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Snipe and it's implication on PvP, from a long time Bow user

  • NotSo
    I would still like to see the pull time increased because right now you can do significantly more damage by spamming snipe than by spamming heavy attacks.
    Well, that or greatly increase the cost of snipe. Then the cast time could be near instant for all I care.
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • Xsorus
    Snipe already has a dead zone...Its called using bash...

  • Bipolo
    I think if Defensive Posture or other tools to negate some of the ranged damage worked on bows you would see far far less complains.

    Skeggǫld, Skálmǫld, Skildir ro Klofnir
    "Nords who prove themselves in battle awaken in the realm after death. Pain and illness vanish within the Hall of Valor.
    Revelry is never-ending, mead flows freely, and the greatest Nords of all time compete in tests of strength and prowess. (...)
    Through all the suffering and adversity in this world, true Nord warriors endure, for Sovngarde awaits."

    - The Road to Sovngarde
  • Wreuntzylla
    Without commenting on whether snipe is balanced or not, I do find it odd that a long rage, medium armor ability out bdamages most short range, heavy armor abilities.

    Edit: By heavy armor abilities, I mean traditional short range weaponry.
    Edited by Wreuntzylla on November 23, 2014 12:07AM
  • Domander
    Hi everyone,

    We want you do know we've been keeping an eye on this thread since it started, and have read every post. We appreciate how thoughtful and mostly constructive the discussion has been. We're looking at Snipe with a very objective approach, taking both sides of the discussion in this thread into consideration.

    One of the issues mentioned throughout--healing debuff stacking--is not intended and may the be change that's needed. We're aiming to roll out that fix in an incremental patch after 1.5.6. After that fix goes in, we'll be looking for your feedback on whether or not it's made Snipe feel more appropriately balanced.

    Good! the debuff stacking was obviously broken.

    Could you look at bow vs block while you're at it?

    Block reportedly prevents the healing debuff from lethal arrow, I'm ok with this if it's intended.

    Block prevents the immobilize from bombard. The magicka based abilities that immobilize go through block. (I think bombard should go through block also)
  • Thejollygreenone
    Without commenting on whether snipe is balanced or not, I do find it odd that a long rage, medium armor ability out bdamages most short range, heavy armor abilities.

    Edit: By heavy armor abilities, I mean traditional short range weaponry.

    You can just say ranged vs melee :) As of now there's nothing tying melee archetypes to heavy armor.

    But indeed you have a point, these changes have opened up an opposite disparity between ranged and melee dps as a whole.

    That is, the ideal being melee dps having greater dps than their ranged counterparts, but are exposed to the increased risks associated with being in melee range, OR that melee dps is equal to range, but has enough innate defense to make up for the risk of being melee.

    As of now, melee dps is lower than ranged on all ends, and the increased inherent defensiveness isn't all that much if anything at all.

    Dps capability is closest to where it should be on dual wield, and defensiveness is arguably closest to where it should be on 2h with access to Rally, but neither ends are to the ideal point yet to contend with the damage capability and defense by way of range which bow has.

    That much has been made clear with the release of patch 1.5, I think. Sorry for such a vaguely worded post btw ^.^
    Edited by Thejollygreenone on November 23, 2014 1:18AM
  • Nicko_Lps
    I dont dissagree with you at all dean,youre correct in all aspects of it but...

    When i started playing this game with my nb bow was heaven and the only sollution cause i was a noob,after i learned the class i rejected bow and i like the challenge to be fighting in melee range,i know its funny.

    But as i see now its confirmed every noob uses a bow because every noob has the right to play this game. So the company gave them the choise to fast kill and feel pro lol

    As for me,i play pvp with my dk,i always react fast to snipe attacks IF i dont listen to the sound and hold block first. Green dragon blood invasion and if the sniper(lol) is not skilled in melee range he goes back to the wayshrine.
    At least what i met so far except from 2 people that killed me in 1,5sec that were for sure macroed skill users.

    I dont mind,i dont care bow is just annoying not something you cant deal with it, at least as a dk.
  • Cody
    Snipe already has a dead zone...Its called using bash...

    the 100% healing de-buff is a bit ridiculous. but the damage itself is not that big of a deal.

    idk where people are getting these 1.8-2K numbers from. max iv been hit with since patch was about 1.4-1.5K, and i dont wear any impenetrable trait gear.

    once the healing de-buff gets fixed(if it has not already) people may calm down about the ability.
  • Columba
    fine fix it, but do something about perma blocking and perma reflect. lol.
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