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Official Discussion Thread for "The Road Ahead – June 4th"

  • Kililin
    Jowrik wrote: »
    Fuxo wrote: »

    It is not about content, it is about broken mechanics and content stretching with VR's.
    The amount of criticism in this forum has reached a level that is not normal for a mmorpg, there are very few defenders of what zos is doing.
    You also see it ingame, i am in 5 Guilds and there are so many people who are not online for more than a week.

    It is not a small cross section, this game has problems.
    Denial does not help.

    Unlucky 5 guilds you have there. The reason there are 'very few defenders of what ZOS is doing' is simply that they don't bother posting here or even watching the forums. I know I didn't when I played almost any other game. I only wanted to play the game so that's what I did.

    Maybe you are right, i really hope it.
    It could be that its my 5 guilds, and the people i meet and play with in random groups are all delusioned. There is much negativity, even ingame. But i am unable to play with a statistically significant portion of the playerbase, so it could be coincidence that i play with the same few critics that do forum posts.

    And i really mean it, i would love it if you where right and i am totally wrong.
    But you cant prove your believe and i can not prove mine, and ZOS does not communicate with us about such things.
  • danno8
    Bump up Templar damage, add a mechanic to every Restoring Spirit spell

    " When slotted reduces total damage by x% "

    There, now you can go all damage and slot no healing type spells or go more heals for less damage.

    Should solve the "Templars can't have good damage 'cause they can heal!" argument.
  • Sirlex
    New flare additions are great (such as player dyes) , but honestly - I want some core mechanic and features to be focused on a little more (or at least talked about).
  • Purchase
    Soul Shriven
    I cant wait to see how the game will grow. I also cant wait to dye the gear but I do hope we don't have to craft it or pay for it. Having that be free would be so cool. There are plenty of opportunities to make gold in the game. Oh and maybe some glittery dye? I have always wanted to see that maybe make it available to veteran levels?
  • Aeowyn
    The road ahead...

    Creating a robust sandbox. This could appeal to all player types; soloers, groupers, pvpers, etc. This could include but not limited to housing (which is in the works, i'm just stating things id like to see). Guild halls, combined with player housing, could give beneficial bonuses to players such as buffs, bonus stats, portals to specific locales, personal crafting stations, etc. Give us a separate world to spend our off-hours in building YOU, the devs, an entire separate world. Give us a continent for us to 'minecraft' in.

    Why is crafting almost always separate from other spheres of the game. Why not combine crafting with adventurers. Such as gathering a group of players with a, perhaps, unique crafter to journey the depths of a tomb so the crafter could build/create a magical 'something' on the magical forges of the late great Lich Vaer'ael using a volcanic vein to smelt daedric armor while the group fends off an undead presence.

    Armor dyes would be cool to be able to be crafted. As mentioned hot pink shall not fly in ESO (I have confidence it won't appear) but why not go further and allow the ability to alter the looks of items either by simply having a finite set of optional looks already designed by the dev team or by allowing the playerbase tools to create their own looks. Sandbox tools are where it's at right now (and/or just customization) with the prospects of EQLandmark's toolset and Wildstar's wild customization. Give players tools...

    Alternate game types such as mini-games or meta-games would be cool. Did citizens of Cyrodil spend all their free time only on the Arena? Did people not play chess or CARDS??

    These are all things possible that veer away from an end-game filled with grinding. I'm just spewing things that come to mind that hopefully catch wind and spark interest so that we have things to do once we reach lvl cap and have had our fill with quests and dungeons. If you want ESO to be immersive and alive then give us stuff to do that doesn't require us to punch our time-cards in and hop on the grind.

    ^^^ THIS. SO MUCH.

    I'd vote for you for president. This end-game content would be so awesome, continue immersive creativity, and build a much more robust community with positive interaction. Please go work for ZoS.
  • Aeowyn
    The road ahead...

    Creating a robust sandbox. This could appeal to all player types; soloers, groupers, pvpers, etc. This could include but not limited to housing (which is in the works, i'm just stating things id like to see). Guild halls, combined with player housing, could give beneficial bonuses to players such as buffs, bonus stats, portals to specific locales, personal crafting stations, etc. Give us a separate world to spend our off-hours in building YOU, the devs, an entire separate world. Give us a continent for us to 'minecraft' in.

