Loving the photoshop skillz of whoever did that. The lighting is off, the character is of the wrong race, and that looks a bit like a dragon.Will there be flying mounts?
Rev Rielle wrote: »I like this Road Ahead, it address a nice wide range of topics. Especially excited about Dyes that are coming. Seems they've implemented it quite well.
On one hand you complain that between classes/skills sets the dps is not the same, then on the other hand you complain that healing between classes/skill sets IS the same. And you have the gall to throw the word clueless around.
You, my friend, are doing more damage than good to the perception of the Templar class. Sometimes not saying things is just as important as saying things. Case in point this Road Ahead re Templars.
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »Templars do more dps than DK's.
gougefub17_ESO wrote: »Itemization – we’ll add gear that’s harder to acquire but more worthwhile. We're looking at gear that will make others envious when you’re wearing or wielding it—both in appearance and in stat boosts. To do this, we’ll adjust soft caps so that they don't kick in quite as quickly. We have to be very careful about how much we adjust numbers, because the greater the variance, the more people can hurt their intended builds.
tino.antoninieb17_ESO wrote: »If i go just through posts its more than obvious in what shape this game is. What concerns me even more is the future of this game.
It seems that ZOS is living in one universe and majority of players in other. People are not satisfied .
Where is the alternate VR leveling system for those of us who do NOT want to have to play the other 2 factions with one character?
This is gonna be the deal killer for me if they do not give us some real VR1-VR10 content other than the 2 other faction quest lines.
I completed the original starter islands (Bleakrock, etc.) with my 2 characters.
I did them as soon as they were "originally intended", at level 3 or 4.
Unfortunately, due to the overly tight "5 level loot range" stuff, I have regretted it ever since. My crafting skills have also suffered.
I used to try to complete an entire zone before I moved on, just so I could "get the whole story". Regrettably, I had to stop "getting the whole story".
Here's why:
1) My character was ALWAYS 5 levels higher than the zone intended ... by the time I was 1/2 way through the zone.
2) I rarely saw a gear piece drop that was an upgrade for my character.
3) I had to craft nearly everything with my Very limited materials. (Very few drops = very few items to break for materials)
Can you please sort out the Nightbalde class quickly.
If it sucks and you make a small change its still going to be underpowered and no fun to play. I get with the DK nerfs you need to be careful not to over do it, but a week is a long time in an MMO and leaving Nightblades to be useless underpowered gimped class makes any experience with them painful. And lets face it MMO's are meant to be fun and constantly having to compensate for poor skills and lack of dps quickly gets old.
Off the Nightblade topic which is the important one, I do wonder at the levels of new content that are on offer. Happy to pay a subscription, would rather do that than watch the game go f2p where its all about cash shops. But there has to be a constant addition of new content including solo, duo, group and trial. At the moment I get the need for bug fixes and the Nightblade to be significantly improved but equally there has to be new things to do or people get bored. And much like being a little crazy to pay a sub to have the painful experience of being a nightblade, its hard to justify paying a sub to be bored. Hell you can go play a f2p game and be bored with limited new content.
The following is a direct copy-paste from:Duration of PvP campaigns is 90 days. Not 180. Difficult to trust anything in the article :-)
Kimyrielle wrote: »
I don't want to take this thread way off topic, so I will just drop the hint of that the only MMO I ever liked to play maximum level in was Star Trek Online. Why? Because they expanded the content horizontally instead of just making everything more difficult and grindy.
NerfEverything wrote: »Templars have been the least viable class since launch. Not even a mention?
If I hadn't unsubbed already, I would now.
I'd really like to see special named items have a dynamic level, so that they stay the same level as you, or maybe they gain experience similar to special abilities so long as you've got them equipped while you gain XP. That way, if you really like the lore associated with an item (like the two handed sword you get from the king early in your Daggerfall adventures, or a full set of Lion Guard armor) you can keep using it throughout your career, improving it with craft skills as you gain the opportunity, rather than selling it for a few gp or chucking it in the decon pile.
Exclusion is never good. Items should be rare. Some achievements should be rare. Cosmetic features should not be rare.
@ZOS_GinaBruno, can you please ask Matt to therefore confirm that post-VR10 ESO is now firmly a 1990s group-or-die game where those who don't enjoy having to 'group up' and deal with PUG drama all the time simply to level their characters have no viable way to progress.
Group content is fine for the phat-lewt and e-peen fixated, as long as it's optional and not on a critical path it's fine, I can do it or not as I choose, but right now it seems to me ZOS intends only to provide group-only content for VR11+.
ShedsHisTail wrote: »
Improvements did come in the last patch, and the closest thing to an actual promise we got was that Nightblades are being looked at closely and will continue to be adjusted in future updates.
So you're upset about the possibility that a "promise" won't be kept? I mean, all we've seen are PTS patch notes which are by definition subject to change. Though, agreed, I'd like to see some improvements to DW and medium armor.
I don't recall any significant nerfs but, to be fair, few of the changes they've made have had anything to do with abilities I use so I haven't really noticed them.
Which is misguided as, I'm sure you're aware, the problem lies with Weapon and Armor skills and I don't believe it's inherently related to classes at all. Personally, I think it's the imbalance between Magicka and Stamina and the fact that Staves rely on Magicka when all other weapons use Stamina that is causing the biggest upset; but I don't have any numbers to back that up.
This is angrier than ever?
You must be a pretty chill guy.