Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • VileIntent
    Can you remove the CC Immunity completely or add CC immunity to roots?
  • MightyHarken
    Will we get better animations in robototic boring skills like uppercut or wrecking blow?
  • Teiji
    When will Tel Var Stone merchants sell Tel Var Stone weapons?


    As it stands, none exist besides the ones on the developer server. Could we please get them soon or at least an idea?

    Prop weapons make me sad.
    "Serving Boethiah is Freedom, embracing heroism is Liberty, existing solely for noxiphilic sanguivoria is truth." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    European megaserver Fallout 4

    Loyalist of Boethiah, heroism enthusiast, exposer of secrets, bless'ed of noxiphilic sanguivoria.

    Nerf one grind, two more take its place; hail Gryndra!

    I am a dank memer and satire enthusiast
  • Kuroinu
    Would you ever consider adding an option in Character Creation to view the varying stages of Vampirism on the character we're creating? This would be of great help when creating a Vampire, thanks!
  • Zaldan
    Any update on when the controller support for PC is going to arrive other than soon or in the future?
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • Zaldan
    If you can have unlimited duration on Werewolf transformation at the shrine why can't the same affect be added to a wearable item if a toggle is technically impossible or is it because you don't want Werewolf transformation to be a toggle even if it was possible?
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • Zaldan
    Any plans to make visible the actually numbers of player in PVP campaigns instead of vague bar indicators?
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • dudenamedchris
    Do they ever answer or respond to these....someone please answer this
  • Enodoc
    Do they ever answer or respond to these....someone please answer this
    @dudenamedchris Not all of them, but they choose some to answer on ESO Live.
    Hi everyone!

    Starting now, during every ESO Live we’ll hold a Q&A where we’ll answer some of your questions about the game. All you have to do is post your questions in this thread and we’ll choose some to answer every two weeks on the show, though we do want to remind you to please be constructive with your questions. If you’re able to join us during the show, we’ll also take some questions from chat as well!

    Thanks for your support, and we hope you’ll enjoy this new segment!
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • NeillMcAttack
    Will we ever get an indication on our HUD of what buffs/de-buffs are currently active?
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • dudenamedchris
    Where can I see their past Q&A shows ?
  • wraith808
    Where can I see their past Q&A shows ?

    They archive them on their youtube channel
    Edited by wraith808 on August 27, 2015 7:55PM
    Quasim ibn-Muhammad - VR 12 Redguard Dragon Knight
    Taladriel Vanima - VR 5 Altmer Nightblade
    Ambalyo iyo Bogaadin - VR 1 Redguard Sorceror
  • iiKiiNG522
    I know this might be something that comes down the line, but could you add combat display numbers ex: amount of damage taken/Healed or damage dealt or blocked. Just something me and a LOT of my friends would love to see in this game, just to see who did most damage or what build does more healing etc. Thanks
  • BigM
    On the list you have for fixing bugs in game, could you please tell us where on that list is fixing the group finder?
    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
  • Greath
    I've heard from multiple players that we'll be able to change/edit our characters when the Imperial City DLC comes out. Is this true and if it's not would you consider doing it?
  • Inig0
    I have a question!
    Will you please explain the difference between disorient, stun, fear, and immobilize? (disorient and stun seem to be the most difficult to differentiate) I understand that they make you unable to do anything until you CC break, but since there's multiple types listed throughout the skill lines surely there's a difference between them by how the server and client interpret them. If im missing any other CCs will you explain the difference with those too.

    Thank you.
    GM: Mechanically Challenged
    In game - @Inig0
    Sorc - Inigo- Beautiful Chocolate Man
    NB - Raphiki - Beautiful Chocolate Man
    Temp - Ineegø - ınıgo
    DK - Inigø - Alfeus - Down for Maintenance
    Warden - Help I Made a Warden
    PC NA
    Youtube Stuffs
    Only the best memes die twice
  • CrazyOldTurtl3
    Many folks following your Twitter page are awaiting a response.
  • Chrlynsch
    As it stands the werewolf community enjoys being in werewolf form, and are grateful the many improvements that you have made to the skill-line since launch. Is there anything you plan to do in the future to allow us longer or more frequent transformations?
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • kevlarto_ESO
    Back on July 22nd ESO live, there was an animator who was asked a question from Gina about animation canceling, he responded that changes were being worked but could not go in to detail.

