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Veteran System Changes Preview

  • Cogo
    Mortosk wrote: »
    Where do you people even come from? Are you equipped with discontent sensors or something?

    All I've ever seen regarding Vet Levels is people talking about how hard it is or people talking about how it isn't so bad. Never seen anyone go, "You know, I really dig it being super tough and double-tedious."

    Then a Dev mentions that their going to make it marginally less difficult and you people just swarm all over it with *** like, "Oh, Eldernerf Online amirite, lolz. Gimmie an achievement for doing the hard way. I need validation or I'm cancelling my sub!"

    Here's my comment from May 28th...again, I've been vocal on this issue since day 1 and that position has not changed.

    Vet Content Discussion

    They have dumbed down quest achievements in zones to the extent that you can complete over 12 quests AFTER reaching the achievement in some cases. They have increased Motif drop rates to the point that they are fast becoming useless. They have nerfed the Doshia challenge to the point that it is laughable (my wife killed her before she even transformed into the Harvester). Now they are looking at decreasing the challenge in VR content, further pushing this MMO into the Singleplayer category, and that doesn't sit well with me. Their early track record appears to be focused on watering this game down.

    I said it on May 28th & I'll say it again "The rest of us shouldn't have to drink skim milk just because the baby can't eat steak."

    You are over reacting. Calm down.

    And, trust me, there are very few people left out there as hard core as you. I know where you are coming from though. I, myself, have been playing MMO's since Everquest, and I played the original everquest, where if you died you had to run back naked to get your armour, and you didn't just have a repair bill to contend with, you actually lost a chunk of your experience, and could even lose a level for dying enough times. That was a hardcore game, and while it was probably a lot more difficult that ESO is today, the time it took to get to level cap was about on par with ESO (sadly enough).

    After Everquest, I did 10 and 25 heroic raids in WoW during WotLK and Cataclysm. Despite the popular belief that "WoW is easy." Heroic raids were not. My guild was even a blue ranked top 400 in the world on during cataclysm, so I'm not exactly what you would call a person with a casual mentality. I admit, I no longer play on that kind of level anymore, because mainly it's a full time job and requires a level of dedication I no longer want to contribute to an MMO. Since quitting WoW, I've been trying all the AAA MMO's as they come out, seeing everything the game has to offer, and trying to have fun.

    I find veteran content in this game a little over tuned. Little things here and there, certain types of mobs have immunities they shouldn't, or too much health, or they have abilities that do enough damage to 1-shot when they really shouldn't be doing that. It's not that I can't defeat it, but I die one too many times for stupid silly split second mistakes. I would expect to die if I were going up against Heroic Deathwing in a 10 man raiding environment for a simple split second lapse in attention, but not when I am doing the required leveling content just to reach the game's level cap. That is just plain ridiculous if you ask me, and that is why they plan on changing it. It's as simple as that really.

    I ALMOST agree. You come from a similar background as me.

    I love EQ, but that IS a grind.

    ESO is not a grind! you are fully capable to MOVE around and lots of things that gives you exp.

    I think, I found a big fact here.

    They say Vet content. In my giant post I wrote. spend like 9 hours on it. I wanted it to be as clear as possible.

    The problem is Vet 6+ they have no one to group with. YES! then its a grind!
    WAIT A BIT! 1 month ago, vet 1-3 areas where empty

    Look now. overcrowded! And people are grouping 2 in 1 group. strangers even. QUESTING since phasing works alot better now.

    When we get up to higher vet level IF THEY JUST KEEP THE CONTENT CHALLENGING. Not only will Vet 12 have more to group with. added contant will make Vet 12 long lived even. They gonna do alot in graglorn.

    I wounder if they mix feedback from vet 10 who has no to group with...they are RIGHT!! if they had...then it was no problem..

    Vet 1-3-4 are fine! and NEEDED...Unless you can learn more. handle yourself in the current Vet 1--3 area.....HOW are you doing to dont even get invited to the trials, raids...etc.

    I am, scared, for ESO future now. I was not yesterday even if I know its low pop..
    Its summer. Cyro dont work, bad press from crappy press. Some good reviews have come out which I THINK zenimax missed.

    They are few, but say the same thing. ESO is beautiful and inovative. and other things.....BUT. ESO gives a challenge, which very few MMO does.

    Simple fact..people got there to early. Remember EQ? I was quite alone in lower guk, cause for some reason I was good at getting groups.