    Why is crafting almost always separate from other spheres of the game. Why not combine crafting with adventurers. Such as gathering a group of players with a, perhaps, unique crafter to journey the depths of a tomb so the crafter could build/create a magical 'something' on the magical forges of the late great Lich Vaer'ael using a volcanic vein to smelt daedric armor while the group fends off an undead presence.

    Armor dyes would be cool to be able to be crafted. As mentioned hot pink shall not fly in ESO (I have confidence it won't appear) but why not go further and allow the ability to alter the looks of items either by simply having a finite set of optional looks already designed by the dev team or by allowing the playerbase tools to create their own looks. Sandbox tools are where it's at right now (and/or just customization) with the prospects of EQLandmark's toolset and Wildstar's wild customization. Give players tools...

    Alternate game types such as mini-games or meta-games would be cool. Did citizens of Cyrodil spend all their free time only on the Arena? Did people not play chess or CARDS??

    These are all things possible that veer away from an end-game filled with grinding. I'm just spewing things that come to mind that hopefully catch wind and spark interest so that we have things to do once we reach lvl cap and have had our fill with quests and dungeons. If you want ESO to be immersive and alive then give us stuff to do that doesn't require us to punch our time-cards in and hop on the grind.

    ^^^ THIS. SO MUCH.

    I'd vote for you for president. This end-game content would be so awesome, continue immersive creativity, and build a much more robust community with positive interaction. Please go work for ZoS.
  • Logan9a
    Purchase wrote: »
    I cant wait to see how the game will grow. I also cant wait to dye the gear but I do hope we don't have to craft it or pay for it. Having that be free would be so cool. There are plenty of opportunities to make gold in the game. Oh and maybe some glittery dye? I have always wanted to see that maybe make it available to veteran levels?

    If you're really lucky, vampires will sparkle in the sunlight.

  • Bayezid
    Osiruz wrote: »
    Will there be flying mounts? a friend sent this pic says its from beta, if its true, how much these mounts gonna cost? 60k gold? I'm gonna start saving now, cos they would be awesome! dbqvzs.jpg

    i'm no expert but i think thats fake. :s
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Bayezid wrote: »
    Osiruz wrote: »
    Will there be flying mounts? a friend sent this pic says its from beta, if its true, how much these mounts gonna cost? 60k gold? I'm gonna start saving now, cos they would be awesome! dbqvzs.jpg

    i'm no expert but i think thats fake. :s

    totally fake, thats from a different game, look at the character.
  • Morimizo
    Justiciar wrote: »
    Though 1.2 doesn't excite me other then commanding the sorcerer pets

    Based on their track record of "rebalancing," this actually worries me. If it is an OPTION to direct the summons, fine. What I think is more likely to happen is your summons will stand there whilst you get throttled unless you actively tell them to attack. I preferred the Clannfear running to a target as soon as the enemy aggros us; sometimes I wouldn't realize there was a Strangler (in tallish grass) nearby for instance. If I not only have to defend myself, but have the extra "Go sick'em boy" targeting and button press, well that's more time gone, and completely removes the role-playing aspect that the summons are aware of the situation, and have your back.

  • Hamfast
    Veteran Ranks - we're looking at giving you more "points" to spend when you hit a Veteran Rank. This is at a very, very early stage, but essentially, we want to keep the great customization you have for your character from 1-50 and allow you to continue augmenting it in meaningful ways. Our goal is to let you have many more fun character development decisions post level 50.

    Again, the truth is in the implementation but I am also looking forward to this... I was very disappointed when I hit VR2 and got a costume... no skill point, no attribute point, just a costume... and what self respecting Nightblade wants to be seen in "Gold Armor"... it's bad enough just being a nightblade, you want me to be a Nightblade wearing Gold Armor... I will make such an awesome looking floor decoration.
    Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most...
  • Mysticman
    Csub wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    We're going to continue providing more content on a regular basis. Veteran Dungeons, areas like Craglorn, Trials, and etc.
    Once again the Elder Scroll single player crowd gets ignored, no new content for us just MORE Dungeons & Trials and more Craglorn for the small percent of hard core MMO players. I guess that "play the way you want" crap doesn't apply to the players who prefer to play solo and not be forced to run around with 3 or more strangers in order to play the new content. I don't see anything in the future updates to makes Elder Scroll single players want to continue paying $15 a month for.

    It's funny how I mostly read that there is too much solo content already and you say the opposite. I don't say I don't want single player updates, of course I want, I like those, I would also like PvP to be more rewarding and give more xp despite I don't PvP that much. Or I would also like to be able to skip the veteran level "quest grinding" from our second character like how we can skip tutorial, in spite of I Generally enjoy questing.

