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Just fix inventory management already

In what universe does anyone actually enjoy the drudgery of ESO inventory management?

Just fix this already. It is so dull, immersion breaking, and morale sapping to deal with this game's endless turgid trips to the bank.

I have no idea what of the endless rubbish in my bags I do or don't need for my crafts. There are no clues to say I have a trait, or what ingredients I need for what recipes etc and so on. This makes the whole checking what I need, what I can sell, what I should save for later the most boring and quit-inducing part of this game.

As every other recent game has worked out,trade items should take up zero inventory. Any other solution is simply not fun.
Edited by MrMT on July 7, 2014 7:02AM
  • Theosis
    What MMO has trade items that don't take bag space?

    Ive never heard of such a thing. I know many people complain about the bag space and bank space..

    I'm not overly fond of this aspect but I have improved it by investing in more space. This is what they intended. I have plenty of bag space now.

    Bank space is a bit more of a problem as all my chars use it. That wasn't a bright idea. They should have had a bank space for my char and a bank for all my chars.

    Things like costumes and trophy's should not take space though.
    This is were my signature would be if I was allowed one.
  • Laura
    just give this man a million inventory slots so he can have as many maggots, plump worms, and stale bread as he wants!

  • zhevon
    I agree - but limitations are needed.

    But ZoS is clearly in denial about how bad the problem in the belief we are playing wrong. Even a simple problem like some runes only stacking to 20 has not been corrected. More complex things which would not interfere with their "vision." (eg non-space tab for trophies, costumes, etc) has not been done either. And ZoS has not entered into any of the discussions on this.
  • Sharee
    MrMT wrote: »
    As every other recent game has worked out,trade items should take up zero inventory.

    Other games also tend to limit your ability to learn crafting skills. TESO does not. Instead of saying "you can only learn 1-3 crafts, take your pick", it nudges you into specializing by limiting your inventory - if you try to do too many crafts at once, you will run out of inventory space. That is intended.

    And I prefer it the TESO way.
  • ThePonzzz
    I'd just like advance sorting filters for materials. Or a way to sort outside alphanumeric. Without addons.
  • KariTR
    Advance filters would be nice, but the space itself is not an issue if you invest in expanding your bags.

    I suspect most people complaining spent their first 17k on a horse and never fed it saltrice.

    Edit: Oats dammit. Silly shared icons.
    Edited by KariTR on July 7, 2014 6:23PM
  • MrMT
    Laura wrote: »
    just give this man a million inventory slots so he can have as many maggots, plump worms, and stale bread as he wants!



    I really wonder who finds this level of inventory management fun.

    Plenty of other games - gw2, wildstar - have a happy medium, with a 'trade bag' allowing large stacks of raw materials.

    Of course, those games are also helped by active markets for all the stuff you find I your bags...
  • Sakiri
    Once my bank hit 120 slots, my bags hit 110 and my provisioning was 50, my bag space problems disappeared...
  • Sindala
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Once my bank hit 120 slots, my bags hit 110 and my provisioning was 50, my bag space problems disappeared...

    Nope, I've maxed all my space options and I still fill them all daily. I have to visit the bank and stores about 3 times a day to get rid of junk.
    I now have alts I cannot use as they are crammed with different craft mats ect.

    They lied when they say in the promos 'play as you want'.
    There is no option of play for Pack-rat hoarders :)
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • Sapphy24
    I Hate the daily bank shuffle, it's just not fun.
  • SaibotLiu
    People actually have to manage their inventory? You're doing it wrong then. This is my system.

    I pick up stuff that I need for my character.

    I sell or decon stuff that I don't need for my character.

    I stop by bank and have stacks of stuff that I do need for my character, I put the stuff that I have currently collected in and it stacks automatically.

    I leave the bank and have some pie.

    After I finish pie and go back out and collect more stuff.

    This should solve your problem.