    But it took a few months...more and more poped up

    guilds formed and remember Plane of HATE and fear? Feel free to tell the truth.
    Making EASY mode now in Vet areas. How many Vet 12 wuold even understand what to do in plane of hate.

    There been a few comments already, that sure....takes a few days and higher vet fills up.....with what...people who has not skills enough to do vet 1 areas. And you gonna take them to a trial?

    I solo fine in Vet aras, I group alot....the exp is 5x better when you group with just 1 person then alone. I am not ready for craglorn! No way! I still need to get better as a player

    Not to mention that cool dungeon.

    To many people here thinks ...ohoohohh I get vet 12....i get to raid and get cool gear.

    Not now. until Zeni makes that easy mode too. Because ATM, those dungeons are HARD. And should be.

    About WoW, I agree....had the same. first 3 yearish. wasnt any heroic btw. The raids where, raids. first change was 10 man and 25 man instead of 40.

    I still have a youtube vid of our server first kill of Archemonde in the battle of Mount Hiyal. Other servers had made it......but, just thinking about it gives me goose bumps.

    WoW did nothing wrong. They followed the path and grabbed the whole world who wanted easy mode.

    MMOs tried to copy...NO ONE, not one, succeded, because they are not wow.

    Same thing with EQ. no MMO after succeed as EQ did. Raiding wise I have not seen anything close to that other then funny enough, the instances in ESO. from lvl 14!

    EQ2, Vanguard and others who tried to be EQ failed. Of course.....cause it was EQ players who expected EQ!

    I HATE myself for that. Because I played EQ2 for a bit, but it was not I stopped. and Missed a very good game.

    ESO is /from yesterday on the path of being one of the NEW MMOs with a unique style. Sure, they could done Vet areas better. Vet system is good but should had the extra vet only skill/effect or whatever coming. At start.

    I would love to have a story for vets that is like the main storyline BUT!!!! they didnt do that story line over night. There is a reason why ESO a so amazingly good regarding quests. They worked alot on it.

    I am sure they will do something similar. But if they go down this easy road......
    I hope not. Ill stay...Ill try....but playing any MMO, without grouping...without any form of challenge, having high levlers who dont belong because they dont know where the key is to make you move forward (Ive seen a question like that in wow)

    I am wish thinking now...that this announcement was what they needed to do...get feedback first..before they nerf the game to hell....and end it.....or just tweak it a bit.

    I am sorry if this sounds rude to some people, but I am not ESO best player. not even close. Medium....maybe. medium minus I think

    I solo in Vet areas. I group there.. Works fine.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Anastasia
    Funny. I ran through Glenumbra's public dungeon (VR6 enemies) at VR5 with someone I met in there. The two of us cleared the dungeon with only a few deaths. It was only after exiting the dungeon I became aware the dungeon was actually a public dungeon.
    In other words: I don't find VR content that much more difficult, though it might be because I'm a scorcerer.
    Still, many others do think it's harder so I guess changing this is a good thing :)

    Cool experience camelknightb -- sounds like it was fun. The problem I see with your input is here: "...The two of us cleared the dungeon with only a few deaths."

    You must understand, for those that want the VR+ content toned down -- many of them do not want ANY deaths or perhaps can stomach one...

    We ought to keep enjoying what we have for now, as the winds are ablowin'.
  • Vahrokh
    Lyall84 wrote: »
    Comparing people that spindle ground, or anomaly ground their way to VR12 than ran through trials to people that are just trying to quest are comparing apples to oranges. I can guarantee that most (I mean 51%+) of the "hardcore trial runners" that you have been talking to, did some sort of vet dungeon grinding, or anomaly grinding, to get to VR12 long before they thought about completing the quests.


    The biggest part you are forgetting is that there are already hundreds of people that "face roll to vet 12 in a matter of days" by taking advantage of things like spindle or anomaly grinding. So telling someone that they should have to spend months grinding quests to go from VR1 to VR10, when people already are going VR1 to VR12 in less than a week is a very weak argument.

    The point to the VR1-10 content is to allow someone to experience the content without re-rolling, and to allow them to collect more skill points. It should not cost them a wheelbarrow full of soul gems and a warehouse full of frustration to get there. Not when there are already so many work around options to get to VR12 quickly without subjecting yourself to the areas.

    Ockam Razor solution: lock Craglorn to everyone below VR 10. It's clear that if they get there at VR 3 it's to be power-exploit-levelled.