    It's that "once again" part of yours that is out of place I believe since we are only talking about the second content update and it is not even at our doorstep yet. If this was like the 5th update and still no single player update, I would understand you. The devs said not all update will be liked equally by everyone. If you like raiding and group content, you probably liked Craglorn more than PvP or single player oriented people. Single Player lovers (like me) will probably like the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Update more.
    Will I'm not interested in waiting 5 or 6 or 7 months (at $15 per month), for ZOS to show some love for the solo players with Veteran content for us, there are lots of other games I can spend my money on, (counting down the days until Dragon Age: Inquisition is released), than to wait for ZOS to gave solo players a reason to spend their time and money grinding to V12.
  • fyrefenix
    well as usual they forgot about templars so here we go again. man am i glad i unsubscribed! but for what needs to be done here it goes.

    my templar is unplayable now in veteran 4 ali'kir desert

    i use ransack
    i use crippling slash
    i use biting jabs
    i use luminous shards
    i use unstoppable / or lingering ritual if its a boss fight.
    i use a axe and a shield
    i use heavy armor. i have all my passives for aedric spear heavy armor and 1h+shield
    i have about 2100 health 1400 magic and 1700 stamina.
    i have about 2100 spell resistance and about 1800 armor defense

    this build was decent up until you all did whatever you did in your recent patches. now 2 assassination beetles are too much for me. they are trash mobs not even questing related ones. but quest related are even stronger

    also if you had to ask me what needs done i would tell you this:

    fix templars fix night blades!!!! please!!!!!
    then work on major bugs! and a little on the bots.
    then focus on adding new content.
    level limit is high enough for now.

    i really want to be able to play the game and have fun. like i did 1-50 and veteran 1-2

    last but not least as it is the two classes that work half way decent are dragon knights when played as casters (pyro mage) and sorcerers.

    do you all hate melee? why is it so hard? i would think it would be so easy to balance warrior/tank melee classes especially for pve content.

    get pve working.
    then get pvp working.

    after all gotta level before you take on the enemy, you must train!

    now for my fail post.

    i was a templar tank. with 2000 armor and 2000 spell resistance and 2000 health.

    i had like 1400 magic and 1700 stamina.

    i came encountered with the beetle of doom in a desert called ali'kir in a veteran 4 zone no longer part of the ebon heart pact.

    this beetle bit off one of my arms after i used ransack i tryed to retaliate with crippling slash to even my odds so he got mad and bit off my other arm

    so now im deep into this epic battle and the beetle calls his second friend.
    and my worst enemy another beetle of doom

    im scared so i heal myself with this bulls.h.i.t skill called lingering ritual then i use another skill called unstoppable thinking with a name that bada.s.s it might help

    so each beetle bites off my legs so im laying in the desert like a paraplegic and i see my death is imminent and my battle with marco polo and molag bal flashes before my eyes.

    then this dragon knight or sorcerer they are casters use the same armor all look alike i don't know what the hell he was honestly. comes in casts a couple of spells slaughters the beetles of doom.

    he looks down and says you must be a templar or a nightblade LOL

    ps. maybe you need to hire me as an idea man because you guys are kinda dumb lol

    Natjur ✭✭✭
    There is currently only two classes in this game, DK and Sorcs.
    Templar's and NB are just 'extras' that have not been removed yet.
  • Lifsteinn
    Good news and also good to know that you are hearing people opinion!

    But please, before working in some new content, consider fixing the bugs!!!
  • Decalin
    Soul Shriven
    Anastasia wrote: »
    Decalin wrote: »
    I'm actually a little concerned about the direction this seems to indicate the game is going.

    New group content / trials and super special leet loots to grind for in them to make the minority of the player base feel superior to everyone else. And a new dye system that appears to also gate by specific achievements, which looks like the popular colors will also be behind the group stuff.

    Still no content to get VR 11 and 12 without grouping or grinding an insane amount.

    Nothing to address the fact that "play your way" is now pretty much go resto/dest staff with light armor or go home for the majority of people.

    The above also takes a nice step towards invalidating crafting other than upgrading dropped gear.

