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Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

2022 Game Quality of Life Enhancements Wish List. Post yer wishes for Santa!

  • AzuraFan
    I would like a way to lock inventory items so they can't be accidentally deconstructed (sometimes when I'm on autopilot, or there's lag, it can happen).

    A way to fillet a stack of fish in one go, like you can do with refining craft ingredients.

    A better way of dealing with duplicate (or more) surveys and treasure maps. If you have 3 of a survey in your inventory, can't the craft node just yield 3x more?

    A way to search the craft bag (gamepad interface). The same goes for achievements categories. Let me search for "angler" etc. In fact, anywhere that you can't search and you have to scroll through a long list, add the ability to search.

    A setting that prevents other players from using skills on you in towns, unless you're dueling.

    A better bank interface, so you can switch to/from guild bank without having to engage the NPC again. The same goes for fences - the ability to pay off a bounty and fence/sell items without having to engage the NPC twice.

    A toggable mini-map.

  • shadyjane62
    A fix for the stuck in combat bug in Cyro.
  • DagenHawk
    Hmmm ...

    Combat pets no longer allowed in cities

    Not being able to Dual within 500' of wayshrines

    A justice system that actually is like a TES game.

    Auction houses as it is known that players in trading guilds are being treated abominably.

    I know none of this will ever be considered...well not with the current dev team anyway, but who knows what's going to happen once Microsoft Games takes over.

  • EozZoe1989
    all events need crate drops.. once a day and once quests and delves also world bosses and duggens .. meow..
  • LadyLethalla
    Regarding siege stacking, it stacks in the quickslot, so why not? Unused siege should stack; only time it shouldn't is if it's <100%.
    Also, Enchanting runes should also stack.
    Also also... improved guild finder... even just a search by name function would be useful, and or location - eg Oceanic.
    And the ability to deconstruct furnishings. So many times I've made items for a specific purpose and found they don't fit or don't suit. Given how difficult furnishing mats are to find...!
    And one last one: please add furnishing mats to surveys.
    Edited by LadyLethalla on 22 May 2022 04:03
    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • FlopsyPrince
    1. The ability to easily travel to multiple homes owned by a single person without the use of addons.
    2. If you have multiple of a single crafting survey, make the game harvest all of those surveys at once instead of needing to ride anywhere from 1 to 10 clicks out just to get the nodes to spawn in again just so you can harvest them all one at a time. (And calculate a chance to get doubles for every node you would have harvested otherwise.)
    3. Separate eye colors and makeup into their own category.
    4. Add a tab to the collections menu or the character menu that lists all known motiffs, recipes and furnishing plans on that character, with the ones you don't know greyed out. I can imagine console players would quite enjoy having this information readily available without having to run to a crafting table.
    5. Put houseguests into their own furnishing category.

    These are not the only things, but one of the reasons I would argue that so many are so disappointed with the card game as a major feature of the next expansion is that things like this have been known for years yet receive very little love and attention.

    Sure, you will get people opposing any item on this list here, yet it would be so very much helpful, especially for console players.

    ZOS, will you start paying attention to things like this?
  • Solantris
    Group duelling. Please.
  • Sparxlost
    xbox na

    keyboard and mouse option and button mapping for controllers

    mass filet fish

    fix stairs in coldharbor main city

    rework nightblade playstyle because it is the most annoying thing to look at..

    add base character customs to the game to change character hairstyles, adornments, and tattoos, face markings.

    food buffs that increase drops of certain types of items armor, jewelry, weapons....

    make storage chests more common for new players so they dont have to throw away all of the quest items/gifts they worked so hard for....

    if in home before a qeue spawn back in it after...

    buff crouching stealth... (nerf combat scenario where you run and duck a corner and you cannot get back to hidden)
  • francesinhalover
    Invisible equipment parts.
    Edited by francesinhalover on 24 May 2022 11:28
    I am @fluffypallascat pc eu if someone wants to play together
    Shadow strike is the best cp passive ever!
  • GoldenGirl
    A new Warden guardian other than the bear - a dire wolf or tiger would be lovely!

    Ability to hide shoulder armor and hip flaps

    In-game barbershop with hairstyles and hair dye (gold sink instead of crown grab)

    Separate furnishings bag and/or companion gear bag (or give companions a 20-slot or so inventory so they can carry extra companion gear)

    More "groups" of furnishings instead of singles that you have to carefully position - filled bookcases, wine racks with bottles included, stacks of plates, groups of cups/mugs, barrel racks with barrels included, etc.

    stacking treasure maps - no more "nope, you already have one"

    change mount training - train all three lines once daily

    "Use All" option when filleting fish

    Edited by GoldenGirl on 24 May 2022 13:22
  • xilfxlegion
    i would pay crowns to be able to kill other people's pets or familiars and any npc that sings red diamonds
  • Ishtarknows
    I want to be able to sort motifs and recipes/ furnishing plans by known or not known when I visit a guild store.