    I wish there was a badge / achievement for hitting VR 12 without ever having gone in Craglorn.
  • Cogo
    Tobiz wrote: »
    One of the guiding principles of our Veteran gameplay was to encourage you (not force you) to group. We wanted you to be able to reach max level by playing solo if you wished, but still encourage you to group with others along the way. This principle was the reason we made our post-50 zones more difficult; we wanted you to get together with others to take on tougher challenges and form social bonds while you did so. But we understand that, despite our vision...
    we failed to:
    a) make questing in a group work adequately
    b) make a working group finder
    c) balance gameplay making content difficult for some, easy for some.

    It is generally not a problem of the content, but of how the underlying systems work. Grouping on the fly is generally a pain if you want to do more then one quest, and even then you have to know at what phase in the quest you are so you can specifically ask for this in /zone, because the group finder, even if it gives you a group, does not filter on language, level of greed or rudeness.
    So when you find a group of degenerates that you actually can communicate with and ignore their rude attitude and greedy behaviour, you still have the clothie swoop in and bomb the entire area only to leave you waiting for the respawn.
    I havent had coffee yet. Im kranky...


    A: Questing in group works. Not all, but most. Of course those quests where there is a part to enter a cave that is quest need to be on same path as that. just like other game.

    Phasing works. I group all the time in Vet 1-2 zones. No problems! Facts please

    B: Even without a group finder. It sounds wierd, but you can get a group. Friends, guild. Zonechat.

    I dont know if you tried that. On EU server its grouping quite alot now. Not from the tool. From ASKING someone....wierd eh?

    C: This is an MMO. HOW can they balance gameplay to make it "same" for all? In a game where YOU decide your build. and your build is good in one place, but sucks in another. There is a skill everyone can improve....their play skill....

    Cranky is ok. Rude is fine.

    I am just answering your statements and you do seam not to uninformed, but it still amazes me that players BLAME a group tool for not getting a group.

    Group tool I use when I fix a group and we need a last person. So thats good.

    Think a bit....its not impossible to MAKE a group is it? ;-)
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Dharmabum
    Please add more dynamic public events to PVE! I like interacting with other random players to accomplish short-term goals. Grouping for dungeons is often too much of a time commitment for me.

    So yes, I depend on solo play to hold my interest most of the time. I don't find the Vet content to be too difficult, just too much of a grind. Also, playing the heroic role for the opposing factions is less than inspired. I understand that it adds a lot of content but combined with the grind, the game loses much of its charm.
    Edited by Dharmabum on July 4, 2014 2:28PM
  • Vahrokh
    Mortosk wrote: »

    I erect the spine of where the hell did everyone go?

    (Talking about veteran zones.)

    Do you see any people there any more? Why do you think that is? They are doing this for a reason.

    I erect the spine of "self entitled much"?

    We are assisting to a spineless generation that wants everything pre-digested, easy and NOW!

    Every new MMO I miss EQ, MUDs and other epic games more. Games where people would actually have to "learn, adapt, overcome", not "cry, go to the forums, make the developers trivialize content".

    When games were real, you'd crack and lose gear on death, or bosses would grab it AND you'd lose up to 30% level worth of experience.
    Now every MMO has to be turned into a pathetic carebears guided theme park OR ELSE (they mass quit).
  • yelloweyedemon
    Great so now we'll have two more alliance territories with facerolling content...

    The only thing that needed changing in VR areas was the rewards, NOT the difficulty.
  • nawlinzbilly
    Hi everyone,

    One of the topics we frequently get feedback on is ESO’s Veteran content. Some of you may have seen our recent comments about changes we have in store for ESO’s post-50 experience. We want you to know we’ve been listening to your suggestions and concerns, but more importantly, we want to tell you what we’re doing about them. Today, we have an update from the ESO Dev Team to share with you.

    Some of the concerns you’ve called out are: Veteran content is too much of a departure from the level 1 to 50 experience, playing and leveling through it is too much of a grind, and that the rewards you get don’t match the effort you have to put in to progress.

    One of the guiding principles of our Veteran gameplay was to encourage you (not force you) to group. We wanted you to be able to reach max level by playing solo if you wished, but still encourage you to group with others along the way. This principle was the reason we made our post-50 zones more difficult; we wanted you to get together with others to take on tougher challenges and form social bonds while you did so. But we understand that, despite our vision, this is not how all our players want to experience the game beyond level 50.

