Why are there no children NPCs in ESO?

  • Mortosk
    There are children in Skyrim, WoW, etc...
    Can the lack of children in ESO be explained by lore?

    Because they don't want to be the subject of a Fox News piece on how Video Games are evil.
    "Now I stand, the lion before the lambs and they do not fear. They can not fear." --Arthas Menethil (aka, The Lich King)
  • AlexDougherty
    Mortosk wrote: »
    There are children in Skyrim, WoW, etc...
    Can the lack of children in ESO be explained by lore?

    Because they don't want to be the subject of a Fox News piece on how Video Games are evil.

    As long as the children aren't killed or seen in the actual combat zones, there is no story. And I haven't seen anyone asking for them to be in the firing line or killable. I certainly don't want to see that in the game, but children playing and getting in the way would improve the game.
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  • ers101284b14_ESO
    Alazarz wrote: »
    your not allowed to kill them ... Plus putting children into a war torn ravaged and bloody land would definately catch more negative attention from the media

    But you can't even attack all of the NPCs. This isn't Morrowind lol. So how would having children in the game draw negative attention?

    Have you seen the media? It doesn't matter they would find a way to make it seem as if ESO was condoning putting children into battle or some stupid crap. Its what they do.
  • AlexDougherty
    Alazarz wrote: »
    your not allowed to kill them ... Plus putting children into a war torn ravaged and bloody land would definately catch more negative attention from the media

    But you can't even attack all of the NPCs. This isn't Morrowind lol. So how would having children in the game draw negative attention?

    Have you seen the media? It doesn't matter they would find a way to make it seem as if ESO was condoning putting children into battle or some stupid crap. Its what they do.

    Which is why I'm saying keep them out of battles, just have them playing in the cities and villages. The children should always escape BEFORE any battle starts, and NEVER be in harms way.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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  • lecarcajou_ESO
    Because there's already too many children among the Non-NPCs?
    "Morally Decentralized."
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    Because there's already too many children among the Non-NPCs?

    That's freaking funny.
  • Zorrashi
    It is a very delicate thing when you put children into video games....concerned populace and whatnot, always thinking that games may encourage infanticide or something.

    Do you know how many "kill Braith" videos I saw on youtube the day that mod came out?
  • AlexDougherty
    Zorrashi wrote: »
    It is a very delicate thing when you put children into video games....concerned populace and whatnot, always thinking that games may encourage infanticide or something.

    Do you know how many "kill Braith" videos I saw on youtube the day that mod came out?

    No, I can imagine though, sadly. But there are no Mods in this MMO so ZOS could keep the children safe. Most of us aren't asking for kids in the battlezone, we want them running around in SAFE areas. Just for immersion.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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  • Arundo
    With Werewolves and Vampires running around I would never let my children out of the house.

    On a serious note: It would indeed help with immersion if atleast some children would be in towns running around.
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    Friend of mine told me the other day about an incident where he was sitting on a bench, quite alone; then some woman with kids went out of her way to come sit right there, and then complain about him smoking his cigar around her kids. He quite rightly told her and her demonspawn to *** off.

    Yeah, people don't have any common sense any more, if you're bothered by someone smoking don't go over to them and sit there. But it wasn't her kids that were to blame, just the stupid woman.

    The sad thing is, you just know her kids are going to wind up to be activisty busybodies like herself, most likely. I did notice the younger crowd seems almost militant about the politically-correct stuff; that's a terribad sign of a kind of coming fascism, I think. I'm glad I'm old, because I'll really hate to see the next couple of decades and beyond.

    And yeah, if you put kids in this game, then you'd have the laws of various lands coming down hard to take away all the grittiness, moral ambiguity, and unpolitically correct stuff, as someone mentioned in an earlier thread like this. If creative freedom meant ditching kid NPCs, then it was a good trade-off.

    Because, see, if you put kids into a book, movie, or game, then some people think it must be FOR kids, and there starts the problem.

    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on June 16, 2014 9:52AM
  • ZOS_MichelleA
    Hi there, everyone. A quick reminder to please keep real-world politics out of the discussion. Thanks! :)
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  • AreoHotah
    Killing kids is ilegal. Killing adults is less ilegal.

    Also wood elfs look like kids to me...
    Edited by AreoHotah on June 16, 2014 10:03AM
    Hota'h, Dual-wield/bow full medium armor NB Khajiit from day 1.

