Official Discussion Thread for "ESO Arrives on Steam"

  • Cogo
    Players can purchase The Elder Scrolls Online the same way they would purchase any other game on Steam. However, they must also create an ESO account and select a subscription plan in order to play the game.

    You get the SAME steam score, cards and junk like any other steam game.
    However, I ask again, WHAT has Zenimax to do with YOUR steamscore/Steamstuff?

    Zenimax! My Microsoft "live" account doesnt update my ESO achievements!!!! Waaaah!!!!

    Hmm, have we run out of stuff to complain about? WOW! So the game works great now!
    Edited by Cogo on July 18, 2014 2:50AM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • dannymcgr81b14_ESO
    Boy. None of these Quake-con announcements are having quite the responses you guys were looking for, did they? Announcing to your existing customers that the game is now available on Steam but giving us no key so we can actually enjoy it is not really of any use to us is it? And just adding the game doesn't give us the benefits that a key would. What you are basically saying to us is "Look at all these cool toys we are giving to the new people. And, no, you can't play with them."
  • WraithAzraiel
    Now I've been nothing but a voice of encouragement for this game but if those of us who preordered the Imperial Edition don't get things you offer as incentive for new players to purchase the Imperial edition just because they bought it during some super spiffy sale, that's just poor form.

    We get a crab and a monkey and these snots get a dog? I don't feel very rewarded for being a loyal customer.

    Shouldn't you want me to feel rewarded for being a loyal customer? Isn't that good business practice? Or am I wrong?

    I hope you guys realize the sh!tstorm you're creating. Good luck dealing with it!
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • WraithAzraiel
    Honestly, who comes along and says, "I'm sure this won't *** any of our current customers off! They'll be fine! They want new people to play with more than they do a silly vanity pet.....What's the worst that could happen?"

    Fire him/her/them. Or at the very least slap the living hell out of them and make them go sit in the corner and think about what they've done.

    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • Elad13
    Total BS...after paying and supporting the game since beta...then upgrading to the imperial, preordering the now clueless imperial XBOX version.....and now about the only pet i would even care to have is being given away to people who didnt have to deal with all the bugs and crap and buffs and lag issues and Framerate issues, and all the other stuff we have had to go through...there better be a F'n way to trade my stupid vanity pets for something i would actually want to have....if every new phase gets cheaper cost and better finished product AND better perks....i for sure will never support zenimax on ANYTHING they do in the future....thanks for showing all of us "from the beginning" "sorry for all the issues" people what we really mean to you guys.....I have never seen a company so bent on rewarding those that didn't go through all the crap....Thanks for your support and bending over now GTFO of our servers so we can reward all the new people.....smooth move.
  • keto3000
    I think the promotion on STEAM is a natural & awesome way to expand the player base of our ESO community. The "promotional giveaways" are a normal way for any company to do business.

    I feel it's silly to complain about a vanity pet (although, that dog does looks awesome!) and will add to the variety of pets we see as players group/travel around Tamriel.

    Eventually, it might be a fun idea to have all the different vanity pets available to everyone in the store.

    I played beta, fell in love with this game and I'm having a real blast (I'm a sorcerer, lol) meeting cool people, making new friends and exploring all that Tamriel has to offer!

    Thank you Zenimax for a great game. I have faith that ESO and our community will continue to grow and mature into a legendary gaming experience.

    Cheers everyone!
    “The point of power is always in the present moment.”

    ― Louise L. Hay
  • KageOokami
    Soul Shriven
    Will the server be cross over with non-steam players?
  • Huiwu
    Soul Shriven
    Even WarZ give their non-steam players free Steam keys.
  • duckweed
    Huiwu wrote: »
    Even WarZ give their non-steam players free Steam keys.

    Oh my god. Yes. I never realized this until now.

    It's completely reasonable for loyal customers who have supported the game from day 1 to be annoyed that they get shafted on Steam keys. I get that the dog is pointless but if that's the case, why is it being advertised in a promo where people only have access if they've purchase within a certain date.

    For customers who want the ability to link their current game accounts through Steam, this should be a no-brainer. It costs nothing. If it really is an expense, put it on the customer. Allow people to pay a small fee to migrate to Steam. Surely a more acceptable choice would exist rather than paying full price and starting from scratch once again.