    We recognize that many of you love the game you played while leveling up, and that you feel the post-50 zones are too much of a departure from that experience. We hear your requests to continue participating in solo content as you progress through Veteran Ranks, and we’re acting on that feedback.

    Starting next week on Monday, July 7th, you’ll see the first significant change we’re making to the Veteran System. We’re implementing some balance changes to content in post-50 zones that will make it much more like the content from levels 1-50. Our goal is to remove the feeling of “I have just hit a wall of difficulty” that many of you have expressed—you’ll be able to solo much more easily. This is just the first of many large-scale changes coming to ESO’s Veteran System, and we encourage you to watch our QuakeCon panel on Friday, July 17th, where we’ll go into much more detail about the other parts.

    Thank you for sticking with us, sharing your concerns, and supporting a game we all love.

    If you where in the same room as me right now, I would kiss you, on the lips!! :p

    I play at odd hours, so I am more solo then anything. I am going to go sign up for 6 months sub now. You made my 4th of July great Jess!!
  • Celuwen
    Thank you! I'm very happy to hear of these changes. I would like to say that I'd be happy for World Bosses, Dolmens and Dungeon content to remain difficult. (Even have dungeons become more difficult) Especially if the rewards are consistent for the effort applied.
  • Danisheraser
    You ruin the challenge for those of us who have fought and dealt with veteran content. Now making everyone else faceroll through it, like the 1-50 content. This is a SAD SAD day for ESO. I am so close to cancelling my account because of this. They do the exact same mistake as Rift and every other MMO game. You listen to all those who come here on these forums and yell/whine every day because they can't deal with the content. I'll make sure, my voice here is going to be heard every damn day.
  • Danisheraser
    Can I be banned for saying how enourmously disappointed I am with this cowardly change zenimax is doing? If so I will certainly test their nerves.
  • jovial
    Hi everyone,

    But we understand that, despite our vision, this is not how all our players want to experience the game beyond level 50.

    This saddens me. Despite all the issues of this game, ZOS seemed to have a vision that departed at least slightly from other theme park MMO's.

    With this it seems you will abandon that vision, step by step, to cater to players that want instant gratification. Just like any MMO out there. Somebody should have told you those players are impossible to cater to, they're fickle and easily bored.
  • Anastasia
    GING. Not only will Vet 12 have more to group with. added contant will make Vet 12 long lived even. They gonna do alot in graglorn.

    I wounder if they mix feedback from vet 10 who has no to group with...they are RIGHT!! if they had...then it was no problem..

    Vet 1-3-4 are fine! and NEEDED...Unless you can learn more. handle yourself in the current Vet 1--3 area.....HOW are you doing to dont even get invited to the trials, raids...etc.

    I am, scared, for ESO future now. I was not yesterday even if I know its low pop..
    Its summer. Cyro dont work, bad press from crappy press. Some good reviews have come out which I THINK zenimax missed.

    They are few, but say the same thing. ESO is beautiful and inovative. and other things.....BUT. ESO gives a challenge, which very few MMO does.

    Simple fact..people got there to early. Remember EQ? I was quite alone in lower guk, cause for some reason I was good at getting groups.

    But it took a few months...more and more poped up

    guilds formed and remember Plane of HATE and fear? Feel free to tell the truth.
    Making EASY mode now in Vet areas. How many Vet 12 wuold even understand what to do in plane of hate.

    There been a few comments already, that sure....takes a few days and higher vet fills up.....with what...people who has not skills enough to do vet 1 areas. And you gonna take them to a trial?

    I solo fine in Vet aras, I group alot....the exp is 5x better when you group with just 1 person then alone. I am not ready for craglorn! No way! I still need to get better as a player

    Not to mention that cool dungeon.

    To many people here thinks ...ohoohohh I get vet 12....i get to raid and get cool gear.

    Not now. until Zeni makes that easy mode too. Because ATM, those dungeons are HARD. And should be.

    About WoW, I agree....had the same. first 3 yearish. wasnt any heroic btw. The raids where, raids. first change was 10 man and 25 man instead of 40.

    I still have a youtube vid of our server first kill of Archemonde in the battle of Mount Hiyal. Other servers had made it......but, just thinking about it gives me goose bumps.

    WoW did nothing wrong. They followed the path and grabbed the whole world who wanted easy mode.

