Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

Performance Issues on the European Megaserver

We are currently investigating the latency issues that some players are reporting on the European megaserver. We made a few changes during recent maintenance windows and are continuing to monitor and analyze the results. Our engineers will make adjustments as needed based on this information.

In the meantime, if you are continuing to experience latency issues, please submit a ticket to Customer Support so that we can gather additional troubleshooting information and resolve the issue more quickly. We appreciate your patience and will provide updates as soon as we have more information to share.
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Staff Post
  • prabhu.abhimanyurwb17_ESO
    P.S:This issue still persists.. Even the basic heavy and light attacks aren't functioning properly at times because of this. Even the hot keys attacks lock out most of the times..
  • Fellwitch
    Guys the lag is absolutely devastating right now on the EU server.
  • Ojustaboo
    Zenimax should have waited until the server move was working properly before doing update 3.

    Many of us had lag problems as soon as it moved.

    Now they don't know whether problems are caused by the update or the move.

    It's so bad I haven't bothered to log in the past few days and probably won't until it's fixed. Tired of submitting bug reports for bugs that my entire guild is also experiencing.

    Tired of dying due to skills not working, lag, weapon swap doing nothing etc and as for PvP, that's even worse.

    I know it's often said, I love this game but am getting very very tired of all the problems every update and I only have so much patience.

    Im sure some idiot will be along soon to tell me I probably have faulty RAM
    Edited by Ojustaboo on August 16, 2014 7:18PM
  • Artemiisia
    are you guys getting any closer?

    Im having some serious lag issues from time to time since patch, and its always when the fights gets extremely intense.

    or now in solo dungeons, I experience lags on killing mobs, right after the mob is dead, there is a latency that makes it difficult fighting against more mobs then one, since it starts right after the first one dies.

    is this issue related to the visual design you changes in patch by any chance?

    p.s I dont know how to summit a ticket, we always hear that, but its not like it says how to do it anywhere
    Edited by Artemiisia on August 16, 2014 8:27PM
  • Fellwitch
    Hello again, is there any update to this issue? Thank you
  • FernCar
    Fellwitch wrote: »
    Hello again, is there any update to this issue? Thank you

    Don't hold your breath! Its been 10 days since ZOS said they are looking into the problem, and in my experience its getting worse.

    The lag much worse than when the servers were in the US.
  • Fellwitch
    I can't believe I am saying this and I hope it isn't true, but it sure seems like maybe they went cheap on the NOC for the EU server. I hope we get an update to this soon.
  • Night_Watch
    Ojustaboo wrote: »
    Im sure some idiot will be along soon to tell me I probably have faulty RAM

    You have faulty RAM. Just kidding! ;)

    All too often some people will blame the user / gamer and insist they have faulty eqipment - even with no evidence to prove that to be correct - even when there is evidence to prove the user / gamer is not at fault.

    Any way and back I go on topic;

    I got home from a week away on the day or the day before the server move and had not had access to a PC for the week I was away. So! I was straight back into game on the day the server opened.

    At first, all was fine and dandy but I soon started to see the following problems on and off;

    1, Weapon / spell attacks not firing until long after key was pressed.
    2, Dying because of [1].
    3, Dying after fleeing a fight. In game my character seemed to be well away from MOB(s) but then I would see MOB(s) next to my character or moving away and my character dead.
    4, Frequent 'rubber-banding' like behaviour. Example: I move character through town, lets say from bank to stables, and character suddenly jumps back to start point (bank in example). There would be no graphic effect other than the character being instantly drawn back to previous location.

    The problem at [4] seems to me to be incorrect server client communication and probably has the same cause as [1],[2] or, more likely, [3]. Whereby my local game client has one set of information or data but the remote server has different information or data. The result of the descrepancy seems to be that the local game client 'reverts' to the remote server information or data. (I could be totally wrong on this of course).

    Some would call this descrepancy between client and server 'lag' and others would insist that this is not lag. Either way, for some of us, this is a huge problem and something of a game or deal breaker.

    For me, the problems have been intermittant and occurred through some, but not all, play sessions. Further, the problems can occur any time of day that I play and are not in a pattern of certain times of day that I have noticed so far.

    I do not have any other problems with my PC, internet connection, browsing, games or other PC or internet use. I do realise that there could be a problem (such as some physical block of communication) somewhere between my local game client (at home) and the remote server (Frankfurt I think) that I am as yet not aware of and that Zeni may not be aware of either.

    I have not yet submitted any tickets about these issues but did write about the 'rubber band' effect in another thread. Should the problems persist, I will ticket them appropriately.
    "If there is an underlying oneness of all things, it does not matter where we begin, whether with stars, or laws of supply and demand, or frogs, or Napoleon Bonaparte. One measures a circle, beginning anywhere."

    Charles Fort - Lo! (1931)
  • Nomana
    Soul Shriven
    I experience lags on killing mobs too. Doing group dungeons is a sort of slide show now.
  • Nomana
    Soul Shriven
    Aaah solved for me, it appeared to be an out of date addon !
  • Marcusstratus
    -marcusstratus' wife speaking-

    I've definitely been experiencing lag even in just one on one battles with an NPC in areas where I'm not seeing a lot of other people. I keep having all my attacks fire late, or seem to get stuck in a bottle neck and then all fire at once, or I keep attacking but I nolonger have a valid target because the guy is technically dead already even though he's still glowing and moving around... and then when I realize my attacks aren't doing anything and just stand back and watch a few seconds later he keels over on his own and then I can loot him.

    I've also had bad guys getting stuck in the 'building up special attack' mode after I have bashed them and dispelled the attack, the red lines will still be all around them even when they're just attacking me normally, or simply standing there while I hack at them.