    You're either attempting to hold on to 14 stacks of snake slime, 22 stacks of 'Ta" and about 3,000 units of goat meat, or you're not eating enough delicious pie. L2Pie issue.
    Edited by SaibotLiu on July 7, 2014 9:31AM
  • babylon
    Laura wrote: »
    just give this man a million inventory slots so he can have as many maggots, plump worms, and stale bread as he wants!


    Yeah because everyone but you is a silly, silly person, and keeps exactly these things and nothing useful at all ^_^
    Edited by babylon on July 7, 2014 10:13AM
  • babylon
    Sapphy24 wrote: »
    I Hate the daily bank shuffle, it's just not fun.

    I actually find doing the bank is really exhausting, sometimes after doing banking I just end up logging off because it sucked all the fun and energy for playing out of me.
  • MrMT
    I don't see why some people are so offended by the idea of easing inventory management. I certainly don't see why some choose to hurl insults - although, sensibly, later edited them - when people are highlighting an unfun part of the game.

    What makes a game? A mixture of challenge and reward.

    The problem is that making inventory management part of the 'challenge' is a very archaic piece of game design, and one largely now abandoned. There was a time when inventory management was a huge part of games - perhaps most of all in survival horror - but for the most part, modern game designers have recognised that this mini game does not add any fun.

    Of course games need to operate within limits, and overcoming those limits. But some limits make for an entertaining experience, and some don't. It's all about getting the balance right.

    ESO does not have the inventory management balance right.

    It appears too wedded to its concept of bank and inventory space as an increasing gold sink (including horses), and is probably loathe to throw those away. But the simple fact, is they introduce endless busy work that is simply not fun.

    What is fun in this game is fighting tough monsters, experiencing and exploring a game world, engaging in mass pvp battles. The inventory game detracts from all these activities.

    I have no doubt that on balance, inventory management in ESO drags down the experience, pulling people out of the stuff they want to do, in order to fuss about with things they do not want to do.

    There are other fixes. It would be much quicker if enhancements to item descriptions were included. For example: show me what level food an ingredient is for! Show me if I have learned an item trait or not! These things create boring downtime as players run around trying to maximise resources.

    I understand ZOS does not want a global auction house. Fine. But the lack of one makes inventory management more tiring - because it's harder to unload your bits and bobs to people who want them.

    This argument that it's about imposing a limit on crafting is weak. I understand the theory, but in practice what this system does is introduce irritation. And seriously - pack horses are just a weak idea.

    Bottom line is, the only outcome of this inventory management system is that the game is less fun to play for the majority of players.

    Just change it. The overall impact will be positive.
    Edited by MrMT on July 7, 2014 10:28AM
  • Lodestar
    Sharee wrote: »
    MrMT wrote: »
    As every other recent game has worked out,trade items should take up zero inventory.

    Other games also tend to limit your ability to learn crafting skills. TESO does not. Instead of saying "you can only learn 1-3 crafts, take your pick", it nudges you into specializing by limiting your inventory - if you try to do too many crafts at once, you will run out of inventory space. That is intended.

    And I prefer it the TESO way.

    And thus, you can not level more than one character at a time as I have been trying. And before that I struggled with just one anyway. It looks like it assumes, you do not want to level an alt at the same time, and only want to craft items for your level.

    Anyway this is a very contentious hot topic for some, and a mere amusement for others who don't have this issue, and therefore don't think people are, or will leave over this. I have not played for over 3 weeks due to RL, world cup, and this awful ruckass.

    I posted this earlier in this thread, from one of our own mods here @Thorwil on the subject and how this discussion is going here.
    Thorwil wrote: »
    A lot of people are attacking this guy for no reason. I can tell you that I am a level 28 Blacksmither and am at level 50 Provisioning and I have a very hard time managing my inventory. I spend a lot of time managing it because I need all the ores/ingot, a very little bit of armor/weapon i have made by special crafting or that I am saving for research. None of this takes into account all of the food/drink ingredients I have to procure and save for my ingredients. Not only do I like leveling my character (VR2) but I have many people who hit me up for food/drink and specially crafted armor, this is how I make money for my mats. Its not a huge cash grab but i enjoy doing it. I, also, do alchemy. So between the food ingredients, the BS mats, and the Alchemy Mats i have little to no room for anything. I have 100 bank and 100 personal slots for storage and I tire of going between mules to swap things around. It takes a large amount of my time to do this and it's not needed. I don't trust Guild banks for my mats because I'm in 5 trading guilds and I don't know who has access to those.