    I have been pretty optimistic about the game up till now, but it looks like we may be going to follow the generic MMO raid / loot grind. Problem is, this has been done, very successfully, in many other games, and I don't think its what people were expecting with ESO. Yes, there will always be some who want the good old days back where an MMO was all about grouping all the time, and those who want to play and never actually interact with another person. Either way could be done game was designed that way from the start, but you cant keep both the "hardcore" / raiders, and the solo / casual mob happy by making the first part of the game something only the casual group enjoy and the end game something only the hardcore group enjoy.

    Personally I sit between the two stereotypes, and I'm still having a lot of fun doing the quests in the VR zones, but less and less of the people on my friends list are logging in now. There is still so much potential for this game, but I really don't think that following the generic MMO formula is going to work here, if I want that, I have many other games I can go back to that already do it very well, and most of them are F2P at this point...

    Overall I disagree with you based on the vision for the game which was promo'd prelaunch for a LONG time as well as interviews right around the time of launch and after which clearly showed/detailed there would be some solo content but that the emphasis was on grouping and also PvP interwoven. And that is exactly what they gave us - a lot of solo content prior to level 50 and more reason/need for grouping and interesting PvP action all along.

    I feel like the devs of this game followed through with exactly what their vision was planned to be and while accepting input and suggestions from current players is always a good thing in mmo's, entirely refocusing on a different vision or changing the primary framework of the gameplay is not.

    Generic is the farthest description away from the facts for TESO. It is familiar enough to be user friendly, yet has enough areas which have been done differently to provide variety. I like the fresh take. Just gotta remind myself to be patient for the staff as they are actively working on bugs and fixes etc. Ya gotta be flexible as an mmo company these days, but flexibility does not equate to morphing completely away from your design intent.

    Good Journeys!

    The problem with MMO's is that having good solo content, group content and PVP will still have issues if implemented the way it has been so far, which is to say, its pretty much forcing a specific play style on you at specific points of progression. Craglorn added 2 new VR levels, but outside of that zone, which was group only, there is no realistic way to obtain those levels. Next update seems like it will follow suit, but you will be getting a gear grind instead of new VR levels, its all progression tied into a single play style.

    I guess, as it always comes back to for me, options are good, and forcing people into things they don't find fun is bad. We are paying for the game, and people wont keep doing so if they don't enjoy it, all play style options need to be considered and be valid for progression through the game, and in this day and age of MMO's, there is absolutely no reason they shouldn't be, especially for an ES game...

    I'm unsure what exactly isn't generic about the overall setup of the game though? Its a standard themepark setup, admittedly the quest lines and story are absolutely superb, but as far as mechanics go, there isn't really anything that's been done here that hasn't been done before. Well, other than the likes of the 5 guild thing, but that's hardly a breakthrough in MMO development that will bring people to the game...

    As an honest question to anyone who made it all the way through this post, asked out of interest and not to try and slam the game, how many of you would be playing right now if;

    1) this was a new franchise and not ES, so no pre-established lore or fan base.
    2) The quests were all standard MMO kill x mobs with the odd story line thrown in.

    Also, I just want to point out, I'm not trying to be negative about the game, personally I am still having a lot of fun, I just don't want to see the game fail, and looking at it through rose colored glasses isn't going to help it stay afloat, so I point out issues where I see them.
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Mysticman wrote: »
    We're going to continue providing more content on a regular basis. Veteran Dungeons, areas like Craglorn, Trials, and etc.
    Once again the Elder Scroll single player crowd gets ignored, no new content for us just MORE Dungeons & Trials and more Craglorn for the small percent of hard core MMO players. I guess that "play the way you want" crap doesn't apply to the players who prefer to play solo and not be forced to run around with 3 or more strangers in order to play the new content. I don't see anything in the future updates to makes Elder Scroll single players want to continue paying $15 a month for.
    Entirely agree.
    Csub wrote: »
    It's that "once again" part of yours that is out of place I believe since we are only talking about the second content update and it is not even at our doorstep yet. If this was like the 5th update and still no single player update, I would understand you
    Thing is, there will now be two updates where those that detest 'grouping up' simply to level are left kicking their heels at VR10 because it's 'group or die' beyond that.

    Instead, the tiny minority that are able to do Craglorn are pandered to with even more exclusive content the vast majority will never see .. this is WOW-like content delivery and just as blinkered.

    The next update SHOULD have given the non-group-lovers a means to progress beyond VR10.