    And I've been experiencing a lot of issues with not being able to activate things. I find myself hitting E over and over trying to open things, and sometimes it just never works, sometimes after about 5 tries it finally works. This has also been happing with other keys - most unfortunately when I try to activate my Ultimate...and nothing happens. Also happens when I try to sprint... half the time I get nothing. Maybe this is a problem with equipment on my end, but I doubt it because I've only had a significant problem with this since the latest update. I even went in and tried re-mapping different keys to make sure it wasn't that a couple of my keys were broken or something, but I kept having issues with it not registering what I was hitting. I can also type just fine, it's just not recognizing other actions within the game.

    This not being able to activate things has come to a head this evening when I entered The Grave on Stros M'Kai and found none of the traps working, none of the bad-guys spawning, none of the crates interactible, and I can't even activate the door to exit. AND I can't select a sub-category in the dropdown menu of the bug-report section so it won't even let me send in a game report because apparently it won't register that I'm clicking on things. Oh yeah... it's also not been registering that I'm clicking on text in dialogue, I've had to type in 1 or 2 etc. sometimes because it doesn't want to let me click. This is ridiculous - because I know my mouse is working fine outside the game.

    I gave up this evening and just logged out ....and I'm still standing there with the 'you will be logged out in 0 seconds' message on the screen 10 minutes later. Guess I'll have to force-quit. Which is yet another thing - frequently it's been not registering the escape button, so I'm not able to get to my settings nor log out normally and have to force quit the game instead - which means I have to wait for it to open and log in again if I was just trying to switch characters.

    At this point, I can't really play at all. :(
    Edited by Marcusstratus on August 19, 2014 7:47AM
  • Fellwitch
    Any updates on this? B)
  • Tandor
    My main issue is failure to interact, I can kill a mob but then be unable to loot the corpse. Hitting the "interact" button has no effect except a dull "thud" sound.
  • yiasemi
    Well logging in today evening after work it seems that most of what I did yesterday was just a bad dream, because apparently all the quests I completed yesterday never happened. Balreth, who's he? Lightweight, kill him again. Ebonheart, nah, restore the peace dudette, you failed last time, and those mines, and the entire se and nw of the ebonheart map, etc etc. Wth, I did all that while being kicked off the server every 30 minutes or so, accepting even the times I died while being cut off from the server with good grace.....but there is a limit to this stuff, as u seem so totally sensitive to *** matter. I'd say with a server as smelly as this one, it won't be long before the place is a ghost town. I'm seriously considering giving up now, if this happens much more I'm gone. As it is, I enjoyed murdering it all once, and as a good orc I'll do it again by Mauloch's sweaty rhyme.
  • inf.toniceb17_ESO
    Having heavy lags last 3 days. Sometimes game becoms unresonsive and all i can do is move around, sometimes game keeps booting me every several minutes while having no lags at all.
  • FernCar
    Hopefully this issue will be addressed in Friday's maintenance
  • Fellwitch
    FernCar wrote: »
    Hopefully this issue will be addressed in Friday's maintenance

    Is it supposed to be? I haven't seen any updates for a long time now so forgive me if I am wrong but it seems to have fallen off of the radar.

  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    The problem persists after maintenance. I just had a terminal case of a lag "spike" that never stopped. Unable to interact, fight, chat, open up a /bug ticket, or even log out for several minutes. Had to force quit.
  • Denus
    Soul Shriven
    Tandor wrote: »
    My main issue is failure to interact, I can kill a mob but then be unable to loot the corpse. Hitting the "interact" button has no effect except a dull "thud" sound.

    Got the same issue all the time: quite annoying.

  • Danisheraser
    Same here. Having lagspikes when trying to interact with objects or NPC's.
  • Lauradana
    In the last 2 days the game has gotten unplayable for the wife and me freezes every 2 min and one lag feast after another and trying to get in touch with support results in an ERROR message.
  • Denus
    Soul Shriven
    Since I'm running TESO on Yosemite, I got all the bad things together atm.
    Lag, sluggish, buggy and almost unplayable.
    I'm thinking this is not only an issue with Yosemite, but also a server problem.

    I've set the graphics back to to 1900 * 1200 and put all the graphic settings on Medium, which helps a little bit but the lag is still there.
  • Rune_Relic
    I know sanuines demesne is supposed to be a nightmare...but it really was nuts last night. Lots of still images with death thrown in for good measure.
    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
  • c6603
    i want my money that i spent on this "game" back so i can forget about all of this and just move on with my life, forget that it happened..and i really think that i should be given my money back
  • billcage
    This is ridicilous. Megaserver is right ?. I dont believe you...
  • Palemoon_EU
    At the time, when the EU server came online in Frankfurt, everything was dandy. All the sudden I could use light attacks and spells actually fired off, when triggered. Nowadays we're back to the times, as when the server was placed in the US.

    Can't use light attacks (no response, when triggered) and spells has to be ordered 3 or 4 times, before firing off....
  • billcage
    Time 02:30 am and i m still having lag issue.
  • Ojustaboo
    At the time, when the EU server came online in Frankfurt, everything was dandy. All the sudden I could use light attacks and spells actually fired off, when triggered.

    Maybe you could, I couldn't. First day after move it was superb until about 2 to 4 pm and it got steadily worse and my entire (mostly UK based guild) experienced lad problems.
  • Fellwitch
    Three weeks and no answer to this severe issue. Can we please have a response.

    Thank you

  • Artemiisia
    and here we go again, after a week without anything, I suddenly start lagging like crazy again, this time in storm haven, crashed 4 times there also today.

    The funny thing is, Glenumbra map, no lag, just came when I went into the next
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