    This guy was merely trying to express a problem that many people have had. If you don't agree with him, fine, but you have no right to attack him or the way he manages his inventory. We are a family against Molag Bal, lets act like it!

    Apologies @Thorwil for using your post twice in a day. But, it was a very good point you made.
  • AreoHotah
    This again??? I'm so tired to tell ppl install 3 addons and stop QQ. Omg...
    Hota'h, Dual-wield/bow full medium armor NB Khajiit from day 1.]
  • Lodestar
    AreoHotah wrote: »
    This again??? I'm so tired to tell ppl install 3 addons and stop QQ. Omg...

    Well stop reading it then. And do these add ons, add extra inventory space? No! Well clear off about it then!!!

    A game is so mind numbingly poor due to oversight, and your "solution", is to go to a third party site, download a program from somone else, that may be made out of date at any moment, and not officially supported by the devs, by a dwindling add on community, that may even cease. To paper over cracks the devs should not have in the first place.

    Install an add on? I think I am uninstall ESO.
  • Shaun98ca2
    To get rid of "junk" I just "Sell" it to a vendor. VERY fast LOL.

    As for hording.......theres things you can do.....stuff

    Can you get crafting materials from the horses bag at crafting spot like you do the bank?
  • Zebug
    Do people keep the low level mats when they've out leveled them? Let's say jute.... People complaining about space, do you still have jute on you? If so... Why?
  • Lodestar
    Zebug wrote: »
    Do people keep the low level mats when they've out leveled them? Let's say jute.... People complaining about space, do you still have jute on you? If so... Why?

    We keep saying, if not here in other threads. People just read a few posts or the OP or the title, and come wading in.

    I keep it so I can make stuff for my alts, other peoples alts, and so that I can make level 1 trait items, for guidies and friends to research.

    We don't all play just one character, more than a few actually play alts at different levels, what not be an issue if that was not the case.
    Edited by Lodestar on July 7, 2014 11:54AM
  • Zebug
    so your alt can find the material and send it to your main to craft....or other peoples alts can do the same. You are creating a problem for yourself by trying to be a crafter for everything at every level.

    I have woodworking, clothing, provisioning, and alchemy all maxed out and I'll make stuff for any level person who asks free of charge (usually guildies as others simply don't know to ask)...just mail the mats and you'll get whatever you want.

    Bottom line, I like that they force you to make tough decisions and not horde everything you find in the game just in case its needed at some point....heck I've destroyed every trophy I've gotten in the game.
  • Rivqua
    Even if there was no limit to the amount of things you could store in our bag, ppl would find things that was bad. Ooo crap i sold that stuff that i needed and QQ would start all over again.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    There are lots and lots of things you can pick up and store in the game.
    But that certainly doesn't mean you should, in fact if you even remotely try to do this you'll get in to trouble.
    Prioritising is key.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Lodestar
    Zebug wrote: »
    so your alt can find the material and send it to your main to craft....or other peoples alts can do the same. You are creating a problem for yourself by trying to be a crafter for everything at every level.

    I have woodworking, clothing, provisioning, and alchemy all maxed out and I'll make stuff for any level person who asks free of charge (usually guildies as others simply don't know to ask)...just mail the mats and you'll get whatever you want.

    Bottom line, I like that they force you to make tough decisions and not horde everything you find in the game just in case its needed at some point....heck I've destroyed every trophy I've gotten in the game.

    I am actually not saving that much, a stack or so, and just top it up with the alts. I also give those mats out. Just having a bit on hand is all. With the exception of provisioning, which which be too extreme (hence I don't do it), that is only part of the issue. And Enchanting, and alchemy use the same things at any rate, or mostly in Enchanting case.