    This is PVE BTW, I don't PVP and don't see I should have to do that any more than having to PUG my levels.
    Edited by fromtesonlineb16_ESO on June 5, 2014 7:32PM
  • Godimus
    too little to late . dyes and all of these road ahead updates should have been available at launch. Vet ranks are a borefest. They have made crafted gear worthless even though they promised crafters it would be the strongest in the game. the set items are really weak and almost pointless to craft. PVP gear is so easy to obtain now there is no reason to save 1 million AP when you can buy the green covenant pieces and enchant them for 5k .. Good luck with the update.
  • sevcik.miroslaveb17_ESO
    Be VERY carefull with coloring of armors. There MUST be some kind of limitation. I really do not wish to see Jokers from Batman running around or any other weird stuff. Really be carefull with this.
  • Lord_Wrath
    The thing I like most about game updates are when you get to do more things like picking up armor, or the future justice system, armor dyes. I cant say I was THAT interested in craglorn, but im not looking forward to more of the same go here kill that content.

    I really like this game and hope people don't nit-pick it apart untill its done (so they can complain about that too), I am just glad you guys keep at it because every game has its set of complaints and complaints are louder than positive feedback. At least you guys do what you say you will and not give false promises and silence (like Rockstar Games), there are a lot of resolved issues and improvements that go unnoticed!
    1300+ CP | Lørd Wrath | - Sorcerer - Palatine - Grand Master Crafter - 30000 Achievement Points
    Launch Player - PC - NA - EP
  • danno8
    fyrefenix wrote: »
    well as usual they forgot about templars so here we go again. man am i glad i unsubscribed! but for what needs to be done here it goes.

    my templar is unplayable now in veteran 4 ali'kir desert

    i use ransack
    i use crippling slash
    i use biting jabs
    i use luminous shards
    i use unstoppable / or lingering ritual if its a boss fight.
    i use a axe and a shield
    i use heavy armor. i have all my passives for aedric spear heavy armor and 1h+shield
    i have about 2100 health 1400 magic and 1700 stamina.
    i have about 2100 spell resistance and about 1800 armor defense

    this build was decent up until you all did whatever you did in your recent patches. now 2 assassination beetles are too much for me. they are trash mobs not even questing related ones. but quest related are even stronger

    also if you had to ask me what needs done i would tell you this:

    fix templars fix night blades!!!! please!!!!!
    then work on major bugs! and a little on the bots.
    then focus on adding new content.
    level limit is high enough for now.

    i really want to be able to play the game and have fun. like i did 1-50 and veteran 1-2

    last but not least as it is the two classes that work half way decent are dragon knights when played as casters (pyro mage) and sorcerers.

    do you all hate melee? why is it so hard? i would think it would be so easy to balance warrior/tank melee classes especially for pve content.

    get pve working.
    then get pvp working.

    after all gotta level before you take on the enemy, you must train!

    now for my fail post.

    i was a templar tank. with 2000 armor and 2000 spell resistance and 2000 health.

    i had like 1400 magic and 1700 stamina.

    i came encountered with the beetle of doom in a desert called ali'kir in a veteran 4 zone no longer part of the ebon heart pact.

    this beetle bit off one of my arms after i used ransack i tryed to retaliate with crippling slash to even my odds so he got mad and bit off my other arm

    so now im deep into this epic battle and the beetle calls his second friend.
    and my worst enemy another beetle of doom

    im scared so i heal myself with this bulls.h.i.t skill called lingering ritual then i use another skill called unstoppable thinking with a name that bada.s.s it might help

    so each beetle bites off my legs so im laying in the desert like a paraplegic and i see my death is imminent and my battle with marco polo and molag bal flashes before my eyes.

    then this dragon knight or sorcerer they are casters use the same armor all look alike i don't know what the hell he was honestly. comes in casts a couple of spells slaughters the beetles of doom.

    he looks down and says you must be a templar or a nightblade LOL

    ps. maybe you need to hire me as an idea man because you guys are kinda dumb lol

    Just a suggestion, try Resto Staff in your offhand, pre buff yourself with Regeneration, then pre debuff enemies with Siphon Spirit.

    You will last a lot longer.

  • WhimsyDragon
    I'm very excited about armor dyes.

    I'm not so excited about vet level changes because I don't see the mob difficulty and very slow progression addressed yet...
  • Morimizo
    Decalin wrote: »

    As an honest question to anyone who made it all the way through this post, asked out of interest and not to try and slam the game, how many of you would be playing right now if;

    1) this was a new franchise and not ES, so no pre-established lore or fan base.
    2) The quests were all standard MMO kill x mobs with the odd story line thrown in.

