Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Crown Store Item Wish List

  • Donum-Dei

    .... I guess we can all agree that we do not want nothing that can harm the lore or how we as gamer's can get advantage from other players, just as easy as a click of a button in the C.S (crown store). Anyways this are some ideas I have for this C.S. that can help and have better use/meaning for better stuff. But first, let me write this, when I create my character for the 1rst time, I was some quite disappointed because of the way things where "distribute" (if I can use that word) any how, it would be and incredible idea to have this stuff.

    (I don't know if anybody has already mention them, but cool we all have the same good ideas for the better of this game)

    1 Add more hair style and hair color (but not crazy colors, muted colors would be great). <----(when I was creating my character I't was disappointing by the fact of poor color options you guys have not only come up with, but give in us to choose from)

    2 Add more heavy armors light armors and medium armors <---- (Now, BEWARE, I honestly do not like what I have seen so far from the options that are in the C.S. for "armors" or "clothing"/"outfits" for that matters, the fact that those same "outfits" are the same in game but slightly color change, that I can go an loot from chest or craft them, is not good and not worth my crown points honestly... you guys can do better, the fact that you can create more new medium, heavy and light armors to add them in the C.S. without any type of xp of course, can give more content and diversity to the game with things like this stuff, without breaking the lore and the theme of this game. The wedding dress and the royal court jester do not come close to be worth it, they are very poor options honestly.)

    (Make the armors available like the normal armors not outfits, so we can mix them with other armors and use enchantments and Traits in them. At least for me, I don't care about outfits, if I can have the same freedom to play with the armors that you guys can come up with so I can have fun adding Traits and Glyphs, perfect good. But those "outfits" are waist of my crown points if I can only wear them for the sake of "fun" and "look at me" I can do the same with the current armors that I can craft and will be more fun than plain worthless outfits.)

    3 Adding/Create more new beards, adornments and body markings that obviously goes with the game theme would be perfect. <---- (When I was trying to pick an adornment in the character creation... I was surprised that beards was located in the same are as those adornments. It make no seance whatsoever, at least to me. Make them have their own separated sliders if possible, at least in the C.S. so everything can be more organised with the adornments and beards as well as all the armors. The more new content you guys can come up with beards and adornments also, besides story content and lore. Good)

    4 I heard that you guys are planing to add the motifs in the C.S. I do not know if this is accurate true false or a joke, in which it will be a funny one(not really). Do not do that, what will be the point in playing a game vast with so much hidden and searchable things, than adding those things in the C.S.? That will defeat the purpose of this game to begging with, what would happen if you guys do that? What will be next, treasure maps in C.S.? <---- (Every thing that give the players the joy, fun "pain and gain" to really dive in each corner of each map and the good hard effort to really be into this stuff and dive in to that purpose, do not add those.)

    Note: Sorry to those who find this really to the point and or a huge "bad critic" (if you guys see it that way) but honestly, the C.S. can be one of those better places to visit and worth spending or buying crown points, because what we will be seeing in there will be worth the spend. I hope you guys really consider this and other honest critics that you have already read. I know many ppl hate already the fact that there is a C.S. but if you guys can pull this one in a good direction, would be a huge joy of those gamer's like me that hate things that really damage the whole thing.

    Because we all know small things like this can be very harmful in the long run, we all can agree that we had bad experiences whit promises broken etc etc. Honestly developers, if you can figure that most of the people here do not want the lore broken and neither funny and worthless objects that do not offer nothing for, then do read and pay attention. Anyways, let's hope this whole thing really pays of and lets see if you developers can offer what we really want to pay for.

    P.s. See you all in Tamriel.

