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Why are there no children NPCs in ESO?

  • AlexDougherty
    driosketch wrote: »
    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe all the Skyrim children were also human. That's not going to cut it in a game that spans Tamriel. ESO wouldn't just need the different size models, they would need one for every race.

    Yes I think they were all human, but all they need for elves is a little recolouring and pointy ears. For Khajiit some fur, a tail and change the head for a smaller Khajiit head, and the hands and feet too. Argonians might need some body alterations but not as much as you think, otherwise they need similar changes to Khajiit.

    All in all it's not that much different to the NPCs already in game, just smaller with higher pitched voices.
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  • Thechemicals
    Why is this thread reading answered? If so, why are there no children? I must have missed it.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
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  • AlexDougherty
    Why is this thread reading answered? If so, why are there no children? I must have missed it.

    Answers are always on page one, but they aren't that great, apart from the one about different modelling being needed.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
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    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
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    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Tannakaobi
    Sorry to bring WoW up, but how many quests involve children? How many child beast do you have to abduct? They have a children's week holiday ffs!

    I don't buy bad press as being a reason.

    Who doesn't want to see some Khajiit kittens?
    Edited by Tannakaobi on June 16, 2014 4:01PM
  • SFBryan18
    Whatever the official reason they want to give, the real reason is laziness.
  • Sanibel
    Skyrim was the first ES game to have children. They probably didn't put children in because they serve no purpose. They can't fight, your not allowed to kill them, the just annoy you. Plus putting children into a war torn ravaged and bloody land would definately catch more negative attention from the media who thik games are going to make us mass murder people instead of playing the game and realizing it just makes us want more Cheetos and Mt Dew.

    Just thought i'd chime in on your point, which is moot.

    WoW has child NPC's. Heck, you can bring one along as your pet to the center of hell if you so wish. The media doesn't tend to care about these types of things when they have been done 10+ years ago.

    Just say'in.
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    Sanibel wrote: »
    Skyrim was the first ES game to have children. They probably didn't put children in because they serve no purpose. They can't fight, your not allowed to kill them, the just annoy you. Plus putting children into a war torn ravaged and bloody land would definately catch more negative attention from the media who thik games are going to make us mass murder people instead of playing the game and realizing it just makes us want more Cheetos and Mt Dew.

    Just thought i'd chime in on your point, which is moot.

    WoW has child NPC's. Heck, you can bring one along as your pet to the center of hell if you so wish. The media doesn't tend to care about these types of things when they have been done 10+ years ago.

    Just say'in.

    Ah, but with a NEW game, the beast would awaken ... and then conveniently notice that WoW lets you bring orphans onto the battlefield. I wonder what it was that caused them to change "Drunken Haze" to "Dizzying Haze" in the Brewmaster abilities during beta?

    Or, they'll just wait until the next sniper attack hits - remember the beltway sniper? Video games were the #1 suspected root cause of it while it was happening, and the TV guys needed something to jabber about to fill up air time. Hell, they even tried to connect a craft store that was near one or two shooting sites, because it had a "bibilical" name. That's how silly and hyaena-ish the media can be. And I witnessed the about face the media had during its London Riot coverage - George Orwell would have been breathtaken.

    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on June 16, 2014 4:09PM
  • Arsenic_Touch
    edit: ah, so that's how it works. nevermind, thought my post vanished.
    Edited by Arsenic_Touch on June 16, 2014 4:09PM
    Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

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  • raudfsfolley
    I think some of it is due to the fact that most of the cities are ransacked when you first get there.. and you see bodies littering the areas. They must think that if they put children in, they'll have to have child bodies too? I dunno. WoW has bodies littering battlefields and none of them are children.

    I find it creepier to run a quest to rescue someone's "child" and find that child is a grown adult. Just screams helicopter parenting.
  • driosketch
    driosketch wrote: »
    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe all the Skyrim children were also human. That's not going to cut it in a game that spans Tamriel. ESO wouldn't just need the different size models, they would need one for every race.

    Yes I think they were all human, but all they need for elves is a little recolouring and pointy ears. For Khajiit some fur, a tail and change the head for a smaller Khajiit head, and the hands and feet too. Argonians might need some body alterations but not as much as you think, otherwise they need similar changes to Khajiit.

    All in all it's not that much different to the NPCs already in game, just smaller with higher pitched voices.
    You're already up to four model variations, and that's not fully taking into account the amount of actual variation in the character models. If they half-ass it like Skyrim did, you're going to notice with ESO's race models.

    This is best illustrated in my attempt to create a High Elf who could pass as a Nord. (It was for a spy RP role idea I had.) Covering the ears with hair was the easy part. I needed to also pick hair and eye color, and skin tone that looked the same as what you find in the Nord pallet. The large irises in the eyes are usually the biggest clue that someone is an elf. You'll identify someone's race much easier if you look at the eyes instead of for the ears. But I found the eyebrows where also a problem, on an Altmer they are all long and V shaped. But that wasn't the only issue. Nords tend to have rather round faces compared to long pointed elf faces. And it doesn't stop at the face. The tattoos on an Altmer are all golden. And their limbs are also thinner and more lanky, almost alien like. Nords and Altmer are at least close enough in size to overlap. Bosmer already look like Altmer children. Can you imagine how tiny a Wood Elf child would be?

    Edited by driosketch on June 16, 2014 4:31PM
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
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  • isengrimb16_ESO
    I think some of it is due to the fact that most of the cities are ransacked when you first get there.. and you see bodies littering the areas. They must think that if they put children in, they'll have to have child bodies too? I dunno. WoW has bodies littering battlefields and none of them are children.