    I find it really difficult to keep defending the game from the persistent negativity online when stuff like this happens.
    Edited by duckweed on July 18, 2014 5:15AM
  • dipsky
    Soul Shriven
    This is stupid move from ZoS

    I have this feeling that new players who bought the imperial upgrades from steam will be having a bad life at Tamriel :#
  • Anastasia
    KageOokami wrote: »
    Will the server be cross over with non-steam players?

    ***Naw probs not, then we wouldn't be able to look over in OUR phase and SEE the new cool pets we cannot hope to get. Second thought, we probably will be able to get those in awhile via the TESO CASH STORE...just be patient. :\

  • Severedned
    Soul Shriven
    I am really glad it is on Steam. But as one of the many people who pre-ordered the game it feels insulting for them to do it like this.

    Have a special sale to commemorate coming to Steam? Fine. Good for you. It will bring in players who were undecided earlier.

    I don't even care that they're offering a limited time only pet. Whatever, I like the pets but they don't really do anything.

    What I am upset about is that the pet is completely exclusive to people who buy it on Steam. I would be perfectly fine if the pet offered was the same Mudcrab that came with my Physical Imperial Edition. But no, if I want the dog I would have to buy the Imperial Edition again.

    And then there's the loyal customers being forced to pay for the game a second time if they want to be able to use any of the Steam Integration features. Apparently Steam asks for 30% of the box price for every game sold so just handing out Steamkeys to existing players would cost Zenimax money. However I, and I am sure many other players, would gladly pay that amount ($18 from a $60 game) to link my account to Steam. And I refuse to believe ZOS and Steam are unable to come to a deal to that effect.
    Personally, I'm racist against zombies.
  • m_eatonwab14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    can people transfer there account to steam free of n e extra charge if so please forward me an email will not give email here for the sake of fake admin and spam
  • CheesyDaedra
    Give us an Steam transfer already ZOS
    Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick, it's a very delicate state of mind.
  • Orchish
    Game is getting proper trashed on Steam forums.
  • Marginis
    I realize I'm just saying the same thing as most everyone else here, but I think it's something that Zenimax needs to hear, and the more people chanting, the more likely the message will get across.

    ESO as it stands is a slowly dying game. As much as I like it, and want to support it, and have supported it since early in the beta, many players have very quickly given up because of a lack of content and high subscription cost. What ESO has keeping it alive right now is a relatively small but loyal fanbase. This is not MMO fans, this is not TES fans, this is Elder Scrolls Online fans. The more Zenimax can do to keep their support now the easier it will be to gain others' support later, and will ultimately be what I think keeps ESO alive, on PC and consoles later.

    On the other hand, if word spreads that ESO isn't worth it, the console launch might be less than spectacular. When favor is given to new players over old players, who might I add are proven fans if they've stuck around this long, the old players get disenfranchised and spread word that hey, ESO isn't worth it.

    You can see where the conclusion is.

    I personally have put quite a bit into this game. While I haven't played much myself recently, I still lead a modest guild in the game (much smaller after many members have left the game due to boredom) and expect to be back as new features are introduced. The new guild features soon, and later the housing, particularly get me pretty excited. I've been in the thick of it, and promoting the game amongst friends since the beta, but to be honest, the boredom is getting to me too, and I honestly don't have the money to spend $15 a month on a game I hope will grab my attention later down the road.

    My problem isn't that the game is being released on Steam. It's not even that new players are getting a vanity pet way cooler than my s*** throwing monkey or my diseased crabs (seeing as I RP these descriptions are accurate).

    The problem here is that the dedicated fanbase, myself included, putting up with all these frustrations because we honestly believe in ESO, are being what would appear to be overlooked. Why don't we, the ones who actually believe(d) in you Zenimax, get the arguably best vanity pet to be released? We, the dedicated, are the last people you should slight.

    Now I realize no one would intentionally screw the fans over, but even accidents need to be rectified. There are ways! Give steam keys to those who have already bought the game, or if nothing else, those who preordered originally and are still playing. Let the existing players get access to the same new features. In the very least offer those of us who stuck with you since the beginning this sweet vanity pet.