    MMOs tried to copy...NO ONE, not one, succeded, because they are not wow.

    Same thing with EQ. no MMO after succeed as EQ did. Raiding wise I have not seen anything close to that other then funny enough, the instances in ESO. from lvl 14!

    EQ2, Vanguard and others who tried to be EQ failed. Of course.....cause it was EQ players who expected EQ!

    I HATE myself for that. Because I played EQ2 for a bit, but it was not I stopped. and Missed a very good game.

    ESO is /from yesterday on the path of being one of the NEW MMOs with a unique style. Sure, they could done Vet areas better. Vet system is good but should had the extra vet only skill/effect or whatever coming. At start.

    I would love to have a story for vets that is like the main storyline BUT!!!! they didnt do that story line over night. There is a reason why ESO a so amazingly good regarding quests. They worked alot on it.

    I am sure they will do something similar. But if they go down this easy road......
    I hope not. Ill stay...Ill try....but playing any MMO, without grouping...without any form of challenge, having high levlers who dont belong because they dont know where the key is to make you move forward (Ive seen a question like that in wow)

    I am wish thinking now...that this announcement was what they needed to do...get feedback first..before they nerf the game to hell....and end it.....or just tweak it a bit.

    I am sorry if this sounds rude to some people, but I am not ESO best player. not even close. Medium....maybe. medium minus I think

    I solo in Vet areas. I group there.. Works fine.[/quote]
    Oh noes you are going to get pinned as a filthy elitist now Cogo - "There been a few comments already, that sure....takes a few days and higher vet fills up.....with what...people who has not skills enough to do vet 1 areas. And you gonna take them to a trial?. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

  • yelloweyedemon
    You ruin the challenge for those of us who have fought and dealt with veteran content. Now making everyone else faceroll through it, like the 1-50 content. This is a SAD SAD day for ESO. I am so close to cancelling my account because of this. They do the exact same mistake as Rift and every other MMO game. You listen to all those who come here on these forums and yell/whine every day because they can't deal with the content. I'll make sure, my voice here is going to be heard every damn day.

    Sadly this is what you get for trying to make proper old school MMO content. People nowdays want faceroll easymode content where they can pull 5 or more mobs, make some mistakes regarding skills, and kill them all nevertheless.

    The game finally becomes boring as it has nothing challenging or new to offer, and fades away like all the other MMOs.

    It is really sad to see so many MMOs doing the same mistake and yet we have companies still following the same policies. (GW2,WoW,RIFT,Lotro,SWTOR, shall I go on?)

    Good call deciding to nerf the veteran content because some people want to play while semi afk, and can't afford dying, or changing their strategies.
  • Raash
    You really should consider making other alliances areas optional and bring in other ways to get vet ranks (like adventure zones untied to alliances). Not all are intersted in doing the same thing for 150 levels, especially while forced to "sleep with the enemy" sort of speak.
  • Mortosk
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    Mortosk wrote: »

    I erect the spine of where the hell did everyone go?

    (Talking about veteran zones.)

    Do you see any people there any more? Why do you think that is? They are doing this for a reason.

    I erect the spine of "self entitled much"?

    We are assisting to a spineless generation that wants everything pre-digested, easy and NOW!

    Every new MMO I miss EQ, MUDs and other epic games more. Games where people would actually have to "learn, adapt, overcome", not "cry, go to the forums, make the developers trivialize content".

    When games were real, you'd crack and lose gear on death, or bosses would grab it AND you'd lose up to 30% level worth of experience.
    Now every MMO has to be turned into a pathetic carebears guided theme park OR ELSE (they mass quit).

    What the hell does any of that have to do with the fact that veteran zones are empty? I think it was the slow grind that drove everyone away. You would really have to be crazy to level the way ESO envisioned you would. People found short cuts, exploits, etc. They are the "I want everything now!" crowd you are speaking of. The people who are actually playing the content the way it was intended are the ones saying WTF? This is taking literally an Eon and a day. Why the hell am I here? The difficulty is slightly over tuned as well. So not only are they there forever, but they are dying constantly too. I think they are going to tweak it here and there, not make it easy mode. They already said it will still be harder than 1-50 content. But not as hard as it is now. It will be a happy medium. Why are all of you getting your feathers so ruffled over a compromise?

