Halrloprillalar wrote: »This is not a thread about bugs.
With that out of the way, there are major pvp issues that cause a detrimental experience in Cyrodiil and should get the devs' attention.
1. Aoe caps causing zergballs. A whole thread about it here. Basically, the current meta is 'follow the leader, press 1-2 buttons, win game' is stale and unfun for many people.
Halrloprillalar wrote: »2. Home vs. guesting, and pvp buffs. Firstly, pvp buffs should only apply in pvp, having them for pve is silly - and I say this despite knowingly using first round AB/DB for my leveling buffs. It encourages guester zergs from unicolor campaigns to destroy real, contested campaigns due to buffs and the former emperor nonsense. There should only be buffs from the current campaign, or no guesting.
Halrloprillalar wrote: »3. Emperor trading/former emperor buffs. The former buffs are small but significant enough that a whole raid of FEs will be more effective in both pvp and pve. Former emp should be only available in the campaign it was obtained, IMO. Other solutions possible, thread can be found here and here and others
Halrloprillalar wrote: »4. Forward camps. Supply lines and map coverage currently mean nothing when you can suicide port to any place on the map with a camp. Also, having random people use up your camps (which are pricey) and not replace them is frustrating, especially if those people have no concept of what it is you are trying to accomplish. It also allows cross faction trolls/spies to interfere by abusing the overlap radius. More can be found in the main thread here
Halrloprillalar wrote: »5. The rewards/AP/gear system. This is getting some changes to it, which is nice, but the 'send you random bag of nonsense' for every chunk of AP method is really inconvenient for many people, as can be seen here
graham.gunterb16_ESO wrote: »^
Both are 100% correct! See, EP and DC can agree on somethings!
Halrloprillalar wrote: »graham.gunterb16_ESO wrote: »^
Both are 100% correct! See, EP and DC can agree on somethings!
I am AD.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »Halrloprillalar wrote: »graham.gunterb16_ESO wrote: »^
Both are 100% correct! See, EP and DC can agree on somethings!
I am AD.
All three combined and we are the Ebonmerifall Docovepact.
Halrloprillalar wrote: »Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »Halrloprillalar wrote: »graham.gunterb16_ESO wrote: »^
Both are 100% correct! See, EP and DC can agree on somethings!
I am AD.
All three combined and we are the Ebonmerifall Docovepact.
Aldagheart Covepactinion
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »Halrloprillalar wrote: »Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »Halrloprillalar wrote: »graham.gunterb16_ESO wrote: »^
Both are 100% correct! See, EP and DC can agree on somethings!
I am AD.
All three combined and we are the Ebonmerifall Docovepact.
Aldagheart Covepactinion
Now -- find something that rhymes with.
Halrloprillalar wrote: »Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »Halrloprillalar wrote: »Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »Halrloprillalar wrote: »graham.gunterb16_ESO wrote: »^
Both are 100% correct! See, EP and DC can agree on somethings!
I am AD.
All three combined and we are the Ebonmerifall Docovepact.
Aldagheart Covepactinion
Now -- find something that rhymes with.
And everyone's my minion
sevcik.miroslaveb17_ESO wrote: »Forward camp + /stuck is easy to fix. Lineage had unstuck command if I remember correctly which took 10! Minutes to port you back to town.
So make it port you to nearest wayshrine. In cyrodill it would mean entrance...
sevcik.miroslaveb17_ESO wrote: »Forward camp + /stuck is easy to fix. Lineage had unstuck command if I remember correctly which took 10! Minutes to port you back to town.
So make it port you to nearest wayshrine. In cyrodill it would mean entrance...
Ifthir_ESO wrote: »Does a single player in this thread have any confidence ZoS even cares about any of these issues?
I don't.
They are busy porting this game to console to make corporate more $.
Its a *** disgrace and hopefully the profanity filters will at least flag my post so someone from ZoS has to at least look at this thread.
shanersimms_ESO wrote: »
Good contribution to the discussion. This will help foster a new age of clarity and understanding. Thank you.
Halrloprillalar wrote: »This is not a thread about bugs.
With that out of the way, there are major pvp issues that cause a detrimental experience in Cyrodiil and should get the devs' attention.
1. Aoe caps causing zergballs. A whole thread about it here. Basically, the current meta is 'follow the leader, press 1-2 buttons, win game' is stale and unfun for many people.
These aoe caps also prevent instant ultimate building from zerg diving, but zerg balling is an issue that can probably be fixed by nerfing impulse. There is also no collision between players so that could be an issue.
2. Home vs. guesting, and pvp buffs. Firstly, pvp buffs should only apply in pvp, having them for pve is silly - and I say this despite knowingly using first round AB/DB for my leveling buffs. It encourages guester zergs from unicolor campaigns to destroy real, contested campaigns due to buffs and the former emperor nonsense. There should only be buffs from the current campaign, or no guesting.