  • Pedrolificus
    Soul Shriven
    I know it's been mentioned, probably a few times, but just to confirm it from another voice, Make-over Kits and Rename Cards. Makeovers for anything more then hair, eye color and head trinkets should be a separate kit and require crowns. Basics like, changing your hair or you don't like that hideous thing on your forehead anymore, should cost a little gold and be built into the game. Facial reconstruction, gender or racial changes, crown store item, along with the rename card should cost crowns. I haven't looked at the price of crowns yet, sadly not much in the store I'm interested in, but those should cost... five or ten bucks worth of crowns.
  • C3N50R3D
    Another guild slot.
  • Stealcian
    Soul Shriven
    I've only been playing a few weeks now so if there is already a way I haven't found it. But I'd like to see a character makeover / redo option made available, similar to the barber shop in wow.
    It'd be really nice to be able to go in and change how my char looks without having to re roll.
  • MornaBaine
    Adornments really need to be easily changeable. Who wants to wear the same piece of jewelry forever? Adornments, necklaces, earrings, circlets, crowns...all of these should be separate pieces and should be able to be worn together. I would like to be able to wear earrings, a circlet and a necklace all at once but have each piece be individual. If that cannot happen then we really need a TON of "set" choices where we have the option to get just earrings, necklace and circlet, an option that is the earrings and necklace together, the circlet and earrings together, the circlet and necklace together, all 3 together. Masculine jewelry, like torques, are also sorely needed. Bracelets and upper arm jewelry (especially nice with khajiit robes!) are also highly desirable.
    Here's some inspiration for your artists while we're at it:
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Cinbri
    Almalexia's Hand costume.
    Character recreation option
  • neilson455b16_ESO
    Please give the player the option to buy an ordinator costume or a Hand of Almalexia costume, that would be awesome!!!
    "Sheogorath's Wonder" Class Skill Skin

    Has no impact on gamplay when it comes to numbers/damage etc but changes the APPEARANCE of all class skills to be Sheogorath themed.

    a few examples

    Storm Atronach changed to Sweet roll Atronach

    Negate Magic changed to a Swarm of Butterflies

    Aedric Spear abilities changed to use the Wabbajack


    I'm only half serious about this, i realise the implications of this in PVP regarding having to get used to the new looks of each skill and i know it would be a lot of work but i just really like the idea.....
    dafox187 wrote: »
    one thing i would enjoy is more hireling like the crafting ones but maybe you could pay 1000 crowns for a horse trainer who would automaticly train [horse riding] you while you were offline or a mercenary but you would have to pay him around 5000 gold a week or he would sit at a bar and not follow you [just so its not basicly god mode when hes with you] and maybe and researcher to take things from your bank [that you can tag ] while your offline and research them for you or even a merchant who would tell everyone your username the one with the @ sign and then you can sell a whole bunch of items quick. i would love to see this also when ever you get houses house guards [if you add player thievery or something like that] and with mercenary you can allow them to wear your costumes so you don't spend 59 bucks on all the costumes and only use one

    I would agree with this provided you had to log on frequently to activate it... i don't like the idea of someone setting this up then not playing for 3 months only to come back and have everything maxed and researched... Like maybe you had to log in and play for a certain amount of time each day or every other day in order for this to happen.....

    With the horse riding part i don't see the harm in having it so that if you log on, each of your characters will pay for the riding skill you set them up to choose just by logging in to one character.... i have 8 characters and the first thing i do is jump between them paying for riding, meaning it takes the first 20 minutes or so of my play time each day instead of just getting into what i want to be doing. Not having to do that would certainly be a convenience.
  • Faenwyn
    Bag and bank slots!!! I just restarted today and immediately remembered why I quit in the first place! 6,000 gold for a few bank slots...really???

    I spent all day doing nothing but trying to find places for all my items, twice I had to leave a dungeon because my bag was full.

    I spent every bit of my gold buying bag slots so I didn't even have enough gold to devote to my armor.

    Sell bags in the Crown store and bank slot certificates, you can sell them 10 slots at a time and allow up to 500 bank slots. Maybe the bags can have a limit of 100 slots.

    Or maybe you could sell bags just for materials, separate from the regular bag items.

