Why are there no children NPCs in ESO?

There are children in Skyrim, WoW, etc...
Can the lack of children in ESO be explained by lore?

Best Answers

  • ers101284b14_ESO
    Skyrim was the first ES game to have children. They probably didn't put children in because they serve no purpose. They can't fight, your not allowed to kill them, the just annoy you. Plus putting children into a war torn ravaged and bloody land would definately catch more negative attention from the media who thik games are going to make us mass murder people instead of playing the game and realizing it just makes us want more Cheetos and Mt Dew.
    Edited by ers101284b14_ESO on June 15, 2014 3:53AM
    Answer ✓
  • Yam_of_the_Center
    The Khajiit ate them.

    It's very sad.
    He will bring life to the dead, hope to the living, and for him the Gate will open.
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  • Silkesh
    It is because they are either at school or in their room doing their homework, rather than wandering in the streets ;-). Good parenting is going on in Tamriel.
    Answer ✓
  • Arsenic_Touch
    The truth of the matter is its easier to code models that are the same size or close to the same size, than to make animations and designs for somethng much smaller so they took a shortcut and left them out.
    Answer ✓
  • Jade_Knightblazerb14_ESO
    There is however 1 Child so far in ESO, so its not children-less...

    The AD has the quest White Phantom... Sure the kid is dead... but it is a child :P
  • Valn
    ... Sure the kid is dead... but it is a child :P
    A bit like the game really :)
  • vicviper0_ESO
    Skyrim was the first ES game to have children. They probably didn't put children in because they serve no purpose. They can't fight, your not allowed to kill them.
    with the proper mods, the children were killable. i know. i personally butchered thousands of "Braith"

  • ers101284b14_ESO
    Skyrim was the first ES game to have children. They probably didn't put children in because they serve no purpose. They can't fight, your not allowed to kill them.
    with the proper mods, the children were killable. i know. i personally butchered thousands of "Braith"

    Ok well your not supposed to. It's like gaming law. You don't kill a child for fun. And you don't show it. Like in Heavy Rain 2 children die but you never actually see it happen.
  • Csub
    Skyrim was the first ES game to have children. They probably didn't put children in because they serve no purpose. They can't fight, your not allowed to kill them.
    with the proper mods, the children were killable. i know. i personally butchered thousands of "Braith"

    Ok well your not supposed to. It's like gaming law. You don't kill a child for fun. And you don't show it. Like in Heavy Rain 2 children die but you never actually see it happen.

    If you fail a QTE in The Walking Dead s02 you can see a kid dying. :P
    "The Divines gave you a nose for a reason, Tharn. So you can keep your mouth shut and still keep breathing. - Lyris Titanborn
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    Csub wrote: »
    Skyrim was the first ES game to have children. They probably didn't put children in because they serve no purpose. They can't fight, your not allowed to kill them.
    with the proper mods, the children were killable. i know. i personally butchered thousands of "Braith"

    Ok well your not supposed to. It's like gaming law. You don't kill a child for fun. And you don't show it. Like in Heavy Rain 2 children die but you never actually see it happen.

    If you fail a QTE in The Walking Dead s02 you can see a kid dying. :P

    If you watch that they said they got past the FCC on that because you never see the bullet hit or go through her. Just like in episode 1 where Rick shoots the zombie kid. You see her go down and the gun but not the bullet piercing her head.
  • Csub
    Csub wrote: »
    Skyrim was the first ES game to have children. They probably didn't put children in because they serve no purpose. They can't fight, your not allowed to kill them.
    with the proper mods, the children were killable. i know. i personally butchered thousands of "Braith"

    Ok well your not supposed to. It's like gaming law. You don't kill a child for fun. And you don't show it. Like in Heavy Rain 2 children die but you never actually see it happen.

    If you fail a QTE in The Walking Dead s02 you can see a kid dying. :P

    If you watch that they said they got past the FCC on that because you never see the bullet hit or go through her. Just like in episode 1 where Rick shoots the zombie kid. You see her go down and the gun but not the bullet piercing her head.

    Hmm true... Now that I think of it, you either just see her getting bit or just falling out the screen with a walker.

    I'm not sure, I read somewhere that in WS you get a quest to kill kids, not sure if it is true.

    Also, in MGS Ground Zeroes at the end, you see the death of one but since it is with an explosion, you don't actually see anything.
    "The Divines gave you a nose for a reason, Tharn. So you can keep your mouth shut and still keep breathing. - Lyris Titanborn
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    Csub wrote: »
    Csub wrote: »
    Skyrim was the first ES game to have children. They probably didn't put children in because they serve no purpose. They can't fight, your not allowed to kill them.
    with the proper mods, the children were killable. i know. i personally butchered thousands of "Braith"

    Ok well your not supposed to. It's like gaming law. You don't kill a child for fun. And you don't show it. Like in Heavy Rain 2 children die but you never actually see it happen.