I disagree with your opinion on keep, scroll, and emperor buffs affecting you outside of Cyrodiil. as that would further separate the game in terms of pve and pvp. Home and guest timers are getting longer next update, but I hope they fix the timer not counting down if you're logged off.
4. Emperor trading/former emperor buffs. The former buffs are small but significant enough that a whole raid of FEs will be more effective in both pvp and pve. Former emp should be only available in the campaign it was obtained, IMO. Other solutions possible, thread can be found here and here and others
With 1.3.x the campaigns will be very much condensed which should stop trading.
4. Forward camps. Supply lines and map coverage currently mean nothing when you can suicide port to any place on the map with a camp. Also, having random people use up your camps (which are pricey) and not replace them is frustrating, especially if those people have no concept of what it is you are trying to accomplish. It also allows cross faction trolls/spies to interfere by abusing the overlap radius. More can be found in the main thread here
I don't think the way forward camps work now is bad as it allows for interesting things to happen in cyrodiil, but having a constant front line would be interesting too. Maybe a change that makes you only able to use a forward camp if you die within it's radius could address those 'issues'.
5. The rewards/AP/gear system. This is getting some changes to it, which is nice, but the 'send you random bag of nonsense' for every chunk of AP method is really inconvenient for many people, as can be seen here
If all you do is PvP you will never get much gold, exp, or any soulgems compared to PvE. The way it is now does kind of allow for you to only PvE or to only PvP. I like rewards for the worthy and they are necessary. If you can't manage your bags because you're lazy why is that the game's fault?
These are the most important (in order of priority) and we as a community would love it if there was an actual response to these
@ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_SandraF @ZOS_GinaBruno
HazardousNovex wrote: »It really confuses me how much people complain about zerg balls, when I see the enemy stacked up that much it literally makes me salivate, I don't need to run around picking off targets, just one ultimate dump and they're all dead.
What actually worries me a lot that hasnt been mentioned here ( probably because it is not just a pvp concern) is the in-equality between weapon/stamina builds and magicka builds. Stamina is so far behind it feels like self loathing to go that route. I know the set changes in update 3 will help that somewhat but it feels like a drop in the ocean at this point.
Halrloprillalar wrote: »This is not a thread about bugs.
With that out of the way, there are major pvp issues that cause a detrimental experience in Cyrodiil and should get the devs' attention.
1. Aoe caps causing zergballs. A whole thread about it here. Basically, the current meta is 'follow the leader, press 1-2 buttons, win game' is stale and unfun for many people.
2. Home vs. guesting, and pvp buffs. Firstly, pvp buffs should only apply in pvp, having them for pve is silly - and I say this despite knowingly using first round AB/DB for my leveling buffs. It encourages guester zergs from unicolor campaigns to destroy real, contested campaigns due to buffs and the former emperor nonsense. There should only be buffs from the current campaign, or no guesting.
3. Emperor trading/former emperor buffs. The former buffs are small but significant enough that a whole raid of FEs will be more effective in both pvp and pve. Former emp should be only available in the campaign it was obtained, IMO. Other solutions possible, thread can be found here and here and others
4. Forward camps. Supply lines and map coverage currently mean nothing when you can suicide port to any place on the map with a camp. Also, having random people use up your camps (which are pricey) and not replace them is frustrating, especially if those people have no concept of what it is you are trying to accomplish. It also allows cross faction trolls/spies to interfere by abusing the overlap radius. More can be found in the main thread here
5. The rewards/AP/gear system. This is getting some changes to it, which is nice, but the 'send you random bag of nonsense' for every chunk of AP method is really inconvenient for many people, as can be seen here
These are the most important (in order of priority) and we as a community would love it if there was an actual response to these
@ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_SandraF @ZOS_GinaBruno
DontBeAfraid wrote: »HazardousNovex wrote: »It really confuses me how much people complain about zerg balls, when I see the enemy stacked up that much it literally makes me salivate, I don't need to run around picking off targets, just one ultimate dump and they're all dead.
we all, inlcuding yourself, know that this is not true.
HazardousNovex wrote: »DontBeAfraid wrote: »HazardousNovex wrote: »It really confuses me how much people complain about zerg balls, when I see the enemy stacked up that much it literally makes me salivate, I don't need to run around picking off targets, just one ultimate dump and they're all dead.
we all, inlcuding yourself, know that this is not true.
I don't understand your meaning, would you care to elaborate?
Agreed Leo. I have gotten off a horse in the middle of a green field with no mobs or enemy players in sight - hit maneuvers - BAM I am in combat. so frustrating at this point I run a lot of places because I just know I am not gonna mount anytime soon.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Thank you for this list, and constructive breakdown of PVP issues, @Halrloprillalar.
We currently have several teams looking at the issues called out in this thread (and others) including the PVP team, and the Gameplay team. We are aware of the feedback and concerns regarding AoE caps, specifically; the Gameplay team is actively looking at AoE caps and the issues related to them very closely and carefully before making any further changes.