    My question, is this still being worked ? or is it on the back burner ? Any new info you can share :)

  • Enodoc
    Greath wrote: »
    I've heard from multiple players that we'll be able to change/edit our characters when the Imperial City DLC comes out. Is this true and if it's not would you consider doing it?
    @Greath That's not true, but they are working on it for the future.
    Many folks following your Twitter page are awaiting a response.
    @CrazyOldTurtl3 Unfortunately they don't answer Twitter questions on ESO Live.
    Edited by Enodoc on August 28, 2015 9:19AM
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • AngryNord
    Given the many changes recently, do you have any intention to change/update the character previews in the character creator (especially the Templar shown in heavy armour and a two-handed axe is a bit misleading given that a melee Templar is of limited use, especially given the changes coming in update 7)?
  • EnOeZ
    • Is there a "Lead PVP Balance" designer in the team ?
    • What is the balance process ?
    • How players can affect it ?
    • What is the status of Spell Crafting ?
    • Heavy Armor is widely recognized as the worst by far for PVP on player this forum and all independent ones (tamriel foundry, etc.), is it or not the stance of developers ? Is a buff recognized as necessary or not on resource management, DPS and effective overall survivability ?
  • mrskinskull
    Coldharbour Siege Weapons (on PS4 at least) currently do not display a ring where they are going to hit. This has been mentioned and complained about due to over half the playerbase abusing it and yet it is not being addressed properly. Therefore I wish to know the answer to this directly from Zenimax themselves:

    Was this intentionally designed to be this way or are they truly bugged out and being exploited as a result?

    If it was intentional I want to know why.
    If it was not intentional I wish to know when it will be addressed and fixed.

    Please Zenimax the situation is critical! I am tired of seeing so many of my allies rely on something so dishonorable because frankly I am sick of facepalming and shaking my head in disapproval. What the enemy does is not my concern as it only proves they are weak for using these.

    I always thought they were like a stealth version of the normal stuff.

    I never even considered that it might be glitched.

    They are harder to get and thus have an extra feature, correct?
  • mrskinskull
    What are some of the Card and Board Games do the residents of Tamriel enjoy playing after a long day of avoiding oblivion?

    I like a game called jungle speed.
    Ever heard of it?
    Its by a french company.
  • Psychobunni
    TYTYTY @ZOS_GinaBruno for answering my controller question. Freak out avoided! :)
    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • Junkogen
    In a previous ESO Live, @ZOS_JessicaFolsom hinted at plans to redesign racial passives to go along with a race change option saying something like "so if a race becomes a good caster, then people have the option to switch" or something to that effect. Are there still plans to redesign racial passives or are they pretty much set in stone? The racial passives still are not balanced, in my opinion, even with the Imperial City tweaks.
    Edited by Junkogen on August 30, 2015 1:24PM
  • Mighty_oakk
    Coldharbour Siege Weapons (on PS4 at least) currently do not display a ring where they are going to hit. This has been mentioned and complained about due to over half the playerbase abusing it and yet it is not being addressed properly. Therefore I wish to know the answer to this directly from Zenimax themselves:

    Was this intentionally designed to be this way or are they truly bugged out and being exploited as a result?

    If it was intentional I want to know why.
    If it was not intentional I wish to know when it will be addressed and fixed.

    Please Zenimax the situation is critical! I am tired of seeing so many of my allies rely on something so dishonorable because frankly I am sick of facepalming and shaking my head in disapproval. What the enemy does is not my concern as it only proves they are weak for using these.

    I always thought they were like a stealth version of the normal stuff.

    I never even considered that it might be glitched.

    They are harder to get and thus have an extra feature, correct?

    Since on pc they have regular animations I'd guess they are bugged on console
  • dudenamedchris
    Why is werewolf getting nerfed??????
  • randolphbenoit
    Now that Cyrodiil has PvE zones (IC) will the PvP areas outside Imperial City one day have PvE zone options for PvE players wishing to complete quests, dungeons, anchors and skyshard collecting? This will also allow PvE players to complete more achievements and have more to do post Cadwells Gold quests.
    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP).

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
  • BardicusSpiffy
    Soul Shriven
    Any chance of Welwa pups becoming pets in the game?
This discussion has been closed.