    I am NOT going to spend all day logging in and out with alts just to be able to do crafting, that is too much like work! I want to have fun!
  • Gidorick
    I have a thread in which I suggest an expansion of the mounts in ESO. In that thread I suggest the following for the Crown Store:
    • Bland/Tasty/Savory treat packs for your Horse/Guar/Senche with status effects
    • A food bag to hold any treats that a player has for their pets
    • Advanced Riding lessons, a 4 pack of riding lessons that bypass time and gold requirement
    • First Person Horse Riding Pack which enables first person view on mounts
    • Mount Tangibility Pack which enables the toggle-able feature of your mount running away and running up to you for immersionists.

    Here's the thread that explains the entire concept:
    Edited by Gidorick on March 21, 2015 7:11PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Faenwyn
    Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
    The store offers consumables you can use to save time on in-game activities (like experience and crafting boosters, for example)

    Will these be better than the boost you get from subscribing? I think you should be very careful about having cash-based ways to outpace anyone, let alone subscribers. No one is going to want to subscribe if Joe Schmo can drop $100 in the store and get a Champion Point every 5 minutes because his XP is so accelerated. Or get 9 traits researched in a few days because his crafting is so accelerated.

    I agree, I am sure that we have all played games that had its share of cash shop addicts, we all knew who they were and after awhile they always end up in the same guild. That guild would be unbeatable and everyone just stopped showing for guild wars.

    There were games where some toons had so many cash shop buffs on that its status bar took up half the page! One game I played was "Free" to play and some guy went bankrupt from spending so much in the cash shop, he wanted to sue...seriously! He said he had spent $16,000 dollars on that free game. He wasn't just buying boosters for his own toon, he was buying it for everyone in his guild because he hated losing and he went ballistic when no other guild would show up guild wars. There was no point in showing up, he bought all the spawn points!

    That game tanked by the way, the in-game economy was so out of kilter that even low level gear was selling for billions in coin.

    If you want to know what not to do, you just look at the failures.
  • Pedrolificus
    Soul Shriven
    Faenwyn wrote: »
    Bag and bank slots!!! I just restarted today and immediately remembered why I quit in the first place! 6,000 gold for a few bank slots...really???
    Sell bags in the Crown store and bank slot certificates, you can sell them 10 slots at a time and allow up to 500 bank slots. Maybe the bags can have a limit of 100 slots.

    Or maybe you could sell bags just for materials, separate from the regular bag items.

    Sort of agree.
    You can already max your bags out to 110 without putting carry capacity on your horse, for a fee. What I would like to see is separate bank tab for materials so I wouldn't have to keep shuffling them out of the bank onto mules to free up bag space. I know I can still upgrade my bank more (I've only got it up to 200 slots so far, next purchase is 70k) but with all the new clothes, previous disguises and trophies I've collected since day 1, not much room there for actual craft materials.
    Wardrobe tab wouldn't be a bad idea. I like that you moved the costumes into the collections ui, but why not let us put the disguises we've picked up and like to keep someplace aside from the bank or our bags?
  • Faenwyn
    The one thing I'll say is that, while I support the current design of the Crown Store as a replacement for mandatory subscriptions, I urge you to show restraint, not just in terms of the items offered in the store, but also in terms of the amount of developer time spent on Crown Store items and the balance of in-game and in-store rewards.

    It's fine to have cool stuff in the Crown Store, but please don't neglect in-game rewards in favour of the Crown Store. It'd be a huge shame if all the cool cosmetic gear, mounts, pets, dyes etc that are ever added to ESO are sold through the Crown Store, leaving in-game rewards completely stale.

    Also, as for specifics I'd like to NOT see:
    • Any way for players to outright purchase levels, crafting levels, or champion points.
    • Any way for players to increase their damage, armour, health or any similar gameplay statistic through the Crown Store.
    • Random lockboxes with exclusive items inside. They're fine as long as the items in the lockboxes are also available for standard purchase in the Crown Store.
    • Any changes to the core gameplay to make the Crown Store more attractive to players.
    • The Crown Store becoming a greater priority for the dev team than the game itself.

    How many times have we seen devs completely forget that there is even a game once they get started on cash shop items?

    If you have played any other sub games that turned into F2P, you know what LasurArkinshade is talking about.

