jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
Momentum is a self heal.
Reduced the healing cooldown to 0.25 seconds from 1 second.
Not all nerfs, jeez you sorcerers are wicked whiny. Also 1.3 seconds is not that long for a 35% heal...
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »The added cast time for Unstable Familiar was intended, and all morphs actually share the same cast time. That said, we are looking at potentially increasing the power of the Unstable Familiar to help even out the newly-added cast time.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »The added cast time for Unstable Familiar was intended, and all morphs actually share the same cast time. That said, we are looking at potentially increasing the power of the Unstable Familiar to help even out the newly-added cast time.
Aren't you the guy that made a thread complaining about Nightblades not having those things?Stop whining. Nightblade has NO selfheal and NO shield. Are u seeing whining Nightblades in the forums?
Kingdinguhling wrote: »
I really don't care about pets at all I want a Light armor DPS Magicka Caster that bombs people ESPECIALLY if we are gonna be paper thin .......
I hope there is something hidden in there that im not seeing because I played PTS and Sorcerer just wasn't user friendly.
Every other class you can jump right on VR14 and slap together a build and go out and be somewhat viable if you though things through. Sorcerer is just paper thin, has insufficient DPS, and no room for error in rotation at all.
P.S. - and every Spell cost ridiculous amounts of magicka with attributes to not having any room for error.
The pets can be stuffed and mounted for all I care, I came to play a CASTER DPS!
Out of over 200 responses on the poll I created 70% of players that created sorcs did so for that reason.
The glass part is fine, I can dance well enough. Just give me the damn cannon pls and thank you.
And what is with Dragon Blood of DK's? Why this not nerfed? Its the same amount of heal?!