    I find it creepier to run a quest to rescue someone's "child" and find that child is a grown adult. Just screams helicopter parenting.

    Well, some people would get queasy over the idea of digital children seeing/being exposed to digital corpses.

    I once had the pleasure of listening to some women in an accounting department while I was doing my work. Interview With The Vampire was the big film at the time; these ladies thought it was awful that a little girl was exposed to such a horrible movie (I guess they didn't know that the kid would have NO IDEA what was happening to her character in the melting scene they were referring to. Similarly, the kid who played Danny in The Shining never knew just what kind of movie he was in until he was old enough to see it for himself, lol.)

    As I said, some people get really funny when the word "child" is mentioned, so I think Zenimax did a brilliant move by simply shipping them all off to some far-off boarding school or something.

    And the helicopter parenting - that's definitely poked at. There is a quest where a woman wants you to rescue her "little boy", who turns out to be a young man. You ask him "You're the little boy?" And he says yeah, that's just what his mother is like. When you bring him back, he just sort of looks embarrassed as Mom gushes over him. Dad is a little more grounded, though.

    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on June 16, 2014 5:29PM
  • GreySix
    Combat reporter: "How can you kill women and children?"

    Anyone recall the answer that was provided?
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • SFBryan18
    "Easy. Just don't lead them so much."

    How is killing them even in the debate? You can't even kill the town guards.
    Edited by SFBryan18 on June 16, 2014 9:08PM
  • Halrloprillalar
    Mortosk wrote: »
    There are children in Skyrim, WoW, etc...
    Can the lack of children in ESO be explained by lore?

    Because they don't want to be the subject of a Fox News piece on how Video Games are evil.

    As long as the children aren't killed or seen in the actual combat zones, there is no story. And I haven't seen anyone asking for them to be in the firing line or killable. I certainly don't want to see that in the game, but children playing and getting in the way would improve the game.

  • Pele
    Mortosk wrote: »
    There are children in Skyrim, WoW, etc...
    Can the lack of children in ESO be explained by lore?

    Because they don't want to be the subject of a Fox News piece on how Video Games are evil.

    As long as the children aren't killed or seen in the actual combat zones, there is no story. And I haven't seen anyone asking for them to be in the firing line or killable. I certainly don't want to see that in the game, but children playing and getting in the way would improve the game.

    1,000x this. No, just no to bothersome NPC children. Assassin's Creed 3 says hi.
  • GreySix
    SFBryan18 wrote: »
    "Easy. Just don't lead them so much."

    How is killing them even in the debate? You can't even kill the town guards.

    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • yellow_lyon
  • Lizzrdd
    I personally dont really like the attitudes of some of the kids in Skyrim, and wish there were kids of different races in the game that are not from mods. That being said, in real life I dont like little kids, but that mod killable children still makes me sick. As far as some people on here complaining about immersion, the immersion is broken when you have the rather plain NPCs walking around on one hand, and then on the other you have a bunch of OTHER characters in various dyed armors, and even guys in dresses. So, adding children to the game really wouldnt help immersion anyway. If you want immersion, go play Skyrim, where immersion is what its all about in some aspects. This is a MMO, and immersion isnt the point.
    Play how you want to, not how others tell you to! Live and let Play!
  • Ulfgarde
    Nice 3 year NECRO.

    There's no kids because it's an M-rated (17+) game, idiot. Common sense.
    Very athletic eso player
    PC EU
  • Zaldan
    LOL, phrase of the day "less illegal" ;)
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • Richard_Ralh
    I agree. Children should be in the game. You could even make them side quest givers. Like strolling upto the outskirts of a farm, seeing them crying, you ask what's wrong, they till you some bad people came to their home and dragged daddy/mommy away somewhere. You go after bad people and save mommy/daddy and reunite family or you kill bad guys for killing mommy and daddy and then take children to closest kin or orfanage. Just make them unkillable, even for those with mods.
  • DanteYoda
    I assume they didn't add them because people would kill them and Zos might be held up for crimes.
  • Varana
    Just make them like this thread - they can't die.
  • weedgenius
    Varana wrote: »
    Just make them like this thread - they can't die.


    PS4 NA
    Better Homes & Gardens
  • max_only
    Tannakaobi wrote: »
    Sorry to bring WoW up, but how many quests involve children? How many child beast do you have to abduct? They have a children's week holiday ffs!

    I don't buy bad press as being a reason.

    Who doesn't want to see some Khajiit kittens?

    Also Children’s Day is a real holiday in China, Korea, Japan etc iirc

    Not everything has to do with westerners.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
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  • ghastley
    ESO has children, but it's only the mounts that have them. A sizeable proportion of the non-combat pets are cubs/kittens/etc.
  • Hoolielulu
    Ever notice that all the children in Skyrim look the same? I assume there's no NPC willing to father every child in all of Tamriel.
  • Osteos
    Yeah adding kids playing in cities would make them feel more real and life like but that is really all it would add. The easiest would be to make them like the dogs chasing the cats, there but not interactable. Not sure its worth the effort though.
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  • Madhattr64
    Baron Von Bomburst wife the Queen had the Child Catcher gather them all up.
  • Bouldercleave
    Skyrim was the first ES game to have children. They probably didn't put children in because they serve no purpose. They can't fight, your not allowed to kill them, the just annoy you.

    Just like real life.
This discussion has been closed.