    Sitting around waiting for maintenance to be over then get the patch notes and the only additions are to the cash shop!...week after week!

    There are literally thousands of on-line games out there, Some start out ridiculous and go nowhere, some start out great but go down hill fast and a few start great and have great staying power.

    Think about all of the games you have played and what makes a great game stay a great game?

    *Hint* it has never been the cash shop as far as I can tell.
  • Greatsword
    Here is the list of items and services I would like to see in the crown store.
    • character rename service
    • one-time coupons to change character looks (i.e.: another visit to the character creation screen post-creation)
    • change gender service
  • Peteris
    I have very long list of stuff that I would like to see on crown store:
    1. bag space
    2. bank space
    3. bag space
    4. bank space
    5. bag space
    6. bank space
    7. bag space
    8. bank space

    and finally a little more bag space and bank space.

    Thank you in advance :wink:
  • TSSR
    Soul Shriven
    1. Bank&Bag space.
    2. Character slots.
  • ZombiPriest
    Soul Shriven
    ShadowHvo wrote: »
    One of the Giant or Medium Frost-Spiders which inhabits Skyrims caves and dungeons, as a mount. Yes, I would really love to see that.

    I'm just being honest here, take a soldier running across the field on a Horse, and then have another on a Frost-Spider, which one will you fear the most?

    I would just run away, I wouldn't even dare face that mighty warrior!

    Seriously, imagen this thing coming running after you in Cyrodiil


    Mooooootheerr..- D=

  • ZombiPriest
    Soul Shriven
    I agree Spider mounts would be fantastic.....what about dragons?....
  • ZombiPriest
    Soul Shriven
    DanniBoi wrote: »

    .... I guess we can all agree that we do not want nothing that can harm the lore or how we as gamer's can get advantage from other players, just as easy as a click of a button in the C.S (crown store). Anyways this are some ideas I have for this C.S. that can help and have better use/meaning for better stuff. But first, let me write this, when I create my character for the 1rst time, I was some quite disappointed because of the way things where "distribute" (if I can use that word) any how, it would be and incredible idea to have this stuff.

    (I don't know if anybody has already mention them, but cool we all have the same good ideas for the better of this game)

    1 Add more hair style and hair color (but not crazy colors, muted colors would be great). <----(when I was creating my character I't was disappointing by the fact of poor color options you guys have not only come up with, but give in us to choose from)

    2 Add more heavy armors light armors and medium armors <---- (Now, BEWARE, I honestly do not like what I have seen so far from the options that are in the C.S. for "armors" or "clothing"/"outfits" for that matters, the fact that those same "outfits" are the same in game but slightly color change, that I can go an loot from chest or craft them, is not good and not worth my crown points honestly... you guys can do better, the fact that you can create more new medium, heavy and light armors to add them in the C.S. without any type of xp of course, can give more content and diversity to the game with things like this stuff, without breaking the lore and the theme of this game. The wedding dress and the royal court jester do not come close to be worth it, they are very poor options honestly.)

    (Make the armors available like the normal armors not outfits, so we can mix them with other armors and use enchantments and Traits in them. At least for me, I don't care about outfits, if I can have the same freedom to play with the armors that you guys can come up with so I can have fun adding Traits and Glyphs, perfect good. But those "outfits" are waist of my crown points if I can only wear them for the sake of "fun" and "look at me" I can do the same with the current armors that I can craft and will be more fun than plain worthless outfits.)

    3 Adding/Create more new beards, adornments and body markings that obviously goes with the game theme would be perfect. <---- (When I was trying to pick an adornment in the character creation... I was surprised that beards was located in the same are as those adornments. It make no seance whatsoever, at least to me. Make them have their own separated sliders if possible, at least in the C.S. so everything can be more organised with the adornments and beards as well as all the armors. The more new content you guys can come up with beards and adornments also, besides story content and lore. Good)

    4 I heard that you guys are planing to add the motifs in the C.S. I do not know if this is accurate true false or a joke, in which it will be a funny one(not really). Do not do that, what will be the point in playing a game vast with so much hidden and searchable things, than adding those things in the C.S.? That will defeat the purpose of this game to begging with, what would happen if you guys do that? What will be next, treasure maps in C.S.? <---- (Every thing that give the players the joy, fun "pain and gain" to really dive in each corner of each map and the good hard effort to really be into this stuff and dive in to that purpose, do not add those.)