    As a console player, I'd like to use the armoury (or a pared down version eg wardrobe + skills only if necessary) in trials just like pc players can.

    I'd like zos to do something with surveys so that when I have a stack of 20 or so I don't have to either travel to view a house then leave or ride away and back again 20x in a row.

    I'd like an option to hide shoulders and crotch flaps please

    Look we get it, you want newbs to be competitive right from the start even if they have no idea what they're doing, but please make the CP trees more beneficial for those with more CP. Especially the green tree. So many slottables could be passives giving a whole lot more QoL. Newbs gain CP too and they won't be newbs forever, give them something to aim for.
  • TwinLamps
    New NPC that would provide following things:
    -collect all daily login rewards for up to 7 days.
    -collect all crafting material mails we get for up to 7 days
    Id pay 5k crowns on each account for this.
    Awake, but at what cost
  • vsrs_au
    i would pay crowns to be able to kill other people's pets or familiars and any npc that sings red diamonds
    Actually, we just need combat and non-combat pets, and companions, to be visible only to the character paired with them, not to any others, a request that has been repeated ad nauseum on this forum. So much visual clutter would be removed by this.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • phantasmalD
    'Worldmap improvement/fixes' will stay on top of my wishlist until it finally happens.
    I cri every time when I see Eastmarch/Craglorn/Cyrodiil. (Not really, but the early development map mistakes still make me sad)

    Other than that I guess
    • mass fileting/box opening
    • improved inventory stacking (why do enchantments have a stack limit of 1??)
    • a better way to track and search through known furnishing recipes, maybe even sort them
    • being able to preview the furnishing when holding the recipe
    would all be a welcome QoL improvements.
  • peacenote
    I doubt any of these are original ideas of mine :D but to "vote" for what I want the most...
    1. Fix all QoL things that were broken with AwA for people who enjoy playing multiple characters and tracking their progress in game. If we have space to add new things to the game, fix what you broke, first, as in many ways we are now behind where we used to be. For example, it doesn't have to be in the form of an achievement but give me a new tracker so I can know when I achieve no death, hard mode, etc. on multiple characters. Fix this ridiculousness with the map where I can run by a delve, it turns white, but I haven't actually beaten the boss inside or grabbed the skyshard yet. Bring back the functionality that if A CHARACTER hasn't done a delve boss yet it spawns right away. Even if the new character tracking system can't know what I did before AwA and I must start over, still add it. As things stand today playing my alts is significantly less fun that it was before.
    2. Please let me change the color of my hair just like I can dye my outfits. I can understand why changing my skin tone, shape of my face, etc. requires a token but if I can change my hair style in one click via the collections menu, I should also be able to dye said hair style just like a costume.
    3. More bank space. BANK space!! Not housing chests. Not individual storage. Not guild bank space. Account bank space!!!
    4. When decorating, please highlight or indicate in some way whether the pieces of furniture are in my character's inventory or in player housing. I can't stand it when I get another something and accidentally pull something from storage instead of trying to place the item in my inventory into a "storage house." (Obviously, a furniture bag would also solve this problem.)
    5. Revamp companion abilities that are useless. Let them carry their own gear. Let us deconstruct their gear and upgrade or make it.
    6. Make it so leads don't expire.
    7. Make more of the slottables in the green tree passives. Allow us to earn an additional slot or two per tree as we level past a certain amount of CP. Remove the 30 second delay with changing slottables.
    8. Remove the storage caps on event tickets and transmutes. At least for me, these limits don't change how I play; they're just a huge irritation.
    9. Add all but the absolute newest DLC dungeons to the random dungeon queues for non-subscribers, and/or greatly reduce or eliminate the reward from the random dungeon queues, letting the fact that you might get a faster queue by being flexible with what dungeon you get be its own reward. Bring back our ability to select multiple roles when queuing, since we have the Armory now. Adding more rewards, messing with dungeon roles, or further separating the queues to allow opting out of DLC dungeons will just make the problems worse in the long run.
    10. Start adding the ability to add assistant functionality to any assistant. For example, let me pay 5000 crowns to add the deconstruction ability to the cat banker. Or switch to a model where we have one assistant that does everything but we can buy the ability to reskin them to be the cat, the bird, etc. We now have so many assistants it's silly from a quick slot perspective.

    I probably have more but these are really top of mind for me at the moment.
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    i would pay crowns to be able to kill other people's pets or familiars and any npc that sings red diamonds
    Actually, we just need combat and non-combat pets, and companions, to be visible only to the character paired with them, not to any others, a request that has been repeated ad nauseum on this forum. So much visual clutter would be removed by this.