    If you fail a QTE in The Walking Dead s02 you can see a kid dying. :P

    If you watch that they said they got past the FCC on that because you never see the bullet hit or go through her. Just like in episode 1 where Rick shoots the zombie kid. You see her go down and the gun but not the bullet piercing her head.

    Hmm true... Now that I think of it, you either just see her getting bit or just falling out the screen with a walker.

    I'm not sure, I read somewhere that in WS you get a quest to kill kids, not sure if it is true.

    Also, in MGS Ground Zeroes at the end, you see the death of one but since it is with an explosion, you don't actually see anything.

    I highly doubt there's a quest to kill children in WS. Maybe some small enemies but not children. The only game I can think where you kill kids is Super Columbine RPG, and that was made by some ******* in his basement and not an actual game company.
  • Csub
    Csub wrote: »
    Csub wrote: »
    Skyrim was the first ES game to have children. They probably didn't put children in because they serve no purpose. They can't fight, your not allowed to kill them.
    with the proper mods, the children were killable. i know. i personally butchered thousands of "Braith"

    Ok well your not supposed to. It's like gaming law. You don't kill a child for fun. And you don't show it. Like in Heavy Rain 2 children die but you never actually see it happen.

    If you fail a QTE in The Walking Dead s02 you can see a kid dying. :P

    If you watch that they said they got past the FCC on that because you never see the bullet hit or go through her. Just like in episode 1 where Rick shoots the zombie kid. You see her go down and the gun but not the bullet piercing her head.

    Hmm true... Now that I think of it, you either just see her getting bit or just falling out the screen with a walker.

    I'm not sure, I read somewhere that in WS you get a quest to kill kids, not sure if it is true.

    Also, in MGS Ground Zeroes at the end, you see the death of one but since it is with an explosion, you don't actually see anything.

    I highly doubt there's a quest to kill children in WS. Maybe some small enemies but not children. The only game I can think where you kill kids is Super Columbine RPG, and that was made by some ******* in his basement and not an actual game company.

    I think so, the media would be outraged by now.
    "The Divines gave you a nose for a reason, Tharn. So you can keep your mouth shut and still keep breathing. - Lyris Titanborn
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    Csub wrote: »
    Csub wrote: »
    Csub wrote: »
    Skyrim was the first ES game to have children. They probably didn't put children in because they serve no purpose. They can't fight, your not allowed to kill them.
    with the proper mods, the children were killable. i know. i personally butchered thousands of "Braith"

    Ok well your not supposed to. It's like gaming law. You don't kill a child for fun. And you don't show it. Like in Heavy Rain 2 children die but you never actually see it happen.

    If you fail a QTE in The Walking Dead s02 you can see a kid dying. :P

    If you watch that they said they got past the FCC on that because you never see the bullet hit or go through her. Just like in episode 1 where Rick shoots the zombie kid. You see her go down and the gun but not the bullet piercing her head.

    Hmm true... Now that I think of it, you either just see her getting bit or just falling out the screen with a walker.

    I'm not sure, I read somewhere that in WS you get a quest to kill kids, not sure if it is true.

    Also, in MGS Ground Zeroes at the end, you see the death of one but since it is with an explosion, you don't actually see anything.

    I highly doubt there's a quest to kill children in WS. Maybe some small enemies but not children. The only game I can think where you kill kids is Super Columbine RPG, and that was made by some ******* in his basement and not an actual game company.

    I think so, the media would be outraged by now.

    Oh yeah they would be all over that and it would get shut down. Like I always see media people talking about kids playing violent games but no one mentions how the kids get their hands on video games. All major retailers like Walmart, Target, GameStop, ect ect are not allowed to sell M rated games to kids. If an employee sells an M rated game to a kid they can be fired and the company can be sued.
  • Mordack
    Skyrim was the first ES game to have children.