    Edited by Mortosk on July 4, 2014 2:20PM
    "Now I stand, the lion before the lambs and they do not fear. They can not fear." --Arthas Menethil (aka, The Lich King)
  • Amarynth
    themizario wrote: »
    On to something more serious...I bet Jessica is a hottie.

    Here, let me fix that for you:

    On to something more serious...I bet Jessica is a hottie professional that is doing her job, and she doesn't deserve to have sexist remarks made about her while she's doing it.
    Edited by Amarynth on July 4, 2014 2:26PM
  • Amarynth
    I don't understand. It seems to me that ZOS are taking these forums too seriously.

    I highly doubt that ZOS is making decisions based on forum feedback rather than data about when people unsub.

  • Mortosk
    Amarynth wrote: »
    themizario wrote: »
    On to something more serious...I bet Jessica is a hottie.

    Here, let me fix that for you:

    On to something more serious...I bet Jessica is a hottie professional that is doing her job, and she doesn't deserve to sexist remarks made about her while she's doing it.

    Hey, I saw someone shouting in zone chat about a new feminist oriented guild which was female only (but transgender are welcome as well of course) - You might go check them out, I think they might be a good fit for you!

    "Now I stand, the lion before the lambs and they do not fear. They can not fear." --Arthas Menethil (aka, The Lich King)
  • EQBallzz
    I'm all for them fine tuning the difficulty in vet areas. I think some minor adjustments are warranted and the rewards for doing vet content needs serious improvement but I hope this isn't a typical MMO over reaction and vet content gets completely trivialized. I'm a bit worried by the wording in the OP. Making vet areas more like 1-50? That sounds like it could be overboard if they are going that far.

    ZOS has made a point of making more incremental changes with regard to classes (for better or worse) so I hope they do this more incrementally as well so the difficulty doesn't swing wildly to the other side.

    -slightly tune the vet difficulty (namely packs of trash IMO)
    -fix class balance which I think is one of the driving factors in vet difficulty for some. certain classes/builds complete vet zones with much more ease than others
    -increase rewards for vet difficulty (both XP to make it less of a slog and items to make it more rewarding)
    -leave public dungeons/WB/dolmens (and add other things of this nature) with high difficulty but improve the rewards and make these things worth running multiple times (XP and rewards)
  • smokes
    the only mobs that really need nerfing imo is the overworld quest mobs - quest bosses, dolmens, delves and dungeons dont really need it (apart from some specific instances) and should promote loose grouping to get through them

    but having every damned pack of 3 questmobs defile me regularly isn't fun and i look forward to putting those days behind me

    i hope this increases subs, i really do, as i have currently cancelled my sub for a couple of months while i move house. i look forward to coming back to a flourishing ingame population.
  • steveb16_ESO46
    jovial wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    But we understand that, despite our vision, this is not how all our players want to experience the game beyond level 50.

    This saddens me. Despite all the issues of this game, ZOS seemed to have a vision that departed at least slightly from other theme park MMO's.

    With this it seems you will abandon that vision, step by step, to cater to players that want instant gratification. Just like any MMO out there. Somebody should have told you those players are impossible to cater to, they're fickle and easily bored.

    They are catering to the desire of their investors to earn as big an ROI as possible. Nothing else. If you hard guys want to change things you have to do what we've done. Speak with your money, unsub and tell them why.
  • Syntse
    You ruin the challenge for those of us who have fought and dealt with veteran content. Now making everyone else faceroll through it, like the 1-50 content. This is a SAD SAD day for ESO. I am so close to cancelling my account because of this. They do the exact same mistake as Rift and every other MMO game. You listen to all those who come here on these forums and yell/whine every day because they can't deal with the content. I'll make sure, my voice here is going to be heard every damn day.

    Sadly this is what you get for trying to make proper old school MMO content. People nowdays want faceroll easymode content where they can pull 5 or more mobs, make some mistakes regarding skills, and kill them all nevertheless.

    To you two. How would that ruin stuff for you if you have reached the V12 when it was challenging, that would be just the thing you wanted and now you are already there. So now someone plays the same stuff but easier, not like you are demoted and have to do it again because you did it first with different difficulty.

    Yes things get toned down because not all like it difficult, I bet there are more people who like it relatively easy and Zenimax is trying to make money here. Maybe if making of game would have cost maybe couple million it could be targeted to the crowd that seeks that challenge but when it was something like couple hundred million they have to cater also to the crowds that like it easier.