    This one definitely tried and stuck with ESO based on love for previous ES games and the overall lore. The highlights of this game are the excellent script-writing, voice-acting (though they still refuse to hire enough actors to accommodate the vast number of NPCs in the games), and art-style (architecture is particularly well done).

    The disappointment is mounting, however; how can this one trust that ANY skill found to be effective, will not be objected to by someone else, and consequently nerfed? This one simply cannot trust in even the short-term sustainability of any build, when wholesale, seemingly arbitrary, changes have been either overtly or covertly implemented in only the first two months of this game's existence, and are confidently announced to be further expanded upon in updates to come.

    No mention of jewelry. At all. Not for crafting, not anything about being to able to see it on our characters, nothing. It is laughable to compare it to previous ES titles, much less f2p mobile games.

    Speaking of crafting, why do the icons for weapons and armor, upon reaching the 4th tier (Spidersilk, Hickory, Dwarven) get copy-and-pasted to all subsequent types, when the worn garment/weapon is obviously different? For that matter, why doesn't the icon image correctly reflect its visual improvement, so we have SOME idea of what the color/texture will be? It's missed details like this that are confounding.

    Also, the bold statement that what players really want out of the "endgame" is to feel superior to others by being outfitted with better equipment, to make others envious, is NOT how this one enjoys the later stages of any game. Neither is playing against own beloved faction for no sweet treats at all. If this one wanted to look like Mannimarco, would have rolled as Necromancer. Oh wait, there isn't one of those...

    And the hoops this one has to jump through to buy one embroidery from another player is worse than any Circus-Senche has ever had it. This one doesn't even bother. Just like your chat-window, type-code-only emote animations, it's doable, but by the time implemented, the crucial moment of humor has passed.

    Remind you of anything?

  • Corle
    Soul Shriven
    Sadly it's too little too late and that hurts the active people playing. It's a joke when you say are going to work on soft caps to make high level drops more worth to wear. Really guys try to play your own game, at this moment there is no better loot than crafted one. The guys designing the vr6-10 drops forgot almost all traits and the trials drops barely worth to be wear, unless you want to impress with the look. I dont see the point on reworking the veteran content when most of the people passes this and is not going to look back. We need things working, trials challenging and with worthy loot. Nopt talking about the chances to get what loot you want because is not worthy anyways.
  • Ashtaris
    One thing I would like to see in a future update is the ability to have a in-game Character dressing room so you can actually SEE what your character would look like if you crafted different armors. Right now all you see is some small icon that gives no indication whatsoever of what you could create using the mats, skills, racial, and improvement items you have acquired. If you can do it with character creation, there is no reason it can't be done in-game when you crafting. I don't know how many times I've created a set of armor only to think "Man, that is just hideous!" after putting it on :)
    Edited by Ashtaris on June 5, 2014 9:13PM
  • ShedsHisTail
    fyrefenix wrote: »
    well as usual they forgot about templars so here we go again. man am i glad i unsubscribed! but for what needs to be done here it goes.

    my templar is unplayable now in veteran 4 ali'kir desert

    i use ransack
    i use crippling slash
    i use biting jabs
    i use luminous shards
    i use unstoppable / or lingering ritual if its a boss fight.
    i use a axe and a shield
    i use heavy armor. i have all my passives for aedric spear heavy armor and 1h+shield
    i have about 2100 health 1400 magic and 1700 stamina.
    i have about 2100 spell resistance and about 1800 armor defense


    i don't use my shift key.
    "As an online discussion of Tamrielic Lore grows longer, the probability of someone blaming a Dragon Break approaches 1." -- Sheds' Law
    Have you seen the Twin Lamps?
  • DonKiller
    fyrefenix wrote: »

    i came encountered with the beetle of doom in a desert called ali'kir in a veteran 4 zone no longer part of the ebon heart pact.

    this beetle bit off one of my arms after i used ransack i tryed to retaliate with crippling slash to even my odds so he got mad and bit off my other arm

    so now im deep into this epic battle and the beetle calls his second friend.
    and my worst enemy another beetle of doom

    im scared so i heal myself with this bulls.h.i.t skill called lingering ritual then i use another skill called unstoppable thinking with a name that bada.s.s it might help

    so each beetle bites off my legs so im laying in the desert like a paraplegic and i see my death is imminent and my battle with marco polo and molag bal flashes before my eyes.