    We're still fans, Zenimax, but we rely on your good will just as you rely on ours. But please don't let this kind of thing become a trend. It might seem like a small or inconsequential thing, but you need to set a precedent so this kind of thing doesn't happen again with the console releases.

    By the way, thank you for reading this monster of a post if you made it this far. I usually want to make my points short and poignant, but I feel this needs to be explained. Just saying "I'm quitting ESO because Zenimax is neglecting us" isn't fair to anyone, and I hope I've expanded beyond that.
    Additionally, I think I should mention that offering the new vanity pet as a microtransaction in a cash store, in a similar fashion to the palomino horse, is not a proper solution. Offering this pet for additional charge is the same thing as is already happening - the additional charge as it stands now being the price of the full game (albeit on discount) on steam. Additionally, it would go against Zenimax's word not to implement microtransactions, even beyond the palomino horse, and also invalidate the need for the subscription cost to be $15 a month. It really seems difficult to rectify that price even now, but that's a discussion for another time.
    Edited by Marginis on July 18, 2014 6:36AM
    @Marginis on PC, Senpai Fluffy on Xbox, Founder of Magicka. Also known as Kha'jiri, The Night Mother, Ma'iq, Jane Shepard, Damia, Kintyra, Zoor Do Kest, You, and a few others.
  • jenrey
    Soul Shriven
    I have over 200 games on steam and buy TESO since it was released and I did through of the official page because it wasn't available on steam and now it turns out that in particular put it on steam at special price and give more things to new players, what I am asking you Zenimax is give us the opportunity to transfer the full game to steam account and allow us to have the dog that is much better than the crab that I received when purchasing imperial version at a regular price of $79.99
    Edited by jenrey on July 18, 2014 6:46AM
  • Malpherian
    Are you *** kidding me? I spent 70 bucks on this *** 2 weeks ago and now your saying If I'd waited I could have save 35$?.... AND we don;t get anything extra? W.....T.......F...............

    At least tell me I can put my game code into Steam and it will recognize it......... But seriously, way to *** over your players Zos.
  • Butcher0988
    Soul Shriven
    So let me get this straight. Even if I splurged and coughed up almost 50 bucks for the vanity pet, would it even sync with my PC account? or am I forced to have 2 separate accounts, one for steam, one for PC, all for the sake of trying to get a special snowflake limited edition digital vanity pet?
  • Ayelle
    Soul Shriven
    I totally agree. I like ESO beeing on steam, i also like using steam and using steam profile functions, trading cards and so on, and I also would like using this stuff for ESO. But now I have a disadvantage because of preordering? Seems pretty unreasonable for me.... And yes, HuiWu, you are so right, even WarZ managed to provide steam keys afterwards..(I think I dont have to say more to that..) :)
  • MehmetCan
    I'm a dedicated Elder Scrolls fan and I have pre-ordered Imperial Edition several months before release date.

    I paid full price for the Imperial Edition because I have pre-ordered early while my friends just waited and got %25 discount. I have been punished at that time.

    But it was not enough, I had issues on pre-order and imperial edition items... I had to struggle again... punishment no:2

    Now you punish me 3rd time by providing a unique pet to newcomers and avoid to provide it to us, your loyal players.

    I have preordered and bought the Imperial Edition 6 months before these STEAM exclusive players...

    Please be fair... and provide those pets to us as well.
  • gresiac
    they will never learn it the mmo company's.
    they only want to get new people in and give them rewards,instead of rewarding their loyal customers
  • Navuri
    I agree completely with Neizir, I think that a sale on Steam over the duration of QuakeCon is fair enough but it's a complete slap in the face to anyone who bought at launch, especially when you're including a free vanity pet, one that a LOT of players would certainly love to have.

    In my opinion, you should offer the same prices on the official website as they are on Steam over the duration of this sale, as well as allowing all players logging in over the duration of QuakeCon to somehow acquire the Wolfhound vanity pet - as it should be.

    The players who stuck with you from the beginning and made the initial investment are the ones who should reap the rewards, not the ones who come to the game late simply because it's on sale.

    This. 100% true. Good post!
  • ZoM_Head
    Players that pre-ordered the standard edition and imperial edition should get the new pet for free.

