You guys probably know my DK character named Sheliza. (NA server - Legend guild officer)
I swear she is unkillable on 1on1 situation, any class, any race, noob or even the best player out there. And she is also a killer, most will go down, few will manage to get a draw, and noone can kill her.
After lots of deaths, tons of testing and studying, i came up with this build, making others call Sheliza, a Raid Boss, MegaTank, Monster.
I will not share my build for now tho, but if someone is interested you can PM me ingame and maybe il accept some ingame items in exchange of this build.
I assure you, noone can ever kill this build 1on1, and the dps is awesome. If you wanna try to kill me before you believe what im saying, leave a message ingame and il show you this Raid Boss.
Edited by TagaParti on January 26, 2015 9:20AM Sheliza "The Unkillable"
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