There seems to be a lot of people against solo play for some reason. OP got four LOLs for posting this and I got two LOLs for coming up with suggestions on how to give solo players an endgame? wtf
Scaling difficulties (and rewards) of instances (which ESO is comprised nearly entirely of) based on numbers of players is a relatively simple algorithm that's been used by programmers for years.
I understand it is easier to design corridor fights (raid or related), and even easier to let "people make the content" (pvp) than it is to make good lore content. I do.
What is there for the solo player to do solo once they've completed all the questing zones?
What is there for the solo player to do solo once they've completed all the questing zones?
Skyrim. ESO is a MMO. Period.
And yes you can reach V14 easily without doing any group content and never step inside Craglorn. ESO cater solo players more than enough and not seeing this is just being blind
What is there for the solo player to do solo once they've completed all the questing zones?
Skyrim. ESO is a MMO. Period.
And yes you can reach V14 easily without doing any group content and never step inside Craglorn. ESO cater solo players more than enough and not seeing this is just being blind
What is there for the solo player to do solo once they've completed all the questing zones?
Skyrim. ESO is a MMO. Period.
And yes you can reach V14 easily without doing any group content and never step inside Craglorn. ESO cater solo players more than enough and not seeing this is just being blind
Nox_Aeterna wrote: »What is there for the solo player to do solo once they've completed all the questing zones?
Skyrim. ESO is a MMO. Period.
And yes you can reach V14 easily without doing any group content and never step inside Craglorn. ESO cater solo players more than enough and not seeing this is just being blind
Pfff , yeah right.
One can say you are blind mate.
ESO entire endgame from VR10 is group content , hell you dont even get to endgame anymore lols , that is VR14 , solo players are stuck 4 VR before even getting there :P.
It is pathetic and if there is one thing i would say is this game greatly favors groups , that simple.
They apparently made that choice lols , reason i also support solo players to leave the game , something they are doing more and more now since people are finally getting to the point this happens.
Hehe this MMO managed to do a double fail. Forced solo content during lvling made many group players leave , forced group content at the end now makes solo players leave :P.
You can get to VR14 by doing PvP. Is it going to take longer? Sure, but it's still entirely feasible. In fact, you can get to VR14 just grinding mobs outside Craglorn as well, and they're making leveling up even easier next patch (Veteran Points converted to normal XP).
You can't realistically expect an MMO to focus primarily on solo player content. MMO stands for Massive Multiplayer Online.
There are many other departments that currently need just as much attention, if not more than singleplayer content; such as end game PvE and especially PvP.
That said, they are bringing in stuff that'll be interesting for solo players, since those are a reasonably large group as well (it's an Elder Scrolls game after all).
- Solo PvE Arena was mentioned in the latest ESO Live I believe.
- Crafting writs are coming next patch, rewarding you with a recipe upon completion.
- A whole zone called Wrothgar, designed for singleplayer is coming soon(tm).
This, along with the fact that most of the game (apart from end game) is tailored for solo (there are no "elite mobs" or anything that'd require a group outside grp dungeons...).
Nox_Aeterna wrote: »You can get to VR14 by doing PvP. Is it going to take longer? Sure, but it's still entirely feasible. In fact, you can get to VR14 just grinding mobs outside Craglorn as well, and they're making leveling up even easier next patch (Veteran Points converted to normal XP).
You can't realistically expect an MMO to focus primarily on solo player content. MMO stands for Massive Multiplayer Online.
There are many other departments that currently need just as much attention, if not more than singleplayer content; such as end game PvE and especially PvP.
That said, they are bringing in stuff that'll be interesting for solo players, since those are a reasonably large group as well (it's an Elder Scrolls game after all).
- Solo PvE Arena was mentioned in the latest ESO Live I believe.
- Crafting writs are coming next patch, rewarding you with a recipe upon completion.
- A whole zone called Wrothgar, designed for singleplayer is coming soon(tm).
This, along with the fact that most of the game (apart from end game) is tailored for solo (there are no "elite mobs" or anything that'd require a group outside grp dungeons...).
I wont even bother answer the first part of your post , it was already done at this point thousands of times.
Outside that , endgame is probably the most important part in a MMO , that simple.
Sure it takes a long time to reach it in ESO , that is why i said now is that many are even getting to VR10 heh. But the point is , you get there and once you get to VR10 the solo content ends.
Cyro is PvP , which has nothing to do with PvE players , and if grinding mobs is what the game wants us to do , i can mention a very , very long list of korean MMOs that allow you to do that for free from lvl 1 heh :P.
And ofc like you said they said a solo zone will be added , a pity that like so many other things in this game that remains in the future , a future that considering the other many , many big update features that also have to be added even before it , one can say what? In the best case march next year? And that is in the best case.
So many months of nothing to do hardly keeps players also :P.