    Yet still I think there should be also that challenging content for the people who seek that to please them also, why these two could not co-exist.

    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
    Ra'Syntse Dominion Khajiit Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
    Syntselle Dominion Dark Elf Dragonknight Magica DPS [50]
    Syntseus Dominion Imperial Templar Healer [50]
    Syntsetar Dominion High Elf Sorcerer Magica DPS [50]
    Friar Tuktuk Daggerfall Brenton Templar Healer [50]
    Syntseyn Ebonheart Brenton Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
  • rusila22
    ohYEEEEEAHHHHHHH it's time to sub again :)
    Rusila CP :600
    Title : Monster Hunter
    Currently : Beta Tester in Morrowind
  • Drake81
    Untested Nerfageddon.

    How exactly do you guys think of such *static noise*?

    Not only that youll floode the servers with new bugs again, but with it comes easy mode for everyone. So after effordless steamrolling v12 in no time, everyone learns, there is no real end content or something else who could motivate you to stay longer.

    The level of difficulty was the only thing who delayed the zerg to give you guys time for implementing new suff. With that gone, how exactly do you plan your future?
    Edited by Drake81 on July 4, 2014 2:53PM
  • jovial
    jovial wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    But we understand that, despite our vision, this is not how all our players want to experience the game beyond level 50.

    This saddens me. Despite all the issues of this game, ZOS seemed to have a vision that departed at least slightly from other theme park MMO's.

    With this it seems you will abandon that vision, step by step, to cater to players that want instant gratification. Just like any MMO out there. Somebody should have told you those players are impossible to cater to, they're fickle and easily bored.

    They are catering to the desire of their investors to earn as big an ROI as possible. Nothing else. If you hard guys want to change things you have to do what we've done. Speak with your money, unsub and tell them why.

    Sadly we can't compete with you. You are the cash cow, not the hardcore segment. I just wished there were a few more companies that wanted to create a quality game for a more hardcore crowd, even if it meant less revenue.
  • Kraen
    Ohh god. So crybabies won again, and the game is losing one of its few challenging activities.

    In long term, this is a very bad decision.
    Finneas of Baby Face Bananas
    Free to Play? No, thx.
  • Guppet
    BrassRazoo wrote: »
    Easier with more XP. What a shame.

    I definitely won't be grouping with these "new" Vets anytime soon.

    Can the "original" Vets get some sort of Title?

    Yep a title like "the exploiter", since many many exploited to get max VR, it will give us newer VR players a way to avoid them :p
  • born2beagator
    Kraen wrote: »
    Ohh god. So crybabies won again, and the game is losing one of its few challenging activities.

    In long term, this is a very bad decision.

    Keep the butthurt coming L2P'ers. Maybe now we won't have to see your snooty posts anymore.

    if you want hardcore there are plenty of games out there that give it too you.
    Edited by born2beagator on July 4, 2014 3:11PM
  • Tobiz
    I belive that alot of the QQ about VR level difficulty are an effect of certain builds viability discrepancies.
    Alot of players, me included, think that bashing someone on the head with a giant hammer, or punching holes in the lungs of enemies are appropriate solutions to dealing with stuff that are in the way.
    Some of us came to the game thinking that heavy armour would offer a good deal of protection.
    Unfortunately it isnt/doesnt.
    You need to be part time healer if you go the melee route. Or you could just spec into magicka/staff/cloth in order to make content fairly simple.
    Either way, magicka makes the world go round.
    This doesnt fly with alot of people who are playing this as a role playing game (not neccesarily RP in the true meaning)
    If you were to solve the problem with melee stamina builds, alot of people would have less problems in VR content as well.
    As you now promise to work with the stamina mechanics and alter the difficulty of VR content you could overshoot the mark quite a bit.
    I urge you to deal with one problem at a time, because you may very well waste a lot of work.
    It is my strong belief that reworking stamina will solve many problems that people believe are caused by difficulty.
    This is also why I think the lead dev for said stamina update sat down and wrote what they have in mind. From how stamina and magicka are supposed to work, to how they think its best fixed and then post that here on the forums.
    No amount of devs can say how the game is percieved by the players, open communication is king.
    Attention Zenimax: Stamina builds don't hold up to magicka builds, and this is causing most of your class imbalance. It makes melee weapons and bows weaker than staves and class abilities. It makes medium and heavy armor less desirable than light armor. Fix this imbalance, and you'll address most of your balance issues.
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