  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Hi there, everyone. A quick reminder to please keep real-world politics out of the discussion. Thanks! :)

    because real-world politics is most likely the reason why there are no children in ESO... /shrug Taboo created for convenience.

    or maybe ZoS just hates little people.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on June 16, 2014 10:21AM
  • ebunts14_ESO
    Maybe no kids because everyone is now using safe sex practices.. Or maybe there was a massive solar flare that made everyone sterile. Maybe Molog Bal Is preventing children so that he can claim tamriel without a fight in a few years.
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    Maybe no kids because everyone is now using safe sex practices.. Or maybe there was a massive solar flare that made everyone sterile. Maybe Molog Bal Is preventing children so that he can claim tamriel without a fight in a few years.

    Then there'd be no Arena. That stuff wouldn't work, unless you were planning on wiping out every sapient species, and maybe some non- or semi-sapient animal/stone ager species, too.

    The answer is politics. We're just not allowed to discuss the politics behind keeping kids out of things aimed at adults, apparently.
    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on June 16, 2014 11:02AM
  • Maleficus
    Nothing better than taking Braith to the Throat of The World and blasting her off that shiz with a fat Th'un!!!
  • purple-magicb16_ESO
    I thot Banekin were kids! What? They act like and very closely resemble my kids. BTW anyone know of a really good babysitter that knows how to defend themself? (I checked, Buffy's not available) I give risk pay.
    I don't comment here often but when I do, I get [snip]
  • JaJaLuka
    I saw someone who was playing as a wood elf female with pig-tails and as the shortest possible character. They obviously intended on looking like a child and succeeded. To be honest I found this REALLY disturbing and creepy.
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  • isengrimb16_ESO
    JaJaLuka wrote: »
    I saw someone who was playing as a wood elf female with pig-tails and as the shortest possible character. They obviously intended on looking like a child and succeeded. To be honest I found this REALLY disturbing and creepy.

    Sounds like an elvish Sailor Moon to me, lol.

    I thot Banekin were kids! What? They act like and very closely resemble my kids. BTW anyone know of a really good babysitter that knows how to defend themself? (I checked, Buffy's not available) I give risk pay.

    Take their damn gun-lighters away from them, first!
    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on June 16, 2014 2:22PM
  • Requiemslove
    Personally I would like to see children NPCs in ESO. I also find it hard to stomach that anyone would willingly use a mod to kill Children in any game...I mean seriously, why? That said when playing Skyrim I only ever attacked actual enemies or quest targets [for assassins guild] and always tried to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. So heck maybe I'm just too much of a people person.

    Those two brats of the Whiterun Jarl are worth offing (after you do the boy's quest, anyway.) Another is that random brat who keeps saying she's not scared of me. Well, not any more she isn't - she was too dumb to run.
    SnarkyQB wrote: »
    "M'aiq believes the children are our future. But he doesn't want them ruining all of our fun"_M'aiq The Liar, TES4
    wise words.

    Ma'iq has it right there. I see kids being used to bash and control adult behaviour all the time. Oh, let's ban smoking from all apartment units, because a unit might have a kid in it, etc. Friend of mine told me the other day about an incident where he was sitting on a bench, quite alone; then some woman with kids went out of her way to come sit right there, and then complain about him smoking his cigar around her kids. He quite rightly told her and her demonspawn to *** off.

    Nah, I don't feel the need for kids in this game, unless I'm allowed to punt the mouthy little brats like gnomes for field goals.

    At the risk of being reprimanded by ZOS here [though I don't know why because I only say what any reasonable, intelligent and warm hearted person would] I find what you just said despicable and repugnant. The way you sound, you wouldn't risk your own selfish hide for a child if you had the opportunity to be a hero. Despite the fact you are old and that child is our future. Its actually a good thing that MMOs require that players cant just go killing NPCs because were it possible those such as you would deny 1000s the right to quest.

  • Thechemicals
    I thought cats were Khajit children.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
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  • isengrimb16_ESO
    I thot Banekin were kids! What? They act like and very closely resemble my kids. BTW anyone know of a really good babysitter that knows how to defend themself? (I checked, Buffy's not available) I give risk pay.
    Personally I would like to see children NPCs in ESO. I also find it hard to stomach that anyone would willingly use a mod to kill Children in any game...I mean seriously, why? That said when playing Skyrim I only ever attacked actual enemies or quest targets [for assassins guild] and always tried to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. So heck maybe I'm just too much of a people person.

    Those two brats of the Whiterun Jarl are worth offing (after you do the boy's quest, anyway.) Another is that random brat who keeps saying she's not scared of me. Well, not any more she isn't - she was too dumb to run.
    SnarkyQB wrote: »
    "M'aiq believes the children are our future. But he doesn't want them ruining all of our fun"_M'aiq The Liar, TES4
    wise words.