    What about the items I find that have traits on them, I require a character to research? I can not research them all at once. So have to keep them. Having not played for 3 weeks and logging in most days to pick up hireling parcels, and keep track on researching, I have gained tons of space back, in my bank. Nothing coming in, on that score.

    I can not seriously see why stopping people from doing it is such a bad thing. No one has yet to tell me a good reason. Just "you should not do it", and it is to make hard choices".

    The inventory system as it stands. fills your bag every hour of questing. So, I spend a lot of time sifting through items to break down for mats and or xp (you don't get much mats on tier 2 and upwards, and I think I am now seeing why. I wondered if it was a bug).

    But I digress, your doing what everyone else is doing. When a valid point comes up, you steer away from it, and zoom in on repeating the same stuff everyone else has. The matter is cyclic, for this very reason. Read the bold quote from @Thorwil. That says it all. It is not even the hoarding that is the whole issue. In fact it is my biggest hang up. And add ons would not help. Especially now the add on community is moving away as I understand it.

    To say "it forces you to do this and that" is good design is nonsense from where I stand. I fail to see how making my sub time consist of hours of this bank tetris, and making me ditch trophies I earned, along with maps, and other rewards, is not good design.
  • Vendersleigh
    Lodestar wrote: »
    And thus, you can not level more than one character at a time as I have been trying. And before that I struggled with just one anyway. It looks like it assumes, you do not want to level an alt at the same time, and only want to craft items for your level.

    I am levelling 7 characters at the same time and do not have problems with inventory space.
  • Lodestar
    Lodestar wrote: »
    And thus, you can not level more than one character at a time as I have been trying. And before that I struggled with just one anyway. It looks like it assumes, you do not want to level an alt at the same time, and only want to craft items for your level.

    I am levelling 7 characters at the same time and do not have problems with inventory space.

    Would you like a lollipop?

    Look, I will wager your a minority here. I know one person here swears there is no issue, but has mules and a personal guild bank. So naturally one wonders how you have achieved this without doing so.
  • Islyn
    Thorwil wrote: »
    A lot of people are attacking this guy for no reason. I can tell you that I am a level 28 Blacksmither and am at level 50 Provisioning and I have a very hard time managing my inventory. I spend a lot of time managing it because I need all the ores/ingot, a very little bit of armor/weapon i have made by special crafting or that I am saving for research. None of this takes into account all of the food/drink ingredients I have to procure and save for my ingredients. Not only do I like leveling my character (VR2)

    Except: THEY need to supply their OWN mats. I bet they have no problem with bank slots because you are their food and clothing mule.

    If you OTOH, are making things for a GUILD then you should have access to a GUILD bank to store your mats.

    If you are only making stuff for yourself NOT for a guild, you will have no issue. Other people can supply their own mats for you to make stuff.

    You're not their shopping centre.
  • MrMT
    Zebug wrote: »
    .heck I've destroyed every trophy I've gotten in the game.

    So explain to me how it's fun that in a game about developing a narrative, a sense of connection with your character's deeds, you need to destroy every trophy you earn because of the inventory space issue?

  • wrlifeboil
    Inventory management in this game is more involved than in some other mmos. But the longer you play, the more you know which items to save, which items to list on the guild store, and which items to vendor. It does become easier to master over time. It's only too bad that ZOS devs haven't come up with an achievement for inventory mastery. :)

    Some tweaks like including filtered searches/displays would help. But the ultimate 'cheap' solution would be to simplify the crafting system which generates the need for so many different types of items. That would make the overall game less complex and simplify inventory management but make the game as a whole more boring.
    Edited by wrlifeboil on July 7, 2014 12:57PM
  • Jarnhand
    I have all 8 char slots used. 2 played chars, and 6 bank mules.
    Says something doesnt it.

    The people who does not have a problem either sell everything, does not craft, and relay on guildies for all their crafting needs.

    And to people having the illusion its a good solution to sell all but 1-2 crafting line materials while leveling, and later craft up the others, I say; good luck with that!
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