fredthementenrb18_ESO wrote: »
Tintinabula wrote: »Id like to know exactly what you would like DKs to do?
"cheese mode"?..
I never realized charging a target was "cheesemode" and I am soo sorry that locking a target with talons is so lame after charging you..Perhaps I should offer you tea and crumpets after using invasion and just hope you don't run away?
AND Flamelash when morphed can ONLY be used in succession with a free heal granted if we cast when you're...guess....yes..guess....IMMOBILIZED with talons!! Ta Daaa!!!
So lets make sure the "blame" is laid with the game...not the player.
Agreed, these sort of people are playing by head rules, not the real rules.
Princess_Asgari wrote: »This is more frustrating to me then the low fps issue that was fixed.
fixed? not for allPrincess_Asgari wrote: »This is more frustrating to me then the low fps issue that was fixed.
And to add to this, it also happens on PTS with the current build there.
Tested and verified last night.
pitdemon_ESO wrote: »Just out of curiosity, which combo have Templars been using to do this lately?
I realize that any class can do this, but it's been fairly prevalent coming from Templars, at least in the last 3-4 days or so.
NerfEverything wrote: »
That would be focused charge and piercing javelin I believe. Templar's don't have any immobilize or root abilities, so it must be the stun and the knockback combo.
BTW the stun only works on casting mobs, so it is not nearly as abusable as the DK combo.
They fix 1 issue, they break 3 more. We have to get used to this soon, since it's quite the norm.
Halrloprillalar wrote: »Binding javelin is a KD + root in one spell, hence the abuse it is getting from templars.
1.3 is supposed to fix the whole issue... but I have my doubts about ZOS ability to actually 'fix' anything
And to add to this, it also happens on PTS with the current build there.
Tested and verified last night.