MercyKilling wrote: »What I dislike about the guild summit is the fact that there are these people I don't know...have never met....might not even agree with or like their ideas...getting the opportunity to gnaw on developer ears about THEIR issues and THEIR problems and THEIR concerns.
Meanwhile, the rest of the player base gets ignored/swept under the rug.(Well, it sure does seem like this is what happens.)
Nobody's speaking out on MY issues and concerns and problems with this game.
MercyKilling wrote: »What I dislike about the guild summit is the fact that there are these people I don't know...have never met....might not even agree with or like their ideas...getting the opportunity to gnaw on developer ears about THEIR issues and THEIR problems and THEIR concerns.
Meanwhile, the rest of the player base gets ignored/swept under the rug.(Well, it sure does seem like this is what happens.)
Nobody's speaking out on MY issues and concerns and problems with this game.
Yeah I agree. Most "big guilds" like Entropy have very little care for anything but vertical progression, new gear, and being "elite". And while I think there should be stuff for those guilds to do, the vast majority of players are not actually in those guilds and may have completely different wants and opinions. Case in point - most big guilds don't give a fig for housing, but I see that topic pop up constantly here on the forums.
MercyKilling wrote: »What I dislike about the guild summit is the fact that there are these people I don't know...have never met....might not even agree with or like their ideas...getting the opportunity to gnaw on developer ears about THEIR issues and THEIR problems and THEIR concerns.
Meanwhile, the rest of the player base gets ignored/swept under the rug.(Well, it sure does seem like this is what happens.)
Nobody's speaking out on MY issues and concerns and problems with this game.
Yeah I agree. Most "big guilds" like Entropy have very little care for anything but vertical progression, new gear, and being "elite". And while I think there should be stuff for those guilds to do, the vast majority of players are not actually in those guilds and may have completely different wants and opinions. Case in point - most big guilds don't give a fig for housing, but I see that topic pop up constantly here on the forums.
There were actually representatives from multiple guilds, hardcore and casual, so I'm not sure where you're basing those arguments on
Is this going to become yet another "why didn't they pick me because I'm obviously somehow entitled" thread?
Nox_Aeterna wrote: »You can get to VR14 by doing PvP. Is it going to take longer? Sure, but it's still entirely feasible. In fact, you can get to VR14 just grinding mobs outside Craglorn as well, and they're making leveling up even easier next patch (Veteran Points converted to normal XP).
You can't realistically expect an MMO to focus primarily on solo player content. MMO stands for Massive Multiplayer Online.
There are many other departments that currently need just as much attention, if not more than singleplayer content; such as end game PvE and especially PvP.
That said, they are bringing in stuff that'll be interesting for solo players, since those are a reasonably large group as well (it's an Elder Scrolls game after all).
- Solo PvE Arena was mentioned in the latest ESO Live I believe.
- Crafting writs are coming next patch, rewarding you with a recipe upon completion.
- A whole zone called Wrothgar, designed for singleplayer is coming soon(tm).
This, along with the fact that most of the game (apart from end game) is tailored for solo (there are no "elite mobs" or anything that'd require a group outside grp dungeons...).
I wont even bother answer the first part of your post , it was already done at this point thousands of times.
Outside that , endgame is probably the most important part in a MMO , that simple. I completely disagree with you
Sure it takes a long time to reach it in ESO , that is why i said now is that many are even getting to VR10 heh. But the point is , you get there and once you get to VR10 the solo content ends. My highest level character is only v4, I saw what happened to the people that rushed to the end and I also saw how the post L50 game is like, which I didn't like at all as a solo player. Also, within 48 hours in Early Start there were max level players.
Cyro is PvP , which has nothing to do with PvE players , and if grinding mobs is what the game wants us to do , i can mention a very , very long list of korean MMOs that allow you to do that for free from lvl 1 heh :P. This is your bias and you are completely wrong, I have done all my questing in Cyrodiil solo. Coming from EVE I have no problem with the threat of other players lurking in the shadows, in fact it's a nice welcome to the safe questing of 1 - 50>
And ofc like you said they said a solo zone will be added , a pity that like so many other things in this game that remains in the future , a future that considering the other many , many big update features that also have to be added even before it , one can say what? In the best case march next year? And that is in the best case. What is wrong with them releasing things sometime in the future? I would rather they do a good job than some rushed hacked job. Also, as a gamer, there is no need to be married to one game. We are supposed to be having fun after all. Taking a break isn't a bad idea if you ran out of things you like to do.
So many months of nothing to do hardly keeps players also :P.
Heck, on my Nightblade I finished Coldharbour by level 49 because I didn't do all of the group dungeons and all the bosses in the public dungeons while leveling. That only changed on my DK because I could solo public dungeons bosses (good luck finding a group for those) and, queueing as tank, I could get group dungeons done quickly.
So please, do tell us how you're supposed to get to VR14 without stepping inside Craglorn while also not doing anything that would be deemed "grindy" such as farming mobs for XP or repeating Cyrodiil quests.