    Ma'iq has it right there. I see kids being used to bash and control adult behaviour all the time. Oh, let's ban smoking from all apartment units, because a unit might have a kid in it, etc. Friend of mine told me the other day about an incident where he was sitting on a bench, quite alone; then some woman with kids went out of her way to come sit right there, and then complain about him smoking his cigar around her kids. He quite rightly told her and her demonspawn to *** off.

    Nah, I don't feel the need for kids in this game, unless I'm allowed to punt the mouthy little brats like gnomes for field goals.

    At the risk of being reprimanded by ZOS here [though I don't know why because I only say what any reasonable, intelligent and warm hearted person would] I find what you just said despicable and repugnant. The way you sound, you wouldn't risk your own selfish hide for a child if you had the opportunity to be a hero. Despite the fact you are old and that child is our future. Its actually a good thing that MMOs require that players cant just go killing NPCs because were it possible those such as you would deny 1000s the right to quest.

    I didn't like the BRATTY kids in Skyrim. I gave a house to that little girl who sleeps in the snow and sells frozen flowers, though.

    And no, I don't like the look of the future anyway, and I don't like other people pushing their kids into my face over adult things that have nothing to do with kids, or using kids as an excuse to punish adults for doing legal, adult things (ie, a pack of cigarettes here costs about $13 CDN. Why? To keep kids from buying them - which is a load of BS, because they already, by law, require carding for tobacco purchases). No, I'm not going to kiss the butts of parents or their kids. YOU control where your kid goes and what it does; its your responsibility, not mine or "the village's". We have a prime minister who keeps marijuana illegal - against the will of the majority of Canadians, by polls - just because he doesn't want his now-adult son to have it! How selfish is THAT?

    So yeah, immersion be darned, keep even images of kids out of an M for Mature rated game; otherwise, you're asking for trouble with the media, or asking for your creativity to be stifled into the ground.
    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on June 16, 2014 3:16PM
  • Tannakaobi
    There are children in Skyrim, WoW, etc...
    Can the lack of children in ESO be explained by lore?

    Dunno, but I saw a guy with a pipe...
  • SDZald
    One of my all time favorite single player games was Bioshock. To gain power you have to extract bio stuff out of little girls, you can either take some, leaving the girl alive or take it all killing her. I always like playing a game through at least twice, once as a good guy and once as an evil guy and I have to say I just found it so disturbing killing the girls that I could never finish playing it through as a bad guy.

    Now that is a good game, one that forces you into real word moral conflict.

    Back on subject of the OP. I wish there were kids in game, seems to really take away form the feel of the world, I mean what real city, town, village or farm doesn't have kids running around?
  • SDZald
    Hi there, everyone. A quick reminder to please keep real-world politics out of the discussion. Thanks! :)

    because real-world politics is most likely the reason why there are no children in ESO... /shrug Taboo created for convenience.

    or maybe ZoS just hates little people.

    Also why you cant kill dogs or cats. They allow real world 'stuff' affect their game then say we can't talk about real world 'stuff' in their forums. Ok fine, may not make much since to me but they make the rules.

  • AlexDougherty
    SDZald wrote: »
    Back on subject of the OP. I wish there were kids in game, seems to really take away form the feel of the world, I mean what real city, town, village or farm doesn't have kids running around?

    Exactly, it feels wrong. I don't want players to be able to kill them, and I don't want them getting involved in anything. I sure as hell don't want content dumbed down either.

    I just want a few kids in each village behaving like kids, making the world believable.
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  • driosketch
    Mordack wrote: »
    Skyrim was the first ES game to have children.

    There were children in Daggerfall.
    This is true, Daggerfall had child sprites. So Skyrim isn't the first of TES to feature children, just the first using 3d models. I think they were added because it was one of the immersion critiques of the previous game.

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe all the Skyrim children were also human. That's not going to cut it in a game that spans Tamriel. ESO wouldn't just need the different size models, they would need one for every race.
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  • Sakiri
    Not exactly "children", but we do have a... erm.. mentally deficient man. Eiman in EP isn't the brightest bulb in the bunch.

    And there's a bunch of NPCs like Morvani that are talked down to as if they're children, but they're mer, so that could be anything really.
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    SDZald wrote: »
    Hi there, everyone. A quick reminder to please keep real-world politics out of the discussion. Thanks! :)

    because real-world politics is most likely the reason why there are no children in ESO... /shrug Taboo created for convenience.

    or maybe ZoS just hates little people.

    Also why you cant kill dogs or cats. They allow real world 'stuff' affect their game then say we can't talk about real world 'stuff' in their forums. Ok fine, may not make much since to me but they make the rules.

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