    then this dragon knight or sorcerer they are casters use the same armor all look alike i don't know what the hell he was honestly. comes in casts a couple of spells slaughters the beetles of doom.

    he looks down and says you must be a templar or a nightblade LOL

    ps. maybe you need to hire me as an idea man because you guys are kinda dumb lol
    try to read some tips from Death Recap next time
    like the Signature of @Anakaki

  • anakaki
    DonKiller wrote: »
    fyrefenix wrote: »

    i came encountered with the beetle of doom in a desert called ali'kir in a veteran 4 zone no longer part of the ebon heart pact.

    this beetle bit off one of my arms after i used ransack i tryed to retaliate with crippling slash to even my odds so he got mad and bit off my other arm

    so now im deep into this epic battle and the beetle calls his second friend.
    and my worst enemy another beetle of doom

    im scared so i heal myself with this bulls.h.i.t skill called lingering ritual then i use another skill called unstoppable thinking with a name that bada.s.s it might help

    so each beetle bites off my legs so im laying in the desert like a paraplegic and i see my death is imminent and my battle with marco polo and molag bal flashes before my eyes.

    then this dragon knight or sorcerer they are casters use the same armor all look alike i don't know what the hell he was honestly. comes in casts a couple of spells slaughters the beetles of doom.

    he looks down and says you must be a templar or a nightblade LOL

    ps. maybe you need to hire me as an idea man because you guys are kinda dumb lol
    try to read some tips from Death Recap next time
    like the Signature of @Anakaki


    It's a print screen from when I pulled one to many random mobs.
    Death Recap for Templars
    Have you tried rerolling to a Sorcerer or Dragonknight?
    Templars do more dps than DK's.
  • Thorntongue
    I've noticed that there aren't any negative posts towards the ongoing issues in this so called game. You must remove them as fast as your boot-lickers can report them. You morons add 1 new thing and break ten others. Have you worked on your resume's yet? You'll be needing them next year at this time. I got duped into buying this. I will not support this calamity until things start to get fixed. I don't care what your boot-lickers have to say either.
    Edited by Thorntongue on June 5, 2014 11:21PM
  • Theoriginalubiety
    "We’re also starting to re-work many quests in the game so we can greatly reduce the chances of you being separated from your party in different "layers" as you explore Tamriel. This is an ongoing effort, but you’ll see the problem alleviated over the course of the summer."

    I really hope this is one of the things that get fixed. Not being able to stay a group through content is really bumming my friends out to the point of less log in time. That was the whole reason we all sub'd was to play together through the whole game and not just dungeons. I know if we play together and make the same choices we won't disappear, but that takes a lot of organization. I understand that Z/B want to create a living breathing world, which I think is great, but they should take it from SWTOR. When you encounter a world changing event in a group, just make it a round robin and the person with the highest roll gets to make the decision. Also when you group, the party should instance to the leader whether you've finished the quest or not. When you leave the group, everything goes back to your instanced world. I'm losing friends, please help ZOS!
  • dracobains_ESO
    Anastasia wrote: »
    the vision for the game which was promo'd prelaunch for a LONG time as well as interviews right around the time of launch and after which clearly showed/detailed there would be some solo content but that the emphasis was on grouping and also PvP interwoven. And that is exactly what they gave us - a lot of solo content prior to level 50 and more reason/need for grouping and interesting PvP action all along.

    I feel like the devs of this game followed through with exactly what their vision was planned to be...

    Good Journeys!

    I wouldn't have a problem with their vision if it were not for the inherent limitation for groups.

    I am disabled and have lots of time so I tend to out level my friends even when I purposely crawl along. The people I have been gaming with for the last 15 years are typically way outside of my level range and the vet content must be accessed by finishing quest lines.

    So few people use the grouping tool it is an utterly useless tool.

    Phasing makes a considerable portion of the content extremely problematic for groups.

    Doing a host of quests that are not group friendly. (eg standing around waiting for others to pick up the same crap off the ground which spawns slower than erosion)

    I can accept that they have stuck to their vision but would assert that the vision itself is a problem. It is an incomplete vision at best and certainly poorly executed. I love the framework of this game but some horrendous blunders have occurred which has prohibited any vision from coming to fruition.

    IRONCLAD of Ebonheart Pact
    We don't have popularity contests because we believe it is better to be Feared than Loved.
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