I've got a screen shot but its not mine to share.
But EU 1st Guild Siege Breakers did there best AA time 12m45s with 4 NB 3 Sorc 3 DK, 2 Temp.
They got there night blades doing solid dps in light amour Magicka builds from what i understand and there night blades are out dpsing there sorcs so there you go.
A guy can always ask. In short bursts (under 5s), I can hit 900dps and do it consistently. The problem I have (like many others) if after the initial burst from stealth, my sustain dps is 250-300. Solo PvE is a fine with the build I have, slow, but fine. My problem is that these DPS checks are above the general ability of NB's. I'm not saying it isn't possible as there clearly is a build that can do it, but that's the problem. There is literally 1 build (I still want to see it BTW) that can match what a DK/Sorc can do by rolling their face on the keyboard with a plethora of options.
No one is asking for 1 shot kills in PvP (at least I'm not), we just want our fair chance to see content. With how ZoS has created these boss fights, we are the odd man out. Even if I do figure out this magical 900 ST DPS build, who is going to take me outside of my guild? No one since no one will believe it. The damage has been done and NB integrity is gone, even if they do fix it.
our NB's maintain 700dps
NookyZooky wrote: »The funny thing about this? I checked the craglorn leaderboards, and all those people that are at the top, that cleared the trials and dungs in 11 minutes, are a bunch of exploiters. I know because I played them in PvP. they would spawn camp, they used EP alts to pull chain their fellow AD players into a keep, they would drive us from a keep, but not cap it, keep the gates closed and try to destroy all the walls, forcing us to waste money, among MANY other things. Don't think these people are actually good, because they are not. They are cheaters and exploiters. Pay them no mind. let them die off so actual Skilled players, can take their place
samtheman97_ESO wrote: »You guys realize that if you beat a boss with no deaths you get a five minute reduction to your time. So add twenty minutes and thats the actual time they beat it in.
Curious about how this works..
As you can clearly see Alacrity's WR run of Hell Ra, they had 5 deaths at the end, thus should of had some penalty.. Yet they got none, and it also displayed " 0 deaths, new record when they completed.
1.2 sustained and 1.6 peak? I don't think that's possible even heavily abusing animation cancelling...I'm calling bull on that one.
Same.1.2 sustained and 1.6 peak? I don't think that's possible even heavily abusing animation cancelling...I'm calling bull on that one.
PlagueMonk wrote: »
Please take note of the above. ALL FOUR classes should be desired in groups to deal with the content efficiently but that is not what is happening. The other two clssses need to bring something crucial to the table and they obviously are not.
Its so disappointing that peoples first thought is some sort of a exploit, its just so damn offensive, especially when you obviously don't understand how the caltrops bug works, and also in the video you can clear see and hear the chat that we put barriers up.
The instant thought of exploits really needs to stop on these forums and in the game its so disappointing, people don't understand a mechanic so they assume exploit.
Also Grats on the 12m time from the EU Boys well played.
It is not an exploit that a few of the very best "raiding" Guilds in ESO are posting crazy fast times with VERY specific builds. It is not an exploit that these Guilds are using a narrow choice of classes/builds in order to post these fast times. It IS however, poor design on ZoS's part that the Trials CAN even be completed in 11 minutes. I would bet we'll see in the coming weeks a posting of sub 10 minutes as these Guilds streamline how they run the Trials.
Although I can see the sarcasm in your comment, you aren't the only one to imply that NB is incapable of surviving hits like the other 3 classes are. I don't know how people even play without taking their own survivability into account. When a player raids you HAVE to be survivable enough that you aren't a drain on the Healer's resources. That said, is it really so difficult to put 2 Glyphs on your 2 rings, one for Armor one for Resists which should put most players over soft cap (30%) for both. You can always have your "glass canon" rings for fights where you won't take insta-gib type damage.
And any NB is welcome to take the Light or Heavy armor ability to give themselves an added "oh-[snip]" button, just like every other class can.
[Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
Check again, I beat it in 11 minutes and 29 second and im in Daggerfall, NA.. We didn't exploit anything.. Tbh, we could probably even shave of another 30 seconds out of that run.. And no exploiting was done..
Nickdorlandb16_ESO wrote: »
You sure ? you didnt skip 1th mobs and sneaked passed the mobs after the frost giants ? Or took horse and skipped the mobs before second boss ?
The PTS was available to those who did complete it that quickly for a couple weeks. Most of them had VR12 on the live server, and also I think having several weeks to plan these runs would help immensely.
This is literally the reason why this is happening.
Forum is filled with boasts of 800-900 + Nightblade DPS.
Yet zero screenshots, zero videos, zero proof.