    There were children in Daggerfall.
    What do you call a Wood Elf who doesn't lie or cheat or steal?
    A dead Wood Elf.
  • Phantax
    Zenimax should definitely throw a few NPC children into the towns/cities, would certainly help immersion !
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
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  • ArcaneBlue
    "M'aiq believes the children are our future. But he doesn't want them ruining all of our fun"_M'aiq The Liar, TES4
    wise words.
  • Sleepydan
    I think it's sad, but mildly amusing how video games and music To some extent get blamed for modern violence, like there was no violent behavior in human history before video games.
  • AngryNord
    Isn't Nicolene (the female aboard Captain Kaleen's ship in Stros M'Kai in the Daggerfall Covenant storyline) supposed to be a child?
  • Requiemslove
    Personally I would like to see children NPCs in ESO. I also find it hard to stomach that anyone would willingly use a mod to kill Children in any game...I mean seriously, why? That said when playing Skyrim I only ever attacked actual enemies or quest targets [for assassins guild] and always tried to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. So heck maybe I'm just too much of a people person.
  • Schallen
    Personally I would like to see children NPCs in ESO. I also find it hard to stomach that anyone would willingly use a mod to kill Children in any game...I mean seriously, why? That said when playing Skyrim I only ever attacked actual enemies or quest targets [for assassins guild] and always tried to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. So heck maybe I'm just too much of a people person.

    I use killable children mod for immersion.

    And when they ask me to play tag. Ill play tag with them alright.

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  • AlexDougherty
    Personally I would like to see children NPCs in ESO.

    Yes please, a few children in cities would be nice, and maybe towns and villages too. Having Children running around playing, getting in the way would make the world feel more real.

    I don't want children casualties in the game, we can skip that bit of realism, but having children refugees would be ..well not nice exactly, but more immersive.
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  • Aeradon
    Yeah, miss 'em and need 'em.

    These children NPC better be short enough for my horses to jump over. I love the riding aspect where you have to dodge the NPC, adding another aspect would be fun (:

    We'll have "Need for Gallop" races in the city (:
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

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  • Swordguy
    The Khajiit ate them.

    It's very sad.

    This one *burp* cannot agree with your theory.

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  • nudel

    Oh yeah they would be all over that and it would get shut down. Like I always see media people talking about kids playing violent games but no one mentions how the kids get their hands on video games. All major retailers like Walmart, Target, GameStop, ect ect are not allowed to sell M rated games to kids. If an employee sells an M rated game to a kid they can be fired and the company can be sued.

    The parents/ grandparents/ aunts/ uncles buy them for the kids of course. When they are carded, they dutifully present their card, never questioning why they were carded when they weren't even purchasing alcohol.
  • Aeradon
    Oh yeah, do we get to craft kids?
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
  • UrQuan
    AngryNord wrote: »
    Isn't Nicolene (the female aboard Captain Kaleen's ship in Stros M'Kai in the Daggerfall Covenant storyline) supposed to be a child?
    I don't think so. I think she's supposed to be a teen.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • Tabbycat
    There are some teenagers in the game. But I have yet to see a baby, toddler or young child.
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    Personally I would like to see children NPCs in ESO. I also find it hard to stomach that anyone would willingly use a mod to kill Children in any game...I mean seriously, why? That said when playing Skyrim I only ever attacked actual enemies or quest targets [for assassins guild] and always tried to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. So heck maybe I'm just too much of a people person.

    Those two brats of the Whiterun Jarl are worth offing (after you do the boy's quest, anyway.) Another is that random brat who keeps saying she's not scared of me. Well, not any more she isn't - she was too dumb to run.
    SnarkyQB wrote: »
    "M'aiq believes the children are our future. But he doesn't want them ruining all of our fun"_M'aiq The Liar, TES4
    wise words.

    Ma'iq has it right there. I see kids being used to bash and control adult behaviour all the time. Oh, let's ban smoking from all apartment units, because a unit might have a kid in it, etc. Friend of mine told me the other day about an incident where he was sitting on a bench, quite alone; then some woman with kids went out of her way to come sit right there, and then complain about him smoking his cigar around her kids. He quite rightly told her and her demonspawn to *** off.

    Nah, I don't feel the need for kids in this game, unless I'm allowed to punt the mouthy little brats like gnomes for field goals.

    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on June 15, 2014 9:10PM
  • AlexDougherty
    Friend of mine told me the other day about an incident where he was sitting on a bench, quite alone; then some woman with kids went out of her way to come sit right there, and then complain about him smoking his cigar around her kids. He quite rightly told her and her demonspawn to *** off.

    Yeah, people don't have any common sense any more, if you're bothered by someone smoking don't go over to them and sit there. But it wasn't her kids that were to blame, just the stupid woman.
    Edited by AlexDougherty on June 15, 2014 9:21PM
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Alazarz
    your not allowed to kill them ... Plus putting children into a war torn ravaged and bloody land would definately catch more negative attention from the media

    But you can't even attack all of the NPCs. This isn't Morrowind lol. So how would having children in the game draw negative attention?

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