    If this were implemented, it should be a toggle. I actually enjoy seeing everyone's pets. Especially because I can't put all of my non combat pets out at one time so being able to see others' pets allows me to enjoy more of them in the world. :) Plus I enjoy it when people coordinate their outfit, mount, and pet.
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • o_Primate_o
    • Smaller Matriarch/Tormentors
    • Familiars, Jeffry, Aegis, other proc are translucent for other players or enemy outline seen through them
    • warden bear skin matches player
    • skins for pets
    • stackable maps
    • party finder
    • trial finder/queue (at least for normal mode, maybe one for vet if player has a clear)
    • Stampede doesn't get bugged when i enter imperial city pvp
    • jabs don't cause lag in cyrodiil
    • fillet entire stack of fish at a time
    • account-wide chat/text settings (currently you have to change font color for each toon individually)
    • too many options in cp trees
    • make overland content harder as your character levels up - using current settings as baseline for level 10 players

  • Mr_Stach
    I only have one wish.

    Respond to Feedback.

    Let us know we're heard.
    Altoholic, Frost Warden Sympathizer and Main

    Glacial Guardian - Main - Frost Warden Zealot
    The Frost Man Cometh - PC Frost Backup
  • Ragnarok0130
    1 Additional companion outfit slots
    2 be able to filter my inventory like when we withdraw from our bank
    3 show if we can craft a master writ - notification such as unknown style/trait required before opening the writ
    4. All green CP nodes to be passive
    5. To have the option to return to the place you entered your house from upon exit (SWTOR does this and it’s awesome)
    6. Be able to equip gear/customize outfits on ALL companions from your house’s outfit station regardless of them being active
    Edited by Ragnarok0130 on 31 May 2022 19:45
  • ob1ken0bi
    1. Guildbank to auto stack as you put things in OR give stack option - tired of withdrawing dupes to stack in my inventory then deposit again - so many actions for something so simple
    2. Mass Fillet Fish
    3. Be able to manage Guild Trader from my Bank assistant or at least when I am in one of my homes
    4. Filter motifs/plans/recipes/gear on traders by known or unknown.
    5. Allow 1 person in a guild to flag as guild house so they can make another home a primary - Seems unfair to those who dedicate a lot of work for a guild but cant share other homes with anyone
    6. Make level rewards (up to 50) give more mount boosts (like +5 Stamina) so it doesnt take 6-7 months to max out a mount
    7. Review balance of resources/mats when bring out new content. Deadlands/Fargrave huge amount of Mundane Runes needed and ability to acquire 9-12 per plan is unbalanced
  • o_Primate_o
    Filters when searching guild traders. i'd like to filter out motifs "already in your library"
  • FlopsyPrince
    So many of these are provided by addons, which is why they should clearly be in the game, since console is a key sales avenue for ZOS.
  • dvonpm
    Hide tabard, for the love of god please just let us do this while wearing outfits and not just costumes and polymorphs.

  • KaosWarMonk
    Biggest wish for me is adding solo options of all the group content. Add story mode to group/DLC/story dungeons with difficulty akin to a delve and a solo mode with difficulty similar to a public dungeon. Make all trails doable as solo trails.

    A 1000 crown hair colour cosmetic pack.

    Ability to save settings in the Character creator.

    Sprint key toggle.

    An icon (or something) to tell you a motif has already in your account wide sticker book.

    A filter so you can hide known motifs when you're browsing guild store lists.
    Edited by KaosWarMonk on 3 June 2022 00:01
  • Avishag
    WiseSky wrote: »
    Fix the Left Back Leg Twitching on horses !!!

    Give us Heavy Snow and Rain please

    More weather! ⛈️🌨💨 Is that possible? That would be the greatest thing Ever!
  • TheImperfect
    Story mode dungeons and trials
  • FeedbackOnly
    More guild events
  • Susan_Sto
    A changing room that functions more like the character creation screen so I can better see my markings and comestics when applying them , or at the very least a zoom function when applying face markings or cosmetics.

    Alternatively, have all unlocked cosmetics, markings etc available in character creation to begin with, especially for alts or using the appearance change token.

    And yes, hair dyes in the Crown store similar to outfit dye packs.
    Edited by Susan_Sto on 4 June 2022 10:36
  • haelgaan
    • activity finder to include group arenas and trials
    • green CP tree, convert most or all slottables to passive
  • bvburnes
    Xbox NA

    1. Sort/filter Craft Bag by quality or quantity
    2. Order style mats alphabetically in crafting menu
    3. Support for add-ons
    4. At tunable wayshrine furniture for fast travel to specific locations from player homes
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