    Everyone who purchased the game from the ESO shop should be able to transfer to steam for no charge (it is just a code).

    That discount is really unfair to everyone. Imperial Edition on the ESO store is €79.99, now you offer it on Steam for €47.99 including the pet, that is even cheaper than the €54.99 i pay for my standard edition pre-order.

    Not to mention the steam achievements, the trading cards etc....

    You are just really really bad at this....i like the game, but your implementation of this system is really upside down, not to mention as well we EU players are still waiting for the EU server.

    I just do not know what to say, this is a kick and a slap in the face for us.
    Edited by ZoM_Head on July 18, 2014 9:02AM
    mDKs still need a lot of love!
  • vladimilianoub17_ESO1
    Wait,are new buyers getting the Explorer pack too?The bonus that was supposed to be only for preorder.Are new buyers getting the awesome choose any race in any alliance bonus?I hope not.Im actually waiting for the game to mature to be one of the relatively few ppl to be able to play any race in any alliance.Can anyone clarify me on the explorer pack thing? are new buyers getting it too?
  • MehmetCan
    Wait,are new buyers getting the Explorer pack too?The bonus that was supposed to be only for preorder.Are new buyers getting the awesome choose any race in any alliance bonus?I hope not.Im actually waiting for the game to mature to be one of the relatively few ppl to be able to play any race in any alliance.Can anyone clarify me on the explorer pack thing? are new buyers getting it too?

    I hope not.

  • Akiainavas
    So we pre-ordered, paid the full price and got a stupid crab, and now people buy it on sale and get probably the coolest vanity pet in the game - and we can't get it ? We, who paid the full price ?

    I know it's just a vanity item, but come on ZeniMax... you should give this pet to all Imperial Edition accounts.

    Why do you treat people who paid the full price worse then those who buy it for 50% ?
  • Rosveen
    Akiainavas wrote: »
    Why do you treat people who paid the full price worse then those who buy it for 50% ?
    Idk, GMG had that sweet 25% off deal before release, I wonder how many fuming Imperial Edition buyers never actually paid the full price. ;)
  • Ithiliriana
    Soul Shriven
    I'm just here to chime in and add my voice to the others. After having played the beta's, having provided a few documents worth of feedback towards the game, having bought the physical Imperial edition and having put almost as many months into the game as that it's been out this whole Steam sale thing feels like a slap. The discount? Go Zenimax, better to make money that way. The whole dog thing? Even if it's something as small as a vanity pet it feels really sneaky.
    Speaking from and on behalf of a few people in the RP community ; we'd love to have had that dog. Though we're stuck with pets you don't even really notice if they're there. Please either add it to those who already bought the Imperial edition via the mail or make it otherwise obtainable. Maybe just a 2€-4€ purchase in the store.
  • Winnower
    I own 2 imperial editions with explorer packs with 6 month subscriptions. I bought the palomino horse within 2 days of you releasing it. I laud this game to many. So don't try to tell me I'm not one of your best customers.

    Point #1) I'm not buying real life plushy items in order to get a digital item that I would have wanted. So the whole "buy a plush guar" to get a digital pet doesn't make me happy if the digital pet isn't available independently. I play ESO; I don't collect dust-gathering junk to have laying around my house.

    You nearly immediately follow up this debacle of a marketing ploy with:

    Point#2) Offering to sell the game on steam at a steep discount *and* those who do over the weekend get yet another digital pet that's not being offered to loyal customers to buy independently.

    I'm not asking to be given a free anything, you'll notice. In both cases I'm perfectly willing to pay real-life money to get the digital item.

    I have no interest in t-shirts, sketch-books, coffee mugs, Steam, or other platforms. Hear this.

    You have a choice. Make the digital items you develop available to your loyal customers with money, or risk losing them.

    In case you hadn't noticed, the demographic "loyal customers with money" is pretty much the definition of what a company wants to have around. "Fickle customers with no money" won't get you far.
    VR14 Templar, VR14 DK, VR8 DK, VR7 NB, VR1 Sorcerer;
    All 3 Alliances;
    2 Pre-order Imperial Accounts, yes that means 16 characters on NA alone
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