ZOS_MichelleA wrote: »Hello, everyone. We are actively reading all your feedback, and encourage you to continue to share it with us, but we do ask that you please refrain from creating petition and protest organization threads on our forums. Neither allows for open, constructive discussion or exchange of ideas since most posts consist of "/signed" or "support." Instead, we ask that you offer recommendations, suggestions, or requests about topics you feel need change. In order to continue making improvements to our game, it’s important that we get details from you regarding why you like or dislike something.
We are leaving this thread open for discussion, but we've edited the post to remove the request for single-word responses. If you have any questions or concerns about this edit, or our community rules of conduct, please feel free to contact us. Thank you!
JackDaniell wrote: »3. This CC almost always results in a certain death for the victim.
SBR_QuorTek wrote: »Everyone can get out of the knockdown meaning stunned not able to attack at all in that case CC break work, but immobilized is another thing different thing meaning one is rooted one place and can't move away BUT still counter attack/defend.
Combination of a knock down + root = you can break the knockdown but will still be rooted, ergo you must fight back or have a counter to it, depending on what your goal in pvp is.
Left + right mouse button, have block ready just in case.. instantly use a knockback on the opponent and you have the time to either get some distance... since the root is only briefly or stand your ground... bit class and setup dependent.
What I read out from this... is that you are completely defenceless during this?
Every class can also acquire moves to be able to push away an enemy that has rooted you.. maybe that should be a part of the repetoire during combat... maybe replacing it with the 'blink blink' or something.
As it is, as it don't appear broken on my computer at all.. before for an instance gotten knocked down by an NPC for then taloned right after... can break the knockdown... but not the root, but then you just fight back from it.
On note there is multiple stuns and roots in this game, vs 1 and vs many
Anyhow this is just my two cents to the debate.
If not good at blocking a good way to train it, is to create a tank toon, then you will learn for good.
I'm pretty sure the problem is that when you are knocked down and rooted while laying down - you (sometimes?) cannot break the knockdown CC, and cannot roll dodge the root (+ DoT from Talons). A.k.a you can't do anything at all even tho you have the stamina to break.
However I'm hopeful this is now fixed in 1.3 if CC immunity works as expected.