing the power of the Unstable Familiar to help even out the newly-added cast time.
And what is with Dragon Blood of DK's? Why this not nerfed? Its the same amount of heal?!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »The added cast time for Unstable Familiar was intended, and all morphs actually share the same cast time. That said, we are looking at potentially increasing the power of the Unstable Familiar to help even out the newly-added cast time.
.25 seconds is fast enough that you won't notice a change. 1 second was pretty bad though, I'm glad that was fixed.
ItsRejectz wrote: »
Exactly, not a single person who is crying has tried this skill yet. Well, they can cry all they want, because I'm personally looking forward to using it. Feel it's going to add a lot more options to my build
I'm pretty sure you aren't fully understanding how it works or just haven't had a crit build capable of doing AOE dmg before then. 0.25s cooldown makes it so we don't get more powerful the more enemies we face, which was what the greatest bonus to crit surge was before.
@ZOS_GinaBruno Can you please confirm whether the 25% (or maybe it was 20%) dmg increase on the Crystal Fragment morph when it instant procced is still there? It is not in the 1.6.5 patch notes and it was present in 1.6.4 PTS.
Isn't Dragon Blood based on health that is missing, while the Familiar heal is based on Maximum health?
Suppose that would make it the same amount of heal if Dragon Blood was being cast while at 0 HP though.
Don't like it? Then advocate for sorc fixes. Otherwise, keep your unproductive remarks to yourself.
@ZOS_GinaBruno Hey, we've been very patient. Where is that sit-down discussion about the sorc class you promised us weeks ago?
I'll trade you my 35% max health heal for your insta-cast cheaper costing health heal. Sound good?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »The added cast time for Unstable Familiar was intended, and all morphs actually share the same cast time. That said, we are looking at potentially increasing the power of the Unstable Familiar to help even out the newly-added cast time.
There is absolutely nothing productive about complaining...
Sphinx2318 wrote: »
Hey Gina, why not forget about Sorc QQ's and start thinking about how you're going to save the DK class!
After 1.6.5 i will be glad to change my sorc on your DK.Sphinx2318 wrote: »
Hey Gina, why not forget about Sorc QQ's and start thinking about how you're going to save the DK class!
Care to explain why?ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »The added cast time for Unstable Familiar was intended
ItsRejectz wrote: »Sorry but I feel the heal now is a massive buff, 1.3 seconds is not long at all and we sorcs actually have heal options now without the need of resto staff. Ca t wait to get in and give it a go, going to 've on my bar for sure
@ZOS_GinaBruno Can you please confirm whether the 25% (or maybe it was 20%) dmg increase on the Crystal Fragment morph when it instant procced is still there? It is not in the 1.6.5 patch notes and it was present in 1.6.4 PTS.
I'll trade you my 35% max health heal for your insta-cast cheaper costing health heal. Sound good?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
Yes, it's still there, and the tooltip will reflect that information (it's 20%, by the way).
mehh...it will be nerfed in 1.6.6....just wait