    Note: Sorry to those who find this really to the point and or a huge "bad critic" (if you guys see it that way) but honestly, the C.S. can be one of those better places to visit and worth spending or buying crown points, because what we will be seeing in there will be worth the spend. I hope you guys really consider this and other honest critics that you have already read. I know many ppl hate already the fact that there is a C.S. but if you guys can pull this one in a good direction, would be a huge joy of those gamer's like me that hate things that really damage the whole thing.

    Because we all know small things like this can be very harmful in the long run, we all can agree that we had bad experiences whit promises broken etc etc. Honestly developers, if you can figure that most of the people here do not want the lore broken and neither funny and worthless objects that do not offer nothing for, then do read and pay attention. Anyways, let's hope this whole thing really pays of and lets see if you developers can offer what we really want to pay for.

    P.s. See you all in Tamriel.


  • ZombiPriest
    Soul Shriven
    More armors yes that's a must. I would like to have a fox pet, and maybe find a way to have pets assist in battle, that would be nice, then they are not just pets but a important part of your epic adventure. It would be cool to enthrall a harvester and have it bound to my will. what if I wanted to be a necromancer? I would like that, I would buy a subscription if i could be a necromancer with wicked spider mount or those goblin dogs, Durzogs. more story added too, life goes on and evil never rests, am i right? I would buy added story content so long as it wasn't just a short half assed fast way to make money and had some really fun adventure to it. There is some much I wanted to adventure to that I still have not got to. So this guy above and others, does anyone even read this stuff?
    Durzog Mount would be good, especially to go along with the Goblin Disguise already in game.
  • LaerothKeykalyn
    I hope that there will be costume ea06d8785bf9b2c055ecd5f25e942e85.jpgbreton_knight___full_body_production_render_by_baldasseroni-d6p0suy.jpg60dad55f-30db-467b-9402-a3030e901f6a.jpg

    Edited by LaerothKeykalyn on March 22, 2015 8:29AM
  • Eldarth
    5,000 crowns if shriven pants were the bare minimum dress code in cities.

    10,000 if guards would kill anyone "naked" for being juvenile idiots.
  • Thavie
    I wanna costume looks like this so badly! Please-please-please, @ZOS!

    "We grew under a bad sun"
  • maryriv
    1 Customizable (with approval) Guild Tabbard 1000 crowns.
    2 More guild slots 500 per.
    3 Make a BoP item BoE 250 per.
  • belugian

    - since i am super lazy, i d like a bag size increase bought with corwns ( best seller imo )
    - since i am so unlucky, i d like an increased rare items drop rate for awhile ( best seller imo )
    - weapon tinctures
    - since i like to show off, i d like to go to cyro battles with a huge flag on my back
    - since i bought the chef costume, i d like a donkey mount to go with it. ( i am serious )
    Stradius (AD)
  • Ysne58
    I wish that either purchases would be account wide (both NA and EU) or that the crowns would not pool across both servers. It is not fair, for example to require a newcomer who plays on both NA and EU to be forced to pay twice for the Imperial upgrade or the revamped explorer pack, if he or she wants that feature on both accounts.
  • Enodoc
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    I wish that either purchases would be account wide (both NA and EU) or that the crowns would not pool across both servers. It is not fair, for example to require a newcomer who plays on both NA and EU to be forced to pay twice for the Imperial upgrade or the revamped explorer pack, if he or she wants that feature on both accounts.

    I agree that "Upgrades" like the Imperial Edition should be account-wide. But I'm happy for ZOS to make more money by keeping items server-locked.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Tarrin
    Normal/Hard/Nightmare difficulty for solo PvE content.
    Samurai without a sword
    Like a samurai with the sword
    But without the sword
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